
Perturabo Path, Lorgar choice

Before Alexander entered the ICU to recuperate his injuries, he gave order that Lorgar would be the next destination... And Perturabo would be the temporary commander of his ship until he recovers. .

Iron Hands protested that decision, Alexander simply replied.

"We are moving in uncharted waters, and there is no one better to trust than my own brother that seen things in the warp, he knows the danger that not even the technology of this ship could prevail. This is a moment of him to redeem himself. Just as the Emperor have given me with his decree, so shall I deemed him to be redeemable."

Perturabo smiled a bit that there was still someone outside that still trusted him... Despite the fact he did the most damage of the Imperium.

Alexander still trusted him what is essentially his life.

As Perturabo left the Icu, leaving Alexander and his two knights that accompanied him.

"Are you sure about leaving the ship to Perturabo?" Horus remarked seeing his brother leaving.

"Horus have faith in him, and this is a place where he could have his slate clean and hopefully a new beginning."

"So you are planning to gather all of us?"

"There is a foe...that not even I or the Emperor could face alone... not even your loyalist brothers alone could stem the tide of what's to come..."

"Is that so? Tell me one question Alexander..." Horus spoke.

Alexander looked at Horus...

"Did he truly loved us?" Horus asked.

He wasn't there when Alexander returned to Terra as he was trained in the League.

"Yes...and no."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you want the truth?"

"I need to hear from someone that was with him all the way... And I am aware father is not able to talk to us at the moment..." Horus voice sounded with determination but with a tinge of uncertainty.

Alexander sighed and spoke his version of the image of the Emperor.

"At the start, when you and your brothers were lost into the void of space... He once asked me "What's like to be a father?"... Can you believe it? A man that is cruel and bloodthirsty and favored science over religion ask me to know what's like to be a father? I didn't know what is like to have a child but taking care of my adopted daughter... I provided some advice to him...

"Understand what your sons are undergoing through, learn the Culture that they were raised in and their habits and be there when they needed you the most...."

"And that is all I ask for him to understand that not every planet is not Terra that have common law and order."

"Horus... you spent years working a a Gang leader before he found you, and at least he did show some show of respect that you would not be seen as a lacky."

"I remember that..."

"Originally, he wanted you and your brothers to be generals to lead the crusade... Weapons and tools to use at his whims, never caring about your needs and wants for your affection for him... but as time go by... he seen you as more than a tool... he saw each of you as sons...And you broke his heart."

Those words went into Horus helmet. And he stood in silence...

"When you declared your rebellion, we were at the golden palace planning for the future of humanity, the first thing that he felt was shock and disappointment, Macaldor took the hardest... He thought it was Jaghatai that was the traitor, not you... When the news actually confirmed that you, yourself was leading the rebellion... something in him cracked. Sadness that he was a failure as a father more than a foolish attempts of a creator. Every victory you gain, Every planet burning down the Imperium in your name, was every stab on his bleeding heart, of his affection for you..."

"When you have slain Sanguinius and dammed his sons with a Curse of a lifetime, He already believed that you already irredeemable."

"Why did he decided to go to my trap? He could have just destroyed me from orbit or even waited for Roboute to arrive?" Horus pointed out the fallacy of the Emperor charge.

"Because after all you have done...he still see you as a son."

"He still wanted to see you, to see if there was what's left of his beloved son on that ship..."

"Sure, he could have waited for my fleets and Roboute to finish you off. But what's left of his humanity left in him, the father side of him... died that day... When you stabbed him... when he forced to kill you... Nobody could see his anguish to kill his beloved son...you were a part of him that believed in the primarchs..."

"When I arrived there, he was already a husk of himself...What kindness you heard of the being on the throne... is just using his voice... his memories to make me join the search."

"I heard his voice when you went to his throne!"

"Honestly that person on that throne is not him... But a fractured version of him, A fragment of broken memories and emotions left in that body...The sooner when we are done in this place, the better we shall be off... We need to find that Eldar God to heal him but we need all the Traitor primarchs to help breach Nurgle Garden..."

"Even Lorgar?"

"Even Lorgar, Horus...Ironic that his words are right...but at the same time...a wrong sentiment."

"I wasn't there when the Emperor needed someone the most... When he sat on the Golden throne... Something in his eyes looked back on the times we all spent together as a family...And this is my amends to bring your brothers back home..."

"Why do you trust Perturabo?"

"I trust him, and he is more capable in handling in this place. Heck the only reason he joined your rebellion was not to worship those parasites but to prove that he was capable than Dorn. I recall how you belittled him that Dorn is better than Perturabo? I see in him that he is more than capable, While our brothers called him a mud dweller, I see him as a builder of the foundation of the future."

"Why you looked upon him with high regard?"

"While you looked at him as a Tool, belittle him, I see him with a visionary for the future, While Dorn works is ornate, I preferred Perturabo works that lasted this long. Do you know? My League use the building templates he left behind when he delved in the Eye of terror?"

"You never told me about it?"

"Because I carried his works with pride Horus, when his name is forgotten as a traitor, I will say it out loud. Every cities, every planet that is under my rule have used his templates and I didn't forget to place his name. As he may have caused destruction, but he has saved many more than he realize. Many of my people held thanks for the Hospitals that was made by him, the Farms, the cities... They are more grateful than Rogal himself."

