
The Launch of the Great Crusade...

After the Primarchs was Lost in the Warp...

Alexander lay Unconscious for a Day... For a Day He laid in a bed in the Imperial Palace...

"What happen?" Stirred Alexander from his sleep... Weakened from his soul that was almost empty...

[Aside From Ripping your soul to pieces, your personality wise yeah, you officially become a Blank and a Psyker at the same time...your existence is pretty much a Contradictory Mess...a Paradox.]

"As long as they are safe that is all that matters..."

[You literally care about them more than your well being so you?]

"Aw, worried about me Partner? My Skill and perks are there?"

[Some of your souls partially got the Perks it will take time to recover them...]

"Fair enough...tell me...partner have I done something right?"

[I don't know... You are probably the First Person that think of doing that...but seeing the Chrono Clock... I see that Horus Heresy still happen...]

"So it was meaningless?"

[Not Entirely Meaningless... As there are some of them are more like Renegades in the eyes of the Imperium...just do your best to make them rethink their fall...added bonus if your shards done something right...]

While Alexander ruminating his dumb choice of making the shards of himself as Primarchs anchors and he was unable to completely send them all as it was a Quick job instead of the Emperor shard that dwell upon him... After Recovery... He went to meet with Erda...

Erda was Placed in a House Arrest in a Tower instead of the Dark Cells of Terra, despite she willingly released the Primarchs to the warp...the Emperor gave her that much leniency....

Her door opened and revealed Alexander...

He was neither furious like the Emperor realizing that he lost the Primarchs... or Frown by Macaldor...

"Tell me Erda...Why did you do it?" Alexander stood by the door waiting for her answer...

"You know the Future, You Know the things he would become!"

"Did I? Or did you believe in those lies that willingly pushed upon you while you think that he wanted to become a God? You only seen the Part and you willingly played it by handed your sons on a Silver Platter! You Made the Path that he would become!"

"I did what I had to do! He is a Despot and a Monster!"

"Then you Erda, are the Person that Dammed Humanity as a whole! You dammed your Sons as Person that thinks that the Perpetuals are the Supreme Beings, Look what happen to the Eldar, Now Residing barely in my Territory and Many scattered in the winds, instead of their Territories from long ago You fed Him Lies! Perpetual is not the way to go!" Alexander Eyes Glowed gold and Light Engulf the Room...

Erda tried to closed her eyes but her mind could not comprehend the things she have done...

She was granted a Vision from the Warp of the Emperor being a God... But not all of it...

What Alexander Showed her is what happens if he didn't ripped his soul out the Ascension of him being a God...

She Saw Some of Her sons had decent Parents as the moment as she felt smug that she was right...

Until she met those that she dammed the most...And the Galaxy that she carved by her own hands. Bloodshed, Misery and Horrors was mentioned in her name...

Angron... now covered in Butchers nails Raised his Axe to the Dark Gods, Slaughtering People in the name of the gods... As Her cries to stop him felt on deaf ears as she was ripped apart like the others that Slain upon his wake...

Konrad Curze, Flayed Entire Planets leaving the Cities in eternal Silence... She become a eternal Participant in his Flaying Chambers...

Perturabo.... Destroyed all of Humanity Creations without Remorse or Pity....She was Blasted Immediately as the Moment she Approached Perturabo pleading to seek reason...

Mortarion, Spreading Plague and Misery to the People system fall into the kindness of the Plague Father... She Tried to stop him only to be almost infected by Nurgle Rot

Horus... How the Vision of Horus had made her scream in terror as he orders countless fleets to razed Systems of the Imperium people that had nothing to do with the Emperor died by the Billions... She wanted her sons to be freed...but not like this...

He Looked at the Direction at where Erda was Standing and He Charged at her... 

"Son?" Was All She said as his uncaring nature pierced his sword into her chest... Making her sent to another vision...

And She Saw what truly transpired...

The Emperor Trapped in the Golden Throne For Ten Thousand years unable to speak or even scream as the Imperium that he raised is falling around him, where his faith in humanity working towards progress and Technology is replaced by zealotry and Fanatism worshipping the Corpse Emperor...

There She Found herself in a ocean of Blood...

Countless Corpses of all Ages Made by her decision of sending her sons away now come to dragged her to the Eternal depths...Each Damming her for their deaths.

"I only wanted to see my sons to be freed...I never wanted this to happen..." Her Mind Is Broken... Unable to realize the consequences of her actions...She Vehemently denied the truth of what she had done.

