
Survival In A Mythical World

Arantala is a world dominated by beasts and monsters, with humans scarcely populated and even sold as food or enslaved. The last 6 wielders of the Primordial Elements have died, restarting the cycle of who uses them. After surviving a catastrophic natural disaster caused by a powerful monster, a human named Kai escapes being sold as food and runs into the wilderness. After searching for a while, He is greeted by a strange relic that grants him a special power, he has aquired one of the Primordial Elements. The relic speaks to him telling him to find 5 other people who have obtained a Primordial Element. They are scattered around the world and they must eventually meet. Once all 6 people are united, their power can reshape the world, effectively making them gods. Will Kai find the 5 other people, and become a true god, or will he die to the hands of beasts and monsters? What friends or enemies will he make? Read to discover the mystery!

MasterrGuy · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Good and Evil Are Just Percieved

Kai was now beginning the spell. Energy gathered around his body, his brown hair tinted purple was flowing from an unknown force. All the lizardman's eyes grew wide with fear.


Karla ran infront of the Kai and made her body as big of a target as she could. "STOOOOP!"

Kai stared at her and deactivated cosmic magic. His face was frozen in anger.

"What do you think you are doing!?" Karla shouted at him.

Kai looked down at Karla and didn't say anything.

She pointed at Kai.

"These lizardman have nothing to do with your past or whatever grudge you have! How much of an idiot can you be!?"

Everybody in the building was staring at Karla.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. He started breathing in and out deeply, staring at the the cowering lizardman in dismay.

Karla shook her head. "You've already done enough pointless damage!"

"Please! We're sorry for whatever things our species have done to you!" One of the lizardman moms chimed in. She had tears in her eyes while holding her child. "Please just let us live!"

"Yeah! What she said!" Another lizardman shouted out. He seemed to be in adolescence.

The whole audience on the metal building errupted in pleading.

Kai put his hand on head. It started to throb like hell.

"W-what the-," He muttered under his breath.

"𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻," a mysterious voice echoed in his head.

A really bad feeling took over Kai. It was a feeling of pure doom.

He came to the sudden realization that he would've been instantly killed by a higher being if he murdered all those lizardman.

He guessed there was a certain amount of innocent lives you could affect with a primordial magic such as cosmic magic. But he thought it was weird how a mysterious being was still putting restrictions on it. He never believed in a god growing up. He never had "miracles" to believe in. When he aquired cosmic magic, the entity talking to him that time was not the same as this one. This one that spoke just now was definitely different. On a whole different playing field than the other one. Kai could feel it. It was terrifying.

He waited for the headache to subside. The building was as silent as could be.

Kai took one more deep breath.

"Alright," He spoke. He looked to the ground avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry for what I put you through."

He looked up at all the lizardman akwardly. Karla turned around to match his gaze.

All the lizardman fell to the ground in relief.

The village was already burnt to a crisp. If only he had an ability to revert time. He decided to call out his cosmic book just to check. He guessed he had the ability to.

The book appeared infront of him. All the lizardmen were surprised at the appearance.

"Do you have any abilities to revert time?"

The book closed and dissappeared.

There was a short silence.

"What the fuck!?" Kai complained. The lizardman backed away in fear.

Kai facepalmed. "Whatever."

"Let's look outside," Karla suggested.


Kai gestured at the lizardman to follow him outside the buidling.

When he got outside, he noticed the fire was already almost out. There were lizardmen that didn't make it into the big metal building splashing water buckets everywhere.

They noticed Kai and started to run.

Kai turned back to the lizardman croud behind him. "Tell all the others in this village that it is under my control. Also, Go help with the water and the wounded that might've got stuck under rubble."

Karla nudged his side and gave him a face.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Everbody except the mothers."

"Yessir!" They replied.