
Survivors: Twenty Years Of Biohazard

Jason wakes up to the sound of a biological bomb exploding and finds himself in a dark basement. He discovers that the Earth world has been destroyed outside and its atmosphere has become toxic and deadly. So how did he end up in the basement? How will he get out of there? What awaits him outside?

Fadi_Beghdaoui15 · sci-fi
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4 Chs

Death of humanity

t is a thing.. not an animal.. it is a being that just seeing it makes your hair stand on end.. and makes whoever sees it wish to get as far away from it as possible.

All the young men retreated back away from the window, hoping that this huge monster that had turned the body of its human prey into a torn bag of amputated red intestines and terrifying stab wounds would not see them.. but this being had actually seen them, and before it finished devouring the remains of the corpse, of which nothing remained but the lungs, the spine and the clear sight of the liver.. it started hitting the window with its head like a bull!

The only thing left for those in the room was to watch, and the prayer that Benny uttered while he folded his hands together in the position of Christian prayer and his mouth trembled and his eyes closed in fear of sins and remorse, and muttered words of supplication to the Lord while the others were motionless, sweating and wishing for the window of the room that began to shake violently to hold up. Suddenly, a bullet lodged in the skull of the huge leopard, killing him to stop his loud roars and violent attack, and the survivors breathed a sigh of relief and wiped their sweat, but Benny continued his muttering with the same features of panic, but in the form of thanks and gratitude this time.

A steel door that was so consistent with the wall that it was invisible opened, and Adrian came out of it in his uniform, carrying his traditional rifle and removing his mask, and his uniform was wet and it seemed that he came from another room and said to them angrily: What did I tell you? Didn't I order you to stay where you are?! Now the t-jaguars have seen you and more of them may be coming

Jason apologized as he hugged Jennifer who was terrified: We're sorry, we wanted to check the place out, but... t-jaguars? What are these?

Benny intervened: They're Biohazards, right?

Adrian said as he looked out the window: No, they're not Biohazards... I told you this was just a rumor and you don't have to believe it... These are the new American army.

----- Expressions of surprise from the youth -----

Adrian: Hfffff... Everything has deteriorated

The youth knew that the hideout could no longer protect them, so their eyes were on the key that was in Adrian's pocket, but they completely forgot about it after the latter told them shocking and terrifying news, saying: The situation is very dangerous and deteriorating outside, the rebels are fighting with the army and the t-jaguar everywhere, the citizens are crowding at the border, and I also heard that the government has released about a thousand cloned Tiguar to cleanse this area... and they must reach us quickly by smelling the blood of those remnants outside

Thank you for your support!

Paul: Then we have to escape!

Adrian: We have to hide, if we go out now we will be prey to the t-jaguar and a target for the army.. We have to be patient before thinking about going out

He even adds saying: Genetically modified and hereditarily by the government and cloned as well to cleanse the country of rebels

Lisa: But that man told us that they attacked him in his hideout so he fled, he is not a rebel!

Adrian replied: Say this to our government, not to me.

Catherine said, bulging her blue eyes towards the window where Adrian was glued: We believed you, sir, I repeat that we are grateful to you.. The young men knew that the hideout could no longer protect them, so their eyes were on the key that was in Adrian's pocket, but they completely forgot about it after the latter told them shocking and terrifying news, saying: The situation is dangerous and very deteriorating outside, the rebels are fighting with the army and the Tiguar everywhere, the citizens are crowding at the border, and I also heard that the government has released about a thousand cloned Tiguar to cleanse this area.. and they will surely reach us quickly by smelling the blood of those remnants outside.

Paul: Then we have to run!

Adrian: Rather, we have to hide, if we go out now, we will be prey to the t-jaguar and a target for the army.. We have to be patient before thinking about going out.

Paul: But hiding here is dangerous too!

Then the speech was interrupted by a deep, hoarse roar coming from nearby, everyone looked out the window and were shocked by a terrifying sight, a whole clan of t-jaguars rushing towards their hideout at lightning speed!

Adrian shouted in readiness: They discovered our secret.. Come to the basement quickly!

Everyone entered and closed the basement and the sound of those monsters running increased more and more until it suddenly stopped.. Now they were waiting and wondering with their eyes about the reason for the disappearance of the sound, and here the old man was astonished to a secret room in the basement, which turned out to be through a wall from one of its corners. He entered and looked at the surveillance cameras that filled the room, and the others entered behind him, the first of whom was Jason, to see what he saw, the cameras showed the terrifying cheetahs wandering silently, and suddenly.. They appeared in front of the cameras and smashed them with their dirty jaws, then took the position of a clan and advanced like deer to hit the walls of the house with their strong heads to start smashing the entire house!...