"No Amount of Apologies will bring back the Dead that soon to come...you pulled the trigger of the destruction of mankind...Your Death will soon come...And it will be not by my hands or Neoth, but by the Product of Consequence you have made." Alexander Referring to Erebus that soon come to claim her life... He left Erda In her room to ruminate her last action, she could defy... but her fate is something that he would not save... 

He Arrived in the Bucephalus Holo Table, Overlooking the Galactic map that shows the Beacon that was Imbedded into the Gestation Pods of the Primarchs... One of said pods was landed in Terra and Macaldor went to investigate it... Leaving Alexander and Revelation alone...

"We Should Picked the Closest one..." Revelation pointed out a Beacon that is a Few Light years away from Terra...

"Horus Lupercal.." Alexander touched on the Primarch numeral...

"It would Seem that you Know him. What is his planet looks like?"

"Well, I had my forces scattered to all in the Former Federation Controlled territories in the general vicinity of the Beacons... While doing so we have Extensive knowledge of the all the Culture and Languages...Horus is More akin to a Gangster like planet, so bear in mind how you act. If you claim that you grab all the credits that he fought who knows how long, he would be resentful...Keep in mind that Over the years Humanity across the stars have different Culture than what Terra Has to offer...so there are some that could be respected while others we need to rip the Foundations apart and rebuild it anew."

"I See... I keep that in mind, How do you propose the Grand Crusade?"

"My Forces will be Starting in the Proposed Ultima Segmentum... We would Be In be taking Charge over here and we would wait on our end...Making a Supply Chain possible. And added bonus it is making our more Heavier Cargo Transports able to ship Materials and Supplies to The Imperium Frontline." Alexander as he show the Current Map of the Galaxy...

One that shown Terra and The League and between them is Several Human Micro Empires and Xenos Controlled territory...

He Pointed a Direction of the League leading towards Terra And Expanding the Vicinity Westward like a Tide...

"Interesting... What happens to those planets that is captured by you?"

"Well... It would be Up to the League Standards like the Federation of Old and they will be Self-sufficient after which, they would be handed over to Imperium control or if they choose they would remained with me...but if the Governor you placed is rotten we are obligated to acquire it, Any Xenos that is Deemed Reasonable and not dangerous to humanity would be shipped back to the League...at least they would not be slaughter when the time comes..."

"You Intend to be Like Noah Ark?"

"Perhaps, they might know something that we don't know as we were fighting amongst ourselves and trying to survive in the Age of Strife...and Besides there are more Xenos hostile to humanity so have fun killing them."

"What are the Conditions your support?"

"The Thunder Warriors and a Eternal Peace, Military and Trade Treaties Made by you and Macaldor."

"Why do you want them in the first place?"

"They may be under your entourage for now... But for how long will the Imperium hunt them down? The Last Senate Meeting I barely able to save them, what happens when you are gone? Better give them to me as a Sign of Good Gesture, and Make the Civillians believe that the Ticking time bombs known as the Thunder Warriors sent away from imperial space... I have Technology to free them from their imperfections..."

"Why not give it to me?"

"Look at the Public Outrage Revelation, If The League, one of Its closest Allies aside from Mars suddenly give the Thunder Warriors an upgrade in Imperium territory, they will looked at Us as monsters for making them more destructive..."

"I see... Will they be safe?"

"Of Course, I fought alongside with them, at least they deserve respect. Beside I will unable to order them around... As they still believe in you..."

"Even though they knew I was planning to kill them?"

"I could blame the Fears of the public for making you think like that way .. but at least In my society... They will be Honorary Guest..."

After several moments Revelation signed a Warrant of Trade and Handed it to Alexander, the First Warrant of Trade Made By Revelation for a Leader of a Large territory to trade among the planets of the Imperium...

And Several Papers of Peace and Acknowledging the Legal Status of the League...

"I hope you follow me to the bitter end..."

"Revelation, you known me since the Age Of Strife and even before that and I wouldn't dare to go back on my pledge to unite humanity alongside with you, Despite the Fact some of your Perpetual Friends Defied you, I still stood with you until we met Macaldor...I sacrificed my time to help to make Terra instead of Defying against you...and Provided the Information of Xenos races and Human Empires that is Both Beneficial or Detrimental to us... What more is there for a Loyal friend that wished to follow your shining path?"

"I know... It's just that the Task is more colossal than what we both did on Earth...hard to tell which loyalties lies.."

"Ha, Fair enough... Better learn how to be a better father as I am practically making a Joint operations with my forces just for you to spend time with the Primarchs..."

