
{Where is The sweet , All I see is Sand}

**Chapter 1**

** Sweet and Sand {There's no sweet ,just sand }**

**(Old female narrative voice is heard )**

{At the scene of a burial.. People are gathered to mourn the late father of Stacey (Tobi louis) as his body was found after he was murdered mysteriously and left in a pool of blood right next to the room of his beloveth daughter Stacey..}

{It was indeed a tragic and very sorrowful scene }

{Tears were rolling profusely down the eyes of his close friends and relatives..but what could they do ,the dead is dead and the dead is to be buried and maybe then investigation will commence }

{Well , as a family.. for reasons that are totally unreasonable, they refused to file an investigation report or let the police investigate the Murder ..of course the police insisted because it was their duty and their job but it was never in the thoughts of the rest of the family to get to know who the culprit is , i guess they felt it had already been done and even if they found who did it ...that wouldn't bring back their beloveth brother from the grave . The next thing was to bury thier dead one and take care of his last breath (His daughter).}

{The burial rights commenced}

**Pastor**: As we lay him to rest in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit..Brethren let us Keep in mind that this life is not a permanent gift , it's a temporary gift from the almighty and nobody has the rights over it , only he decides who receives life and who it's taken away from ..Brother louis lived with us like an bird in the midst of Eagles ..he was a gentle one ,the kind of man that always put his family first , loved his daughter and his family ,he always made everyone around him smile . It is a mystery and a tragedy that he has left us at this Time but who are we to question God for he knows best and only he controls life ..

Now let's join our hands together to say the lord's prayer so our brother can go and have peace with his maker .

{As they recite the lord's prayer the scene fades away as a sorrowful hymn song is heard in the background and Sand is poured into the grave of Tobi louis }

..**Moments later after the burial rights**..

**Pastor**:Sister selina pls I'd like to have some few words with you .

**Selina**:Yes..(she stood in front of the pastor with her face down to the ground ,she was in a sobby mood )- What is it , hope there's no problem?.

**Pastor**: Whats wrong?..why have you refused to let the police investigate the case of Tobi ..give this people any Information that they need ,they are only doing their job and they want to help you get to know who caused you this pain , the only way you can know who killed ur brother is if you co-operate with them and work with them , maybe you might know something or someone they need to know.

**Selina**: (looks up and cleans her nose then her mood changes)- Honestly pastor I can't believe you're saying this ..

**Pastor**: In my opinion I haven't said anything soo bad (He was confused)

**Selina**: (she was starting to get a bit angry )

Pastor john ..you think what's on my mind now is to find a fuckin murderer? what's the use pastor , even if he is punished and killed , you mean my brother would get up and give me a hug for a job well done ? Or he would resurrect and wipe my tears with his t shirt ?...All I want to do now is concentrate on Stacey , She has been through a lot at this young age ,not so long her mother died and you know what that made her become mentally, how it affected her and now the only one person that makes her smile is Laying there six feet below that dirt ..-(points to Tobi's grave as tears rolls down her eyes ) -and you know the condition she is right now after hearing the news about her father , or wait she didn't get to hear the news .. apparently it happened right in front of her ..Tobi her father was murdered right in front of Stacey (More tears filled her eyes as she spoke and then she brought out a tissue to dry her tears )..

That little girl has been through too much for me to be worrying my ass around chasing a criminal instead of focusing on the one thing my brother lived for ..

**Pastor** :Selina, selina ! ..Eii it's okay , it's alright (places his hands on her shoulders as he is right in front of her )- i understand you , you're a strong woman and I pray that God will continue to strength you and provide for your needs ..

**Selina**: Amen!..(wipes her tears off completely)

**Pastor**: So how is stacey's condition?

**Selina**: (sighs) According to the doctor they found her unconscious in the room , I guess she was attacked by the son of a b**tch that killed Tobi..

Am heading to the hospital right now to see how she's doing, I hope she gets better ..I really feel pity for the poor girl ..(She said with a sad face )

**Pastor**: I'll keep praying for her , And I believe that the lord will take control..

{Selina then sets of to her car..She got into the car and burst into tears ,she couldn't control herself as she cried profusely...after several minutes of tears she then starts the car Engine and looked straight at the grave of Tobi ..She waved her last goodbye and cleaned her eyes as she drove of out of the cemetery }

{It was indeed a Sorrowful time for the family . Just 2 years before Tobi's death..Tobi's wife (Lucy louis) The mother to Stacey travelled to South Africa on a business trip , She flew with her bussiness crew to the country to Sign documents of Co-operation with a south African Company ..it was going all good as they were done with the whole process and she contacted tobi that she would be heading home in a week time and that she missed him and their daughter so much ..Tobi which was in the US with Stacey their daughter awaiting his wife 's arrival was hit with a shocking Surprise when After 3 weeks he hasn't heard from his wife and he has tried every possible means of reaching her but all to no avail..he was confused, hit with frustration , he didn't know what to do ..(let's take a trip back 2 years ago )

/..**2 years ago**.../

**Tobi**: (Restless, Keeps moving from the room to the Sitting room with a phone In his hand as he hopefully waits and expects that a call might come in and tell him where his beloved wife is .)

