
Sweet Awakening

The world has been consistent for Gian. Aside from minor family issues, he is living a carefree life that he directs himself. Gian learned at a very young age how to manipulate situations to get what he wanted. Thinking things through before reacting or taking action is a habit for him now. With the help of his best friend, Riel, his high school life is how he wants it to be. His desires are pretty standard for anyone his age: girls, outfits, games, sports, and independence...until Alec came into his life, causing yearning, happiness, doubts, confusion, and a new awakening. He was introduced to new emotions and sensations foreign to him. How would anyone understand him when he doesn't understand himself? His wants, needs, and desires changed, and the norm that he knew didn't seem to fit him anymore. How does he handle this new emotion toward an unexpected person?

XplorerG · LGBT+
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30 Chs

11♡Girlfriend Soon

"Riel Marie, Auntie might hear you," I warned her.

Riel hardly uses cuss words, especially at their house. It is strictly forbidden by Aunt Vena, and no one is exempt from this house rule, even house guests. Punishment or payment is the equivalent of a single cuss word.

I am confused as to why she's reacting this way that typically would be a straight face, nonchalant "No" or "I don't want to" response.

"Okay....okay...chill...sit back down here....I am sorry..." as I pull her back to bed to sit down. "Are you on your period? Wait....that's not til next week."

She glared at me like I was about to meet the ripper.

She is obviously upset about something. She asked if I was doing this because of Jazi.

I nodded my head as I looked at her.

She asked me if I really like Jazi or if this is just like the other crushes that excited me in the beginning then a week later I created senseless reasons to replace them.

I gave a response right away fearing things could get worse if I didn't.

"Yes," I answered, but this was just an easier answer than the true answer.

Riel looked at me with disappointment which made me feel guilty not telling her my plans from the very start.

I really can't hide anything from her. I have to now tell her everything, and hope she will support me if not help me. I can't mention my weird thoughts about Alec though, especially since I want to hook her up with him.

I explained everything to her in a very careful way. She listened to me without saying a word but I could sense her disagreement with my plan. After I was done, there was this silence in the room that seemed to have lasted for a long time.

"Fine! Do as you wish. Maybe it is time for me to experience a relationship."

Riel sounded defeated as she said those words. I couldn't ask or say anything else fearing it would upset her more so I hugged her, and planted a kiss on her forehead thanking her.

As we hung out in her room listening to music, I was assessing if I like Jazi or if I am in a rush to have a girlfriend before completing high school. In the end, I thought it didn't matter what reason it was. Why does it even matter?

As I was deep in my thoughts, Riel suddenly said, "You will be messing with two relationships with your plan. You do realize that, right?"

I am aware I am about to ruin Alec's relationship with Lo-Ri, but I don't feel a bit concerned for some reason. I am feeling a bit guilty towards Jazi if it's true she's with someone.

"I know..." I answered Riel. "I don't care."

"You put other assholes to shame." Riel retorted.

I got up and told Riel I was going home. There is a dish Nana Ying will teach me to cook and I rather finish it before dinner.

"I'll save you some to test, my loyal guinea pig." I joked.

Riel threw a pillow at me and told me to scram.

Back in the kitchen, Nana Ying has prepared most of the ingredients. She started instructing me on what to do step by step. When it got to the simmering part, she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the dining table sighing.

I sat beside her and held her one hand. "Are you alright Nana?"

She started sharing her woes about her 22-year-old grandson who just told her that he is dating a guy and plans to live with him.

"Nana, gender is not an issue anymore nowadays. There is nothing for you to worry about." I assured her.

Nanay loves all her grandkids and even though one or two of them sometimes hurt her heart, she always boasts how proud she is of all of them. What Nana doesn't know, and I would never tell her is that her granddaughter Katie who attends the school next to ours has flirted many times with Riel. We even came across her at the mall with a girl whom she introduced to us as her girlfriend/lover.

I asked Nana if she had anything against gay people. Nana Ying smiled and shook her head telling me there is no gender or sexual preference when God loves so we people have no right to have a preference and to judge.

She added that if Josh or I happened to be gay, her concerns are not about our sexuality but the hardship we will face because people can be cruel.

I held her hand and kneeled in front of her.

"Nana, you won't have to worry about me, I don't know about Josh though." I joked.  "I am about to have a girlfriend." then I winked at her.

Nana's eyes got bigger and she showed excitement with her face. 

"How about asking her over for a meal so I get to meet her?" Nana Ying clasping my hands with hers.

"Of course! And we both will cook for her."

Then I thought of the aftermath of Mom knowing this.

"Nana Ying, can I ask you not to mention this to Mom?" I pleaded with her as I flashed my charming smile.

"I understand. No worries. It'll be our secret." Nana Ying reassured me.