"You... thanks.."

"What are Old Friends for? Once the Great Crusade End and we Unite Humanity, you owe me and Macaldor a Bottle Of Wine from Sicily...and I want the Primarchs to go on their dreams..."

"You thought about their futures?"

"Revelation... Once the Great Crusade are united, better put their Skills to the Civilian Sectors, I see them as Humans... And The Legions as Peacekeepers... Rather than making them in a all out brawl that you are planning with Macaldor..."

"You heard about that?"

"Revelation I know what you are thinking... Even if Humanity is united and Make the Legions seem redundant... Are you sure that Xenos races will not rise up in greater numbers that is not feasible for Ordinary Human to fight against, the Orks? The Tyranids? The Legions must stay... Better to have them prepared than not having them at all..."

"Fair Point..."

Both Grinned as they planned more extensive operations...

As The Emperor prepare to Fetch Horus...

Alexander Went back to the Imperium Palace to commence his part of the Great Crusade and Found Macaldor and The First Primarch... Alpharius...

The Child Looked at him with curiosity...

And Macaldor treated him like his own son...

"I am Alpharius..." The Primarch was his first words said to him... As he held out his hand towards Alexander ...

"I know... welcome home... Brother..." He smiled and Held the Hand in return...

In the Imperial Palace Plaza, Several Legions bearing their Heraldy in full colors, proud, confident knowing they along with their Seniors, the Thunder Warriors to Carve Humanity Fate Among the Stars...

The Emperor, Macaldor approach the Legions and Alexander Walked beside them, Looking the Last time he might see the glory of Humanity...

The Emperor took to the Stage and all of the Astartes looked at him while the Custodes stood Infront of him...

"My Dear Friends Thunder Warriors that been with me till the end of the Unification Wars, My Loyal Astartes that give themselves to me, Sacrificing your Lives as a Human to Be part of a Grander plan, This is the start of our crusade of uniting Humanity, for too long, that we were a Shell of our former glory across the stars... Many Xenos that enslaved us, Humans that Seek to undermine our legacy scattered among the stars... There are horrors beyond Comprehension... But Have Faith in me and the Brothers alongside you... be Vigilant of the Dangers in the Void, Be faithful to the Dream of a United Humanity! We will not Back down Lain on the ashes of our Birthright! This Crusade is the Beginning to Save Humanity!" The Emperor Raise his sword, Flaming with desires to see to it that humanity is united once more... The Emperor image etched into the Minds of everyone as they loaded into the Stormbirds that readied their engines to ship their soldiers to the Legions Fleet...

Alexander bitterly watched as he knew most of them may never arrived home alive...

He Returned to The Imperial Palace...

In the depths of the Palace was a Teleporter that able to transport to The League only his Bio Signature and his Heartbeat was the Authentication... With a Soul Reading for taint...

As soon as he reached the Other side...

It was more Technologically Advanced than the Imperium... As Sanctified Men of Iron Guarded Generals and Battle Plans were created everyday... By the Local A.I alongside with Tactical officers giving opinions on how will they react have improved the fluidity of the battlefield... And There were Several Eldars and Squats overseeing the Battles in their Respective Theater of war...

He returned to his office

And he was met by Several People that waited his return...

"What are the reports?" He asked as they handed him several files...

A General Spoke his piece...

"The Military stand ready... And the People is aware of the Plan...and our objectives have been met..."

"Did the Interex agreed to join us?"

"Yes, and their system is being placed to our territory and they joined us against Chaos, the Artifact that you requested is under our jurisdiction and they see tht our containment is much more secured than their own...and Currently we are making a False system for the Imperium to conquer"

'Hopefully I get that Kinebrach blade before Erebus...' Alexander thought about it...

He was planning to placed that Cursed Blade into his inventory so that Horus would not fall...Even if that fails it would buy time for Him to regroup...

"What about the Empire of Gehenna?"

"They agreed to join the League and their only request is that we should help heal them..."

"Do whatever it takes to make them recover and they are part of humanity after all.."

"Sir what about the Shadow Empires?"

The General refer to the humans Controlled territory that retained their Technology and managed to hidden themselves from the Age Of Strife... They hidden themselves from the Imperium Sensors but the League have their General Location...

"Have them Intergrated into our Territory and Send our old Federation Codes. Their Defenses will recognize us...and Have the Ambassadors Reached out for them to be part of the League and Bring them up to Date in the Galaxy at large."