"I see...thank you for your thoughts..."

"So, tend your duties... it will be a long path till I ascertain that you are fully capable to lead a Legion of your own... I wished none of this have come to pass..."

Beyond the door Perturabo stood outside hearing the conversation. He smiled as Alexander spoke what he felt...

Perturabo wander the ship with relative pace, in reality it was a simply a test for Perturabo to see if he is a traitor thorough.

Alexander honor guards watch the primarch with a Gamble to see if the Primarch would betrayed him... 

If he actually sabotage the ship, no problem, as he simply immediately sent to the League in a Stasis chamber. But if he passes, then he would be given more than a "Need to know basis".

Perturabo wandered the Hallways of the ship and studied the intricate designs of Olympia and found out that it was perfect to his sense of aesthetics. A ship for evacuation but still have a firepower to face a armada... His perfect memorization have been a help as the Iron Warriors stationed in a part of the ship as a Armorer and a Techmarines.

His design of the bullet that actually damage daemons was implemented and making the Autoguns and Ballistic weaponry more favorable.

Perturabo managed to enter a workshop that is busy with activity.

Techpriest was busy to repair the equipment and materials from the last fight.

Some notice the lumbering primarch that wander in the workshop...

Many of the descendants of Kelbor-Hal Techpriest that accompanied the former Fabricator General to Arcadia, stationed in this ship was wary of the redeemed Primarch as they still remember the Iron Warriors, but they were told to wait and see...

But at the same time Perturabo noticed these Priest in robes was more humanlike compared to the Techpriests in Mars that degraded themselves into Abominations that is more metal than man, in his mind that was disgusting. But these people have little to no augmentations which made him curious...

"Tell me techpriest, what makes you different to those in Mars?"

Many were confused of the question.

One stood out from the confused crowd.

"Our deeds are remembered by our contribution, not by degrading ourselves by copying the Men of iron."

"So, does that mean you are not like them?"

"We followed our late founder Kelbor-hal that augmentation does not make us the follower of the machine god. It is our deeds that will be a testament."

Perturabo stood silent as he nodded as he passed by the workshop.

But he noticed many of the crew that passed by him gave him certain level of respect as they continued their duties.

When he reached his destination, he found himself standing infront of the quarters that housed his brothers...

Upon reading the Imperium from a outsider perspective.

His mind is in doubt as he have mixed feeling about the individuals within...

When he opened that door he found himself staring with .

Fulgrim he helped assist and the death of Slaanesh have returned the part of his soul that was ripped from him... was sitting still as a sculpture as he listened to his own Dreadnought son recounting the meeting and with a sigh, he looked at his son with pride that struggled but still stood defiant against his Former Husk.

And Ferrus Manus was busy in a corner forging a weapon for the trials ahead,

But seeing his brother, Perturabo remember the times he did have a impression with Ferrus Manus.

While the reason that he drew lots to Horus as he wanted to prove that Iron Warriors were more capable than Rogal Dorn. Even Planets that held his design templates that were created by Commissioning the Iron Warriors when they were off duty held more longer than expected.

"Brother, What brings you here?" Ferrus spoke as he waited for his brother response.

Ferrus was aware of Perturabo involvement at the Golden Palace and his retreat, He had a mixed emotions to the brother before him...

"Just visiting someone." Perturabo strode past Ferrus and faced Fulgrim...

The Phoenix was tired and looked upon his brother that was heading towards him...

He was informed of the deeds that was done in his legion name and what his original had done to him... It slowly broke his heart...

"So, Brother did you come here to take my head of the things that was inflicted upon you?"

"No, I have come to ascertain if you were that bastard that drained my legion and my soul, but i see no image of him in you."

Fulgrim breathed with a sigh of relief. Until a tremor was felt across the ship and the Primarchs senses heard it. They armed themselves as a officer came in with a panic.

"Milord, our hull been breached. And we required your assistance."

The Trio of Primarch rushed towards the command center that in the heart of the ship.

Many of the officers was in a panic as they never expected a issue to handle it.

Daemonic excursion was one thing they were trained for...this issue is something beyond their capacity to handle it.

On the war table was a single figure that is decimating the forces that was sent to it.

It was Necron in nature but as it passed by the hallways, the surroundings was warped by reasons unknown...

"What abomination is this!" Perturabo have seen many things in the warp but not a foe they are facing...

The hallways are being warped despite the ship is covered with Anti-Warp talismans, allowing Daemonic incursion more likely to enter...

And this figure is emitting haze of warp energy from its body...

Trazyn spoke out the nature of their foe...

"It would appear it is a Minor C'tan shard of Yggra'nya, the World Shaper... Seem like a part of it must have been dragged into the Warp... Interesting... A C'tan infested by the warp..." Trazyn looked at the image with great interest.

"Where do this Foe is headed?"

"Commander Alexander ICU and eta 40 minutes milord."

Many looked at him as currently Alexander was waiting for a Heart transplant and now there was someone he could trust...

Perturabo stared at this new foe.

Perturabo was given command of Alexander forces.

