
Surface deep - Echoes of pain and ripples of love

Eli and Sean, two opposites who are drawn to each other. Eli, a loner who loves to swim, doesn't appreciate Sean's flirtatious ways, and is also dealing with a tumultuous home life. As their attraction grows, they begin to fall in love.

Anonmatagot · realistisch
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3 Chs

Tangled Emotions

"So damn noisy! Don't touch me!" Sean's voice echoes through the empty schoolyard in the early morning. There are barely any people present, and the few who are around seem to be minding their own business. Sean is surrounded by a bunch of men, some of whom look strong and determined, while others appear mostly concerned. It's best to keep my distance; I don't want to get dragged into their argument. It's best not to get involved. But my heart races as the men grab Sean by the head, trying to force him into a car. This actually looks bad, and I know I need to do something. With a sense of urgency, I take brisk steps closer to them.

"What are you doing, kidnappers? I'm going to call the police!" I yell as I grab one of the men's shoulders.

"This guy's father ordered us to bring him home," one of them answers. "Outsiders have no business getting involved in this."

"Still, his old man should come and get him himself. Parents can't do whatever they want to their children," I snap at them before grabbing Sean's arm. "Come on, let's go." The men yell in protest, and we start running. We run fast, jumping over some benches and dodging low-hanging tree branches before ending up at the swim club. Panting, we slide down on the floor hidden from sight. We took quite the detour to get here. "If we just hide here for a while, we probably won't be found," I say while trying to catch my breath.

"Thanks. Even though I haven't been back home for a while, I didn't think my dad would actually use force," Sean manages to say between his shallow, hasty breaths.

"You're pretty amazing, even though the rumors say you're some young master. I didn't think they were true," I say as I turn my gaze to him.

"If I said I was, what would you do?" Sean smiles back, with his sweet, disgusting smile that makes so many girls fall for him.

"I don't think I would believe it...or I still don't believe it," I answer as I pat my forehead with the edge of my shirt. Sean chuckles in response, leaning forward, and letting his arms rest on his knees.

"It's pretty surprising, though, that you're actually quite the petty person," he says with a stare that feels like it's burning. I grimace as I consider the words. I think this is the first time I've heard someone use the word "petty." Out of nowhere, Sean lies down over my crossed legs, making himself comfortable.

"Hey, get off me!" My voice sounds as troubled as I feel, trying to move him away.

"I'm so tired after our escape," Sean complains. "And Eli's body is really cold. It's refreshing and comfortable." He lies face down, using his own arms as a pillow. "After running with all my might, my body's turning numb." He lets out a sigh, "Why does that even happen? It's stupid." I study his face as he lies there with his eyes closed. His face is really beautiful now that I'm up close, his eyelashes long and his lips plump. He turns over and places his hand on my chest, "Eli, your heart's beating really fast."

"That's because I haven't raised my voice in such a long time," I go, feeling the panic slowly ebb away as Sean's laugh fills the air.

"It's also the first time I've seen you being that loud. You're usually very calm and quiet, Eli," he glances up at me. "Are you satisfied with this kind of life? Do you even have a girlfriend?" He sounds seriously curious.

"I don't want a relationship," I answer him as I look away. "It's too annoying."

Sean props his head up on his hand, still lying across my lap. "What a waste. You have such a beautiful face."

I can't help but scoff at his answer, "You're the one who becomes super cold when your partner falls in love with you." I furrow my brows as I look at him, "Aren't you playing around too much?"

"My feelings were true when I first stated that I liked them, you know," he smiles at me before turning around on his back. "It's just that when I think about the fact that she likes me, I suddenly feel disappointed," he sigh as he brushed his hair away from his face.

"Is that so." I manage to say, despite the flurry of emotions stirring within me.

Since then, Sean seems to always come to bother me, no matter if it's between classes or when I'm at the swimming club. "Haven't I already said that non-club members aren't allowed in here," I glare at him as he sits at the edge with an ice cream in hand. "When you come here, all the girls will be distracted," I mutter as I glide past him, my heart racing, as I can't but help being happy that he is here for me.

"The manager said that if I promised to help around the club, then I would be allowed to come on in," he answers with a content look on his face, his mouth stuffed.

"You won her over with your looks, didn't you?" I ask as I rearrange my swimming goggles. Honestly, this guy is really noisy, I think to myself as he runs alongside me, cheering me on. One of the other club members warns him about running by the pool, but it's too late, and he falls headfirst to the floor. I stop and swim to look at him. When he sits back up, there's a small wound on his forehead where blood sips out.

"Are you an idiot?!" I exclaim in surprise.

"You don't have to mind me, Eli. This kind of wound can do with just a lick," he laughs in response.

"As if!" I yell as I hoist myself up and grab him by the collar, asking to be excused from practice. I drag him to the club rooms, as I throw a towel over my still-dripping shoulders and start to search for bandages. "If I remember correctly, there should be a first aid kit here," I mumble as I rummage around all the stuff in the club room, feeling a mixture of emotions towards this noisy, yet charming, guy.

"It's bleeding heavily, but the wound doesn't seem deep," I say with a mix of relief and worry as I examine Sean's injury. When he catches a drop of water under my chin, my heart skips a beat, and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

"What are you doing?" I try to hide the nervousness in my voice as I ask him what he's doing, but I can feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment when he flashes me that sugary smile.

He trails the back of his hand alongside my face, his words making my heart race. "Eli is just like a fish, you look much more lively when you're in the water," he says. I take a step back and look away, feeling flustered by his words and the way he touches me so casually. It's like he's electrifying every nerve in my body with his touch and words.

"Don't touch me like that," I say, trying to sound firm but feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

He chuckles. "It's cute," he says, and I can't help but feel a flutter in my chest.

I dry my chin with the back of my hand and try to change the subject. "What if your family gets angry because you hurt your face?" I ask, hoping to steer the conversation away from anything too personal.

"No one would even notice, so don't worry too much," he replies, and I can't help but feel a pang of sadness for him.

As we sit down together, he starts telling me about his family and the problems he's faced. His words sound like something out of a soap opera, and I'm not sure how to respond. But as he talks, I begin to see a side of him that I never knew existed. He's not just the happy-go-lucky guy I thought he was. He's carrying a lot of pain inside, just like me.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I ask, feeling both curious and uncomfortable.

"I feel like Eli would never pity me, so that's why," he says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. I can tell he's hurting, and it makes me want to comfort him. It's like he's revealing a part of himself that he keeps hidden from everyone else. "Keep this a secret," he whispers.

We go our separate ways, and as I walk home, I can't help but think about Sean and the complicated life he's living. I can't deny that there's a part of me that wants to get to know him better and I know that I'll have to tread carefully if I want to explore this connection between us. But I push those thoughts aside, knowing what awaits when I get home.