
SwaSan SS : Fighting for HIM

A love story of a fighter, named LUCIFER. (Sanskaar). TOUGH.HANDSOME.TALL. People call him..The king of the ring. He never lost any fight. Always a Winner. Who never lost his battle, but he lost his heart in a battle of LOVE to HIS ANGEL, when he saw her first time. HIS ANGEL. SWARA BOSE... A sweet, rich and down to earth girl. She is LUCIFER'S lucky charm, strength and back-bone. Both were irrevocably in love with each other! Both can't live without each other! Unseparable! Both decided. To name their relationship in a pious bond, MARRIAGE. They get married, and living their life happily. Their happiness is out of bound, when they heard the news of upcoming new member in their life. Their symbol of love.. SAMAR. Everything is running smooth in their life, Untill.. A storm came, and destroyed everything. ------------ To know more, Peep in ;-) All the rights reserved to the author. @Angelic_ghoulish™©2019.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : 'Is she beautiful..?!'

Present ( Seven years later):

" Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!"

Was the only named echoed in the arena. The crowd was going crazy and cheering up for the king of the ring, 'The Lucifer.'

The Xtreme Arena, was full packed with the crowds of hundreds. Some were holding hoardings, banners and yelling for 'Lucifer' , with agitated spirit. 

" Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!"

In the ring, the opponent, Max Turner is ready to smashed his opponent, Lucifer. He clenched his knuckles into fist, and was hopping on his feet in aggression. He was waiting for Lucifer to entered in the ring, so that he can attacked him with all fury and achieved victory, by breaking Lucifer 'Unstoppable Knocked Out' record. Let's see how his luck will work today and he will able to trashed 'Unbeatable' title or not.

Suddenly, light shutdown and a focus fall, on black hoodie, which brought a new vibes and energy in the crowd. They started howling and cheering to the next level, for the man in black hoodie.

The man smirked, and removed the hoodie from his head, which increases craziness in girls, and some even fainted with just the glimpse of Lucifer. The charmer and death of the females and rivalry to his age men, in terms of good looks and muscular body.

6 feet tall, handsome with chocolate brown orbs, and....

There was bang on Sanskaar's head, as the alarm clock fell on his head, and he woke up with a jerk. He sighed, looking at the clock, which don't know how fell on his head and distrubed his dreamyland, maybe it fell due to the wind, as window was opened. He yawned and  rubbed his head, with his hand to sooth the pain. He looked beside him, and smiled seeing his seven year old son who was sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face, just like his mother. The brightest. The serene. Smile of Her.

Remembering, about Her the smile wiped out from his face. His faced changed into blank and eyes glistened with moisture. He remembered how he used to see her like a creep for hours, while she was asleep with the same smile on her lips and she was unknown to this fact, but he cherished this sanity with her every morning. Her every little-little and adorable things still stored in his heart.

And, his son is just replica of her in terms of cuteness and adorableness. He saw his son, stirring in bed so he quickly wiped his unshed tears and twitched his lip upward. His son opened his slowly and gave beaming smile to his father, who looking at him lovingly.

"Good Morning! Daddy," he wished his father in yawning voice.

Sanskaar ruffled his hair and replied.

"Morning! Champ."

"Morning! Samy!"

Duo snapped their heads, and saw a beautiful lady with tray, overloaded with fruits and healthy snacks. She smiled seeing them and Samar jumped out of the bed. He ran towards the lady and hugged her from legs, which make her twit, but she managed and balanced herself.

" Morning! Girlfriend!" Samar beamed at her.

She kept the tray of food on the table, properly. Bowing down to his height, she engulfed him in a tight hug, to which Samar obliged. While, Sanskaar smiled heartedly, seeing their bond and started folding the quilt.

"Champ! Come on time to bath. Otherwise you will get late for the school. Come on! Hurry up!"

Listening, to Sanskaar, Samar broke the hug and rushed towards bathroom, with the jet speed. Sanskaar giggled seeing him so enthusiastic. Whereas, the lady was looking at bathroom, being baffled. Sanskaar noticed her, baffled expression and replied hesitantly.

"Woh.. You know na today. School is taking children to the picnic.."

"That is why he is behaving so weirdly." She completes his sentence.


"School aur Samar both are poles apart. Everyday, he makes hundreds of excuses not to go school. And, just see today." She laughed a little, "Yeh ladka bhi na." She shook her head in disbelief and continued, "Umm. Sanskaar I have already iron yours and Samy clothes, kept on it's usual place, on the iron stand." She took the tray from the table and started arranging on the dinning table, " Come on Sanskaar! You also freshness up," saw Samar came out of the bathroom in towel, around on his waist, "See Samy also came. Till then, I will make him ready for the school."

"I can get ready myself girlfriend. Am a grown up boy!" Samar interrupt her in grumpy tone, which lead the duo to giggled .

" What..? I didn't make a joke." he huffed, which make the duo to chortled and he continued," Why..Are you laughing Daddy and girlfriend you too!..Huh " He make a sad pout and left from there to get ready.

Both the duo, shook their head. Sanskaar pick up his clothes and started to leave to the bathroom, he halt at the door and spoke to the lady.

" Thankyou Sanchi !" Sanchi who was busy in arranging table, absurdly stopped and looked at Sanskaar with a creased eyebrows.

Sanskaar sighed and continued seeing her confused state, "Sanchi. Thankyou is just a little word for the thing you did for us. Me and Samar were alone, we haven't anyone in this city. But you helped us and gave shelter and food at that time when i lost my every hopes. And you are still doing so much for us. I don't know...., how I..will payback to you! But..Still.. Thankyou so much Sanchi..for everything!"