And his responsibility of the lives of his brother and his men, the ship is now on his shoulders.

He turned to Trazyn.

"Tell me Xenos, do you have a tool to contain this enemy?"

"Hmm...it would take time..."

"How much time?" Fulgrim ask.

"Around in your time? 35 minutes is all I need to complete the ritual to continue the shard. But you must weaken it to the point my plan would be implemented..."

"Then time is all I can give you... Let's see what this ship can do." Perturabo Grinned.

The command tubes in Perturabo now fully linked with Olympia and upon a glance he knows everything that is on this ship and the crew within.

All its strength and all its faults...

He turned to the war table and began his duties as the commander of Olympia...

And he gave orders to the crew and he headed out with his brothers...

The C'tan shard that drifted in the void have sense something that is similar to it in this ship... For too long, it wander this realm, its body and mind molded by the energies of the warp, and it remembered a single memory of it's core that was tossed into this place was a Giant clad in Ultramarine that talk unceasingly... And when he done devouring the shard within this ship it would seek out the insect that trapped it in this place...[A/n: Cato Sicarious tossing a vortex grenade at a C'tan shard anyone?]

It remember hunger and several parts of the void was devoured by it alone, it faced beings that was stronger than it, but it persisted and devoured them... And all it need was another shard that was similar to it to be fully complete.

To be a true ruler in this unknown realm that is food for eternity for it....

This hulking ship is the only way to prevent it's ascension...

It burst into one of many entrances and sped past the mortals...

Many of whom were alerted of its presence and began to gun down the intruder.

Weapons and psychic spells clashed upon it's being... It didn't stopped but irked the figure as a single swipe of its hand destroyed the defenders...

The souls in this ship was no longer appetizing but a mere hindrance...

As it passed by the passageways it went became distorted and twisted to its own desires. Daemons soon flooded into the breach and began to drag parts of the ship into the Warp, causing many of the patrols unable to stop the main cause of the attack...

Many of the mortals that was killed in it's wake is warped into monsters...

It passed by uncaring of the deed it have done...

The hallways Infront of its destination was closed by a series of bulkheads.

And several openings from the walls on the sides revealed unmanned weapons as it attempted to hinder it...

Necron Gauss, Eldar Brightlances and a coupius amount of Sanctified Meltas and Volkites was poured into the C'tan.

It felt no pain as the attacks were repelled or bounced off... Seeing the defiance of the ship, it was pissed it roared in anger as the surroundings was warped beyond comprehension... The walls was crumpled and ripped apart by its might...

The weapon now laid silent...

It only took several seconds when the deed was done... It grinned...

As it pass through, several more passageway was blocked by bulkheads to box the intruder and many unmanned weapons was unleashed and shot at this shard... 

As it passed into a enormous hallway, A Legion of Men of Iron and Clone blanks that is armed with heavy weapons shot all they had towards it.

With the amount of firepower that would have taken out a Astartes legion had it come barrelling into the hallway.

Forcing it to make a detour as it would have spent too much time and energy to ignored the damage it slowly accumulated is not worth it...

Many of the hallways was destroyed and several voidsmen was killed...

It could sense the shard close by that is needed for it to evolve...

It ignored all the dangers as its instinct took over its body ready to devour the shard of its brethren...

Until a Hammer was bashed into its skull, forcing it to take a few meter back....

"Brother, I will be borrowing your hammer for the moment..." A Giant strode in silver armor went forth with a Hammer and open fire with his twin link bolter.

"As long as we buy time for that Xenos to do his ritual then it is worth it!"

The Shard roared in a unholy scream that would have deterred any denizens of the Warp. But not the beings before it...

They knew what's behind that door it seeks and if they failed to save Alexander... What would their father looked upon them?

Three Primarchs... Stood Infront the C'tan...

It attempted to use the power to erase these figures before it path but was unable to do so... Something from within that door prevented it to unleashed its full might forcing it to go into melee...

The Primarchs now brothers fought against the C'tan shard, ignoring the damages they inflicted upon the ship, Perturabo know Alexander wouldn't make it so flimsy to be destroyed in their fight.

He took the role as a tactician while Fulgrim and Ferrus took the front.

He could have sent for his sons for accomplishing his task but had their own problems as they are facing demons where they were stationed in...

As the fight went on something in him reminded of his hunt in Olympia... The hunt of the Great snake that he slew so long ago.

Only this time it was his blood brothers that fought against a foe with enormous amount of power...

They fought hard, but in a moment Perturabo felt something was wrong as a killing intent suddenly emanated from behind in a single second, causing him to flinch, but that single second the C'tan managed to slash him and tossed him into a wall...

As it about to deal a killing blow that would end the life of Perturabo.

A single silverly spear was bashed into its face cracking several parts of it, once more angering the C'tan.

Wraithbone, it snarled as it remembered the War in heaven. And it drew a stream of lighting and hurled it towards the location it was tossed at...

But to no avail as it missed it's intended target...

A stream of projectiles and psychic spells was pumped into is body ...

The main bulk of the soldiers have arrive and now assist the Primarchs... Now they managed to contain the breach from the C'tan rampage...

But it was god it thought, no mere mortal weapons can defeat it...

