
SVSSS: Drunken Immortal

-- Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - the third transmigrator -- When one of her favourite webnovels - Proud Immortal Demon Way - reaches its horrifically unfulfilling ending, Yan Jiayi is enraged. In her fury, she accidentally hits her head and dies on the spot. When she wakes, she finds herself trapped INSIDE the webnovel, at the whim of an unyielding System. She must make her way through the events of Proud Immortal Demon Way, keeping her life and her reputation out of danger. Although she gains allies, friends, and even love, she must also face perils that threaten her new life. -- Begins at the same time as SVSSS; MC is a trans woman, and will later be in a lesbian relationship; author has not read the novels, only watched the donghua; warnings for depictions of alcoholism and canonical abuse (Luo Binghe) -- Hope you enjoy! :D

purple_pineapples · Bücher und Literatur
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34 Chs

The Secret? Alcohol

"Shimei. How are you?" Yue Qingyuan strolled peacefully down the stone steps of Qiong Ding Peak, with his hands clasped loosely behind his back and a calm smile on his face. His robes were mostly white, and edged with black and silver.

Yang Qinghui stepped out of the carriage and bowed to the sect leader.

"Zhangmen-shixiong. I am well. What did you need to see me about?"

Yue Qingyuan ignored her question, smiling instead at Zhuang Hao.

"This must be your disciple. I haven't had a chance to meet you yet, young man."

"My name is Zhuang Hao, shibo," Zhuang Hao introduced himself with a respectful bow while Yang Qinghui noticed she was at least two inches taller than Yue Qingyuan.

"You asked why I called you here, shimei. The truth is, I need your help." Yue Qingyuan gestured for Yang Qinghui to walk with him, and started up the steps again.

Yang Qinghui followed him. God, he walks slowly.

"An issue has arisen in the forest near Bai Zhan Peak," Yue Qingyuan explained. "Liu-shidi is on his way back from a mission, but won't return for another few days.

Yang Qinghui yawned. "Can't the Bai Zhan disciples handle it, then?"

"Not this, shimei." Yue Qingyuan stopped walking and met Yang Qinghui's eyes with a concerned expression. "Earlier this morning, a bashe appeared."

"… I see. You want me to kill it."

"Yes. You are the only one of us who has successfully defeated a bashe before, shimei. It has already killed half a dozen Bai Zhan Peak disciples."

"Why can't you kill it?" Yang Qinghui protested.

Yue Qingyuan frowned deeper. "I am needed at Qing Jing Peak: Shen-shidi has fallen ill."

Shen Qingqiu? Fallen ill? Yang Qinghui wanted to inquire more about that, but Yue Qingyuan was still speaking:

"We have evacuated the area, but have disciples guarding the edge of the forest so the bashe won't escape. Shimei?"


"I know you have become… reclusive since we became Peak Lords."

Yang Qinghui winced.

"But will you kill this bashe for us?"

A glowing orange exclamation mark appeared above his head, and the System screen popped up in front of Yang Qinghui.

"Beginner mission available: defeat the bashe at Bai Zhan Peak."

The beginner mission? Yes! I can unlock the OOC function!

She sighed exaggeratedly. "I guess it shouldn't be too much trouble."


Unfortunately, the System had little to tell her about the bashe and how the original Yang Qinghui had killed one.

"Yang Qinghui killed a bashe eighteen years ago after stumbling across one on a secluded mountain during a drunken ramble."

"I was drunk?!"

"She managed to kill the Bashe, but could not recall how. She was discovered unconscious beside the corpse the next day by Sect Leader Yue Qingyuan."

Yang Qinghui just about gave up, then. But she needed to do this.

After all, it's only a beginner mission. How hard can it be?


The forest at Bai Zhan Peak was eerily silent. Normally, Yang Qinghui imagined, birds would be fluttering from tree to tree, singing happily in the springtime sunshine. But now, even the sun retreated behind some clouds, casting the trees into shadow.

Yang Qinghui walked lightly through the forest, carefully avoiding cracking twigs underfoot.

"At least let me go with you, shizun!" Zhuang Hao had pleaded.

"Are you underestimating me?" Yang Qinghui had snapped, although she'd secretly been touched by his concern. "You will wait here."

She made sure he didn't see the jar of rice wine she'd half-drained for courage.

Unlike the original Yang Qinghui, she wasn't an alcoholic, but there was no way she could do this completely sober. The wine wasn't affecting her too much – she'd always had a high alcohol tolerance – except for a faint buzzing in her limbs.

As she walked deeper into the forest, she listened closely for any sign of the bashe.

Finally, she heard a faint sound: crackling, and low hissing.

Yang Qinghui froze, her hand tightening on her sword. The hissing seemed to be getting louder. She leapt into the highest branches of a nearby tree – astonishing herself when she managed to stick the landing – and peered out over the treetops.

Some of them were clearly moving, swaying as though in the wind. Only, there wasn't even a breeze. And they were only moving in a long line, approaching Yang Qinghui.

Yang Qinghui took a deep breath and jumped back to the ground. I can do this.

Branches cracked loudly, getting closer.

I can do this.

The ground trembled under her feet.

I can do this.

A moment later, the trees parted with deafening cracks to reveal the saliva-dripping teeth of the bashe. The giant snake reared up, roaring, yellow eyes glaring and fixed on Yang Qinghui.

… Never mind.

She turned on her heel and sprinted away. "How is THIS a beginner mission?!"