**Tobi**: (Thinking.. with his head downward and his hands at his back ) -Where are you Lucy ? - ( he tries her number one more time with hope of she picking)

{Stacey slowly walks in from her room with tears In her eyes she moved closer to her dad sobbing}

**Stacey**: Dad..(sobbing) it's been 3 weeks, I hope something bad hasn't happened to mom (starts crying as she hugs her father closely)

**Tobi**: ( Hugs his daughter tighter and rubs on her shoulder ) Ur mother will be back , there is surely going to be an explanation for this and whenever she comes back we will all have a big laugh about it and make jest of ourselves for taking it so serious..now wipe ur tears my pretty princess.

**Stacey**: (noddes her head and wipes her eyes ) I hope so dad ..I really pray.

**Few Sad moments later **

°^GRIM!!! GRIM!! GRIM!!!°

{His phone rings at the side of he and lucy's matrimonial bed down the passage inside their room ,the phone was right next to lucy's picture Which he also left on the bed } as he is already Asleep on the couch with his daughter also asleep on his shoulder they couldn't hear the cellphone ringing due to distance between the room and the Sitting room}


{Right on the face of the phone was an unknown number which called just twice and later stooped calling. The call that tobi had had sleepless nights to receive now came at that exact time that tobi just had a little couch nap with his daughter because he was Already frustrated and tired ..Looks like his story just keeps getting worse }

**30 minutes later **

{Tobi pops up from his sleep and realizes that Stacey , whom they both took a nap together and laid on his shoulders was no more next to him , He quickly gets up and opened the door to check if her bike (bicycle) was still outside , he noticed the bike was parked at the front of the house , right on the front porch }

**Tobi**: Where could she be ? Her bike is right here ..Ssstttaaaccceeeyyy!!

{Starts to scream her name loudly in panic as he waslked with his quick feet around the house looking for her...he then thought about calling her and as he picked up the phone ,to his surprise , he has had 2 missed calls from a strange number..

**Tobi**: Lucy!! (he thought immediately) g*d damn I missed it !! ( He slaps his fore head hard )

{Then out of no where Stacey walks in }

**Stacey**: Was that mom?

(her eyes were red with tears , it was obvious she had been crying secretly for hours)

**Tobi**: ( yells at her in anger and frustration) Where have you been ?!!

**Stacey**:( she ignores his question and she starts sobbing again )

Just tell me that was mom..

**Tobi**: I don't know , I don't even understand but I need to call this number back right now !!

{He then grabs the phone with his Shaky hands which led to the phone falling down , he picked it back up and took a deep breath and then dialed the number again ..}

((The line starts ringing))

{His heart beat rising, his face sweeting In expectation to hear the voice of his wife or at least someone that knows something about his wife disappearance}

{But unfortunately, nobody picked the call And it went straight to voicemail..he was really disappointed}

**Voice mail**: please leave a message after the beep .. ((((Beep!!))))..

**Tobi** (in tears) ..Hey lucy where the hell are you pls just come home , it's been weeks since you told me you were coming back ..pls bby (more sad tears) just come back , ur daughter misses you ..

{Tobi kept sending and sending voicemail messages to that number overnight , he refused to sleep this time cuz we all know what happened the last time he slept}

**Stacey**: (Walks slowly and gets closer to him from behind )

**Tobi**: ( shocked at her sudden presence behind him)

Holy Christ !!! Lucy! Why are you still up at this time ? C'mon you almost fried my heart there !!!

**Stacey**: ( she hugged him from behind and sobbed at his back)

i saw Mom !..

**Tobi**: ( Shocked)

Saw ur mom ??..where , when , how ??

** Stacey**: ( With a shaky voice as a result of too much crying she said)

I saw her in my dreams dad ..she held my hand and told me it'll be fine ( In tears )

Tobi : ( also starts crying, then puts of his shirt to wipe his and her tears)

Yes honey it will all be fine. ( turns and pulls her close ) Now I want you to go back to bed get some rest so you will he strong tommorow, we have all cried enough for one day so get some rest my princess}

**Stacey**: But dad you're not sleeping , I don't think you have had any sleep for some couple of days now .

**Tobi**: Darling...daddy's has a lot going on in his head at the mome..

{ He wasn't even done with his statement and suddenly , The phone started ringing again }..

***Author: Nwosu Anthony**

**Chapter 2 next ..**

**Note ..""(-)- this brackets are for mood or reactions and some thoughts.**

**.. {-} this specific type of bracket is for the voice of the narrator..**

** /... .../ - this is for when there is a reference to the past **