But it was facing the emperor gifts of humanity...

Weapons to kill a god...

What was a powerful part of a God is a mewling fragment.

And its body was pierced by a blade.

It snarled as it brushed it aside.

But more attacks impacted on its body slowly causing it to weaken.

Seeing that it taking too much time.

It tossed the Primarchs attacks aside as it entered the room and found a man sitting on a bed that was guarded by two giant men, it could sense a shard of its brethren in him.. and about to grab the man on the bed.

The giant figure in the room, saw the C'tan and struck its hand and it fell apart, it howled in rage as the blade managed to injured it? A god no less?

As the giant went for a killing blow. It dodged the last minute... And as it about to grab the figure it paused... No, more like something hinder it's movements and it realized that the figure before it was a trap for it... And it's eyes glowed vibrant green as C'tans hands trembled...

It noticed the Necron was nearby already prepared it's ritual to trapped it once more. And it's last moments was the grin of the Necron...

It roared once more as it was sucked into a Noctis Labyrinth...

It howled as it remember the familiar surroundings.

It struggled to be free. But this prison binded it became stronger and stronger...

Until the rumblings was stopped...

"Hmmm...Capture is complete..." Trazyn chuckled as he grabbed the trapped C'tan.

Now he have a C'tan shard infused by the warp. Better not let Orikan get his hands on it..

"I was expecting a Daemonic incursion but a C'tan shard? we are surely blessed. And my faith in Perturabo has not been misplaced after all..." Alexander smiled.

"But he nearly almost devoured you!" Fulgrim was worried..

"Well, it is a great family activity together as brothers. And seeing Perturabo have accomplished his task... I am grateful for his deed to save many of my men."

Many was indeed lost in this incident... But it was negligible...

When parts of the ship is severely mauled it is still combat worthy as Perturabo managed to send it to the Non-vital areas of the ships. 

"Why do this C'tan shard suddenly go after you instead of us?" Ferrus asked...

Throughout the fight he noticed that the shard was desperately trying to enter Alexander room, and it didn't noticed their attacks at all.

"Perhaps it could sense your father shard in me?" Alexander opened his coat revealing where his heart was, is a crystal-like shard embedded into him...

"How are you alive? What do you mean our father shard?"

"First thing first, for the first question, I am still alive... I need to have the heart transplant as this is merely temporary until I replaced my heart, that demon posing as Fulgrim in Slaanesh palace have destroyed my heart... And your father have given me a second lease of life."

"What is this shard of father embedded in you."

"Want the Lorgar version or my version?"

Many stood confused why Lorgar was part of the reason why he is still alive.

Alexander sighed.

"During his Internment on the Golden Throne...parts of his ego and psyche was scattered in the void... and Came the Saints and martyrs of the Ecclesiarchy. You heard of these being in the reports?"

"I thought they were just propaganda by the church?"

Alexander shook his head. ;"No they do not... these people represent the fragments of his will and desires of saving humanity... Ironic that the Inquisition destroyed a decent chunk of them. "

"While he was interred, I was found a suitable candidate for his shard to be manifested, Why else could I go Toe to toe with a Chaos god and Freeing our corrupted brother from the taint? I held the Bulwark of his beliefs... and how am I am still not sane? I honestly don't know."

"In a sense Lorgar was right for the wrong reasons?"

"He replaced his desires of being acknowledge as a son for a worship of being a god."

"And now my version, I am his last contingency, he played fire with the parasites in the warp. And I agreed to keep a part of him as safekeeping. And orders to bring all the Traitors back...but I am unable to do so as I was sent into the future." Alexander spoke.

It was not a lie, but Ferrus knew it was not true as he was in another Universe with Alexander and this is the only probable solution that convince the brothers around him to accept it.

After the Primarchs left, leaving Ferrus and Alexander alone.

"You aren't exactly speaking to them the truth?"

"Well... it is better that way. Since it is a white lie. I rather keep the real nature of my existence between us. I do not wish our brothers suffer more from what is hidden from the Emperor plans."

"During our fight against this foe, Perturabo sense a killing intent... you better check the crew of yours..."

"That I agree... seems that there is a saboteur in my ranks... I better alert my honor guards."

As Ferrus about to speak more, Doctors came into the room and with a perfectly cloned heart.

"We should speak at a better time Ferrus." Alexander motioned Ferrus to leave as he is having a surgery.

Upon his recovery he ordered a extensive investigation of the crew that could have caused the Perturabo to be killed, and it was one of the Imperial escorts that Roboute sent to oversee him.

It was a Puritan Inquisitor named Enos Keelael of Ordo Malleus that joined Alexander into the warp. 

He despised the fact that Perturabo could be redeemed, and he didn't care about Alexander well being as he reduced the Inquisition powers to dictate, and If Alexander died that means the powers of the Inquisition would be at his call if he did survive. And at that moment of Perturabo plight against the C'tan shard, he raised his killing intent behind the primarch while hiding from the battle but not to the point that Alexander noticed him. He was kept into stasis until Alexander exited into realspace.

After Alexander had a heart transplant, He took command of the Ship and Perturabo acted as a Vice captain.

