
Star ship troopers Invasion

In the vastness of space, Several Valkyries arrived in a federation starbase.

As they arrive to their destination of a Federation starbase that went offline several hours ago...

Several Ships still anchored to its side and one such ship is a Luna Class that is named the John A. Warden...

In the cargo hold many of the soldiers wore power armors...

It's been a few Decades since the Klendathu drop Massacre... Where once human waves are a thing of the past and now power armor is the new thing as the war progress, bug became more faster, and harder to kill... Some Frontlines have reported several evolution mutations that is bigger than a Imperial knight... To the new generation that lived in constant war... It was technology vs evolution... As humans try to Invent to kill as much as possible before the bugs mutations will kill them, To some old folks back home, it was Liberalism vs True Communism.. as bugs gave their lives willingly to kill all humans... And people held their faith in the system...

Some were doing a quick check of their weapons as some praying to a Aquila necklace as they arrived to their destination...

Many of the Federation citizens was converted to the Church of the Golden light, religion turned into a Echlesiarchy for worshipping the emperor... And they seen nuns in power armor bringing miracles to the battlefield, healing wounds and flamers burn with purity... Many question how did the Nuns do it? Miracles happen on the battlefield...

One soldier Named Daugherty spoke...

"We are landing near Fort Casey, prepare for dropoff. Seems like the whole place is under lockdown, and our mission is to escort the John A. Warden and grab any sorry troopers in our path. We would join up with K-team And Blow up Fort Casey, this is a simple Hit and Grab Mission do you get me?"

"*We Get You Sir!*"

The Pilots rang out their p.a system making all the soldier brace for the landing...

As the Valkyries Landed in the landing bay for aircraft and they unloaded the troops...

And waited nearby enough for a emergency evacuation role...

As the soldiers took defensive positions waiting for their hacker unlocked the doors...

The bugs waited for them as they tried to flood the landing bays, a torrent of bullets and lasfire ended the first wave...

"Perimeter Secured, soldiers follow me and get the to the point!" Daugherty roared.

As they fought their way in... They found the remnants of those station in this base.

"Mech get the Demolition team prep this place to explode, and infestation is more than anticipated."

Several soldier nodded and left to place demolition charges.

Sound of gunfire was heard in one of the extensive corridors... And they found a large group of soldiers and what's left of K team heading towards them...

"Trooper! Status report!"

"We are what remains of the Fort Casey garrison"

"Where is your Commanding officer?" Daugherty asked.

One raised his hand

"I am acting commander as our commander got sacked."

"Who's your Commanding officer?"

"Hero's is our commander...that psi division got to him for insubordination..."

"We known it was a shitty operation." Ratazz muttered...

"Shut up..."

As they they could get more information John A. Warden removed the lock and began retreating from Fort Casey...

As they retreated to the infiltration point they found that the place was being overun.. And the troopers that was guarding the transport was killed easily...

And several bug sized plasma bolts eradicated the vehicles...

Daugherty didn't paid attention to the surroundings as the soldiers fire back at the unending tide of bugs and called for evac. And the pilots killed.

"Damm it! Alysia, prepare evacuation protocols we got survivors! And our transport are no go!"

"Alright, Standing by and we will lift off the moment you reach to our location."

Several bugs were as faster than their reflexes managed to kill some of the troopers and one of the soldiers managed to survive by sacrificing his arm in the process...

"Wedge Formation! Fighting Retreat! Get the wounded first!" Daugherty bellowed.


(Moments before John A. Warden retreated.)

"Men Escort Henry Varro to the Alysia..."

Carl Jenkins now looking older amused that he have found a key to his prize...

He climb up the ranks to the Minister of Paranormal defense... And he took notice of Alexander Psykers, he was trained in the psyker arts... And was decently accomplished...

Such thoughts were stopped by a familiar voice...

"Carl!" A woman voice called out for him...

He turned around and found Carmen staring daggers at him.

"Carl what are you doing to my ship!?" Carmen asked,

"I will bring it back and shiny as if it never happened." He raised his hands as if he done nothing wrong...

"Tell me Carl, why you kept it secret from me..."

"Don't worry it's classified for now...now men... Would you excort Captain Carmen to the Alysia." Carl beckon his escorts to Carmen...

"Fine I do it myself!" Carmen Scoff as she left...

"I do consider you as a friend Carmen...But why I doing here is important for all of us..." Carl looked at the back of Carmen as she was escorted away... Shaking his head he entered the loading bays of Carmen ship...


Daugherty men was driven back by the endless tide of the Arachnids... Now these bugs evolved to survive in the void of space and now climb walls and some even shoot plasma... Taking out several men to their deaths, Making several notions of safety in space unsafe...

The soldiers formed a fighting retreat as they head towards Alysium...

One bug almost killed one of the soldiers until it was killed by a beam from the outside... The one that was almost killed glanced at the direction where the shot was made and a woman calmly aimed her rifle...

"421...422..423" was the words she muttered as she aimed one bug after another...

She was in a trance to kill as many bugs as possible...

"Trig hurry back! We are leaving!" A voice rang out making her broke her trance and found out that the people is leaving...

She run towards the ship that is leaving....

"Provide Cover fire!" Daugherty ordered as the soldiers shoot what they could to provide one of their own to escape... And even Alysia guns activated and blow several groups of bugs away...

She jumped and activated her boosters in her power armor, almost ended up lost in space... Until a hand grabbed out to her and pulled her into the ship... She looked up and saw the man that save her was the one that she save... She gave a smile...

"What's your count Trig?" A woman named Ice Cool asked.

"354 and still counting"

As the Alysia ship managed to get away... Daugherty asked Mech...

"Would you do the honors?"

Mech looked at his watch and counted down


Fort Casey was blown up leaving the rock it once stood and the people that witness it cheered.

"Man, you haven't seen the full meal yet."

Then a explosion so great that it engulf even the foundation and shattered the rock to pieces...


Carmen walked into the ship command deck and was greeted by the Alysia crew...

"Captain on the bridge!" One of the crew spoke as they slauted her.

"Stand down this is your ship, not mine, Captain." Carmen gave her salute to the captain of Alysia.

"Simple Respect Captain for what happen on Planet P and venta moris alone, if even more strikes executed that way..." The Captain shook her head.

"I had a Good team, And what can you tell me?"

"About?" The Captain is confused.

"Where's my ship? Why did Jenkins want it so badly?" Carmen words made the smile of the captain disappeared...

"Believe me... If I had such a information .."

"This ship is in pursuit of the John A. Warden isn't it?" Carmen looked at the captain...

