
Surviving In The Apocalypse World

[ SYSTEM ] - The world has come to a critical disaster strike situation. You have to choose ONE of the occupations below in order to survive. Please choose wisely. Your fate will depend on your choice. - - You have 60 seconds to choose that start from now. - Li Xiaowu was surprised by the sudden of a floating text box window in front of him. "What the heck is this???" He feels confused and anxious... ---------------------------------- The world have comes to an end by a sudden mysterious monster that suddenly appeared on the earth. Many of the living person have died due to the sudden strike of the invasion creature. No one knows that how can the disaster strike on the earth? It come in with suddenly appeared that brought death and chaos to the world! What can the survivors do in such an teriffic situations? Do you choose to hide behind others and pray for the best? Do you choose to betray others people and join the other bad sides to survive, or... Do you want to choose to rise and fight on yourself in order to survive? Your spirit that feels like you don't want to back down before your last drop of blood is shed! What is your choice? Survive or Die? *Noted: I got the inspiring ideas from The King's Avatar, The Lone Necromancer and the Sword Art Online. Kudos to them! :>

umayra_yusoff · Spiele
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10 Chs



[ 3:20 P.M.]

At the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

After Li Xiaowu parked his motorcycle in the student parking lot, he removed his helmet and put it on his motorcycle. Then, he locked his motorcycle with a key.

*** Beep! ***

He got off his motorcycle and looked at the sky.

*** Rumble, rumble, rumble! ***

 The sky looked very dark, as if it was going to rain.

'Hmm? Looks like it's going to rain?'

Li Xiaowu quickly walked into the university campus and headed to his class, carrying his bag over his right shoulder.



Li Xiaowu went through the hallway to his class; he felt a little strange because he didn't hear the screams of the girls who often shouted his name. The hallway was very quiet. There are only a few students that are walking in here.

Maybe the others already got into the class?

"Sigh... It's so Strange..."

As he sighed softly, suddenly-

*** Grooo- ****

*** Rrroooo ****

"Huh? What has happened?!"

Li Xiaowu panicked when he saw the situation around him. He felt a strong vibration under the soles of his shoes. Then, he saw the state of the furniture around him vibrating with a very strong magnitude.

** Drrrr- **

"An earthquake?"

Li Xiaowu's eyes widened at the unexpected situation as he asked himself.

The other students also looked panicked and confused. Some screamed as loud out of fear.


"What is going on??!!"

"The f*ck!!"

After that, he saw the light flickering as if it was going to break. The light then went out.

*Flick! *

Li Xiaowu couldn't see anything in the darkness. He fumbled with his hands clinging to the wall.

After that, there was a sound so loud that it almost broke his ears.

Li Xiaowu saw a red light falling from the sky behind the opposite window in his direction.

*** BAMMMM!!! ****


Li Xiaowu couldn't do anything because everything was happening so fast. He was transfixed by the supernatural events unfolding in front of him.



Li Xiaowu collided with something, and then his head hit the wall. The strong vibration that shook the earth caused him to lose his balance and fall to the floor. 

*Bruk! *

He fainted.


Li Xiaowu felt his eyes burning, and his world darkened.




Some moments later…



Li Xiaowu woke up amidst the dark. He held his dizzy head, and his eyes flashed with pain.


He could not see anything in the darkness.


Then, Li Xiaowu sits down on the floor while his hand searches for his smartphone in the pants pocket.

He didn't know how long he had passed out.

*Scratch, scratch *

After he opened the screen of his smartphone, he sees no line network service here.

- Line: No service here (X) -

'Damn it!'

Then, he pressed the flashlight button on his phone.

* Click! *

Li Xiaowu pointed to his smartphone in front of him.


".....The heck!"

He screamed in a low voice, surprised to see what was happening in front and around him.

In front of him were several bodies of people lying there with their bodies covered in blood. Some students are still alive, too, but they seem to be very badly injured due to the tremors that occurred.

"Help me..."


He heard the voice of the student calling for help.

Li Xiaowu wanted to move there to help them, but he couldn't because the body corpses that were lying around had blocked his way.


Soon after, the voices were no longer heard.


Li Xiaowu was now alone in a dark alley filled with unbreathing corpses covered in blood.

"Damn it! What the hell has happened..."

Li Xiaowu sat down feeling hopeless. He squeezed his black hair while covering his face with both hands. He feels that he can't do anything right now.

His hands trembled in the darkness when he saw a lot of blood everywhere.

Then, Li Xiaowu remembered the message he read in the 'Archemistry Online' game.

'Is this the terrific situation that 'unknown person' said about?'

As he pondered alone, suddenly –

Li Xiaowu heard the sound of the familiar system that he always heard about.

* Ting! *


- The world has come to a critical disaster strike situation. You have to choose ONE of the occupations below in order to survive. Please choose wisely. Your fate will depend on your choice. -

- You have 60 seconds to choose that start from now. -

Li Xiaowu is surprised by a sudden floating text box window in front of him. He sees many cards which are floating with an image and some stars written on each one of them.

"What the heck is this???"

He feels confused and anxious...

Is this the 'Archemistry Online' games?

Why it's here?!!!

Hello guys! Thank you for reading this book! So, I’m going to tell you guys that next week, I have a final exam to end my studies. I’m afraid that I cannot update next week, so that’s why I’m releasing the chapter next week into today. Wish me luck with my final exams! I’ll be back with the new chapter after the examination is finished! Thank you! ^^

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