
You Are Beautiful

Adeline snapped her pupils open, and the second she met those golden orbs, there was a moment of thought.

This was the second time since the incident that she had seen this color in his eyes. But shit, it looked so fucking hot, completely clouded with lust.

The realization that this man was dying for her just as much as she was dying for him... Oh, Lord, did it drive her insane!

Grasping onto his shirt, she yanked him closer, his face an inch away from hers.

"Don't you dare stop. Try it, I'll bust your fucking balls." She was dead serious, proceeding to slam her lips against his.

Caesar smiled against her plush, cherry-red lips. "You drive me crazy, princess."

"I know," Adeline said, smirking back at him. "Now, fuck me till I'm completely out of my mind!"