The ship continues on course towards the Word Bearers.

As the ship is coming to where Lorgar is located, it was planet called Sicarius was seen from orbit that surrounded by Crows...

As the landers ship flowed into the planet en masse ready to fight whatever forces that defy their task... What operational weapons inhabited on the ship now aimed at the planet in the event Alexander proposal failed. Reality anchors was dropped by the hundreds to prevent the sudden shift of reality.

As soon as the first steps was taken on this daemonic soil... there was silence.

Every psykers and Auspex was scanned extensively and found that the entire planet was in almost void of life.

Amongst the empty cities, a group of avian eyes stared at them...

And several crows stood upon the roofs staring at the newcomers. But they ignored the troops as it flew towards a tower...

The group was followed by the crows.

A flickering golden crow still flying about cackling around the tower... And a Bleached skeleton lain on the outside of the tower in Word Bearer armor...

Upon checking the armor registration...

"Kor Phaeron... you truly suck."

The crow stopped and noticed Alexander among the group and landed upon his shoulders....

"Welcome back... Thank you for your service."

The crow affectionately caress his neck as it disappeared and merged into him...

The surroundings was filled with noise as if indignant that a brother of theirs disappear for so long, their screams now almost deafening...


"You done your duties well... Sons of Corvus, the Emperor have now decreed that Lorgar would be put under arrest for the crimes he did.

The sounds stopped until a enormous Raven approach the group its descent have swept dust that scattered across the ground... Its crimson eyes stared deep into Alexander soul. For a brief moment Alexander approached the bird without care or fear of it...

It didn't budged.. nor struck back the figure approaching it... It lowered its head as if it wanted to hear a word... A single sentence...

"Come home son, your Virgil have ended" was all he could say....

The Raven morphed into a figure with wings of a raven... And a brother returned to them...

And the ravens that watched over them morphed into black winged angels... Silent watchers that observed them.

Alexander smiled that the Prospect of the Raven Guard returning to the fold...

"Now time to get the choir boy into our little family reunion shall we?"

As if waiting for his words the door to Lorgar tower opened... Beckoning the people to enter it.

"This could be a trap."

"Why be wary for such a warm welcome? Corvus reports on Lorgar forces?"

The Aged Corvus stated what have been happening in the warp...

While He stalked Lorgar and slowly crippling his forces

The surviving Word bearers followed Erebus... And most of them joined the 13th Black Crusade leaving the only few loyal Word bearers to attend to Lorgar.... On his account is only a hundred of them left... He killed Kor Pharon which to Alexander relief that was a boon but was frustrated that Erebus managed to escaped from Corvus grasp. At least one of the two snake that chained Lorgar is dead and the other is no longer following Lorgar... It would help convince Lorgar to come back...

Corvus and the warped versions of the Raven Guards renewed their duties overseeing the tower and to prevent Lorgar from escaping. While Alexander and the Primarch accompanied him followed into the tower.

The entry to the tower was silent... There was no guards... Nor Daemonic incursions...

As they reached to the top of the tower, Lorgar awaited them with not a gun on his side or his favoured mace in his hands....

"Welcome Brothers, I hope you are comfortable with my accomodations?" A Giant welcomed them

Lorgar the Demon Primarch welcomed them not with weapons but with a friendly emotion as if they just met yesterday's meeting with a old friend...

"Uhh.. there was no one at the reception area?"

"I see..." Lorgar sighed... Perhaps it was inevitable as most of them either left or ended up in the claw of Corvus Corax..

"You are looking well for a Demon prince... Did the years in the warp have calmed your mind?"

"I spend my entire life's work dedicated to prove that the Emperor was a god...but he rejected me."

Alexander sighed as he produced a copy of the Lectitio Divinitatus from his being revealing it to Lorgar; " Truth Is, remember when we had our last conversation? About what god do you want the Emperor to be? I read your works... But "

"You are implying that I was in the wrong?"

"No... More like you did thought far ahead...but do you know the reason why he hated religion in the first place?"

"Was because he hated the part of humanity desire of a higher power?"

"It was because at the start, Lorgar... It comes with good intentions just like yours... But in due time the messages get distorted replaced by Men in power to keep their legacy alive, Cults and Archbishop s across time... slowly twisted the meaning till its intentions slowly forgotten..."

"You never knew how much he did at the start of helping people only for them to rely him as a God..."

"Father brought lies upon us... Why do you still follow him?"

"Because I follow his vision..."

"You are no better than the rabble that now infest the Imperium."

"The same rabble that brought you pause on the very same book you have made?"

Alexander held out. Familiar book Lorgar knew...

It was one of the original copies tht he preached about the empire being a god... But thinking about it he did wonder why he have sent the first draft to Alexander?

Alexander turned the first page in Lectitio Divinitatus and spoke out loud for all to hear..

"Rejoice brothers and sisters, for I bring you glorious news. God walks among us... *Close book* those words was the most heartfelt lines that was written till this day from a time when we were all together, when humanity was at its height to reclaim what is lost... But now he have ask of you to come home... Not as a God, not as a creator...but as a father.."

Lorgar paused...

"Father... it's been a long time since I heard that word..."