Sanchi smiled and replied, in soft voice while moving towards him.

" Sanskaar ! We're friends na. And I am doing this for my friend." To lightened the mood, she said ," and for my lovely boyfriend,Samy. So you can't stop me doing what I feel like.. Waise bhi friendship mein No Sorry No Thankyou!" She exclaimed.

" Dosti aur pyaar mein no sorry and no thankyou!"

Saying, a girl hugged a man tightly, wrapping her hand around his neck while he hugged her back from waist with the same passion.

Sanchi flicked her fingers infront of Sanskaar's face, which jerked him back to the present.

"What happened? Kaha kho gaye the?!" Sanchi looked at him with questioning expression.

Sanskaar shurrgged his shoulders and shook his head, he replied.

" Kahi nhi!"

He suck a deep breath and left to freshen up, while Sanchi sees him with puzzled way. She felt him weird but let it go for now and again get back to her work.

Sanskaar and Samar, had their breakfast, along with Sanchi. After eating, Samar gave a kiss on Sanchi's cheek, both bidding her bye left to school.

When they left, Sanchi gathered all the plates and utensil and washed them. She mopped and clean the house and left to her house to get ready for her office.

After, dropping Samar at the school. Sanskaar head to his office for his work.


The day was hectic for Sanskaar, as it was ending month of the year, so workload has increased, being working as an accountant is not a easy job in this month. He have to maintained ledger, balanced sheet and go through lots of accounts, keeping and making each and every transactions records is a tough job. He was so much busy in his work that he didn't know how day turned into dawn and it's time to leave.

He reached at his sweet home in the evening around five. He looked around his house which has one small room, along with kitchen and bathroom in the corner. The place was not was lavish or filled designer furniture. It was just a normal house with limited resource. But it is enough for Sanskaar and Samar to lead their live happily.

Sanskaar opened the door, and was greeted by his son, tightest hug on his legs which vanished all the tiredness of the day. And, his brightest smile worked as a aspirin for his headache.

"Welcome home Daddy!" He exclaimed while hugging his father.

Sanskaar broke the hug, lift him in arms and gave kiss on his cheek, in response to his greeting. He moved inside taking him, while his son was babbling, what he done whole day and Sanskaar was just humming and listening to his son banter, quitely and smilingly.

" Daddy.. You know we enjoyed so much today! Rohan and I play cricket and even Ms. D'Cruz also joined us. I was shocked to see her playing so well. And, Rohan brought chocolates, he gave me two chocolates, as I am his best friend na! I have eaten and other kept for us. When, Girlfriend will come..We will share with her.. Okay na. Daddy! Aur Sunny toh..."

"Bas.. Bas..bacha..take a breath while speaking!" his father said making him sit on the bed properly. His son smiled happily, and Sanskaar ruffled his hair playfully and asked.

"So.. What you want for dinner?!"

"Chicken Biryani!" Samar chirped.

Sanskaar frowned, "Biryani?" to which Samar nod his head, vigorously. He smiled seeing his innocent and replied.

"Okay ! Champ... I am cooking biryani. Till then you complete your homework."

"Okay..Daddy!" Samar chirped, showing his thumbs up and left to study. While, Sanskaar smiled and heads to kitchen, to complete his son request.

After, one hour biryani was served into plates and duo enjoyed munching exotic chicken biryani, made by one and only chef, Sanskaar. Later, Sanchi also came and both, father and son, shared chocolate with her which Samar kept to eat later.


After cleaning plates and utensils, Sanskaar tucked in bed with Samar. He was reading bed time story to Samar, when asked about something, out of blue which halt Sanskaar reading further.

"Daddy! Where.. is.. My.. Mommy?!" Samar asked hesitantly, in a soft voice.

"Then... Pinnachio.." Sanskaar paused, hearing Samar question. He kept book aside and turned towards his son who waiting for him to answer. Sanskaar made him sit in his lap and spoke, taking him in his embrance.

"Why this is question all of sudden champ?!"

"Woh.. Everyone have their mommy even Rohan has. But.. I don't have mommy. Daddy!" Samar said in a low voice.

"But you have your daddy na champ!"

" Yeah.. Daddy and am happy with you because you are both mommy and daddy", saying this he gave a tight kiss on Sanskaar cheek and continued, "But I want to know who she is? Is she beautiful?!"

"She is the most beautiful lady in the world." Sanskaar replied, remembering about her love.


Sanskaar smiled and replied.

"Yep! Champ. None can beat in terms of beauty."

"Daddy.. Did she love us? What's her name? Where she is? Why she didn't live here? With us?....And... "

"It's getting late, Champ. No more question now." Sanskaar said with blank faced, laid on bed, tucking Samar in quilt.

" Good Night Champ!" He kissed his forehead and taking in his arms, he closed his eyes.

"Night Daddy!" Saying this Samar closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Sanskaar feel Samar in deep sleep, he get up from bed and stand, leaning on the window. He gaze the glittering moon, and get lost in thoughts.

It has been seven years...when I left Kolkata and settled in Mumbai with Samar. I faced many ups and downs in nurturing Samar. Days blurred into months and months into years. But, this heart always beat for you...my love and is still beating for you, when you are not with me.

Sanskaar wiped his tears and head back to the bed and fall asleep beside Samar.


Tadaa.. That was all for today. So this the first chapter of the story.

Do leave your views, and make me happy :)