Daugherty barged in..

"Captain, in all due respect, I understand your concerns about your ship, But this is Alysia and we command it, our Orders are to return to Terra."

"Then could you at least show me the data of the flight path of my ship? And where she's headed?"

The Captain of Alysia shook her head...

"We don't know captain... After the John A. Warden retreated... They went silent shortly after we begin to pursue it, before our orders to return back to Terra..."

Carmen seeing that she could not able to get more information out of the crew nodded understandably..

"If there anything that concerns about my ship, please inform me." Carmen gave a salute and left.

"Aye Aye Captain."


(Alysia Medbay)

There are several body bags strewn about and there was assessment undergoing...

"Doc, tell me its alright?"

"Damm... This is a serious wound...you should spent time in the medpod for couple hours..." The doctor muttered... As he grabbed a painkiller and injected in the patient veins....

"Thanks doc... I can't bear to tell my parents that I almost lost a arm... "

"I sure it would be fine...now let me place you into the med pod..."

A Capsule bearing a Cross opened nearby and he place the patient into the Medpod and seeing the assessment of the recovery of the injury in record time he sighed a bit...

The introduction of the Medpods that Alexander implemented have impacted most doctors but ironically while it made the soldiers survive as long as you can manage to bring the soldier to it, the Medpod was like a dagger on the medical profession. After giving assurance that it is only for the Military and the family members that could get such high tech medical facilities... The Medical community calmed down.

After the medical assessment was completed, it was only 40 minutes to repair a almost limbless arm...

The Doctor looked at such a marvel... But for a short time he pressed the button and the helping commenced...

After a few minutes the medical pod open and his patient was groggily waken up....

"Damm... Doc.. that's so fast...."

"You need to rest for a few hours, the Medpod can cure fatal wounds, but not blood loss... So you need a couple of blood transfusions to replenish your blood loss. Now lie down there and we get it fixed." The Doctor went to the Blood cabinet and injected a Universal blood pack to the anemic soldier....


(Cargo hold of Alysia)

A Fight was taking place... And many soldiers made a ring that surrounded two individuals...

Chow and Ratazz as the soldiers betted their rations and cigarettes on who's the winner...

"Alright boys each of you take a corner while I be the ringer!" A half naked Ice Cool pushed them aside as she grabbed a wrench from a tool kit and waited the participants...

"I gonna kick your smirking ass Chow!" Ratazz flex his body to intimidate his smaller opponent...

"Try it... I sure you failed anyway." Chow smiled.

Ice Cool smash the wrench on a nearby container signaling the fight....

"May you boys fight it out!"

Many cheer on as they fought each other.

Two soldiers were on a crate overseeing the fight...

"Who do you think will win?"

"My money's on Ratazz, since he is a lot bigger than Chow."

"That's if he managed to land a hit first, chows a slippery fella." His friend looked at the fight and found out that Ratass is running out of steam...

While he swing powerful uppercuts, Chow managed to dodge and often retaliated by bashing his head. Making Ratazz disoriented...

Ratazz could see his mind swirling and when he looked at the ringer, she gave a Nip slip making Ratass broke out of his stupor and as Chow tried to use a upper kick to his head, he grabbed it and managed to use that last of his strength to give a blow to chow chin, sending him flying across the ring... And collapsing to the ground in the process ..

There was groans and frustration of the soldiers around the ring as they handed their bet to the winner...

Chow rubbed his chin as he felt that blow...

"Damm...where did you get that haymaker from?"

"A flash of inspiration." Ratazz chuckle.

"87...87...87" a Soldier looking for his room to sleep for the night... And he found it and tried to access it... But with no avail... Until the woman he just saved walked by and inputted it and smacked the door at the same time...

"Happens sometimes... So you my roommate?"

They both looked inside and found it was a single bed...

"Uhh, I was not expecting that... But can I use the comms?"

"Sure no problem..

After the man consulted with the crew about his accomodations he turned to face the woman.

"Thanks for using the comms... Ms.."

"Names Tia Dryer, Trig is fine." She smiled as she handed out her hand

"Otis Hacks, Bugspray" he shake her hand.

"Thanks for the Catch at Fort Casey."

As Otis went out to sleep in the mess hall, he noticed the gun at the bed...

"Sleeping with a Gun? You know something I don't..." As he approached the gun he noticed several markings...

"Hmm... A Martian Volkite mk 2...this things are hard to find..." As he noticed the gripp and held it in his hands... As he check the periscope trig smiled at him...

"You got a pretty smile for pressured job of covering the retreat... "

"Thanks... I think."

"So up for a little training?" Otis gotten ready to lie down...

"I had about all target practice I can stand today."

"I was thinking about something a little more...strenuous..."

"You didn't really use the intercom did you?"

"Would you like to know more? Heh." Otis smiled.

Tia got the hint and she walked towards his bed and began to straddle on him... And her face began to get closer to Otis...

"Everyone's ready to do their part." And she closed in and they began their love making...


Daugherty look at the prisoner file that was in the prison block...

"Major Henry Varro...you are a trooper that been sent places where God have forsaken... Why won't you talk... Why won't your men talk?" He glanced at the screen at the prisoner in question that remained calm.

He turned to the prisoner name and put his name into between the two...



Carmen is in the shower wondering what went wrong...

After the shower she dressed up and watched the picture of four people... Rico, Dizzy, Alexander and Carl... Along with her child...

Lately Carl been more distant to all of them... Perhaps Alexander knows something or not...

And it was her responsibility to keep her ship running...

Thought ruminating as fast as possible... And a Alarm blared out in the ship signalling a message from Terra...

"Captain Carmen, I am here to notify you that there is mission debriefing for all members... And it is from General Rico and Director Alexander.." Her personal intercom rang out...

"I will be there." Carmen sighed as she could find answers from those two...


(Later at the briefing room)

Many awaited their briefing and when they saw Otis and Trig entering together, many of them cheered at the couple as they know it, after all... Not every room is soundproof...

"Alright Men, we are here for debriefing!"

On the Screen is shared by two people...

General Rico now aged as a Early 30's thanks to the rejuvenation treatment, he didn't have his Eye patch but a scar still etched on his face and a Red Hair man that everyone knows both in the military and civilian life as the Director of Mars.

All of them Saluted at the duo on the screen

"At ease "

"I wanted to brief you all personally, First and Foremost because I know the sacrifices of the crew and the defender at Fort Casey have made and the great loses you sufferered...

And second I know you could use a r&r right now...

But unfortunately we have a situation. .

"What!?" A collective groan occured on the soldiers, they went from a bug hell to the next...

