
Surviving the Undead

After ten years of navigating the dangers of the apocalypse alongside her teammates, Emma's journey takes a dark turn when betrayal strikes from within her own group. As she fights for her life and grapples with the consequences of trust and loyalty, Emma must confront the harsh realities of survival in a world where the undead aren't the only threat. With themes of resilience, independence, and the strength of the human spirit, "Surviving the Undead" offers a gripping tale of survival against all odds.

01lyq · sci-fi
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38 Chs

Chapter 7: Last Time

As she sank into the warm embrace of the water, Emma closed her eyes, allowing herself to become fully immersed in the experience. With each passing moment, she felt the water seeping into her pores, as if it were reaching deep into her very core. It was a sensation unlike any other, both comforting and disturbing in equal measure.

With determined concentration, Emma focused on herself, noticing small changes in her body. It felt like the water was waking up something that had been sleeping, making it come to the surface of her skin. After waiting for what felt like forever, she felt a slight tingle that got stronger, and then she saw it – dark liquid starting to come out of her pores and mix with the clear water in the barrel.

Emma's heart raced with excitement as she watched the transformation unfold before her eyes. This was it – tangible proof of the water's mysterious power. And the best part? She didn't need to sleep for it to take effect. The water worked its magic swiftly and efficiently, proof of how strong it was.

Feeling victorious, Emma stopped the timer on her phone, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. Feeling stronger and more capable than she had ever felt before.

But Emma's curiosity wasn't satisfied just yet. She remained in the water until it turned completely dark, Showing that her body had released all of the mysterious liquid it could. With a sense of calm settling over her, she emerged from the barrel and began to clean herself up.

Stepping in front of the mirror, Emma's eyes widened with joy as she looked at her reflection. Although the changes were slight compared to the night before, they were still clearly noticeable. The dark circles and small wrinkles that had come from staying up late were now gone, replaced by smooth, youthful skin. And the tiny bits of fat that had diminished the night before seemed to have decreased even further, revealing a more toned and sculpted body.

Her idea had proven correct, except for one thing – she didn't need to sleep for it to work. Over the next few days, Emma settled into a simple routine. Each morning began with the task of transferring items from her from the extra storage area to her inner storage room. Next, she carefully inspected her plants, tending to them with gentle care. The addition of animals – goats, cows, sheep, chickens, and ducks – breathed new life into her secret home. Emma also stocked the pond next to the well with fish, making sure there would always be enough extra fresh food available.

In between taking care of her growing collection of animals, Emma spent her time constructing shelters and other necessary structures for them. It was a task she undertook with love, each project showcasing her resourcefulness and unwavering determination. As the days passed, Emma noticed a remarkable change in herself. The dark ink that once plagued her body now seemed to flow out more rapidly as if every pore had been unlocked. As the days went by, the amount of black liquid lessened, leaving her feeling lighter and more refreshed with each passing day.

But the most remarkable change was in her body. She had achieved the physique she had always dreamed of - her muscles were defined and powerful, yet there was a softness to them that showed beauty. Encouraged by the changes she experienced from the water, Emma began including regular exercise sessions in her daily schedule. This helped her build even more strength and boosted her confidence. Emma loved feeling strong and confident, enjoying the life she had always imagined for herself.

By the end of the week, Emma's yard had been transformed into a busy small farm. Lush green plants thrived under the sun, their fruits ripe for the picking. The gentle sounds of animals added a harmonious melody to the peaceful atmosphere. Yet amidst the vibrant life surrounding her, Emma couldn't help but appreciate the crisp, fresh air that filled her lungs. It was completely different from the suffocating feeling on other farms she had seen. Emma quietly expressed her gratitude to the mysterious reward system, recognizing that without it, her decision to add animals could have been a regrettable mistake.

As Emma began her routine of adding supplies to her inner storage, a familiar ding echoed in her mind. Her smile widened in realization – she had completed her second mission.

The systematic voice returned once again, its tone celebratory. "Congratulations on completing mission two. Reward: Conscious control system. Reward: Animal Transformation. Reward: Automatic Farming System. Reward…"

As the systematic voice continued its message, Emma's surroundings underwent another remarkable transformation. Her house and yard seemed to expand before her eyes, doubling in size, yet blending perfectly with the surrounding landscape as new trees sprouted up around them, concealing her vibrant yard from prying eyes.

Not only did her surroundings change, but her storage room expanded once again, making room for the supplies made by the animals that automatically appeared. And as for her animals, they seemed more robust and energetic.

But what intrigued her most among the newfound rewards was the appearance of a control room in her mind. With the press of a button, Long, sharp extensions emerged from the electric fence surrounding her property. Emma's heart raced with excitement – now, even the intruders with electrical gloves won't be able to break in.

As the rewards began to slow down, the systematic voice chimed in once more, "Fifteen more days until the zombie apocalypse. No missions until then. Please enjoy human society until the end." And with that, the voice vanished.

Emma's heart sank at the realization. With no new missions on the horizon, she wouldn't have the opportunity to earn any further rewards until after the apocalypse began.

After waiting for a week, Emma went back to the city to get her RV. The bustling streets seemed more chaotic than ever, with honking horns and crowded sidewalks adding to the frenetic energy of the urban landscape. Navigating through the maze of traffic, Emma finally arrived at the rental company to return the truck she had used for transportation. 

Next on her agenda was picking up her RV, she needed to move around and stay safe during the coming apocalypse. When Emma walked into the dealership, she looked around at all the shiny vehicles, trying to find the one she brought. After talking briefly with the salesperson, she got the keys to her new RV.

With the RV secured, Emma drove it to a deserted spot. She scanned the area to ensure it was empty before positioning the RV carefully into her inner storage room. 

Emma entered the phone store with a sense of excitement bubbling inside her. As she walked towards the counter, she wore a confident smile. The sales associate welcomed her warmly, ready to help. "What can I do for you today?" she asked.

"I'd like to switch to a new phone provider and get a new number," Emma replied, her tone decisive. "My current number has been receiving too many spam calls lately."

The sales associate nodded understandingly, quickly pulling up their system to assist Emma with her request. As they worked on setting up her new phone plan, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over her. All these changes symbolize one thing, her past is behind her.

As the sales associate handed Emma her new phone and SIM card, she felt a surge of excitement course through her veins. With a grateful smile, she thanked the salesperson before heading out of the store, her phone safely tucked away in her pocket.

Walking down the street, Emma couldn't suppress a giggle as she imagined the chaos her family must be experiencing, bombarded by calls from the usurers demanding repayment. The thought of their frantic attempts to save their crumbling situation filled her with a sense of satisfaction. After years of manipulation and mistreatment, it was nice to see them squirming under the weight of her revenge.

As the countdown in her mind went down to two days, Emma went back to the city for the one last time.