
Surviving In An Apocalyptic World

LordOfTheFlies · Fantasie
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1 Chs


As he opened his eyes, he found himself gazing at a figure that resembled a goddess. Entranced momentarily by her beauty, he eventually shifted his attention to the surroundings.

"W-Where am I?" he murmured, his voice echoing through the seemingly infinite white space. The environment stretched out endlessly, bathed in pure white. The only deviation from this pristine hue was the person before him, whom he perceived as a goddess due to her ethereal presence.

If he weren't so fixated on the woman, he might have mistaken her for an integral part of this space. Her skin, as pale as the surrounding white, gave the impression that she either belonged to this place, or perhaps, the space itself embodied her.

In any case, the young man, unable to recall anything from his memory, struggled to articulate the peculiar situation he found himself in. What had transpired, and what led him to this enigmatic place? His memory offered scant clues.

"Don't worry. You are safe. You are safe with me, my love," reassured the beautiful woman.

"Y-Your love? What?" questioned the young man, perplexed. Was she his wife or something? That couldn't be the case. As far as the young man could recall, before being forced into slavery, he hadn't married anyone. He didn't even have a lover, so how could that be?

"I understand your confusion, but I'm afraid I can't offer much explanation. Currently sealed, I can't do anything substantial for you except convey this information and provide advice for your survival."

The young man became even more bewildered. What was this woman talking about? Her words didn't make much sense.

"Wait? Survive from this point on? Does that mean I'm still alive?"

"Yes, but not for too long. You are currently suffering from a lethal wound that will take seven days to recover. That isn't the primary issue, though, because by then, an apocalypse will arrive in your world."

"An apocalypse? What?"

"A great demon will plague the entirety of your world, and humans will be powerless against it. This demon will seize control over the entire world and eradicate all mortals living in it, including humans."

The beautiful woman approached him, her yellow eyes captivating him and locking him in place.

"If you only rest to recover in the coming seven days, the apocalypse will immediately seize half of the world. Humans won't be able to do anything about it. The elven race and the dwarven race might be able to resist the demon onslaught, but due to the sudden onset of the apocalypse, they won't have time to prepare, likely facing extinction if not warned in advance."

The woman extended both of her hands and touched his cheeks. Her hands were cold, as if she were already dead.

"I don't want you to suffer more, especially since you have endured enough, but I don't have a choice. For this world to survive, and for you to survive, I need you to do this for me. In my current state, I won't be able to take any action. I apologize for my ineffectiveness when the safety of your world is at stake."

The young man absorbed everything the woman said as he looked directly into her eyes. Her eyes, tinged with sadness, couldn't possibly be telling him a lie. Despite lacking concrete evidence or proof, he believed that everything this woman was conveying was the truth. Judging by the way he could sense her heart pulsating through her cold palms, he understood that the woman genuinely had feelings for him.

"I have been observing you for a considerable duration—since the moment you saved that woman, up until you were compelled to fight for the dukedom despite lacking combat knowledge. Over this time, my love for you has grown. I love you deeply, which is why it pains me to subject you to more suffering with this, but it is the only way. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

The woman slowly brought her face closer to the young man's, and they intertwined their lips. Her lips were as cold as ice, reflecting the chill in her palms. After a few minutes, they separated, and tears glistened at the corners of the woman's eyes.

"Ah, I remember now. So that was you," said the young man.

It was during a battle with a high fever. Abandoned by his parents at the age of ten, he survived as a child beggar through theft and scraps. On a rainy day at twelve, having failed to secure any food, he was denied assistance at a pub and cast into the cold outside. Nursing a rib injury inflicted by the pub owner, he walked through heavy rain, his body growing increasingly feverish. Finding refuge in a barn, the cold still clung to him. He believed that day would mark his demise, but a woman bathed in ethereal light appeared before him. She kissed him, and her light enveloped his body, instantly dispelling the internal heat. He was saved by that woman. Now, having felt the woman's lips again, he finally remembered. This woman was the one who saved him back then.

The woman smiled at him. "I'm glad that you remember me."

"How could I forget the first lips I ever tasted?"

"You certainly have a way with words, my love," the woman chuckled. Her laughter was enchanting, and the young man couldn't resist stealing another kiss.

The woman, although initially shocked, didn't resist. Instead, she opened her mouth willingly, welcoming his tongue inside. After a few minutes of kissing, the woman pushed the young man away.

"As much as I would love to bask in your love, I'm afraid I don't have any more time."

The young man looked at her with a mixture of confusion and concern. "No more time? What do you mean?"

The woman sighed, her ethereal glow dimming slightly. "I told you, my love. The apocalypse is imminent, and I can't prevent it in my current state. But there's something you can do."

"Something I can do? What is it?"

"You have to stop the demon lord from destroying this domain, no matter what."

"T-That gives me so little. Can you tell me more?"

The woman nodded solemnly, her ethereal glow flickering as she continued, "You must warn the elven and dwarven races about the impending apocalypse. They possess unique strengths and knowledge that can be pivotal in averting the disaster. The alliance of these races could be the key to saving our world."

