
Sweet present life covered with a dark past

Life is full of secrets... Satoshi Leon a first-year high school student gets caught up in the trouble of his classmate Himari Hayami who is known to be famous in his school. That event caused a chain reaction making him meet more people as the past of each person he meets is revealed. "Everyone has their own secrets to keep." Satoshi Leon says that he too has something he needs to keep as he unveils the secrets of each person he meets after that fateful day.

RinSumeragi · Urban
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15 Chs

Lunch Surprise

"" Satoshi-kun will you accompany me at lunch later I want to discuss with you some things.""

The classroom went on an uproar seeing that the person who was inviting the so-called delinquent in school was the "Angel" Himari Hayami. Who would have thought that one of the popular girls in school try to invite a person like me but I knew the reason for her actions since I had a guess.

"" Is it about that time Himari-san?""

I asked for some confirmation which in turn she nodded her head.

"" Well, I guess I have no choice then I'll accompany you.""

"" Great see you later then Satoshi-kun.""

She went back to her seat and at the same time, a crowd formed near both of our seats comprising of students who were bewildered.

"" Oi, what do you mean by that time Satoshi!?""

Now I have to deal with this crowd of boys who had death stares towards me meanwhile Himari was dealing with the girls on her side that was quite a spectacle.

"" I don't think you have the right to know that, this is a private matter between me and Himari-san you people should mind your own business.""

I retorted at them which silenced them but some brave souls said something back.

"" You! Did you threaten her you bastard!""

A student tried to accuse me of blackmailing but if you think about it then why would Himari approach me then if I blackmailed her she would be trying to avoid contact with me.

It was more of a trade or request of Himari-san to me I was asked to help her out no need to be furious about it. Seems like a troublesome bunch of kids not thinking I wonder how I should deal with them.

"" You! Ugh, why would Himari-chan ask for help from you? You look like you want to do something to her!""

Well, this will be annoying to deal with plus his true feelings are leaking out of your face. This guy just doesn't want me to get close to Himari when he wants that as well. Himari I commend you for dealing with these types of people.

"" We both met by chance and she requested something of me to which I was capable of helping there is also her paying me a great deal of compensation so I was hired by her. Does that answer your question?""

"" So it wasn't anything like that?""

"" What do you mean like that? If you want me to understand tell me specifically what you mean.""

"" I mean you are not making moves on her right!? If you do you will be in for a lot of pain!""

He said that pointing his finger at me, I can't believe he still has the audacity to say that.

"" What are you going to do to me specifically?""

I stared at him directly which caused him to realize something about what he said.

"" Gah, I didn't mean it like that!""

He is now panicking realizing his position now. If you understand I hope you don't ask anymore it is a private matter between both of us and look the teacher is here already return to your seats. I said that pointing at the teacher going into the classroom.

The students returned to their seats, I leaned forward on my table noticing Himari's gaze.

"" Sorry for the trouble I caused.""

That was what her gaze told me. I sighed and waved my hands in reply which meant not to mind it.

Lunch Time

"" Sorry, Satoshi-kun I did not think through that our classmates would react that much I caused you unnecessary trouble.""

Himari was apologizing to me while we both eat our lunch in the cafeteria, I can notice some gazes directed at both of us since we were a weird combination of people.

"" Don't mind that I was surprised that's all, I guess if you think about it you who is popular suddenly inviting someone like me to lunch would be surprising to them. Although, if you wanted to tell me about that you should have left a note to tell me where to go.""

"" I'll take note of that, also Satoshi-kun you didn't bring lunch even though you can cook very well?""

"" Well, it's not like I can't, it's just hard for me to cook since sometimes I have leftovers at night, and I eat them in the morning which makes me unable to cook in the morning sometimes. I do bring lunch when I cook a new set though. Well, if she accepts the conditions, I would be able to cook in the morning every day since the food I usually make is good for 2 people.""

"" Well, I think I can accept the conditions you place I have thought about it yesterday since you are trustworthy. I'll help you out if you need anything so it is a pleasure working with you Satoshi-kun.""

"" Alright, when do you want to start then?""

I asked but what she said next was surprising to me.

"" Is it fine later Satoshi-kun?""

"" Later? Well, I do have the ingredients prepared but I thought you would postpone it for 2 days but it is fine.""

"" Well, I really like cooking, so I want to see you cook as fast as possible. Since it is fine, I'll be coming to your place later then.""

When she said that her voice was lowered so that no one was able to hear it but me.

"" Alright, I'll wait for you before I'll start cooking later.""

"" Also, Satoshi-kun, If you don't mind will you criticize the food I make I also want to hear other people's opinions on it.""