"The John A. Warden have gone silent in transit to a M.A.Rs base. And the Alysia is the closest, I have order the captain to divert course to search of the missing ship any questions?"

"I think I speak for anyone of Fort Casey when I say this."

"Shut up." One of the soldier nearby tried to hush him...

"It's okay go on."

"We only going in, if Hero take point."

"Hero?" Rico was interested...

"Major Henry Varro, commander of fort Casey... Seem ls like he is one of the candidates of entering my Organization... What happen?" Alexander spoke with confusion...

"Director Alexander, he was arrested by Carl Jenkins of insubordination at the battle at Fort Casey..." Daugherty spoke out.

"I see... When he does this mission... I will try to see what went wrong... And see to it that his case is more lenient... Meanwhile... A Acclamtor from M.A.R will be arriving shortly to resupply and reinforce your insertion teams." It brought some smiles to those that fought alongside with Hero... As they know the director is always a man to seek talents...

"How many are willing to join our little party?" Daugherty asked.

"Sixteen thousand soldiers will be joining you... Captain Ibanez ship is the biggest ship I have given to the Federation... And you need a lot more men on the ground to cover. And the Schematics of her ship is much more different than our current generation... And we will provide the map updates as soon as my ship arrives...."

It brought some relief to the soldiers that a army elite troopers are heading there...

General Rico spoke.

"We probably lose communication as soon as we reached the nebula...You are dismissed." Rico put a final wording to the soldiers as they head towards the staging point... Leaving Carmen alone facing two of them...

"Hello, Carmen... It's been a while since the last encounter." Alexander smiled at the Captain.

"It's nice to see you too Alexander... And Rico... What happened to my ship?"

"Look Carmen, that ship belongs to the Federation.."

"I recalled a young trooper that was in the John A Warden and I vowed that I would never let it happen again."

"I know how you think about Carl about getting your ship, and I don't think much less of him now...."

Seeing Rico not budging.... Carmen sighed.

"How do you know we are even close to my ship?"

"Before it went silent, we managed to triangulate scattered signals and managed to pinpoint the general direction. And it will arrive in a few days."

"What is Carl doing with my ship?"

"Look Carmen, What Carl is doing is beyond my access as a General and it's so covered up that even the Federation is keeping silent about it."

"But I know who can, Alexander I will use a Favor to know what's happening to my ship." Carmen looked at the redhead director...

"Alright...Since Rico have his hands tied... My organization can bypass those classified file...I make sure this line is encrypted for the sake of all of us..." Alexander looked around across his screen to see if he is not observed...

"Captain Carmen, General Rico, Carl found a Mother Bug at Fort Casey. And he locked it in the cargo hold of the ship."

"He found what?!" Both of them yell out.

"It was a Joint Venture of M.A.Rs and Paranormal Defense to capture it alive at Fort Casey and sent it to one of my black sites to research it... Sad to say... I fear for the worse."

"So you saying... My ship might be hijacked?" Carmen looked grave...

There were tales of Bugs infesting humans but a Federation Starship? They got Bug Fleets to handle but a infiltration in the Federation core system shudder them...

"I am looking at the worse possible scenario considering the manifest it went dark, Carl gave his word that he would not go dark when he reached my base... Your ship is biggest ship I have given to the Federation so there is hopefully there is to find pockets of resistance... And that would be the best worst case scenario." The director sighed...

"What is the worse case." Rico asked.

"It will infiltrate the Solar Defense Fleet and crash into Terra... My men that accompany you, will be tasked to destroy all the ship weaponry if that happens... So that the destruction of Carl implications could be mitgated. And they will still find Carl so rest assured..."

Seeing Carmen is not convinced...

"Please don't hate Carl... What we are doing is the best for humanity..."

As Carmen was conflicted of what her friend is doing behind her back...

"Mom? Are you okay?" A Voice rang out from Rico live feed...

It shows a Younger version of Rico staring at her...

"I am doing well son... How was school today?"

"Doing fine, Uncle Alexander taught me how to Pilot a Armor Core!"

"Alexander, you promised you don't let my son join the Mech Corps!"

"Don't Blame me Carmen, He went into a restricted zone and pilot one of my Experimental Mechs and took it for a joy ride! And make matters worse now it is linked to his Bio Signature and we can't remove it!"

"Son, when I done my shift, I will seriously look at your grades." Carmen icy glare made her son shudder... Rico barge in the conversation.

"Carmen, I would like to invite you to dinner with us... Our child want to spend a family time with you...after this debacle end okay, Be safe for me and our child?"

Seeing Carmen cooled down she smiled..."I will... "

As she left...

Rico sighed...

"She going to rip a new on on me huh? How Dizzy in your Army?"

"Doing fine Rico... Did she sent those messages?"

"She wants a football team..." Rico Groaned.

"Go for it then... You better ready to do your part." Alexander smiled at Rico.

"Screw you."


In the ship prison cell...

Daugherty looked at the prisoner Henry Varro that is locked up.

"I gotta tell you this would be no way be prejudicial to your trial." Hero simply glared at him ..

"Ah, come on I didn't have anything to do with any of this, I know I just the damm janitor to clean up the mess." Daugherty sighed.

"At least you have one higher up looking to vouch to remove your sentence." Hero raised his eyebrows...

Until the door leading to the prison cell revealing Carmen.

"Look Major, I am no more enthusiastic of saving Carl Jenkins than you are... But your men want you... And something tells me, we are going to need you Major." Carmen spoke however Hero scoffs it off.

The Intercom began to sound off.

"Lieutenant Daugherty, Captain Carmen, We found the John A Warden and the Mars ship is nearby ready to resupply."

"Tell Captain Jonah to join up with the Ally ship and I will be right up." Carmen left the Cell leaving Daugherty with Hero.

"Which is it?" He asked...

After a few moments of silence...

"Get this chains off me." His words was like a reaper from the dark...

Daugherty smiled and went to the Guard station to removed the cuffs.


The ship Alexander sent have arrive to resupply and reinforce the insertion team.

Wrist Flamethrowers, Demolition charges, Hellblasters to replace the Autoguns they been using. Engineers with Prosthetics and Cyberware began to do final checking of their suits...

As the soldiers get ready as they geared up for the infiltration team

A Man covered in religious tattoos was in meditation state until Ice Cool approached him "Holy man what is your divination of today?" The man pointed a Aquila, the Sun and a Image of Fire and pointed at her.

"So I will survive huh? Thanks."

Trig approached Otis that was finalizing his armor with a look of concern...