"The elves and dwarves?" Leon questioned, a furrow forming on his brow. "How do I find them, and how do I convince them of this impending danger?"

The woman placed a hand on his cheek, her touch cool but reassuring. "The elves reside in the ancient forest of Eldorin, hidden from most. Seek the guidance of the wise elven elders; they hold the knowledge you need. As for the dwarves, you will find them deep within the mountains of Khazdun. They are known for their craftsmanship and resilience. Convince their leaders, and they might lend their strength to our cause."

Saving the elven and dwarven races was no easy task. Elven territories were not widely known, and the dwarven race had a relatively small population, possibly numbering only a hundred in this world. Achieving that in a short amount of time was close to, if not entirely, impossible. Moreover, how did this woman know about the impending apocalypse in the not-so-distant future? That seemed to be an important question.

"I can see the future, but not too far. I have witnessed the devastation caused by this apocalypse in the first month, leading to the eradication of half the world's population," she said, teary-eyed, as she hugged the young man. "Including you."

Her hug tightened, and her voice, as she spoke, became strained with tears.

"I don't want to see that future. I want you to live. I don't want you to die."

The way she trembled as she hugged him conveyed a desire for the young man to stay with her, not wanting to let him go. But as she spoke, she was slowly vanishing. The light that enveloped her was gradually disappearing.

"I'll do whatever it takes to save our world. But what about you? Can't you come with me?"

She shook her head sadly. "I am bound by forces beyond my control. My time is limited, and I can only hope that you succeed in this quest. Remember, I will be watching over you." She kissed him once more. "But to aid you in this quest, I will grant you some of my power. Since there is still enough time before I disappear…" The woman slowly loosened the tie binding her clothes. When it was completely undone, the clothes slid down her smooth white skin and, after sliding a bit more, fell from her body. "…let's have sex."

The young man's jaw dropped. "Wait? Did I hear you correctly? You want to have sex?"

The woman, completely naked, smiled at him. "I cannot guarantee that I can satisfy you, given my lack of experience in such matters, but I will make every effort."

Hearing that the woman had no experience, the young man almost leaped with joy, but he managed to rein in his enthusiasm. "Having no experience is not the primary concern here. I mean, why such a sudden proposition?"

"Your entire body has not fully healed yet. It appears that with just my kiss, you wouldn't regain your strength. So, I am suggesting this course of action. As the goddess of love, I believe that by uniting our bodies, I can cleanse you of the exhaustion and pain that currently afflict you."

The young man, still grappling with the unexpected proposition, faltered, "Wait, I mean, there must be an alternative, correct? We need not resort to—"

The woman gently interjected, "I understand your reluctance, my love, but time is of the essence. This is the swiftest means to replenish your strength, and we cannot afford any further delay." She gently pressed the young man into a seated position. "I want you to share your vitality with me, Leon..."

Drawing him in for another kiss, she parted from his lips, casting him a soft smile. She then directed his head towards her bosom. Leon, comprehending her request, complied by opening his mouth and guiding one of her nipples towards it.

"Ah…!" the woman let out a sweet moan, arching her back and tilting her head backward. After that soft sound, she met Leon's gaze again. "Enter me. Time is of the essence."

She declared, "Enter," but executing her request was no simpler than contemplating it. Certainly, Leon had accrued enough experiences to ensure the woman's satisfaction, yet the prospect left a bitter taste in his mouth. It felt as though he was coercing her into a sexual encounter, akin to an act of violation. However, her desire was apparent; the look in her eyes betrayed an earnest longing. Leon, burdened by a tumultuous past, had weathered the trials of a life marked by thievery, prostitution, and being a sex slave forced into warfare.

Contemplating whether there was harm in indulging this woman who seemed to genuinely care for him, he shifted his focus to his own unclothed body, a realization only dawning on him now. This body had been worn and used to the extent that he questioned the possibility of being loved. He had lost his purity, left with the remnants of a body that had been repeatedly used by women seeking to betray their husbands or those merely seeking physical pleasure. Although he neither loathed nor embraced that lifestyle, he acknowledged it as a life of deceit—a life of being used, embodying a pervasive coldness that chilled his heart.

Now, this woman sought to envelop him in warmth. Reflecting on whether encountering her earlier in life might have altered his capacity to love, he dismissed the inquiry as inconsequential. The beating of his heart drowned out such contemplation, resonating so loudly that it felt as if it were echoing near his ear.

'Is this what love truly feels like?' Leon pondered. He was convinced that it transcended mere lust; what he was experiencing was undeniably love. Despite this being his initial encounter with the woman, he found himself already enamored with her.

"You claim to be the goddess of love, correct?" Leon inquired, positioning himself at her entrance, prepared for penetration.

As his member made contact with the threshold of her innocence, the woman shivered but managed to maintain a smile. "Indeed, I am."

"May I inquire about your real name, goddess of love?" Leon asked.

"I am..."

Before she could articulate her name, Leon proceeded with penetration.