Alexander Knew that sooner or later... The Imperium might forget their Existence in the Later years due to the Bloated Bureaucracy... Might as well they would be put to good use as a Reserves And Supply Base... For a Possible Heresy... and a Place for refuge.

"Sir, what is the next order?"

"What is our Progress in the Ultima Segmentum? And the Search for the Primarchs?"

"So far we managed to Get to our Objectives met by 65% thanks to our agents in the field, As those that we helped in the Age of Strife now Pledge to you their service, but there are some system that was in civil wars as we mediated and we took over their government Infrastructure...it would take years till they stabilized and remolded by our standards...However the Primarchs search take time... The Primarch Roboute tht you claimed is hidden by a Warp Storm... We manage to sent in a Spy Ship that used Necron Phase Tech and observe his actions and we sent informed the Imperium and The Emperor have sent Supply Caches to Angron and some of them were books written in Nurcerian Language...but the rest fleets that is searching of the Primarchs have difficulties..."

"How so?"

"The Fleet that was searching for the II and XI went Radio Silent...We lost their ID. And we lost communication...and the Rest of the Fleet is still searching..."

"Where are those two missing fleets located?"

"They were in Rangdan Territory..."

"Any signs of Activity?"

"As of now so far they haven't stirred from their territory..."

"I doubt it would be a Good thing... Have the Military Build Starforts in our Territory bordering them and Ready a Reserve Fleet... We can't risk having them invade us until the Imperium reaches their side of their space... Furthermore... Make a Plan of Taking over a Systems that lead to Terra and Maintaining a Supply Lines to the Imperium is vital for our survival..."

"As You will..."

He opened the Doors revealing a City that is Advance to the point that People was not discontent as he knew that by lowering taxes and Subsidizing The Food and Basic Necessities it would generate revenue and Loyalty to begin to form in his society as they were informed of the various Warlords in the galactic space, how will their lives be better if He was ousted from power? Who will make promises that he already fulfill with his obligations? Who will listen to the people personally without any guards? They defended him as they know their good life...

He may have the Military power and Order to keep the population stable... It wasn't enough as he needs to make them more affirm to his beliefs, he have to assured every soldiers family are well taken care of that joining the military is not a Disgrace... As The people are his Bulwark against the fight against the Dark as they were constantly informed of the dangers of the Warp and the Psykers in his territory have been trained by Eldar working as Instructors to defend their minds from the Taint... He must be the Fortress to defend against the horrors that soon to come...

Most of them Used the STCs that he collected long ago... And they improved it and their Contribution are valued as Innovations and Creations are vital to both the War effort and their daily lives... Panacea was given to everyone to prevent diseases but the more improved Strain the "Panacea Perfect" was given to the military that is Based on the Panacea Perverted that was corrupted by the Drukhari... With added features...

They aged more slowly till they reached in their 30s then stopped aging... They will only die of Battle and if they wanted to grow old a vaccine was used to remove the anti aging that they die peacefully... But they still retained the rest of the Panacea...

Nurgle couldn't infest the League as all the planets under their ownership Yggdrasil Trees were covering it similar to the Golden throne, unlike one in Terra that is like a Lighthouse shining in the dark, it was like a Firestorm of Rebirth of Psyker and Null energies constantly erupting and Basking the People's living there, never letting a Crack for Evil to pass that Daemons and Daemon Princes wouldn't dare attacked it... A Shining Golden light that Blazed in the East in the eyes of Psyker active species.....They encounter the First Necron Trazyn when he attempted to steal one such trees but was given a Spare for his use as a Sign of friendship... Which they made contact and understood of the Necron Race...

Trazyn was pleased that The Scientists and Scholars of the League arrive to his Galleries and Tried to understand the History of his Race and The Galaxy at large which made him not want to steal such inquisitive species as He did saw them appreciate the Culture of Necrons that some wanted to recreate some of the Necron pastimes... Unlike Orikan that Barged in his Galleries time to time and Wrecking the artifacts he painstakingly collect...they help recreate some of the lost artifacts... Which he appreciated...

Alexander stood Infront of the Armies that soon followed the Great Crusade...

Men of Iron, Soldiers in Power Armor armed with Gauss, Railguns and Volkite weaponry, Eldar That Volunteer as Scouts and Squats that are Engineers, various Xenos Races That Alexander Helped over the Thousands of years during their age of strife had Send their Contribution to the League... The Baneblades stood proudly in the Glistening sun, Zakus Mono Eye Looked at the Podium...Acclamator, Lunar Class Cruiser and Venator Fleets That was stationed at orbit, to the A.I Fleets that is Patrolling the League Borders....to the Lowest Janitor that cleaned the halls and the Farmers that Harvested their crops on a Agri world to the Highest Planetary Governors that lived with their families and Generals that stood beside him, all waited his Speech...