"There is a first time for everything Lorgar...even gods can felt emotions too... Just as love and just as death" Alexander showed The head of Slaanesh to Lorgar.

"Even gods can die by Mortal hands. If you consider the Emperor to be not a God... What is in my hands? Surely you know of its whispers.. it's temptations to you?"

"How did you..."

"I had help... With our brothers... So tell me... What god doesn't bleed by a mere mortal that desires to see his brother reunited?"

"Out of 4 gods that empowered you... Only three are left... Make sure you pick the right one... As he have the power to cleanse not just you... But your remaining sons back into the fold... And all I need is your word Lorgar..." Alexander calmly placed the head Infront of Lorgar... Making him think of his decision...

Lorgar did chastised his brothers for his beliefs... But a mere mortal defeat a god? His faith to chaos was wavering...

"Tell me Lorgar... Since when did the gods ever cared about you? I noticed they only cared about their fancy and choose four other legions to be their representative, But never you and your legion? You may have claimed that you are the embodiment of all chaos gods, but is that really the case when I already killed one? At least Revelation have sent me here to pick you up rather than to at the whims of whatever strikes the Dark gods fancy?"

Lorgar was still hesitant of the path he wished to go...

"I will not force you to leave this place, but I will await your decision...Brother." Alexander sighed as he turned to leave Lorgar to make his own thoughts...

Kor Pharon and Erebus always dictate where Lorgar should go... But for the first time... He had some time alone to think for himself...

He stared at his mace and looked at the statue of his son that remained loyalist in the imperial in the distance looking at him with a decision...

"Milord... what is your decision?" Lorgar noticed several Word Bearers approached him...

He looks at his sons that remained with him fondly...

"It would seem that we are joining Alexander.."

"We are returning to the Corpse Emperor?"

"No...We only follow the League. He speaks of no lie that Slaanesh is killed."

Around Two days later, Lorgar along what's left of the Word bearers in the Tower have joined Alexander ship...

After Alexander cleanse him and his sons souls and remolded them back into their to former selves. They were allowed into Olympia

They were placed under guard by Corvus corax and the raven guards...

For the first time he never felt so close to danger as his brother is staring daggers at him...

Especially when Corvus Corax smile ...

But on the bright side he was technically seeking political asylum but he may no longer bound by the four, he still have his abilities improved compared to before as he constantly emitted a Golden halo time to time making some of the Crew to be a Believer of the Emperor. That he often ended up in the ship Church preaching a more moderate version of the Leticio Divinatus...

In a certain part of the warp, a group was heading in the destination towards a destination unknown

A Primarch was accompanied with a Certain Grey knight along with 5 grey knights terminators that accompany it.... The Primarch garments was tattered, and his wolf cloak was aged from throne knows how long...

"I got a sense somthin is coming for me?" The Primarch Ears twinge with excitement.

"Oi, Do ya sense it Draigo?" He beckon to the Silent Grey knights Leader. Seeing that he was silent as a rockcrete, The Primarch drank his favorite Bottle that contain the Last of the Fenrisian Ale that his brother left behind...

He remembered the time he first met the Grey knights

He found them in front of Nurgle Garden defending all demons flooding into the gates observing the fight and appreciated their ferocity only after they decided to kill the Kadex Nurgle Daemon Prince Warden of the Bloom... He followed them and Saw Kaldor Draigo stamping the Demon Skull...

"Oi, ya ain't doing it hard enough." Was the first words he spoke to the Stoic Kaldor Draigo as he stabbed it with the his sword encrusted with frost causing it to die with shriek and a single soul managed to be free from the skull and it was placed next to the Primarch Shoulder.. 

The Grey Knight looked confused whether this primarch is a threat or not... but seeing the soul that is freed and went to the Primarch.

They decided to retreat as the Demons now found the Intruders to Nurgle garden and rationally knew they are being more outnumbered than their capacity to handle even in the strength of a Primarch behind them. They fought their way out of the garden... 

"Bah... I could use a good company instead of you silent lot...Brother...Freya..." He mumbled as he drank the last drop..His eyes glowed just from the warmth of the liquor coursing through this veins..

The soul that was freed was in Leman Russ Wolf Pelt...

After taking a second to doze off he ventured forth to his destination...

"It can't be too far off can't we?" He huffed as he along with the grey Knights follow silently behind the Primarch...

Leman Russ needed a opportunity to enter the Garden once again to find the Tree of Life but now it is more heavily guarded and Abaddon sent his father remaining Steroids Astartes that he made a deal with a outsider a millennia prior and Leman assess that would take too much time and costly.

"Perhaps I could be of assistance?" A voice appeared in the void.

Leman Russ and the Grey knight turned around with their weapons raised against the intruder.; "Are ye a tainted Warp that used my brother skin?" He growled as the creature before it was Alexander... The Shard of Alexander that watch him grow is standing before them.

"Leman...The answers you seek is already close by..." It pointed a Enormous ship heading towards them... For a brief moment he turned to stare at the object... The apparition disappeared.. and in its place is a pair of Fenrisian Stormbirds ready to load the group into the ship...

Seeing there was not much of a choice he decided to trust this apparition...