"Otis... Promise me one thing...if I were to die... Would you get this scope and bury it in my hometown, I don't care what happens to my body..." Her mouth was silenced with Otis finger.

"Trig... I don't do funerals... And we would get out together." It made Trig smiled a bit...

The Door opened and many of the soldier halted their tasks and watched the individual enter the room...

Hero arrived with a modified Power armor and his presence have granted him levels of respect. As the soldiers that fought alongside him saluted him.

His stern gaze looked across the crowds...

"Looks like this is my last mission... Let's make it a good one." He stared at the men before him.

"Our mission is to retake the John A. Warden, Rescue any survivors and eliminate any resistance you may find in your way. Do you read me troopers?"

"*Sir, Yes sir!*"

"Alright Troopers,now let's get the lady back her ship!"

As the Alysia and the Acclamator arrived at the ship each took the side of the ship and began unloading their men and crew...

(M.A.Rs Side)

Proximity Sensors and Automated Turrets was Erected Near one of the numerous Loading Bays of the John A Warden And a Small Sentinels from M.A.Rs was sent to recon on one side... Their ship left as they rather not risk for a infestation.

What Alexander said was true that Carl did managed to get himself into trouble... But They have their own Agendas different from Carmen.

Many of their Soldiers have made several blockades within the ship so that they would not be overunned... The Techpriests entered a room that was not designated by the Federation map containing a Cogitae Human infused to a Computer. The machine is still running despite the power was cut off despite the engine core was cut off...

"System/Corrupted/ Kill_Me_Please_%@Want_©%Go_Home_©%Forgive_My_SiNs" the Cogitae pleaded to the Techpriest... Whom ignored the Servitor as they Lighted up the Candles around it and Started their Rites of Awakening to Wrestle Control from the Beast within...

Pain and groans was heard from the trapped servitor but were ignored until Most of the internal Defensive systems are rerouted to be only to be blocked by the outside acess... And the path of the Laboratory have opened...

Squad upon squads flooded into the room and began to gather documents and data from the facility... And a computer that still lighted up in the darkness. The screen shows "Project Elysium" being highlighted as it was being scrub from the data cores.

After their task was done they split up and immediately planted explosive charges on the Weaponry decks and crippled the autoloaders until...

"Breach Detected." Was heard in their helmets.... And the location was in the depth of the laboratory, in a Oak Door leading somewhere, many of the soldiers stood in firing position ready to eliminate whatever threats remained... The door was breached releasing large amount of dark fogs and scream was heard.

(Federation Side)

Their orders were swift... Many of the soldiers split into two teams.

Everywhere they go is filled with the dead crew and security staff that was on the ship, bullets still linger in the zero gravity... And There were several Signs of Dead Arachnids littered across the hallways...

"Damm that's a lot of dead men... Alright Team 1 head to the Command Deck, team two head towards the Engine Deck and capture this behemoth!"

One of them Escorted Carmen to the Command Deck while the Rest headed towards the Engine room...

"Sir, Auspex have detected signs of Life in the Bug Holding Cells. Should we go ahead and check?"

Daugherty nodded "Alright, you two with me."


(??? Pov)

"My mind is like a fortress, always keep a close mind..."I remember the mantra of what those Psykers taught me... I clutch a inquisition Rosario upon my chest as I am trying to keep the beast from invading further... Beads of sweat dripping from my forehead...

"The mind is like a fortress, always keep a close mind." I mentally spoke. I could feel the psychic tendril grow ever around my mind...

I thought I could hack into the mind of the beast, to understand the enemy... But ironically...

She hacked into me.

She ripped most of what I know, military secrets, Bases and tossing part of my childhood memories into the void... But with my training... She saw only what I show her... I grin as she attempted to drill my brain ever closer...

"You have the scent of my son..."

In the holding cell, I found a hooded figure just standing at the entrance...

I am unarmed as I fled to the holding cells when it overrun the ship and right now I am preoccupied with fighting the monster...

The figure took a look at me and circled around me like a specimen to a doctor... Like a fog around my neck it's worse as the figure grew more close than ever before...

"A friend?" The figure asked as it gesture the bracelet Alexander gave me all those years ago...

I unhesitatingly nodded...

"Then hope this helps..." The figure hands touched my head and I could felt screaming from the Beast disappear from my mind...

I broke free from the psychic battle ... And looked upon the stranger...

"Why? What's in it for you?" Was all I could say... As I steadily stood up... Weakened by the mental assault prior.

"A message would suffice ."

"What would that message be?"

"Mother misses you. To the one that gave you the bracelet."

Before I could ask further... The Bug Holding cell was being breach by someone... And when I turned to her... She disappeared....

"Anyone there?" One voice asked.

"Let me see inside Private.... Carl..." A familiar voice grunted from the other side.

"What happened here Carl? Where are the crew?"

"We were transporting it to the blacksite. It breached containment, I know I may have made a mistake of putting you under arrest, but believe me, the whole crews dead, you must never turn on the lights! She would be awaken!"

After a brief moment of silence....

"I will get back to you after this Carl."


After finding Carl in the holding cells. Hero attempted to call off the engine activation team, but he was a second too late...

(Engine core)

"Let there be light!" As the engineer smiled as he press the last lock. And the lights began to operate and the artificial gravity began to kick in bringing some comfort of the soldiers... Until the doors suddenly opened revealing a enormous number of bugs from beyond now flooding in...

"Open Fire!" One of the cried out as the laser began to flicker across the battlefield...

Many of them tried to escape but every doors they entered was blocked, making the ship like a labyrinth, forcing them being caged as the arachnids Claws ended them, the Ship automated defenses have come to life and assisted them as the remaining survivors managed to escape to the command deck.


(Minutes prior)

Carmen was glad that she managed to get her death back... But upon hearing Alexander warnings... She attempted to make the system hard lock to the command deck only. Some of the systems were managed to recovered until her access of the ship was kicked out.


"DAMM IT!" She bashed her pilot seat.

"*Static* Lieutenant Daugherty! Bug infestation confirmed. There are all around us!"

"Retreat to the Command Deck! Used the Emergency hatches if you had to! Alysia Come in! The Ships infested, requesting evac now!" Daugherty bellowed.

"Alright, Evac on the way, ready at the evac point."

"Calling all M.A.Rs assets to assist the retreat, I say again, calling all M.A.Rs assets to assist the retreat!"

His call is in spoken in the silence as a heavily injured soldier of M.A.Rs struggling to retreat backwards the organs now spilling out and he was strapped in duct tape... Firing at a hallway that is not lighted up despite the ship engine now distributing power to the ship...