"My Dear Citizens... Today is the day that our Allies, the Imperium have Started their Great Crusade...but knowing the Dangers of the Void we presevere and we thrived...We are now on a Timer for all of us... Whether it is the Eldar that stands by us in these dire times that we aided them when their Empire collapse and the Squats that is Our closest friend that we joined against the Greenskins Warpath to their homeland...Today is not the Day We Hide behind our A.I Defenses... No longer will we have to see our friend that is Drifting in the Void in their Craftworlds, No longer will see our loved ones died in the Subterranean earth by the Greenskins menace, unable to see the sun, no longer will we wait for our beliefs that this might be the end, to see hope in this accursed galaxy... Today we must Liberate... Today we must stand united!" Alexander Spoke...

"Ready your Engines Men, Double check every instrument in your station, Straighten your Path, look at the Soldiers beside you as they are your friends that will fight alongside you, as the Golden Light Decreed upon you... We are Going to War!" Alexander Bellowed....

Cheer erupted from the Soldiers that seen that day...

LAAT and Valkyries flew to the Skies and Loaded up with Soldiers...

Baneblades and Sentinels moved to the Acclamators to be loaded up to space...

Now the Great Crusade Had Truly begun...

Factories begins to churn our Materials for the War Effort within reasonable Rates...

Dockyard started constructing via Automation and Workers began to implement the Internal parts...

Both Man and Machine worked in Tandem to make the Dream come to Fruition...

Several League Goliath Class Ships stood Silent in waiting for the Rest of the Ships...

And In the center of it all is a Abyss Class Ship Alexander Took Over...

Having used Lorgars Gift of such a Ship it was the Mobile Command center of the League and the Most Heavily Defended...

From Terra rise the Emperor of Mankind Astartes Legions and the Grand Crusade and From the League Marched Soldiers and Tanks that they would make a Spearhead to Join with Terra...

Both have the same wish to see humanity united...

Azurite of Uranus...

Azurites is a Human civilization that lived in orbital cities over Uranus before the dawn of the Imperium. They were known as a peaceful community of artisans who got by scavenging

It was the First Joint Corporation between the Imperium and the League under compliance making a Security Pact from the League and a Loyalty tithe to the Imperium...

It was the First Compliant Civilization beyond Mars...and they been introducing their unique technologies to the League and The Astartes Legions of the Grand Crusade...

They were Attacked By Solar Pirates that is their Ancient Foe...

A Loosely Based Confederation of Xenos and Humans that survived the Age of Strife by Plundering and looting ...

They been harassing the Cities for long but upon learning that the Imperium and the League have Close ties of their Prey, They Waited for a Reasonable time that they attacked... Until their Captain couldn't take it anymore and ordered the attack as the Legions were already Moved on from the Solar System...

They Attacked the station with such ferocity that they able to board the Cities by the Hundreds....

The People at the Station Released their Calls of Help to the Imperium....

The Imperium wasted no time and Gave them 50 Imperial fist and a Warship as their Forces were stretched thin....

But the League Sent 20 Acclamators from the Trading Convoys and Several Contingent of Men Of Iron in their Cargo bays...

The Imperium was Curious how will the Small ships of the League would react...

Those 50 Imperial Fist Realized the Danger of Why the Men of Iron was Terrifying in Old Terra...

The Pirates thought it was Just 50 Giant Astartes but they were met By Giant Machine Men that Phased into the Cities to protect their occupants and in the General Quarters of the Pirate Ships...

Their Screams Echoed As Weapons of their Nightmares would come back to haunt them...

The Machines held no remorse no pity that their Brutality would have been appreciate by the Night lords of Old...

Many Pirates tried to fight back...

Their Shots were deflected by Conversion Fields and Barriers that was Installed within the Metal men... The Imperial Fist was Tasked to Protect the People as the Robots took the fight to the Enemies

These were no Derelict Men of Iron the Pirates Faced... These were the First Legion of Machines that was Created From Nirvana... Fashioned from Humanity Will and The Machine Beliefs of the Machine God... They slaughtered to the Last man until the Captain Pleaded to Surrender...

"Your Ships already told us your Secrets... Your Services are no longer required..." Was the Call he received from the Boarding Party...

