
Survival with 2 essences MarvelxDC

Loneliness is something that I got used to thanks to my parents, brothers, and sisters, always seen as someone unworthy. Unworthy of their love. Unworthy of their respect. Unworthy of living with them. But after an incident, my sense of loneliness disappeared, why? Because who gives a fuck about loneliness when you can become the strongest being in the universe?

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Arthur absorbed essences and current status

Modified Essence of the Street Tier

Tastes like blood and tears

By drinking this Essence, you gain several boons:

There will be a complete reformatting of your Soul structure, making it independent from the metaphysical system of your multiverse, universe, planet, etc.

A partial rewriting of your existence such that you can continue to exist in places that would normally render it impossible, and still act as normal. You can enter a cartoon universe without yourself becoming a cartoon, travel through the ethereal realm without shedding your corporeal form, and so on.

A capacity to automatically adapt to non-maliciously hostile environments such that you can exist comfortably in them indefinitely, be it the depths of space or the elemental plane of fire.

You have the same potential as any of the Fallout protagonists going from a no-name wastelander to a feared and respected legend wherever you may roam.

You become aware of every function in your body and state of health while gaining independence from them. IE, you no longer need your brain to think.

You will instantly be aware of anyone attempting to read your mind or sense your emotions and can immediately create false thoughts, feelings, and even memories that will show any mental scan exactly what you want them to see.

You gain absolute patience and immunity to boredom. At the speeds you can think, these are a necessity.

Your intellectual expansion will not materially alter your personality against your will, although you may of course apply your newly heightened capacities for self-awareness and introspection towards the goal of personal growth and change if you want to. Otherwise, you will remain "yourself" as much as possible despite your new level of sapience, without risking the death of personality that can sometimes accompany transcendence. Regardless of whatever happens, you will always remain as "human" - in whatever sense of the word that means to you - as you desire to be.

All limitations are lifted from your body, mind, and soul. No matter which quality of yours you are trying to improve, you will always find new ways to advance yourself a reasonable amount in a reasonable timeframe. Ultimately all it takes is you being willing to put in the effort, and you will always be able to muster sufficient willpower to be able to push yourself to improve.

Skills, stats, and abilities never degrade due to lack of training or the passage of time, [neither your body even if you were to languish for eons, old age is far gentler on you].

Your body is completely rid of minor aches and pains and minor wounds heal near Instantaneously. You also tend to heal *cleanly*, getting even shredded flesh and intensely shattered bones back into their natural shape with minimal assistance and leaving only minor scars that will fade quickly [unless you want to keep them].

You will recover at least several times more rapidly than normal from any injury or illness that does not kill you outright.

Any of your powers, skills, and abilities [or internal energies] can never be drained, controlled, reduced, sealed, altered, stolen, destroyed, or otherwise limited or manipulated in any form or fashion against your will. They will also work anywhere, in any universe or dimension you visit, no matter their nature.

You also can turn any of your powers, perks, skills, etc. from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between, and you cannot be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer switch against your will.

You can learn any magic or Ki or Chakra or similar such abilities even if you don't have the circuits or nerves or bloodlines or cores or gender etc. you also can gain potentially any and all superpowers, skills, forms, magic, psychic power, etc.

For any power or ability, you acquire you will have the necessary secondary powers that allow them to function this includes the often implied but never stated ability to have your powers work in ways that won't hurt or adversely affect you, the environment in some cases, or things you use your powers on.

You gain the power to harmonize any conflicting power or abilities. Using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time. Being evil won't stop you from using good only abilities. This applies to everything you can do from magic to super science, to simple training...you always find a way no matter how impossible.

Similar powers stack together to increase beyond what they would be individual. Should you wish you can combine any similar abilities instead of keeping them separate and this combined power will work the same as it would have if you stacked the similar powers. This will help you keep track of the different abilities you have.

You are at zero risk of ever becoming overspecialized or trapped in an evolutionary dead end. No matter what you learn you can always choose to learn new things if you wish, even if people could not normally learn both. Likewise, you will always be capable of approaching new concepts without being unconsciously biased or constrained by what you already know and instead of judging it fairly upon its merits.

You possess incredible pain tolerance.

Your diligence is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say, while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important.

You now no longer need to produce human waste, [though you can if you want to] and are immune to the harmful effects of radiation alongside extreme environments ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the vacuum of space.