A Shadowly smiled grinned from the darkness as a whisper of mist formed into a finger... Surrounded by hounds that formed from the very hell itself

"Things must stay the same, even to destruction"

Dark hounds engulfed the soldier and leaving him dead.... It hummed until it was found by the Arachnids... The bugs were brainless as they see a two legged thing, skewer it.

Many of the soldiers dead on the floor, and many of their comms repeated the same words of Daugherty... But his call is in vain.

"Get me the Auspex of the Ship! Pronto!"

One of the soldiers using the auspex system... And all he looked was the life sign of the M.A.Rs dwindling fast and a uncountable number of life sign erupted across the ship. However there are some life sign in the ship warp drives headed to the Mobile infantry ready to assist.

"Sir.... Most of the M.A.Rs is dead... Some of them heeded your call and attempted to assist. But it ain't much."

"Shit, Call them to the evacuation point. Miss Carmen come with us now."

As the Alysia ready to board the ship, Captain Jonah was nervous... This event is way beyond her paygrade... But she didn't noticed that one of the ship macro cannon that is in the direction of her ship was being loaded up with ammunition...

As the group managed to retreat to the evac point... What's left of the Sixteen thousand men of M.A.Rs was left with about a hundred.

"Tell me what happened trooper what caused the Alexander soldiers to die like that?"

One of the soldiers replied.

"There is a dimensional breach, A Class S Entity is now prowling in the Gunnery Decks."

Daugherty and Carmen frown.

Dimensional breaches was common... But in a ship? That was different...

"A Dimensional Breach and Bug Infestation at the same time... My day couldn't get worse."

But time was of the essence and the Transport tunnel made by Alysia was made ready to leave this place.

Daugherty had a sense something was wrong and sent one of the soldiers to scout ahead...

As the soldier certain of the safety... The John A. warden Macro Cannon shot Alysia smashing it with such force that the crew didn't have time to register the pain of death and destroying their means of escape. Carmen and Daugherty look distraught as their way to escape is gone...

And explosion occured across the ship...

"What did you do to my ship!?"

"Crippling the ship Weaponry and the Warp Drive Ma'am, Alexander orders to prevent the bugs from understand the ship secrets. And some of the ship bulkheads were to be destroy to delay the Breacher path."

Carmen sighed... It was just to get her ship and now she in a trouble.

"Alright, let's head back to the command deck and see what we could salvage the situation there." Carmen went ...

"Since when did she gives orders?"

"Ever since we boarded her ship now move it!"

Screams of the arachnids was heard behind them causing the group to flee on foot. Several ceiling defenses was activated and attempted to delay the tide of bugs... But for a short while as now the mother bug producing plasma bugs to destroy any automated defenses...

Now they were trapped... In a Three way war in a derelict ship. A Mother bug that is now spawning endless hordes of Arachnids, a unidentified beings that kills anything their path, human or bugs...


The group returned in haste as the last remaining bulkheads prevented the bugs from invading further.

"Thank God, we have manual override or else we would been screwed." Ratazz chuckle. Hearing the banging in the distance...

"Alright we need to find Jenkins."

"Ma'am, we found Jenkins in the Bug holding cells..

He tried to warn us." One of the shouted out.

"Why you didn't tell me?"

"Because we didn't had time. "

"We need to kill the mother bug... As far as I am aware off it is in the cargo bay..."

"We don't have the manpower or ammunition to charge into that hold... The automated defenses have gotten silent..."

Trig looked up near the ventilation shaft.

"Captain, does this shaft lead to the cargo hold?"

Carmen looked up where the soldier pointed at...

"It's possible... But the ship is by in large enormous... You will receive the shaft plans to the cargo hold."

Trig nodded as if it wasn't a Challenge...

She removed her armor and Bugspray helped her up... She looked down and see a concern on his face...

"Just be safe okay?" She smiled as she left in the labyrinth of a air ducts...

A rumble was heard....

"Oh no... The ship... It's moving!" One of the soldiers cried out... It put Carmen in thought...

"The warp drive been destroyed...how do they...oh no." She stare at a Wormhole closing in the distance, one of the oldest method of travelling...

Carmen opened a comms and sought to warn earth.

"This is John a. Warden to LZ-6 We are now in a bug infestation, I repeat John A Warden is compromise... Johnny... Please help..." She grew frustrated that her warning is being blocked by the nebula... She could only hope that Terra was warned... She watches helplessly as the ship is dragged into the wormhole.

*Bang, Crash* the last bulkhead was breached and the Bugs now flooded into the command deck... A firefight ensures...

The jump through the wormhole began to slow down... As they reached in real space they ended up in Jupiter rings...

Carmen desperate tried to call for aid but no avail.

"Ma'am, you could contact our headquarters first

It is not signalled jammed."

Carmen nodded as she called for Alexander...


Alexander had a meeting at the war room with Perturabo when it happen, they were discussing the next iron cage when messenger arrive

"Alex... You got to assist me..my ship been breached"

"Alright, While I may sue you for hijacking my organization comms, Carmen... Surely my men could handle a bug infestation right?" Alexander was not disturb by her hijacking his comms...

"There was a Dimensional Breach in the Gunnery deck. Most of your men is killed." That word alone make Alexander frowned.

"Damnit, I bring Rico up to speed, whatever you do, don't interact with the unknown force and defend the bridge. I will send you a strike team..."

Perturabo notice the tiredness of Alexander...

"Do you require my assistance?"

"Thank you brother, What the closest Astartes Battle barge?"

"Indignation of Metal and Midnight Justice, Night Lord and Iron warriors. They finished resupplying from Mars dockyard and about leave sir."

"Alright, Send them the coordinates of the John A Warden and eliminate the threat, Classification of the threat, Space hulk. They are to teleport first to the command deck of the ship and assist the defenders within. And Informed General Rico of this debacle."


(Indignation of Metal)

A Astartes was sitting down prepping his weapons silently... Scent of incense and oil drifted in the air. Among the Fumes he could see the future...

A fully armored brother came in halting his maintenance...

"Sargent, we have a mission from the High Lord."

"What mission is more important than killing bugs and building cities?" He looked at his bolter... Uncaring, until his brother informed him a new challenge...

"There's been a Dimensional Breach in one of the Baseline human ships heading towards Terra, and I am sure you like the challenge?"

He grinned as there is new enemies to fight other than some bug he could squash.

"Why didn't you say so?" He stood up and headed towards the Power Armor Assembly... Where he stood upon the platform to ready his armor.