But.. and with a genius plan.. Adrian pressed one of the buttons with his strong fist, and the house's surroundings exploded, and the cameras showed the remains of the transformed cheetahs scattered in the dust, and joy filled the hearts of the young men, but the owner of the basement showed signs of displeasure and tried to ignore it by saying: The good news is that I got rid of them, and the bad news is that we used the bombs that I used to protect the house's surroundings, we are now more vulnerable to attacks.

Here.. Jason hinted to Paul to distract Adrian while he steals his key that he had put in the office in the secret room, and this was after they left it and Katherine and Lisa began to ask him a lot of questions, so he answered them with an open and sad chest at the same time, and Jennifer in front of them watched them and tried to fully comprehend what was happening, as for Benny, he agreed to help Jason and Paul in implementing the plan as he had previously given his approval.

Paul approached Adrian and said to him with a fake and professional apology: I'm sorry for what I did before.

The old man turned to him after seeing the joy on my face Catherine and Lisa, who showed charming spontaneous smiles, replied: Don't worry, athlete, if I don't forgive you, maybe one of us will kill the other in the future. After everyone had a long conversation, Jason quietly sneaked into the room and took the key that was on the desk, but when he was outside, Adrian saw him, so Benny intervened and hit him on the head with the fire extinguisher that he had also stolen from the desk in case the plan failed, so he lost consciousness and Lisa brought a chair from the desk and they tied him to the chair.

Catherine brought the suits and the protective masks, and there they exchanged a look that was like a vote, and Jason volunteered first with a serious expression despite his tired body and head injury: I will go with Benny. Benny said in surprise: Did you choose me without my permission? He replied while putting on the suit: Do you have the power of Paul to protect the girls? Benny felt embarrassed and his face turned a little red while both Katherine and Lisa showed a fleeting smile, while Paul showed his silent approval, and Jennifer was still just watching and seeing what her companions would do.

Benny agreed reluctantly, and put on the second suit with all its equipment, from its gray design, and its extreme coldness despite the fact that it makes the wearer feel hot and makes him sweat, and the artificial pores on the ends of her arms and near the neck, and they all went up to the upper room, and there Jason came forward carrying the mask in one hand and Adrian's gun in the other, and Paul recommended saying: Take care of Jennifer, Katherine and Lisa.

He replied to him reassuringly: Don't worry, my friend, come back to us with good news quickly.

Jason pursed his lips and said to him in a reminder: Watch that Adrian well.. We saw the equipment he put in place and we don't know what danger could appear from where.

He replied with the same confidence: I won't ignore him for a second.

In a brotherly, humane manner, these two young men embraced and exchanged Feelings of gratitude and brotherhood that are clearly evident in great disasters and crises, as for Penny, Catherine approached him and touched his arm gently, saying while focusing her eyes on his: Check your suit well, you are an idiot and you might leave it open. Penny laughed and said to her: Don't worry, I will make sure that I die quickly and not in pain.

Jason said after hugging Jennifer and saying goodbye: Well.. It's time to see what happened to the world.

They left the upper room, then entered another room full of small pipes and hanging sprinklers, and they knew that it was the purification room, so Jason opened the exit door with the key, and showed them the world that explained more details that the window had hidden from them.. A barren and deserted land, devoid of grass except for a small amount that still resists the toxic atmosphere and burning air, under the yellow sky devoid of clouds, which gives the feeling of air that no living being can breathe.

Benny: Man man man.. It's as if we are on another planet, I can't believe that this is Earth!

Jason: Our actions and fanaticism are what caused all this, come on let's not waste any more time.

Then the two young men rushed looking for someone to help them or a way to get them out of this terrifying place, and they walked with all the energy left in their bodies directly hoping to reach one of the landmarks that suggest the existence of life that has completely disappeared from sight!

Meanwhile, Paul and the girls were watching Adrian who woke up and vowed to take revenge on them.

Paul: Don't worry, we're doing this for your own good.

Adrian: What you're doing is wrong, none of you know this place better than me.

Catherine: We can't just stay here and put ourselves in danger.

Adrian: You don't know those monsters well, the t-jaguar is twice as fast as a cheetah, three times the size of a lion, its claws tear through thick flesh, and its bite shatters bones

Paul: Don't believe him, there's no way that there could be such a powerful creature.

Adrian: You'll see for yourself.

