
Sweet and Simple

Tassa is your everyday girl who dreams of far fetched fantasy romances. Join her as she discovers what realities life truely holds and which fantasies simply shouldn't be believed.

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That CEO...

"The CEO, president, and vice-president are coming to our store, so make sure everything is perfect before they get here." Joe growled at the employees.

Tassa nodded eagerly and as soon as Joe had slammed the door to the office, the employees scattered, in a hurry to get everything fixed in time. Tassa wiped her sweaty palms on her apron and hurried to stock the shelf on the dairy aisle. As she stocked milk, sour cream, eggs, and so on, one after another, her mind began to drift. She had often read stories about bosses romancing and falling in love with their workers.

The young and handsome CEO would show up in a suit that barely fit over his large muscles. He would see a beautiful worker, usually a secretary, and fall in love at first sight. He would sweep her off her feet and take her home, before romancing her into a night of thrills of their choosing...

Tassa chewed on her lip, subconciously at the thought of what a CEO could do in the bedroom. The dates, the freedom, the money, and that body. Her body reacted to her lusty thoughts as she worked on autopilot. It wasn't until a fellow worker gently elbowed her that she realized she had zoned out.

"They're here..." The worker chuckled as she spoke. Rhonda was a black woman in her early fourties, married with kids. Tessa knew that Rhonda wouldn't dream of having an affair with a CEO. She had a wonderful husband and three beautiful children. They were the very picture of a perfect family.

But for Tessa, who was 23 and single, she ate up these fantasies and lived off them. Somedays it was all she could do to just get up every morning and return each day to her dead end job of stocking shelves at Nova Blue. She tried to peer around the shelves, with no success. So she waited for them to pass by, subconciously holding the case of yogurt to her chest and biting her bottom lip.

Finally, she saw Joe come around the corner and her breath caught in anticipation. Three men, all with graying hair and deep wrinkles on their face, rounded the corner after him. Tessa cursed at herself for fantasizing amd falling for her own fantasy as she put away the yogurt and picked up a case eggs. She turned recklessly and slammed right into a mother with her kids. Tessa stumbled backwards, tripping over the near empty pallet. She extended her hands behind her in an attempt to catch herself but her hand hit the pallet at a funny angle, jarring it to the bone and landing square on her butt. The eggs that she released rose into the air and then fell, opening due to a faulty lid, and crashing all over her.

Tessa looked over her uniform, now covered in raw egg and reached up to the egg that was now dripping from her hair into her face. As her hand touched her head, she winced in pain. Her wrist was already starting to redden and swell.

"Shit." She whispered under her breath as she pushed herself to her feet with her one good hand. As she went to walk forward, her feet slid on the raw egg at her feet and she began to slip. She flung her arms out to grab anything for stability, but it was in vain. A strong hand reached out and grabbed her hurt wrist, stopping her fall, but sending sharp, searing pain up her arm. She cried out in pain but he didn't let go until she was on her own two feet again.

"Hey, are you alright?" The man's green eyes stared straight into hers.