At the edge of the forest, a white-and-blue-robed swordsman paused and listened closely. Crackling branches echoed from a distant part of the trees, and pebbles on the ground shook.

"How long has it been since she went into the forest?" the swordsman asked.

The young disciple next to him answered, trembling, "O-only a few minutes."

"Give us an hour," the swordsman instructed stepping into a fighting stance, "then tell Zhangmen-shixiong to get back here."

Not waiting for a reply, the swordsman pushed off from the ground, launching himself to a tree branch. His foot barely tapped the wood before he was flying for the next tree. In moments, he'd disappeared into the forest.


Yang Qinghui sat perched in a tree, her back pressed against the trunk. She clutched her sword in front of her, chest rising and falling quickly. Sweat dripped down her temples.

She'd managed to get away, somehow. But she could hear the bashe, getting closer with every second.

What the fuck am I going to do? she thought, teetering on panic. How can I possibly kill that monster?

The low hissing was getting louder.

Yang Qinghui groaned in despair, but quickly stifled the noise as a different sound reached her ear.

Are those… footsteps?

A moment later, dark grey boots landed on the branch in front of her. White-and-blue robes fluttered to settle around a tall swordsman, who frowned down at Yang Qinghui.

"Are you hiding?" he asked.

Liu Qingge

Bai Zhan Peak Lord

Yang Qinghui spluttered, scrambling to her feet and dismissing her sword. "I am not," she retorted indignantly. "What are you doing here?"

"My return journey was quicker than anticipated," Liu Qingge replied. He raised an eyebrow. "I thought I might be needed as backup."

"Please," Yang Qinghui scoffed, "I was handling it."

Liu Qingge said nothing, but his expression was downright disdainful.

Huffing, Yang Qinghui turned and peered around the tree trunk. The trees close to them were beginning to sway.

"Alright, quickly, what's the plan?" she asked.

Liu Qingge stared at her incredulously. "You don't have a plan?"

Yang Qinghui whirled around. "You don't have a plan?"

"I was going to follow your plan!" Liu Qingge snapped.

"Oh, for – "

The bashe erupted from the trees with a hissing shriek, diving towards the two cultivators.


Yang Qinghui grabbed Liu Qingge's wrist and leapt for the next tree.

"What – Let go of me!" he shouted.

They hit the next branch at a bad angle. Yang Qinghui's foot slipped off the branch and she toppled forwards with a yelp, dragging Liu Qingge with her.

For a moment, she was weightless, the ground far below. The next, she and the ground were much too close.

Yang Qinghui groaned in pain, rolling onto her back. Her arm, stretched above her head, was still clutching Liu Qingge's wrist, and she titled her head to look at the other cultivator. He was lying face-down in the dirt.

"Oi, Qingge-shidi," Yang Qinghui whispered. "You alive?"

Liu Qingge lifted his head with a groan. A leaf was stuck to his cheek, and grass littered his high ponytail.

Yang Qinghui had to stifle a giggle, but all humour was suddenly driven out of her when she spotted the bashe and realized the bashe had also spotted them.

She scrambled to her feet and hoisted up Liu Qingge. "We gotta go!" she cried, sprinting deeper into the forest, dragging Liu Qingge behind her.

"Let go of me, damn it!" he shouted, tearing his wrist free. He tossed a glance over his shoulder, at the rapidly approaching giant snake. "Still don't have a plan?"

"Neither do you, I see!"

"Well, how'd you kill a bashe the first time?" Liu Qingge demanded.

Yang Qinghui chortled deliriously. "Lots and lots of alcohol!"

Liu Qingge skidded to a stop, letting Yang Qinghui fly past and crash into a tree trunk.

"Ow, fuck!" She stumbled back to her fellow cultivator, clutching her head. "Why the hell did you stop?"

"I'm not running," Liu Qingge said firmly. "I will kill this bashe."

He drew his sword, Cheng Luan, and took a fighting stance. A stony determination settled in his eyes. He was the picture of a fearsome cultivator.

"Okay, good luck!" Yang Qinghui sprinted away.

Liu Qingge scoffed. "I'm not surprised you'd run," he muttered. His words were quiet, but they carried to Yang Qinghui's ears.

Her pace slowed. Isn't the whole point of this to change my reputation? Do I really want to be known as a drunkard and a coward?

She looked over her shoulder. Liu Qingge's battle had already begun. The bashe flailed and struck out at a tiny, silver figure that flew from tree to tree with the ringing of steel.

"System," she asked, the thought suddenly occurring to her, "can I die here?"

"Death is possible," the System confirmed, "through loss of B-points or bodily harm."

Yang Qinghui sighed, dragging a hand through her hair. "Oh, what do I do?"


Liu Qingge landed in a crouch on a thick tree branch, watching the bashe closely. Its hide was tough and nearly impenetrable, but he'd managed to get a few good strikes on softer scales.

He wasn't sure he'd be able to kill it with his sword alone, though. If only I could trap it somewhere… Or if only Yue Qingyuan were here. Any of the Peak Lords, really. Just not –

Grey boots touched down on the branch beside him. He looked up in disbelief.

"You'll be delighted to know I've come up with a plan," Yang Qinghui quipped with a grin, her sword resting on her shoulder. "Brute force works better with two, don't you think?"

With a deep sigh, Liu Qingge stood and lifted his sword. "Unfortunately, I have to agree with you."

The two cultivators leapt from the branch at the same moment, and descended upon the bashe with ferocious strength.

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