"Is this Lorgar ship, or Alexander?" Leman Muttered. As the decayed Servitors that crewed the Stormhawk heading toward the ship

He heard Lorgar ship that was similar on Alexander as he sent such a ship into Calth when he fought against the Ultramarine... but he did saw the same likeness of it in Alexander borders.

He was playing with his life as he had no bad blood with Lorgar... As far as he could remember.

There was signs of conflict and damages on the superstructure, but sparks were emitted time to time showing signs of life.

There on one of the numerous Hangers they ventured in one of them and a Delegate was awaited them..

He expected some choir boys greeted them with words and bolters... but all he saw was Mortal and a familiar red head awaited them. And his brothers he almost forgotten...

He grinned at the newcomers as he welcomed them.

"Welcome Leman and Kaldor Draigo, I hope that our hospitality is more than enough, And it would seem that you have a certain person that accompany you" Alexander was aware that the Grey Knights was actively scanning for taint. 

The single speck of soul ventured out of Leman Russ wolf pelt and it materialized into a woman...

"Tell me who are you?"

"Inquisitor Vakir Milord..."

"Seems like you want to make amends?"

"I do Milord..."

"Guardsmen, Escort Inquisitor Vakir into Medbay as we give her a new body..."

"Thank you..."

"Rewards for serving the Imperium with your sanity intact is more than enough... Perhaps you know places in the Nurgle garden..."

Leman Russ was led to a Lodge that was made with Fenrisian style and a Feast was made to his liking... He missed the kraken meat and the Mammoths of Fenris... He travelled in the Warp for so long that he only could tell the time by drinking every single day.

The Group went to their quarters and one of many quarters that could housed Leman Russ.

A Conversation took place... Alexander informed the lost primarch about the current events outside.

"So you implying that Father is calling back all of us to come home? Including the Traitors?"

"Yes, And I have Perturabo, Fulgrim aboard and Angron is in my league currently rehabilitate, don't bother of picking a fight with them as they done their sentence by providing their services to helping gather much of our brothesr in the warp. So what are you planning to do now?"

"After this, Me and those Grey knights will resupply with this ship armory and we will head to Nurgle Garden. What about you?"

"I will get Magnus, Is Janus with Kaldor Draigo?"

"Aye, Why do you need him for?"

"To make Magnus whole again."

"You mean that Book Loving Brother of ours is broken to begin with?"

"Yes.. And we need his strength and warp mastery to Breach Nurgle Garden...And do you want to have something to say to him?"

"I have nothing to say to him..."

"Huh, Funny when the Emperor have only asked you to bring Magnus back... but you listen to Horus to kill him? At least a simple apology is in order... Even Bjorn the Fellhanded is with the Thousand sons successor chapter."

"Wait What, my son is with a Thousand son chapter how?" Leman was dumbfounded as he was aware of the Thousand son Flesh Change illness.

"Long story they kinda "borrowed" him and last time I heard about him, he is doing well and not awakened to hear about your glory to a group of Fenrisian initiates...And probably they have a Word bearer mixed in the geneseed to stabilize them... Leman?"

"There's been so much to take in... Father is barely alive, and the Imperium is split apart...and only three of us is barely holding the Imperium together..."

"Once we done getting Magnus, we will join up with you as something will happen soon...A prospect opportunity is coming closer than we think..."

Leman Russ stared at Alexander to see if he held no lies.

"Well, we are almost there, All we need now is Mortarion and Magnus then we have to leave this place after we get the Tree of life... Right now we should head to the Sorceror Planet... I hope Perturabo know the location..." As Alexander turned to a corner and smiled

On a Daemon planet where the Remnant of the Thousand sons gathered..

A single crimson giant towered over a Scrying tool watching Alexander smiling at him...

He was amused that Alexander noticed his presence while he was conversing with Leman Russ.


He was aware that Alexander forgives him and the truth of the fall of Prospero does not fall solely on Leman russ alone... 

He ventured forth to a Chamber that held a stasis containing his brother skull still untainted after all these years...

He was aware of the remnant of the man before him is just a fragment of another person that is coming for him...

"Brother...Do we have a second chance?" he touched the glass that held the floating skull silently listening his complaints...

As he sought the answers in silence... He looked at what remained of his sons... Souls trapped in their armor for eternity... For once he played his part luring Roboute to Terra.. now... He awaits the promise of the Millennia.

"One chance of redemption...in a Multiverse of Sadness..." Magnus recited his brother last words.. that sentence he received when Merging his counterparts.

He closed his eyes... remembering the time when they were brothers before Ullanor, A time when He could walk in the golden palace with his brothers... now he is in the warp.


A/N: Welcome back Readers of mine...

My retail work is hell during Chinese New year, and Management deemed my work "Unsatisfactory"

And I got the Slip, just the day I began my work in such a busy time HR called me... But I understand as they want a Expert guy on the cashier and managing the shelves and Speak 5 different language [as you need to speak Mandarin ,Hokkien, English, Malay, Vietnamese, Japanese and Hindu], 6 Months of Retail just go Poof, I try to be positive that at least I gain some experience and they were not toxic about my firing.

The weakness of mine is that I am unable to ask others for help...