Total immunity to all forms of poison, venom, sickness, or disease, mundane or otherwise. Any existing ailments of physical, mental, or spiritual nature that plague you will be completely cured upon drinking this essence. You also gain a blanket immunity to all viruses, no matter how hazardous they are. Ebola? Might as well not exist! Black Plague? Don't even notice it. T-Virus? You'll be eating its brains! You may, of course, turn this off for some viruses.

Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop, and you will, forevermore, be protected from the effects of despair, boredom, ennui, etc. that will make living forever pain in the ass. You can shrug off any influence and remain unchanging in the face of all opposition, this does not affect your ability to learn from your mistakes or grow as a person. You have the will of a warrior and could face down an entire bandit lair using sub-par equipment without letting fear or pain affect you. You are still able to tell when something is dangerous though.

Your freedom is also inviolate, protecting you from being imprisoned, incapacitated, trapped, bound, owned, sealed, etc. against your will, automatically freeing you from such situations and teleporting you to the nearest safe location. [You may toggle this on and off if you need to.]

You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your body, mind, and soul against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used and you will never be permanently lost inside your head. You are immune to fear, manipulation, or otherwise, subversion of your indomitable spirit with an indestructible mind, that is highly resistant to insanity and which will eventually recover from any amount of mental trauma or destruction even if crushed or obliterated by overwhelming force. The temptations of the vilest beings and the evils of man are but a ticklish wind onto your shining existence.

Those that use supernaturally boosted persuasion are equally stymied, being forced to rely on simple mundane arguments against you as anything beyond that flatly fails to work.

You are also rendered immune to memetic hazards, info hazards, psychic assaults, being devoured by a hivemind, loss of identity/individuality, brainwashing, mental deterioration, mind control, insanity, lobotomy, split personality takeover, mind viruses, lotus-eater machines, thought weapons, mind traps, self-aware ideas, basilisk hacks, having your mind sealed, interfered with, or tampered with at all. Your mind is your own.

This immunity also extends to the supernatural influence that such beings would employ. This includes curses, hexes, possession, and other forms of dark magic used against you.

Your soul cannot be targeted as a vector of attack - the only thing you are still vulnerable to will be actual physical violence if such things can cause damage to you.

No Oracles or any other form of precognition can account for you, ever. Any predictions that are made will be made without taking you into account, and if seeking you out directly, all they get is static. In addition, you are not bound by fate anymore; your destiny is only what you make of it with a subtle anti-fate effect that derails the plans of anything you wish, often in humorous or bizarre ways. This extends to the point that people and events that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently.

You are also immune to reality-warping shenanigans, such as being caught in time paradoxes, time stops, not existing due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc. - your very existence is inviolate. In addition, you will remember both versions of the timeline if it is changed.

Anything that attempts to bypass your immunities, even other Essences, fails outright.

Note: You can still be injured or killed through direct physical damage if such things are capable of damaging you; all this Essence does is prevent your body, mind, and soul from being affected by other forces without your consent.

You can eat as much as you want without having to worry about your weight. In fact, the more you eat, the more your attributes increase, [you have an infinite capacity for the things you consume]. Your entire body now becomes very stretchy and flexible, this allows you to do things like easily unhinge your jaw and eat things even bigger than your head but not your body.

You can eat anything. Your teeth will bite through any substance, and it will soften inside your mouth. Anything you eat will also nourish you like if you were eating a healthy meal.

All things necessary for eating will also become invulnerable to harm, teeth, mouth, throat, stomach, and so on, so don't worry about eating fire or something. You can control how long it takes for you to fully digest something, from several hours to instantly.

Are capable of casting any spell, as long as you have the energy, not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast, if any, remains, however. Your energy refills at an incredible rate and can go from empty to full in an hour and this rate improves further with training.

Manipulate entire magic systems or combine them with experimentation.

You are also skilled at improvising and thinking on your feet and can be able to hide in public with the flimsiest of disguises. You are exceptionally skilled at stealth and can sneak successfully through the toughest mortal security.

You may manifest your soul.

Your voice is always the perfect pitch [encompassing the full human range with your vocal cords always ready for a speech or singing without problems regarding built-up phlegm].

Increased lung capacity and a menacing/inspiring/imposing/mad laugh that can trigger localized thunderclaps and short-lived, harmless lightning storms for dramatic effect even on a clear, sunny day at your discretion.

Modified Essence of the Nexus (Beyond the Impossible) - Drinking this Essence causes you to receive access to all the information shared by the collective consciousness of a planet's population & an immense boost to your intellect.

· A metallic Drylon Device shaped like the Infinity symbol called the Nexus is implanted inside you head. The Nexus is permanently connected to your brain at the quantum level & will mutate it considerably, making it unrecognizable from a normal human brain.