"" Well, if you are fine with me, I can accept that request, so I don't mind you using me for that. Besides, I can at least save up some cooking expenses so just tell me when you make it.""

"" Thank you Satoshi-kun, I don't really have anyone that I can rely on this but you after all so I'm going to use this chance to improve my cooking.""

"" You really like cooking huh Himari-san? You must have been taking cooking as a hobby in the past.""

"" Yeah, cooking was really important to me during the hard times it made me happy to see that I can create delicious food.""

She smiled but I noticed that her smile had a hint of sadness to it.

"" Well please use me as your food tester but please don't experiment with dangerous food I might die from it.""

I changed the topic trying to make her forget being sad about it.

"" I won't do that, besides if you did die I won't be able to hear any opinions of my dish. Also, don't put yourself down by saying I can use you I'm not your owner Satoshi-kun.""

She looked at me with a little bit of an angry face it was cute.

"" I know, well only the people I trust can use me so I don't mind.""

"" Even so, at least make it harder to earn your trust you might get hurt if you don't at least protect yourself from others.""

"" Hey, now I believe I am not wrong to place my trust in you, well it's just a certain amount that makes me want to help you out. Also, I don't really take requests of many people, I usually mind my own business if it ruins my time so you don't need to worry about making me waste time.""

"" I'll take that as a sign of your goodwill then Satoshi-kun I'll be looking forward to seeing you cook.""

"" I'm not confident with it but I'll do my best to pass your expectations.""

"" I'll be going first then Satoshi-kun it is nice talking to you. Himari stood up to leave the table as soon as her figure was gone I turned to the many people staring.""

Most of them flinched and averted their eyes as I turned but there was a certain student who kept looking at me.

Kadehera Retsu, that was the name of the student. I met and talked to him yesterday about football and today he and his group of friends were staring at me with a surprised look on their faces. Although I knew the reason why but their gazes were making me uncomfortable so I had to do something.

I took out my phone and sent a message to Kadehera-kun.

If you want to talk then come here, you can bring your friends if you want so I can save time explaining things.

I sent him the message at the same time his hand moved in which he took his phone looking at it after looking at me again. He then talked to the 3 people with him which would be about me showing his phone to them which pretty much made them stared at me. Well, Harumi-san was pouting slightly punching Kadehera-kun which was surprising enough.

Soon the four of them went towards me with Kadehera-kun leading them.

"" Satoshi-kun long time no see! Harumi was the one who broke the silence first.""

"" Ai-san you know Satoshi?! Kadehera-kun was now surprised about Harumi's remark.

"" Yeah, that's right I know Satoshi-kun from way back before he got the name delinquent.""

"" Harumi-san I don't think that works that way you only talked to me last week when I was in the library you know?""

"" Oh, come on Satoshi-kun you should have just gone with the flow there! You hurt me Satoshi-kun.""

She was wiping her eyes which had no tears it made me think that she was joking.

"" Please stop joking Harumi-san.""

I looked at her with a blank face but she still kept her wide smile.

"" As serious as ever but that's what makes you Satoshi-kun! So what was that all about, why were you eating lunch with Himari-san the "Angel" Satoshi-kun?""

Without any room to breathe Harumi asks the million-dollar question of the day.

"" Well, that's—""

"" Wait a minute Satoshi since when did you even contact the "Angel" yesterday you were at the gym and mall right!?""

Before I could answer Kadehera-kun stopped me from talking further.

"" Oh, come on Retsu he was starting to explain.""

Harumi interjected.

"" I met Himari by chance last week and helped her in a few things. Our relationship is a bit complicated to describe but we are just mere acquaintances helping each other out. She asked me about something urgent earlier so I guess she invited me to lunch to talk about it I guess.""

"" That's a surprise, I thought you guys were secret lovers or something you know like the one where the main character was engaged with the heroine, but they decided to keep their relationship a secret! Harumi was the first one to break the silence.""

"" You've got quite an imagination Harumi-san but unfortunately, that is not the case.""

"" Even so, it is really surprising that you both know each other Satoshi-kun.""

"" Kaede-san, right? Well, it's just by chance though, the timing of our meeting was just a coincidence for the both of us and she happen to have a problem that I managed to solve after that.""

"" That's a vague way for you to describe it Satoshi-kun. A male voice spoke to me without any hostility hidden in it.""

"" I can't give you all the specifics for both our sakes but since Kadehera-kun here looks like he really wants to know so I can explain it in a vague way Hayate-kun.""

"" What!? Dude do you have telepathy or something how did you know!? Kadehera-kun had a surprised expression shown holding his head.""

