
Sweet Awakening

The world has been consistent for Gian. Aside from minor family issues, he is living a carefree life that he directs himself. Gian learned at a very young age how to manipulate situations to get what he wanted. Thinking things through before reacting or taking action is a habit for him now. With the help of his best friend, Riel, his high school life is how he wants it to be. His desires are pretty standard for anyone his age: girls, outfits, games, sports, and independence...until Alec came into his life, causing yearning, happiness, doubts, confusion, and a new awakening. He was introduced to new emotions and sensations foreign to him. How would anyone understand him when he doesn't understand himself? His wants, needs, and desires changed, and the norm that he knew didn't seem to fit him anymore. How does he handle this new emotion toward an unexpected person?

XplorerG · LGBT+
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30 Chs


Riel was in her car parked outside our driveway, waiting for me.

"Good Moaning, Sunshine," I greeted her before getting inside the car.

She smiled back and said, "Good Moaning, Neighbor."

The ride to school is a bit different today. Riel mostly just answered yes or no and kept silent.

"Mmmm, Riel, I need a huge favor." My voice cracked as I said it.

Riel gave a quick glance, then looked back on the road.

"Sure. What's up?"

I inhaled deeply. "Do you have Lo-Ri's number?" I asked.

"Nah, I didn't keep it when she gave it out at the restaurant. "I didn't see any reason to." She cast another glance at me.

"Oh wait. Grace will surely have it." Riel blurted.

I hesitated for a few seconds but decided to ask Riel anyway.

"Can you ask Grace for her number and give it to me?" I asked while looking outside the closed car window.

I waited for Riel to ask why I needed it. Furthermore, I know she had an idea why I wouldn't ask Grace directly, considering Grace's inquisitive nature.

"Sure." I will text her when we get to school," she says.

As I waited for her to ask, I started considering different reasons I would give her in my head.

I was suddenly reminded of what Josh said last night about Riel having her own reasons for being overly protective of me against Alec.

Riel hasn't asked what I was expecting her to ask when I noticed we were entering the school parking lot.

I looked at her, puzzled that she agreed to get Lo-Ri's number without asking me what for when she turned off her car engine.

She faced me and, with a smile, said, "Be ready for an awkward day, and I promise to behave well and not cause you additional discomfort. I am also sorry for how I acted yesterday."

She then reached for my face and kissed my forehead.

"Let's go." And she opened her car door and got off.

I didn't have the chance to respond to her, and it felt like she wasn't waiting for a response.

We can see Alec and Jazi standing by the classroom window as we enter the class.

Riel and I sat down quietly. She pulled her cell phone out and texted Grace.

Alec sat down, and Jazi squeezed herself to pass him and sit in between Riel and Alec. She bent forward a little, waved at me, and sweetly apologized for not being able to go yesterday.

"I couldn't cancel with my girl. I am so sorry." Jazi sounded sincere. "Can I come next time?" She pleaded with a big, sweet smile.

I turned my head to the side to meet her eyes, and I couldn't help but give her an adoring smile.

"You can bring your girlfriend with you." I answered.

"Na-ah! I'll go by myself first. I want to hang with Grace.....and you....and Riel." She giggled.

Riel softly laughed at Jazi's cute and addicting giggle, then told Jazi something I hoped she didn't.

"Gian here has a crush on you, it'll be safer if you bring your girlfriend."

All the colors left my face.

Jazi gave me a surprised look.

"You have a crush on me? Aawwwwwwwww.....my heart is fluttering." Jazi looking at me adoringly.

With my eyes wide open and my lips forcing a smile, I find myself speechless and then sneaking a look at Alec.

He has a serious demeanor while playing with his phone.

All of a sudden, I felt Jazi's hand on mine.

"You are cute and adorable. If I am not with my girlfriend, I will go out with you." Her rejection sounded so sweet that I chuckled.

"Wrong time," I told her. "But at least we are friends now, right?" I winked at her.

Jazi is so pure and cute with her reactions that it's hard to take her rejection negatively. Plus, with the incident that happened this weekend, I don't think I should pursue her any further. I unexpectedly have enough on my plate right now.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and it went smoothly without any other added surprise for me.

Alec was focused and quiet during class. The few times I looked at him, he was either whispering with Jazi, writing, or looking straight at the teacher.

As we walked to our second class, I asked Riel if Grace had responded yet.

She shook her head. "You know, she's so busy socializing on Monday mornings that text messages are ignored until her lunchtime."

She's right. My sister is so popular that every Monday morning, her focus and attention are on her friends and schoolmates, who want to be updated on her weekend shenanigans.

We took our seats in our second class, and I was surprised and thankful at the same time that Alec sat in the same seat beside me. In this class, I am sitting in between Riel and Alec. Riel is on my left by the window, and Alec is on my right.

Alec said, "Good morning, G, "before he sat down.

Riel whispered, "He calls you G now, like Josh?"

"It's alright." I whispered back.

"Good Morning, Alec."

I decided to muster some guts for what I was going to ask him next.

I leaned in to get closer to him and whispered, "Can we talk later, after school, somewhere public?" His smell is enticing.

Alec nodded as he leaned forward as if he were going to rest his head on his hand, but turned his face towards me and gave me a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

My unconscious gulp was loud enough for Riel to turn to look at me, then switch her look to Alec.

She frowned but didn't say anything.

Alec raised an eyebrow at Riel and sat back up straight.

I hardly pray, but I quietly did this time for a peaceful class, free of chaos, even I am bombarded by homework.

"Please Lord...."