
SwaSan SS : Fighting for HIM

A love story of a fighter, named LUCIFER. (Sanskaar). TOUGH.HANDSOME.TALL. People call him..The king of the ring. He never lost any fight. Always a Winner. Who never lost his battle, but he lost his heart in a battle of LOVE to HIS ANGEL, when he saw her first time. HIS ANGEL. SWARA BOSE... A sweet, rich and down to earth girl. She is LUCIFER'S lucky charm, strength and back-bone. Both were irrevocably in love with each other! Both can't live without each other! Unseparable! Both decided. To name their relationship in a pious bond, MARRIAGE. They get married, and living their life happily. Their happiness is out of bound, when they heard the news of upcoming new member in their life. Their symbol of love.. SAMAR. Everything is running smooth in their life, Untill.. A storm came, and destroyed everything. ------------ To know more, Peep in ;-) All the rights reserved to the author. @Angelic_ghoulish™©2019.

Angelic_ghoulish · Andere
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2 Chs


*Ignore typos and grammatical errors. No proof reading has been done.

Seven years before:

It was raining ferociously and the thunderstorms clouds were striking tumultuous lightning on the earth, which was working as a source of light in this darkest night.

           A silhouette was running with all his strength, and a little soul was securely held in his arm. The baby was drapped in white sheet and sleeping quitely, it seemed to be of one day or just a born. He hugged the little soul to his chest, tightly and looked at his back.

He saw few mens with knife and guns were still gawking for him and his little son.

"Nothing will happen to you my son. Your Dad is here. He will never let anyone.. hurt you!"

He kissed his forehead, tenderly and again head on his heals to protect his bundle of joy from the claws of the vicious people, who want to kill his son.

He was running fast, with son and the goons were behind him. He was breathing heavily, he felt that his lungs will come out of his mouth,  due to continuous running. His whole body was giving up, but it can't affect him, to stop fighting from them. He ran and ran with wobbling steps and just one thing was running in his mind that he has to protect his baby. Which was acting like, a zeal to him.

He reached Howrah Railway Station. He saw a train on a platform, ready to leave. He rushed in one of the boggy and hide himself behind a birth. The goons also reached there and started searching for him. They search each corner of the platform but couldn't find him.

" Woh saala  yahi kahi hoga... Bach ke jana na paye! Dhoundo saale ko!"

The leader ordered to his men. They nod their heads in response and started their search again with more determination. They started scanning each boggy one by one in search of him. While, the man was scared of being caught, he held his son to his chest and closed his eyes and pray for his and his son life.

         They were going to enter in the Man's boggy, the man saw them coming inside which make him scared, he hide more in place and was sitting with batted breath. They entered in, scanning each corner and look around for the man. They were slowly slowly moving near to the man, causing man to hold his breath in fear. They were just near the man's hiding place,  when the leader phone started beeping. He showed his hand men to stop, to which they obliged. He press the answer button and kept the phone on his ear.

"Yes Boss!.. (paused listening to the caller) No we haven't found him, but we will find him sure...(paused ) What?! Leave him... ?" He tried to argue, "But!... Okay boss! We're coming back!"

The leader ordered his men to retreat back. Which his men obliged, without any argument. The goons left the place and the man suck deep breath of relief and stretched his leg in comfort manner. He gave a tender kiss on his son's forehead and caress his chubby cheeks with love. He closed his eyes and lean his head on the wall in relief. He get lost in thoughts and lone tear escaped from his eyes, remembering one of his beautiful memory he made with Her. His Wife.

A man was sitting on a couch, and a beautiful lady was lying in his lap and he was playing with his long hair. Both are seemed to be happy and talking randomly.

"Jaan... Thankyou for giving me such a beautiful gift on my birthday", man said placing his hand on her belly.

The lady smiled, took his hand in hers and kissed it.

" Thankyou for coming in my life Sanskaar and gave privileged of being your wife," She gave a quick peck on his lip, and continued ,"now a mother of your child. Thankyou so much baby." And she engulfed him in a tight hug. Broking the hug, she said.

" Sanskaar I have decided the name of our Son. Samar.. Kaisa hai?!"

"Samar..(sighed) Nice name," hearing him lady smiled widely.

" But how you know he is a boy?" He looked at her with raising eyebrow.

The lady flipped his hairlocks and replied.

" I know because I am his mother." She said with attitude, raising her imagining collar.

" Acha ji!"


Then both started giggling and hugged each other.

A loud train siren, broke his trance and bring him back from beautiful moment which he cherished with her. He smiled, wiped his tears and looked at his son affectionately, and called him.

"Samar! Our son."

The little soul cooed hearing his name and held his tiny fingers to touch his father subtle cheek. Sanskaar lowered his head, so that his son can touched his cheek. When, Samar's fingers brushed his father's cheek, he giggled , which brought a huge smile on his father face and special bond create between a father and son.

After few minutes, train started moving to its destination marking a new phase and new beginning for Sanskaar and Samar.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed it while reading.

You guys don't know how much I am nervous while writing it. I hope it is upto the mark and readable.

This is something new for me and above my comfort zone. So, please leave your views.

Do leave your votes and comments and let me know how much you liked it. :)

Criticism are also welcomed:)