He was not like his cousins from the rest of the legions where they had serfs to place their power armor, it was a waste of time. Mechanical arms that been sanctified with Talismans and purity seals came down and install the armor tht is drape with purity seals meticulously and with great care... chest armor was place and his head was given a Helmet of his legion... His Black Carapace now merged with the armor and he glance with the self diagnosis of the armor and it concluded it was a go. Upon his arrival at the ship briefing room many waited for him.

"It seems brothers we have New enemies to face other than the Bugs, and this is a Space hulk mission we have the honor to accomplish." he spoke, he sense many of them wanted to go with him.

"And furthermore, our Brothers, the Night Lords will be assisting us in this venture. I will be taking our esteem brothers the Warsmiths as the vanguards and strike at the abomination that will harm humanity! Iron Within! Iron Without!"

"*Iron Within! Iron Without!*"

"Now let us prove our father that we are capable and that we are still the Harbinger of War!"


Carmen found herself defending for her life as she was told to defend the command decks...

Bugs flowed into the Command Deck... Until several bright light appeared and several bulky suit of armor was teleported on the deck and immediately opened fire.

"Damm, those guys been working out." Ratazz spoke. Watching the Men rip and tear asunder and exited the command deck... Towards the entity below.

Carmen been working on getting the system away from the bug but to no avail...


(Rico pov)

He is now worried like hell, he was aware of a dimensional breach and now he is aware of the bug infestation... The ship is setting course towards the Ramilliez Starfort stationing above Terra. He sent several ships to delay it... As making the Starfort crashing down on earth wasn't exactly good on his resume. And due to some people complaining about the fleet station in earth orbit they were sent to reinforce the Frontlines making it the weakest defenses it had ever been as it was a small fleet of destroyers and escorts defending Terra.

"Goddammit Carl."

But as the derelict hulk simply just past the fortress... And headed towards the planet below...

"Shit this is bad...Contact high command."


Trig managed to arrived at her location and she had a clear line of sight... The Mother Bug was enormous in size and series of cable and wires connected to it.... She aimed at the bugs eyes and about to aimed a sudden rumble occured causing her to lose aim and destroy several wires causing it to scream. She knew her position was compromised and she managed to escape. With several arachnids trying to stabbed her. She escape on one of the junctions away from the Cargo hold and she felt relieved until she heard screams of the bugs in the distance...

She aimed at the direction and opened fire and the mass of chitin rushing towards her... She close her eyes as they about to ripped her to shreds... But the clanging of something metallic was heard in between her and death. She found herself staring several giant men wearing a Winged helmet wielding a force claw and ripped the target asunder... She felt something was choking her throat as the scent of death was so tangible Infront of her... One of the men simply pointed to a direction and spoke.

"That way you will find salvation... Leave." What strength she has away from the people that just saved her...

One of the Night Lords looked at the one that spoke to her and spoke.

"You grown soft brother. You changed." The Astartes spoke with wary of tone in his Voxcaster.

The one that spoke laughed a bit."We changed for the Better, Father changed so we to strived the best we could be as Night Lords...Come we shall assist our brother in handling the Dimension infestation."

The group disappeared and leaving nothing but a trail of corpses in their wake.


After seeing Varro took what left of the soldiers to end the nightmare leaving Daugherty and several soldiers to guard her.

Carmen was shocked of what Alexander had to represent his aid... But she realizes that they were sent there to take out the Breacher... And leaving them only the bug threat to contend with...

And what she saw was that her ship is heading towards the earth and about to crashland into Paris.

And when the ships system became Open momentarily she activated the retros and ended up in the outskirts of Europe and ended up in the coming across a designated lines that is covered by several shield generators Outpost surrounding a empty space making a quarantine zone, she knew what had to be done and ended in the center of it all .

The ship crash landed into a center of a quarantine zone.

The crash landing have rattle her brains but she still lived... But she found that most of her defenders were dead from the crash... As one of the medics that still alive reported that they died of brain aneurysm...

Hearing the bugs roars in the distance she knew that holding down the command deck is no longer viable and took what remained to a emergency exits...

But everywhere she goes, she felt that she was being trapped in a cage... And she got a sense that she would not escape...

As she rushed almost aimlessly, with what left of her defenders she stood on a crossroad junction of her ship.

"Turn left" was the word in her mind and somehow she felt some familiarity as she followed the voice and met up with some soldiers that managed to help her to escape...


Aboard Shuttle orbiting above the crash site...

Rico closed his eyes as he remembers his commanding officer ordering to stay put. As they will cleanse the area with a neutron bomb that is being loaded in the star fort.

"Give me enough time sir, I could escort them to safety."

"Rico, you are the best we have."

"But I found my calling as a soldier ." Seeing that he was not budging he sighed.

"Alright, you have a hour before the higher ups turn that place into a graveyard and the Soldiers from M.A.Rs will assist you from the ground. Godspeed Rico."

He woke up in a mini AC with several that is similar to him... "Alright Roughnecks, we got a hour to escort the survivors from John A. Warden before the Neutron bombs is launch and we must not fail! Prepare for Drop on my Mark!"

The Mechs stood ready as now they start to orbital drop into the orbit below... Into the nest of bugs that attempted to infest Earth.


Several container of the shuttle was dropped and as they entered the stratosphere the shielding evaporated and the remaining ship defenses now attack them, Flak, missiles and a series of point defense turrets now scattered the skies. Some died in the first wave of assault but the remaining Mechs launched a series of Missiles knocking several defenses away from action.

Seeing the ship defenses was distracted from the ground, Basilisk artillery armed with Anti-Matter shells dropped on the ship turrets. And the local Air force began to swarm on the ship... Helping destroy as much of the ship defenses as possible and strafing whatever bug that is escaping from the solid wreck.


As the fighting was heard around the ship, The Iron warriors was task to handle the "Enemies from beyond" or what the high lord would put it... He seen some dimensional breaches and participate in some of them... He heard that if any of them have achievements and want to make a Chapter house of their own is no longer the High Lord jurisdiction. As long as they swore fealty to him and humanity it didn't care less.

"There are traces of a Unknown element linger here brother." Said the apothecary.

"Then we are at the right path."

They momentarily paused as they met a being before them that is what they wanted. Several of their brothers ahead of them were wounded with deep wounds that penetrated their Ceramite armor, some of them losing limbs to the enemy ahead...

"They weren't supposed to exists, why are they here?!" Muttered the figure. Dark fog began to envelope the passageway summoning wraiths and demons. Before them they were just a nuisance.

The Astartes opened fire, shoot first and salvage what of the enemies later for clarification.