"" It was written in your face I can read pretty much your face after knowing your personality a bit.""

"" That's so cool, come on how about me what am I thinking!?"" Harumi made a funny face.

"" Harumi-san I don't have the ability to read your face you are a little bit unknown to me.""

"" Ouch! That's the second time Satoshi-kun manage to hurt me I'm now depressed.""

Harumi does the fake crying again.

"" Anyway, that's all there is to it I am just doing some business with Himari-san. I closed the conversation, but someone interjected before I could.""

"" Hold on Satoshi-kun, I got a question, but this is regarding you.""

Kaede pointed her finger at me, she had quite the ability to take control of the conversation.

"" What is it Kaede-san? If possible, not any sensitive information please. I said facing her with a blank face.""

"" The rumor about you, was it really true that you took down that 3rd-year senpai easily?""

"" So, it was about that huh? I know that you may be worried but that was only for self-defense it was true that I could have handled it differently but I was in a hurry, so I just quickly dealt with it.""

"" Hmmmmm. It certainly true that you are really different from the rumors you are formal and understanding when you talk. Geez, I was worried about Ai for nothing I thought you did something to her.""

"" I can understand that she does seem like the type to get into situations like that so I don't mind you being wary of me Kaede-san.""

"" Hey, now that's the third time I was hurt by you Satoshi-kun! Also, Yuki-chan is worried about me now I wanna hug you!""

"" You really are different from the rumors Satoshi-kun, if you take away the rumors you act and move like the "Angel" Himari.""

Hayate added which surprised me.

"" Me like Himari-san? I don't know about that I just want to avoid unnecessary trouble so I let people think what they want about me unless someone gets affected by it.""

"" There it is again, you are really formal and distant when talking it is the same as her.""

"" You have talked to Himari, Hayate-kun?""

" For some business but it was just greeting and me helping out with moving some stuff during the class leader's meet.""

"" Right Himari-san was the female representative of my class no wonder.""

"" Really you resemble her attitude it was no wonder you two can easily understand each other. You both have a sense of distance which respects the other person.""

Hayate added.

"" Hiro you still have that impression of the "Angel" man just I thought you have fallen for her as well!""

Kadehera said putting his hand on Hayate's shoulder.

"" I have not fallen for her Retsu she was just the one of the girls that were different it will have a huge impact on me since I am used to being flattered.""

"" What's with your narsicistic attitude man you are lucky to have that many girls flock you!""

Kadehera smiled but it had a bit of teasing.

"" Ugh, you know how hard it is to reject their advances besides I don't really like being popular I just want to study and enjoy my time as a student.""

"" Oh really what's your take on that Satoshi-kun?""

Harumi passed me the baton of the conversation great now all eyes were on me.

"" I don't think my opinion matters on Hayate-kun's situation but if I were you you are already doing fine as you have these three around you that treat you normally.""

"" Satoshi-kun....""

"" What is it Hayate-kun?""

"" You understand me thanks....""

"" Umm, okay?""

I was confused the four of them were looking at me with smiles on their face.

"" See I told you Satoshi is a nice person who would understand your troubles Hiro!""

Kadehera slapped Hayate at his back.

"" Hehehe looks like Satoshi-kun got Hiro's approval huh? What do you think Yuki-chan?""

Harumi turned to Kaede who was smiling at Hayate.

"" Why do I feel like I'm being appraised by you four?""

"" That's because you are!""

Harumi interjected

"" Anyway, I have to go I still have to study I have a test to take today after this.""

I stood up, said my goodbyes, and left the four of them waving goodbye to them.

"" Well, there he goes it was a shame that he had to leave to study for a test.""

Kaede took the initiative to talk first.

"" Really, I want him to be friends with me he managed to understand my situation with just that conversation we had without any effort.""

"" No need to rush Hiro, if you push too much, you'll end up doing the opposite to him. Besides like the "Angel" he keeps a certain distance while being able to understand the other person he is an ideal friend to have.""

Kaede replied to Hayate's remark.

"" You're right I shouldn't rush things, really both of them may have opened up to each other due to their personalities syncing.""

"" What is more surprising is that we didn't notice Satoshi-kun's personality earlier, how can I be so blind to see it this late.""

"" Well, it's thanks to this two here we managed to understand him a little bit better.""

Hiro pointed at Harumi and Kadehera.

"" I'll ask them what they know about Satoshi-kun we will try to be friends with him. Also he has a connection with the "Angel" we might even be able to understand both of them in time.""

"" I'll look forward to it when that time comes.""

Hiro gazed upon the hallway where Satoshi left for his class while smiling.