
Chapter 84 If I want it then I get it

"Hmm,you're Soo done!"Yuan laughs.

At Yuan mansion)

"Dont you think its quite weird for a man to declare war against you?"Jia says as she removes her heels and her dress

"I did find it quite weird! but he has too much pride and I'll show him his place"Yuan answers as he goes to sleep

Next Morning)

At Yulong mansion)

"Congrats son! I knew you'd get it!"Fei Lin hugs her son tightly

"How did you know? was it broadcasted life?"Yulong hugs her back

"I have my ways!"Lin smiles playfully..."I see you've met your twin?"

"Mom? I need to ask you something, How come if we are twins,why is Molly with her parent and not with you?"Yulong pours her favourite tea for her

"It happened 19 years ago" Lin says as she sips the tea


At The Shaui mansion)

"Lei Jie! stay let me feed you!"Yulong says as he chases Molly

"Dont chase her! what if she injures Yulong?"Fei Lin says as she carries Yuan..."Yuan? tell your twin not to injure LeiLei?

"Yulong!"Yuan comes down and chases Yulong and the three played

In the Night).

"Tomorrow shall be okay?"She tucks the three of them to bed and offs the light

"Yuan? I want to pee!"Yulong says as he gets up and on's the light

"Mom said we should rest!"Yuan follows him and they hear quarreling and hide

"How can you bring her as a new wife! Shui?"Lin cries as Yang Ruo laughs at her

"All he loves is me! with this new face surgery he won't be able to tell who is who!"Yang Ruo laughs and kisses Shui ..."Leave while I am still in a good mood!" Yang Ruo packs her things

"If I leave my children must leave with me!" Fei Lin wipes her tears away

"Ooh you mean the little brats! you can take them for all you want! Ooh look at one of your little spies!"Yang Ruo ays as Yulong comes out and makes Yuan hide

"What you're doing to mother isn't good! leave my dad alone!"Yulong mumbles as Ruo pushes him and he falls

"Yulong! leave him alone! if you want me to leave I'll leave! but I'll come and take my revenge! "Fei Lin takes Yulong away and on their way they were hit by a truck

End of flashback>>>

"and that's all I can remember!" Fei Lin drops the teacup and grabs his face..."My little baby boy! dont be too sad and angry with them,they didn't know anything!"

"Mom! I am 24 and not a little baby! make sure you stay indoor always okay? you said anything I want then I must get it right?"Yulong smiles as he pinches her cheek and looks at her neck...."Mom? where's the necklace?"