He nodded his head as he looked at the exit of the basement, his face filled with sweat: We'll all see it.

Moments later, Jason and Benny reached a road leading to New York that was completely empty. They knew this from the small rusty sign, but signs of life had not yet appeared, and their suspicions were growing little by little. They turned around like someone walking in a forest of monsters. These things might be close and they did not know.

Suddenly, they saw a small truck coming. Jason brandished the gun in the middle of the road, ordering its driver to stop. He said to Benny: Be careful. We do not know who this person is.

The truck stopped. A masked man in a gray suit got out of it, and they only saw his Latin eyes behind the mask. He said to them: Please, I am going to my hideout. I will give you all the supplies you want.

Jason shouted at him, bringing the gun closer to him: Where are you from?

- Aaaaah... - He stuttered. - My name is "Lopez". I will take you to the Paintsville station. There is food and people who can help you! Then Benny said: This is our chance! .. We have to go with him.

The man said: Yes, yes, there is room for you both!

Jason said to him: Then we will go with you, but if you do anything wrong, we will kill you, you know that.

He replied: Of course, of course! -and then he started saying Spanish phrases-

The truck left and the chatter did not leave the Latino's words. The strange thing, and what made the two young men nervous, was that when they asked him about the reason for everything surrounding them, he answered them in Spanish, as he did not speak English well. He told them that he was a Mexican tourist. After quick laughs and flashes of smiles, the seconds suddenly sped up and the Mexican took out a gun from the box near the steering wheel. Benny shouted from the back seat while Jason forgot his combat readiness and took his hand away from the trigger of his gun. Benny grabbed the Latino from behind the seat by the neck and prevented him from shooting until Jason recovered and planted a bullet from his gun in the Mexican's liver, killing him and staining his uniform. Then Jason grabbed the steering wheel and parked the truck, which began to sway after the death of its driver. They regained their breath and their hearts almost came out of their places. After a quick inhale and exhale and intense tension, Benny asked, shouting: He almost killed us, why didn't you pull the trigger?! His companion answers him: He is dead now, no time for reproach

In those seconds, a mixture of barking dogs and roaring lions erupts behind them, so Benny turns around and is surprised to see a whole clan of t-jaguars on the hill to the left of their south.. It looked bigger than the previous time, perhaps because now they were seeing it directly and not through the cameras, and the eyes of those creatures were focused on them.. They are preparing to attack. Jason spoke in a sharp tone as he threw the Mexican's body on the road: Put on your seat belt and hold on tight.

Then Benny did as the driver ordered him and the latter took off at full speed in Lopez's car, so the wild tiguars chased them and the deadly chase began.. In the meantime, Adrian managed to pull out a small knife that he had hidden on his arm and under his coat and began to cut the rope in order to escape, then he said to the young men: Oh, I forgot to tell you, it's not just the tiguars that occupy this area!

Lisa: What else is there?!

Adrian: If you are lucky and can survive it, you will find cannibals in front of you

Paul (sarcastically): Are they zombies, for example?

Adrian: They are people like us, but hunger made them eat their own kind! They are looking for any prey, which is us! And they will never leave us alive!

Although the young men did not believe Adrian's words, he seemed serious, so they were terrified and suspicious, and after a short while they heard the voice of the army that surrounded the house and ordered them to surrender themselves

Adrian said after he finished untying him: Here are my friends finally coming.

Then he freed himself and hit Paul who was focused on the voice of the army men, and took his gun from his hiding place and pointed it at Paul and the girls, then the army entered and stormed the place and arrested the young men and even Jennifer without discrimination, but the surprising thing is that they did not arrest Adrian, but one of them asked him, saying: Brigadier, are you okay!

To answer him: I am fine, but two of them escaped, find them now

Soldier: Yes, sir

While Lisa and Catherine resist the violent way of the soldiers in tying them up and complaining and denouncing, and Jennifer is submissive and does not talk much, Paul said while being tied up: So you are a brigadier general in the army!

Adrian: Yes, Paul, and let me play my game on you now.

Paul didn't understand this sentence, then the soldiers brought the protective suits and put them on the young men and arrested them and took them in the armored trucks, and then Paul asked many questions, the most prominent of which was: If Adrian was a brigadier general in the army, why did they lock us up in the basement? And what was the purpose of their arresting us? And was all this planned in advance?!

Then, in the meantime, despite Jason's speed in the truck, the fast tigress was able to catch up with it and hit the truck, which flipped over and then fell into the valley.. The mutant cheetahs approached, and now there were only a few yards between them and their prey...

To be continued...