
Sweet present life covered with a dark past

Life is full of secrets... Satoshi Leon a first-year high school student gets caught up in the trouble of his classmate Himari Hayami who is known to be famous in his school. That event caused a chain reaction making him meet more people as the past of each person he meets is revealed. "Everyone has their own secrets to keep." Satoshi Leon says that he too has something he needs to keep as he unveils the secrets of each person he meets after that fateful day.

RinSumeragi · Urban
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15 Chs

A Normal Encounter

I arrived at the gym after a 10-minute ride on the train, as I went inside the gym I was greeted by a manly voice.

"" Leon welcome back you here to train again?""

A bulk man approached me with a smile placing his hand on my shoulder.

"" I'm just here to exercise I haven't moved my body too much for a week. Besides, I'm not a fan of a bulky body since I won't be flexible when moving.""

"" Just exercising huh. Man, you really are diligent when it comes to many things you're not pushing yourself too much are you?""

""I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me pushing myself, I take my breaks seriously.""

I said that as I went to a treadmill to begin my warm-up. I started the treadmill and ran for a while, then went to pull weights before finally ending with martial art training. The gym that I went to had a room for martial art training so I also did some martial arts here sometimes during my middle school days.

As I did my training, I heard a voice calling out to me from the gym side of the building.

"" Satoshi Leon? No way I can't believe that you are here as well!""

I heard a cheerful voice from a boy who apparently knows who I am. I turned towards the voice to see Kadehera Retsu entering the gym.

"" Is there anything you need from me Kadehera-kun?""

I stared at him stopping my training to focus my attention on him. We both stared at each other in silence I don't know what to say to him since I haven't talked to him at all.

"" Um, Kadehera-kun?""

"" Man seeing the real deal makes it more amazing!""

He pointed at me with a big smile on his face, now I was confused about what to do in this situation.

"" What do you mean by that Kadehera-kun?""

"" You don't remember me from before Satoshi-kun? You did manage to beat my school in a football match during middle school you know?""

"" Did you know me from middle school? I don't really remember you, so I'm sorry I have a very bad memory since a lot has happened back then.""

"" Of course, I would remember you since you were playing football at another level during that time! You managed to pull off a win against one of the teams that were expected to take first place you know?""

"" I don't think that was anything special besides I think it was because of my team, we had good coordination with each other.""

"" Lies! Then what was that play in during the first play of your team you seriously managed to pass through 5 defenders all on your own without passing once! Seeing that, your team instantly played around you as the main attacker! Your team became unstoppable and then the enemy team just gave up playing after you stole the ball 4 times in a row!""

"" I think that was just luck I easily predicted how they would play when they attacked for the first time.""

Why is he getting worked up with all of this? I was lucky to see their attack pattern since I noticed how they make their plays by chance.

"" If that was just luck then all the people living here on earth are unlucky. Just defeating that team made your team the underdog of the entire tournament.""

"" Well, you are free to think about that time, it's not like I wanted to win the tournament or anything but I saw my parents and acquaintances watching me, so I just tried my best to not look bad.""

I gave him my honest thoughts about it and he seems surprised.

"" Wait so you weren't even seriously playing but you played averagely by your standards!?""

Was that surprising to him?

"" You could say that I was forced to play football because of them after all I did not want to commit too much to that though, so I never tried to join the football club because of that.""

"" Are you a genius or something!? Man, I can't believe it please teach me your ways Satoshi-sensei!""

What a lively person I think I would refuse his request though I would have less time for myself if I agreed.

"" Can I refuse? I don't think it would be good for you since it would place too much burden on your body if I trained you. Well did not lie since it took me a lot of effort to be who I am today.""

He made a disappointed face which made me feel guilty about it.

"" Well, I can give you tips so you can improve your perception on the field when playing if that is fine with you?""

"" Really! Thank you, man, by the way, let's exchange line contacts so I can talk to you about it.""