My Family asked me to assist in their business venture that allows me to spend more time to write

And I will be shipped out next month.

"I getting a Stardew Valley vibes." I just hope My grandpa does not end up like that...

While I am in a week of Misery I began Drafting Future chapters... To Lengthen the Starship Troopers Franchise as I listen to Consecutive Readers that the Starship Troopers is short so there are more drafts how to make it last longer than the last two animated movies... During this 6 months, I barely have time to write and process the chapters...

I Managed to Read the Entire Starship Troopers Book that my oldest reader introduced me unlike the Director reading two chapter and Somehow I do Agree most of the Author point of view.

There is a Weakness of Unlimited Democracy and Suffrage, Do Sexual Offenders, illegals and Mass Murderers have a right to vote? 

When they have the power, does anyone know they too will elect their own to keep their depraved policies in check?

The Starship Trooper book is about Responsibility. And Bugs are the Perfect Communist as they gave their lives for the Hivemind, they have no Ego, no sense of self, and the Attack on Buenos Aires was because the Skinnies gave the Location of Earth to the Bugs... And the Power Armors and Odst Drops is nice.

I been called a Fascist because I love Starship troopers, the Type of government is needed to help stave off a Bug Invasion. In the First movie Skymarshall Diennes held the worst Klendathu assault.

He took responsibility and Stepped down, There were Gender neutral showers that Men and Women took showers together without women fear of being actually assaulted as other men will surely beat up the assailant, the Propaganda actually show the true nature instead of Cherry pick that we think that we were actually winning on the ground, it allowed the people In the Federation the true nature of what we are sent to die for.

That Every vote Matters on the Life of their children. And Criminals are sent to die to make a example to keep the opportunist to keep their desire in check rather than spending Billions of Dollars keeping them in High Max Prison and making Prison as if a Second home.

I lived in a third world country, and I despised the Criminals that they commit a crime then they spent years behind bars only for the victims to grieve in their loved ones died for just a mere change and forgotten by the media for the next heart wrenching scoop? Some softhearted fellows think Criminals should be pardoned. Until the very same criminals broke in their house and do the same thing all over again.

The Batman and Joker Paradox, How many times Joker escape from Arkham Asylum and Cause chaos but Batman always prevails and he sent Joker back and I am Expected to Cheer Batman when most of the Villains he came across is made by his own decision as his Reputation have embolden the Criminals to set up shop in Arkham? How many citizens of Arkham was killed and harmed by Batman antics of No Kill Policy? Nightwing is right but wrong in a sense, He only killed the Grunts instead of those that payrolled them into a life of crime... That is why I agree with the System of Govern in Starship troopers. But Implementing it today is next to "Impossible", As there are many vested interest that want this world the way it is... Elites that have the power, Grifters and Exploiters of using a dead movement to push their agendas.... And it is already too late to use that system when everyone is Narcistic and selfish.

And For Example of Fascism I know, Hitler, Stalingrad siege the worst disaster of Nazis, He failed miserably he should have stepped down and admit that he was responsible of sending Germany to hell against Russia, He preached the Aryan Race that Germany is better by force, that Aryan blood of Blond hair and Blue eyed germans are holier than thou, Gobbel propaganda always show that Germany is winning when on the ground it was hell as the Armies are Undersupplied and manpower is low that they allowed children to be drafted and the Luftwaffe is so little planes, making the Germans hold a false sense of security until American B-17 bombers started to fly over their cities and the Russian T-34 flooded Berlin. I read history than Claiming other side that I don't like as Fascist... That word is so used up it held no meaning in this era..

Now I resumed my works and I am Making a decision for those that managed to read till the end.

1. Will you want to see a satisfactory ending in the Warhammer Universe? I read the Current Codex and I beginning to think that it is pretty much Inflationary grimdark... Canon Time travel? What the Heck Belisarius Cawl think he could go back to the War in Heaven to gather information? Sanguinius Sacrifice was for nothing? Emperor the Dark King then Abaddon is the next one?

At Least Alexander reasons of going back to time was Tzeentch Tossed him in the past when he was in transit to go Warhammer 40k.

2. Will the Primarchs and the Emperor Make a Appearance in Starship troopers? Ferrus included but at that time of writing he was considered as a guest than a family. A Advisor than a frontlines.

3. More Filler Chapters of the Citizens of the Imperium Like Rogue Traders and Guardsmen and Other characters in the other sci-fi settings? Most of the Books I read is mostly Focused on Space Marines and their Contribution to the Imperium and there is very few about the Imperium guard that I could grab my hands on with my income. They will be added in other Crossovers.

???: Will Ignis Corp be a Part of Alexander retinue in the Multiverse? 

I like Rubrix Raptor but I am on the Fence that they would accompany Alexander in the Multiverse. I have plans for them instead of a One time joke in Starship troopers.

So There are Draft chapters of them fighting alongside for Humanity and their shenanigans will be funnier than usual? Like Ignis corps in star wars Endor fighting the Ewok or Them Fighting at Halo Reach along with the UNSC. Or the Fighting in Infinite Ikea in Scp.

Thank you, original viewers, for reading "Surviving Starship Troopers with a Warhammer System" My Original Title before I changed it to this book.