Assault Cannons and Bolter began shooting Sanctified bullets that been blessed by the Echlesiarchy was shot wantonly into the fog eliminating the threat but the figure disappeared in the aftermath... The Auspex detected a radiation emanated from the dead wraiths and tossed several Noctis labyrinth into the dead. Hopefully Magnus and Mortarion would see the figure weakness. They tended to those that still alive until they heard the roars of the Arachnids...


Hero headed in the path of the Bugs. Many of them worked up in a frenzy nothing compared to the fight at fort Casey.

"Tell me trooper, did you managed to set the charged to the ship engine?"

The M.A.Rs trooper shook his head.

"We managed to set up the explosves in one of the blockades near the engine but we didn't had time to carry it out."

"What is the timer on those charges?"

"Around 25 minutes. 15 if we make it faster"

"Good make it fifteen, now Mech head to that blockade and assist the troopers to retrieve the explosives, deal with your remaining objectives. We will carry out dealing with the bugs."

The soldiers rushed forward until they met a Familiar sound of gunfire in the midst of the scream of the bugs. A figure of a woman in the distance running towards them to rejoin as she shoot back at a swarm of bugs...

"Trig..." Otis gulped as he knows she is still alive...

"Otis, thank God you are alive...." She hugged him...

Scream of Bugs was behind them breaking a heartfelt moment as a flood of endless bugs now trying to flood from behind in a attempt to do a pincer action...

"Major Hero, Requesting permission to defend the rear guard as needed they are soon catching up to us sir."

Hero looked at them and nodded.

"Just hold out as long as you can."

He left with just fifty soldiers to defend the rear.

As he rushed towards the heart of the infestation, he could hear the sound of gunfire that show the people are still alive and they trusted him.

As he arrived near the entrance, he was outnumbered... Some of the bugs launched plasma bolts towards them. Killing the soldiers that was in the splash radius.

The bugs now about to overwhelmed them. Until Several Arachnids warriors from behind, Hero is alarmed as he sent a sizable force defending the corridor and attempted to aimed towards the new threat...

"Don't Attack" a Voice was heard in his mind.

He had some don't it was Carl's doing but he hold back the remaining soldiers from opening fire at the bugs.

The arriving bugs immediately attacked their own brethren each bearing the FIB insignia on them, and they venture deeper. Hero and the soldiers was confused of the events taking place.

"Impressive isn't it?" A voice spoke behind him.

Hero turned back as he saw Carl Jenkins wearing a Amplifier module.

"This is what you researched? The reason why you get the mother bug?" Hero was confused with the bugs fighting amongst each other.

"This is the fruits of my research. With this we could bring the war one step closer to a end." Carl smirked.

"Then we better get ready." Hero cocked his rifle and order the men to head towards the Cargo bay.

As they arrive, they found a massive numbers of bugs waited for the, one of the Bugs stepped out and is controlling the corpse of one of their own.

"Daugherty..." Hero fritter as he aimed at the mass

"Give us Carl Jenkins and you and your men will leave with no harm." Hero looked at Carl.

"They feared me for what I could create."

"Or maybe they think you are a asshole."

"My answer is Fuck You, You Ugly Fuck Face." Hero gave a middle finger to the mother bug.

"Then you die." The corpse of Daugherty was tossed aside and the waves of bugs now converged like a tide.

Lasers and bullets fly as they destroyed the first waves, and the bugs that Carl controlled became the Frontlines as they claw their way inside towards the mother bug.

However Several Plasma Bugs opened fire and started to eliminate them..

"Had I have more time to finish my research, I could have controlled more of the bug variants." Carl lamented as the bugs he controlled is being destroyed.

"Then do it, Complete your research. Go now while me and my men provide your retreat."

Carl nodded as he retreated to Carmen location.


Carmen was fighting for the first time for her life like nothing compared to the bugs on planet p... She couldn't escape to the emergency exits of her ship. And the group is slowly being cornered...

"Get away from the door!" A voice was heard from the outside. All of them stepped aside as the bulkhead exploded with such force that some bugs in the blast radius died instantly due to the metal shrapnel now fled in such force that it penetrated the bugs armor.

Several Mechs arrive inside and began to provide fire support. One of them approached her and opened the cockpit.


"Any survivors?"

"A hundred went ahead to kill the queen." Ice cools stated.

"Carmen, wait for the transport to arrive, the Federation will blow this place up in 30 minutes."

Rico went ahead and started a rampage until he met Carl Jenkins fleeing along with the remains of the Rearguard running from the horde of bugs chasing them, he opened fire and bullets and lasers fly towards the mass of bugs and as soon as one of them is about to stab Carl, Rico use a chainsaw and kill the attacker, splattering the blood on Carl face.

"Jenkins you are still alive?"

"Johnny Rico it's nice to see you again..."

"I would have left you for dead, if you weren't my friend, let's go before the neutron bomb will drop o our heads!"

"Neutron bomb, they can't be that serious to erased everything at once?"

"What about us sir?" Ask one of the soldiers. As they know what the effect of a neutron bomb being dropped.

Rico tossed out a miniaturized teleporter. And he spoke.

"Use this to teleport to the nearest M.A.Rs outpost that is quarantined this place... It is more than enough to get you out." He left with Carl in the backseat of his Mech... Rushing against time.


As Carmen waited for Rico she found that the rescue shuttle is approaching them...

"Rico the shuttle is here...." She wore a tired smile... As soon as Rico arrive they would be free.

Though she saw Carl behind Rico... She couldn't really blamed him... Not with this shit show...

The Landing Shuttle began it's landing making the survivors bring some hope, until one of the ship remaining defenses nearby that is barely clinging on to the ship opened fire and destroyed the hope in their eyes...

They stare helplessly as the Bombs is being dropped is shown in the dusk skies... But the Ship defenses that was untouched by the bombardment, opened fire and eliminating the bombs as it blown out from the skies... And it immediately released all the ship exits to allow the bugs to beging flood the planet into arachnid control... Hopper bugs and warrior bugs swarm out endlessly, several miniaturized plasma bugs now beginning to rapid molting to become big...

"Damm... It's all over.."

They found gunfire as mech and the soldiers retreated to the area and firing at the bugs in the distance.

"Where have you guys been up to?" Ice Cool asked, shouted at the noise the guns were making.

"Hero order us to activate the charges in the Ship engine they are rigged to blow in 7 minutes!"

"Damm, we don't even have a transport to escape from here..."

"Not quite per se, I still have a shuttle that I use to escape from fort Casey." Carl gave his humble opinion

"You know she will never let us leave this place alive." Carmen frown.