He took out his phone and both of us exchanged line contacts at the spot.

"" Anyway, Kadehera kun I need to return to practice now it is nice talking to you.""

I started to turn around but I was stopped.

"" Wait, if you are going somewhere later may I tag along? I don't have anything to do later so I thought it was better to go with you somewhere.""

"" I don't mind but are you sure you might find it boring though.""

"" Anything is fine well then see you later Satoshi!""

Few hours later

"" When I said anything is fine I did not mean it like this!""

A scream was heard throughout the supermarket it was Kadehera Retsu who was visibly confused and bored throwing up his hands in the air.

"" Well, it is pretty boring watching someone go shopping I can relate but at least keep quiet about it. You look like a child throwing a tantrum just because you weren't given any candy.""

"" Do you even know how to cook Satoshi? You certainly don't look like the type to cook your food.""

Retsu said as he walk beside me who was pushing my cart.

"" I did warn you that you might get bored of what I had planned to do and yes I know how to cook it was a skill I acquired through my childhood.""

"" Well, that's surprising who knew you could cook since you always buy food in the cafeteria at lunch.""

"" That does not support the fact that I can't cook also why do you know that I buy food in the cafeteria don't tell me you were watching me?""

"" Well, you are known as the delinquent right? People pay close attention to you since they are afraid, they might encounter you.""

"" Is that so? Well, I don't care about the rumors, people can think what they want to think of me I will just mind my own business.""

"" Nothing really gets pass you huh. Well, if it were me, I would rather tell them off it would ruin my reputation as a person.""

"" I think doing that would backfire especially if you get angry at them since it would make you look more menacing.""

"" Then how will you be able to talk to people? You can't just sit quiet and have them badmouth you?""

"" Well that makes it easy to put trust on other people since people will approach you for who you are rather than believing some rumors."

We both walk to the meat section of the supermarket as I grabbed a whole chicken and meat.

"" Kadehera-kun which do you think is better in a curry dish chicken or pork?""

"" If I were to choose then it would be chicken. Wait why are you asking me all of the sudden!?""

"" Then I will use the pork in a hot pot then now I would need garlic and onions.""

"" Oi what the you're too serious about this? Hey wait up Satoshi!""

I scurried along to the spices aisle leaving Kadehera-kun behind to chase after me.

Well I did warn him about that he may not like it but it was nice to have someone around.

"" I'm sorry for dragging you around like that Kadehera-kun well now that I'm done with my shopping. Is there anything you want to do?""

"" Haaaaah your're serious about these kinds of things, how unexpected. I thought you would be more of a outgoing person when it comes to this.""

"" Well, I'm not really fond of going out too much since I like to read books and I only exercise when I need to.""

"" Really to think that you are like this, I know that the students call you a delinquent and yet you look like a perfect home cook.""

"" Well, I did take care of some people before being a high school student I may have gained it through that. Anyway Kadehera-kun you want to eat here I was planning on eating before returning home.""

"" Yeah let's do that besides I am tired from you dragging me around.""

"" I guess I'm treating you as thanks for accompanying me for my troubles then.""

"" Really wow you keep on surprising me today!""

He smiled as he went in front of me.

"" I know a good place here so let's eat there!""

I followed him to the place and both ordered their specialty dish. Well it was the first time I ate with someone outside other than my guardians and family. While we both talked about some things about football and sports, I started to think that it was quite a coincidence knowing Kadehera-kun today. After a while we both started to leave the mall so I who had some bags in my hand decided to take the taxi back home rather than take a train.

"" Well, Kadehera-kun it is nice meeting you today. I will be going now I'll see you in school tomorrow then.""

"" Yeah see ya Satoshi don't forget to help me with that alright!""

"" I won't forget that, just ask me anything I'll give you my opinions about it.""

I got in the taxi separating myself from Kadehera-kun waving goodbye to him, leaning my head back to rest I thought about what happened today.