
Survival In A Mythical World

Arantala is a world dominated by beasts and monsters, with humans scarcely populated and even sold as food or enslaved. The last 6 wielders of the Primordial Elements have died, restarting the cycle of who uses them. After surviving a catastrophic natural disaster caused by a powerful monster, a human named Kai escapes being sold as food and runs into the wilderness. After searching for a while, He is greeted by a strange relic that grants him a special power, he has aquired one of the Primordial Elements. The relic speaks to him telling him to find 5 other people who have obtained a Primordial Element. They are scattered around the world and they must eventually meet. Once all 6 people are united, their power can reshape the world, effectively making them gods. Will Kai find the 5 other people, and become a true god, or will he die to the hands of beasts and monsters? What friends or enemies will he make? Read to discover the mystery!

MasterrGuy · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Exploration Pt.2

Kai opened his eyes. The sun was shining on his face. The heat beating his whole body. He sat up on the branch and covered his face with is hand. He was super sore from the ordeal yesterday.

"Auuuhhhgghh," he groaned. "Why does my body hurt so much?"

He layed back down and stared at the sky for a while.

Eventually he willed himself back up, and climbed down the tree. When he touched the ground the ground felt oddly wet, like it had rained while he was asleep. Except Kai wasn't wet at all. Very strange. He walked around a bit. Eventually, he got to a part of the rainforest where the vegetation was extra thick.

"You know, maybe I could learn another ability." He said to himself. "At least before I go any deeper in this jungle."

He proceeded to call out the book. "Book? I know you can hear me, so come out."

He waited.

"What is taking so long," he shifted. Suddenly, text appeared infront of him written in a weird cosmic ink.

"Cannot show new ability. Timer has not finished." It read

"What do you mean timer!?" He yelled in response. "This is bullshit!"

He sighed. "Well, might as well explore some more."

As Kai ventured deeper into the dense foliage, he noticed the ground trembling beneath his feet. The tremors grew stronger, and soon enough, he could hear a low, rumbling sound. A sense of dread washed over him, but his curiosity got the better of him. He followed the sound, his cosmic abilities at the ready.

As he pushed aside the thick vines, Kai came face-to-face with a monstrous ground worm, its segmented body writhing and undulating as it burrowed through the earth. The worm was covered in hardened, plate-like scales, and its enormous, gaping maw was filled with razor-sharp teeth. It was a creature unlike anything Kai had ever seen.

"That looks dangerous..." He muttered.

Kai's instincts kicked in, and he summoned his cosmic magic. There were many puddles around him, and when he looked at them he could see his reflection. He realized his pupils turn from ordinary brown, to glowing bright purple with stars, and the white part of his eyes turn black when he activates Cosmic Magic. He thought that was pretty cool.

"Now is not the time to be distracted," He said to himself.

He began with an Asteroid attack, hurling a barrage of rock and debris at the massive worm. The projectiles struck the creature's armored scales, but it appeared relatively unfazed.


He didn't want to use max power on his abilities so he didn't lose to much stamina.

The worm lunged at Kai, its jaws snapping furiously.

Thinking quickly, Kai activated his Nebula ability, cloaking himself in a cloud of colorful gas of sparkling stars and dust. The worm, momentarily disoriented, paused in its attack, giving Kai the opportunity to strike back. He focused his energy and unleashed Solar Wind, aiming it directly at the worm's exposed underbelly.

The worm screeched in pain as the Solar Wind seared its flesh, but it was far from defeated. It retaliated by burrowing into the ground, causing the earth to quake and split open. Kai narrowly dodged the fissures, realizing that this battle would require his full concentration and strategy.

The worm kept appearing out from the ground, only to retreat again to avoid any more damage.

Determined not to give up, Kai continued to adapt his strategy. He alternated between his Nebula ability to disorient the worm and the Solar Wind to cause damage, with asteroid mixed in between.

"This is taking too long!"

As the battle raged on, he became more skilled in predicting the worm's movements and exploiting its weaknesses. But the worm was relentless, and Kai knew that he needed to finish the fight quickly to avoid being worn down by the creature.

"I need a new ability!" He yelled. "Book! Appear!"

He hoped the book's bullshit timer would be done by now.

The cosmic text appeared infront of him again. It read "1 minute until you can access the book again."

"Dammit!" He screamed.

He could feel the ground rumble under him. He knew the worm was about to swallow him from below. The worms huge mouth could easily eat Kai.

He was also getting a bit tired.

Thinking fast, he used solar wind and aimed it at the ground. This time at max power to blast him in the air.


The ground crumbled in the immense heat. Kai rocketed 30 feet in the air, and scorched many trees in the process.

He called out Nebula to catch him in the air. He materialized the mysterious substance right away, standing on it like a cloud.