· The Nexus fuses with your brain on a metaphysical level. The Nexus is unable to be removed or even interacted by anyone except by you. It'll never be damaged, broken in any way.

· The Nexus cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will & will not malfunction or have control loss of.

· You'll have full knowledge of how it works & the best way to use it.

· You have access to all human knowledge & can retrieve any information or skill instantly required. Your Worldmind is connected to the Collective Unconsciousness, giving you access to the sum total of human knowledge that has existed until now. This ability only works on planets however it you cannot access the Worldmind from space or alternate dimensions that's not planetside. But once you've landed on the planet you can access that data from anywhere regardless of the location.

o This database updates from any Earth in the multiverse that you visit be it Marvel Earth, DC Earth, Xeelee Earth, etc.

o It's not limited to Earth & can access the Worldmind any habited planet that you visit whether it be human or alien.

· You'll gain the following mental abilities.

o The ability to perceive exactly which variables in a complex system need to be adjusted & how they should be adjusted, to result in an outcome that you find desirable & perform them accurately.

o The ability to perceive & comprehend patterns, connections, & multi-variable processes to a degree far beyond the ability of human minds. Using Oversight, you can easily detect patterns in seemingly random images or unrelated events, & perceive and understand the operations & interrelationships of even exceedingly large & complex processes.

o Hyper-creativity. It refers to the ability to continuously engage in creative leaps with no apparent intermediate steps.

o Turing Oracle- A method for determining whether a given program ever halts. Access to a Turing Oracle is near-godlike computing power. Allows efficient ways of finding solutions to NP-complete problems.

o Sherlock Scan: The ability to extrapolate an incredible amount of inference from the smallest trace of data. Such as determining someone's PIN from the way they dress. You'll need to have some information about the target to be begin with & your enhanced intuition fills in the gaps in your knowledge, allowing you to crack computer passwords, profiles, get a cold read on people around you & by combing this with the Hannibal Lecture allows you to blackmail enemies by revealing their secrets & weaknesses & make predictions about the most likely outcome of a given situation among other things. It isn't perfect though: you're still capable of drawing wrong conclusions & the chances of doing so increase the farther the leaps in logic you make. Furthermore, if you start from false information, you'll of course draw false conclusion based on it.

o Awesome by Analysis: Capable of calm analysis of conditions such as stress points, fracture planes or weaknesses physical or psychological in persons or objects around you even when in danger & deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. Need to make a million-to-one shot to stop the Doomsday Device from exploding the world, but have never even fired a gun? Just run off some mental calculations about your gun's firing speed, friction, gravity, and the slightly-off-kilter scope, & it's a done deal. Need to defeat a jujitsu master? Logically anticipate where his next strike will come from and remain one step ahead. So long as there's even a 1% chance of a comeback.

o Hyper Awareness: You make lightning-fast deductions based on only the slightest clue, pattern, or scrap of memory resident in your mind. You can make reasonable statements about a person, place, or object, seemingly from very little knowledge. However, your knowledge is in fact the result of a rigorously logical process that you force your mind to undertake, digging up and correlating every possible piece of knowledge bearing on the topic. The nature of the knowledge you gain concerning the subject of your analysis might include the answer to a riddle, the way out of a maze, stray bits of information about a person, legends about a place or an object, or even a conclusion concerning a dilemma that your conscious mind is unable to arrive at.

§ You become fully aware of their environment in minute detail, limited only by the type and range of their available sensory apparatus. They also convert information on their surroundings into patterns, but this process occurs millions of times faster under normal conditions and may happen hundreds of millions of times faster if overclocking is used.

§ You'll know how many people are in the area, what they are doing, which ones are important to the plot & what would be the best exit without attracting attention. You can identify every illicit affair at a high society event through scent. Discern someone's life goals & Berserk Buttons just by looking at them, or knowing how everyone in a group relates to each other person. Pick out a single person standing on top of a skyscraper while being on the ground. Pick out single people in perfect detail from kilometers away, & can instantly identify & discern all details of crafted objects that instinctively lets you know how something is broken, where it is broken and how to fix it just by touch or through a cursory glance.

o You gain the ability to memorize any technique that you witness a person performing down to the finest detail. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements.

§ Tasks can be mastered after merely observing them being performed, even if no effort at teaching is being made.