As seeing they were not in a mood of Negotiations as Sign of Desperation he Launched Several Boarding Torpedoes to the Station that Held Deranged Psykers that they Smuggled out of Terra Long ago... They were infected by a Warp Plague that those that listen to it would be turned into the Warp creatures... Upon realizing what is happening the Men Of Iron Informed the Forces in the Battlefield of what the captain is planning to do...

The Acclamators Opened Fire and Shot Down Several and the Orbital Defenses of the Azurite have down the Last Boarding Torpedoes...

The Captain Stared Blankly as the last of his attempt was Blown to pieces...

And the Doors to his Command Room opened he smiled bitterly as he was met by Several Bolters shells into his being...

And Their Ships silently returned to the Pirates hideout along with the Imperial Fists...

Through Mimicry they were allowed into the deepest depths of the Pirate Hideout..

The Guards realize something was wrong as they didn't hailed back their secret messages... It was already too late...

As the Men of Iron have Phased once more into their Base and the Imperial Fist Joining them, Shocked and Realized the Enemies among them... They panicked and rushed to their ships as attempt to make their escape... The Acclamators Followed the Hijacked Fleet and Destroyed every Engine Block on every ship that was docked and leave the fates of the Survivors to the Imperial Fist...

Those that defied them were put to the Swords and those that survived, the League need no slaves, but the Techpriest of Mars constantly needed more manpower and they always wanted to know if Turning Xenos Races into Servitors for the Manufacturing is actually a decent thing...

And they actually Succeeded of making several of them as servitors...

While those that did not survive would be put as Research Materials... And the Surviving Humans? Servitors are more productive than one being dead...

The Imperial Fist that was Sent there was the First Heroes that they fought against all odds as the Men of Iron is still not seen in a good light in the Imperium... 

But they knew how dangerous their allies was...

It was a Cycle of Efficiency Debate as why the Slavers and Pirates should manage to get free? 

Turning them into Servitors is more reasonable than tossing them into jail that waste resources...

That Emperor Stated in Alexander should Handle Piracy keeping the Trade Lanes Secured...

Which He Agreed...

The Howls of Pirates Echoes the Stars as Alexander name spoken in whispers in the dark side of Humanity...

Doesn't matter if you know someone from higher up, Or How Wealthy you are....

Meeting Alexander Hunter fleets means that you either be dead or you be turned as a Servitors for eternally working till your flesh disappeared from the metal cage you trapped in... There is Pirates see blissful death is more blessed than being turned into automatons...

The Pirates across every sector joined together to fight against the fleet...

They tried bribing but all they see are machines...

They Tried Sabotaging but they were killed withing close proximity...

The Grand Pirate Fleet Era was Enacted 10 Years before the Rangdan Massacre as they joined together in hopes of Security, they attempted to sabotage every supply lines, leading to the Frontlines, they were met with death and More Manpower to the Forgeworlds to manufacture weapons and armor for the imperium...

The Amount of Ships that was Captured was in the Tens of Thousands per day as The Fleets Teleport the Men of Iron into the Ships and they were refurbished and handed over to local PDF Fleets... It may cause a Risk of them being part of Horus Fleets but with the Guidance of Alexander the Systems that were given were Loyal to the Imperium...

Within those Ten Years, No Pirate ever dare to attack the Major Trade Lanes as they saw the Hunter Fleets constantly patrolling...

It Sped up the Logistics and made the Great Crusade move more smoothly...

Till the 37th Millennia they kept operations until they ran out of Ships to spare and the Reserves of Men of Iron Ran out... (A/n: How much Ships does it take to Keep it at a constant attrition rate? Till that time?)

Many Scavengers that tried to scavenge the League Derelict ships were often met with Men of Iron in their Empty hallways... Still following the last protocol of Destroying Pirates...

And the Inquisition have created a Ordo Hyde to Gather or deactive the Destroyed Relics that the League have Left behind...

They were not the most funded or well renowned compared to Ordo Malleus or Ordo Xenos... Because it the Attrition Rates it was horrendous that they were not even granted Astra Militarum Standard Issued weapons that they often looked for the Relic Ammo Supply Caches that still worked well till this day...

If they found a Stash that Guilleman didn't managed to get it was very enriching endeavors... But if they failed it was simply death...

They were A Puritan Faction until one of them commited a sin to make the Ordo into a Radical one as they forced to use Xenos Relics that was not in the book and Hired Xenos Mercenaries...