"Then I will do it. Get to the shuttle." Rico activated his machine and enter in the depth of where the mother bug is located.

Carl sighed as he knows his friend heroics.

"Come and follow me."

It sense Rico presence and sent scores of Warrior bugs after him.

But he didn't falter as bullet and missiles shot endlessly, as several bugs crash themselves upon Rico machine ...

As he arrive where the mother bug.

He found several soldiers still remaining as they fought back... Slowly they succumb to the grevious

Wounds inflicted by the bugs, human blood and limbs scattered the floor, Hero, was heavily wounded and the last remaining soldier left on the location, on one of the steel beams that is hanging from the ceiling, his body was pierced with arachnid claws and his armor is punctured in several ways, fought like a demon incarnate as the adrenaline is the one thing that kept him alive...

"Are you Varro?" Rico asked

"Yes Sir, Where's Jenkins? As he fought back with a single limb holding his rifle.

"He's safe"

A arachnid took advantage of the discussion and he was tossed into the ground, where many of its brethren awaited their prey. As his crash on the ground he felt that his spine broke... Making him paralyzed in the lower legs.


Varro grabbed a Krak grenade bundle tht was next to him and smiled.

"Good. Make sure he keep everyone else that way." He pulled the pin and it exploded taking the bugs that was about to ripped him to shreds. The explosion took out a sizeable chunk of the Bugs.

Leaving Rico alone facing several bugs.

Rico charged ahead, his guns fire rapidly that it glowed red. Several Plasma Grenadier bugs shot at his mech destroying most of the weapons system. He began to activate the self destruction device and rammed it at the Plasma grenadier bugs that is still firing at him. He leaped out of the mech and landed on its hands and remotes controlled it to tossed him at the Mother Bug. Which it did promptly before it exploded giving Rico a boost to leap toward the bug. It grabbed him in midair with it's tentacles, it made a mocking gurgling sound as it opens it's gaping mouth wider revealing a proboscis needle slowly unravel, to suck Rico brains out.

A single round exploded and torn it to shreds. And another torn one side of the tentacles making him free, Rico didn't think much about the help he's been given.

But now he have a chance to kill, all he have left is the combat knife he's been given by Alexander as it doged the remaining tentacles and used one as a ladder to climb up to it's eyes and stabbed it, fire emitted from the knife, engulfing the bug in agony, Rico snarled as he plunged it deeper and moving it rapidly to deal as much damage as he could, the Mother Bug Scream in pain as it couldn't concentrate maintaining control of the ship. But a stray tentacle tossed him aside and he landed on one of the cargo container nearby.

Seeing that he have no time to escape on foot he check in the cargo container that revealed a Combat Bike fully supplied and the keys is in the ignition switch he smiled as he activate it... And as the bugs began to surround where he is, missile erupted and the bike exited with a explosive exit as he rushed towards the location where Carl Transport ship is exiting. He found several soldiers noticed his arrival and they attempted to defend him. He exited the bike and managed to rushed towards the shuttle, one of the soldiers activated the bulkhead manually buying them time.

"Captain, Prepare to depart " Rico was out of breath as the medical soldier managed to tend to his wounds.

"Aye, Aye" Carmen smiled as she readied to exit the ship. The Bugs broken into the Bulkhead and was about to attack the shuttle, it spout copious amounts of thrust and the flames on the engine was burning bright, scorching those bugs that was directly behind the shuttle.

The explosives began exploding across the ship and the major one have the engine core exploded to the point that it consumed everything in it's path the auxiliary plasma generators joined the fray making it highly explosive cocktail to the mixed, and the explosion sent massive shockwaves to the outside killing whatever bugs in its path. The shielded outpost that quarantine the crash site began to fluctuate as the force of the explosion crash upon the shields.

The Shuttle that managed to escape was not safe from its effects as the shockwaves have tossed and turned the shuttle and tossing it into a hillside that is safe from the storm.

As the survivors managed to walk out what seemed to be a extensive jetlag watched as the ship hull was seen in the distance...

Carmen walked up to Carl and slapped him.

"That was for my ship! Your secret nearly ended the Federation! And put this planet a risk of infestation!"

"My sincerest apologies. With my research we could save countless lives more than your ship crew. Just like I saved you"

"Wait, you were that voice that help me?" She asked her friend.

"That is classified Intel." Carl remained Vague as ever.

A Valkyrie arrived at their location and landed revealing Alexander with concerns about the Trio.

"So you three still alive and kicking?"

"Nothing can stop uss, If there is four of us we can do everything right Alexander?" Carl smiled.

"Are we Carl?" Rico asked with uncertainty.


"Are we? Are we working together?"

"Cheer up Johny, you are a hero."

"Yes, as you are still my friend Carl.. what happened to Varro?" Alexander looked around hoping to see him...

"He died a hero..." Rico spoke making the scene somber...

"I see... "

A Case of Beer was dropped from the aircraft and distributed among the survivors...

Carl approached Alexander as he read the report of the dead.

"Alexander, while I was in the ship... I was tasked to give you a message. It was a individual that saved me."

"What is it?"

"Mother misses you." Carl noticed Alexander pupils contracted slightly.

"Are you okay Alexander?"

"You may returned with a escort ... I have something to keep up..." Alexander boarded the Valkyrie and headed towards Germany.

(Germany, Black forest)

A wounded figure managed to escaped from the ship... And wounds was seeping black fog as if it was the only thing that kept him alive...

"This was not part of the plan, we didn't expect the Astartes... Must warn them..."

Several beams of light pierced the figure causing him to scream in pain.

"Though, I never expect someone from the numbers to reached my galaxy... You are merely a scout..."

"Broken one, you will feel the wrath of the Crown Prince!" He snarled. As he released fog hounds to attack Alexander... But they were killed by the same bullet that wounded him...

"Then may your prince feel the wrath of the Imperium!"

"You will never escape. The lands you protected burn and I hoped that your loved ones burn in hell." It spat out as it felt the strength on his legs failing making him give out.

"I already got first class seat to heaven. And war is in our blood and we will be ready..." Alexander held out a Power Bat and repeatedly bash the figure, the scream was not heard until the body was pounded to mush...

A silence of the man just watch of the dark red splot in the forest floor...

"With his death, I could only delay the inevitable..." He muttered as he tossed a sanctified grenade and erased the evidence of its existence...

"What did Carl mean, mother misses me? Unless it was my biological mother here... She couldn't have a capacity to infiltrate the ship and escape... Maybe it is my body that I merged? I think I have a someone to question.."