§ Comprehensible information or skill set can be learned and applied perfectly after a single lesson.

o Mental Self-Modification: Modify your mental state and structure almost at will. This can range from adjusting their emotions and personality (e.g., making yourself more patient, more or less empathetic, etc.) to how you perceive sensory input (e.g., tasting sounds or smelling colors) to incorporating and combining the mental structures and outlook of up to hundreds of millions of (sometimes radically) different life forms, both human & alien, if circumstances warrant it.

§ You can analyze and even dissect their own thinking processes and routinely employ parallel streams of thought - thinking about thousands or millions of different things at the same time. Any changes that occur in their thinking process are assimilated almost instantly. You may routinely observe their own thought processes from multiple internal points of view.

§ You can focus its entire attention on a single subject or repetitive task without getting bored or distracted, or spread its awareness across anything up to billions of different activities, locations, sensors, and bodies at will. This number can be increased even further if a lower level of processing is devoted to some or all foci of attention or reduced if a greater level of processing is used for some or all foci. Much like its senses, you can shift its attention from place to place, focusing and diffusing it, at will and in an instant.

§ You can not only divide their attention and awareness across billions of inputs, but also their perception of time. You might speed up its perception of the passage of time in one part of its mind, taking subjective hours to watch the fall of a single drop of rain, while slowing down another portion of its mind to observe the growth of a tree over a period of subjective minutes or seconds. At any given moment, you can might be operating hundreds of millions of points of attention at customized time rates for one reason or another.

· You remember with perfect detail everything you have witness or learned. Memories prior to drinking this Essence are much less clear & detailed.

· Your brain is billions of times faster than a normal human's, giving you enhanced pattern solving, information retrieval & logical structuring. You can even hold multiple lines of thought simultaneously.

o You mind operates like a hypercomputer, capable of rapidly & without mechanical aid perform an infinite number of unimaginable complex and simultaneous calculations, in your mind with minimal stimuli. You can quickly, simultaneously and perfectly analyze multiple information streams (e.g. threat assessment) & rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, by identifying the variables and quantum possibilities in any situation, & use this information to adjust the outcome to whichever is most favorable to you. Because your mind operates like a hypercomputer; you can process information quickly & this gives you a hyper-accelerated learning aptitude. You also possesses limitless information storage and retrieval, enhanced pattern solving/recognition, extremely high perception, and observational skills, perfect deductive/reasoning skills and investigative skills, superhuman strategic/tactical analytical skills, & an eidetic memory.

· The Nexus gives you perfect/ infinite memory & processing power with instant recall, indexing creativity & learning capability.

· Gain practically infinite trains of thought and ability to multitask.

o The thing about super-human knowledge and intellect, is that often you don't get a super-human brain to put it in, and there's only so much room in there. As your brainpower goes up, your survival rate goes down. The Nexus takes care of all that, preventing a My Skull Runneth Over situation. Which would cause you to die either by hemorrhage, cranial explosion, or body strain from mental overload. It'll also protect you from non-fatal situations, such as madness, head-splitting migraines, overwriting of memories or knowledge, or permanent brain damage.

· Rendered immune to memetic hazards, infohazards, psychic assaults, possession, being devoured by a hivemind, loss of identity/individuality, brainwashing, mental deterioration, mind control, insanity, lobotomy, split personality takeover, mind viruses, lotus eater machines, thought weapons, mind traps, self-aware ideas, basilisk hacks, having your mind sealed, interfered with, or affected negatively at all. Your mind is your own.

o You're immune to having your memory destroyed, altered, erased, or otherwise tampered with, without your direct permission without duress.

· The Nexus provides you with the following abilities.

o Self-powered brain: Your brain is powered independently from your body. You won't feel mental fatigue unless connecting to the Worldmind for extended periods and requires very little sleep, averaging less than one hour per day, though you can go for several days without sleep if required. Your brain unique physiology gives you immunity to the intoxicating effects of alcohol.

o Eye flash: Your eyes are connected directly to the Nexus's power source, lighting up when you're accessing your superhuman intelligence or the Worldmind. This can be toggled at will. Sudden emotions, especially anger, can trigger the eye flash; it can also be activated consciously for intimidation. The more the brain is working, the brighter the flash. By overclocking your brain with random calculations, you can increase the brightness to blinding levels; it can be sustained for a very brief time without damaging the eyes.

· You won't be reliant on the Nexus for survival such as dying from it being damaged or removed. Electromagnetic pulses won't disable or destroy.


Name: Arthur Leywind Age:18 Sex: M

Muscle strength: 0.72

Body Agility:0.92

Cell's Vitality: 100.00

Mental Strenght: 1000.00

Magic perception: 1.00

Qi strength:1.00

Soul presence:1.00
