
Supreme Warrior God: I Shall Sever All Heavens and Realms!

Destroyed and translocated into the body of a deceased, low-ranking disciple from an illustrious sect—formerly timid, cowardly, and utterly useless—Sun Kang, whose soul was randomly transplanted into this specific body by a soul-relocating treasure, will endeavor to cleanse himself of every inherited disgrace and shame. He aims to achieve this by overcoming all that once oppressed and intimidated the former easily frightened, frail, and vulnerable owner of the body he now inhabits. Coupled with an unwavering motive to reach the peak of power, where all living or sentient creations in his universe and far beyond will bow before him with total adoration, fear, and reverence due to the inestimable, vast physical strength and dread-striking, overflowing despotic powers he would possess, he will endeavor to subdue, suppress, surmount, or eliminate all odds that he would encounter in his unstoppable climb to the zenith stage. His ultimate goal? To become sovereign and supreme, looking down upon all things with contempt. Yet, would he be able to achieve this in his weak new form, especially in a world filled with immensely strong, power-thirsting, arrogant cultivators who believe that only the strong survive? A world where the weak are considered prey for the strong, thereby creating continual situations and unfolding events where opportunities to grow stronger, to greatly surpass one's peers, are lustfully, desperately, and brutally sought after, resulting in overwhelming chaos, mayhem, carnage, and havoc that has become the order of the day. To learn more, join Sun Kang on his arduous journey to attain the pinnacle of power. He will embark on endless and perilous explorations into forbidden, abandoned, or sealed malevolent otherworldly sites, as well as uncharted concealed regions and dangerous miniature dimensions. These locations could instantly destroy him, but he is relentless, fearless, indefatigable, and overly curious in his quest for primal ancestral treasures of devastating potency, enormous amounts of exceedingly rare supreme sovereigns' cultivation manuals, and perfect cultivation resources. And, supported by numerous formidable entities—massive and astronomically powerful, highly intelligent cosmic creations that inhabit his body, including possession of the transcendent-tier superior Battle Art and All-Firmament-Severing treasure-sword of an unstoppable, venerable grandmaster Sovereign who is infinitely skilled in the fearsome, ominous, and domineering 'Ways of the Severing Sword', as well as owning thousand other sterling combat skills of devastating effectiveness, Sun Kang will endeavor to overwhelmingly subdue, ruthlessly humiliate, and mercilessly obliterate countless talented cultivation experts of diverse cultivating races or tribes that will act as obstacles or barriers to his acquisition of a vast and limitlessly great, tyrannical divine power. By all means possible, he must become a revered, radiantly dazzling, dreadfully imposing, and majesty commanding 'Supreme Warrior God'—an aspiration he has always harbored since little where he will possess the capability to instantly split, sunder, or rend apart every unbounded heavenly layer, realm, or dimension with disdainful ease!

koladeizdavid · Ost
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 - Surprising Everyone!

Chapter 24 - Surprising Everyone!

Suddenly, a golden axe that was more than seven feet long and radiated a type of power that caused the blood coursing within everyone to chill and somehow, unexplainably flow in reverse, appeared before Ji Fun and shot out a great speed towards Sun Kang whose eyes couldn't help but narrow in total amazement.

Such an attacking technique will have its root from Higher Worlds!

It then dawned on Sun Kang that these four people that just appeared in the sect must have a much more deeper background than imagined.

Without wasting much time, Sun Kang abruptly aimed at it with his right palm. Then a large stream of violet-colored Origin Energy immediately rushed out of it before condensing into a massive wheel that spun at a great speed which then shot out in the next second towards the seven feet-long golden axe.

Because of the frightening offensive power that the axe raging towards him carried, Sun Kang was forced to use a more simplified version of the 'Eight Revolutions Thousand Profundities Wheel' that he created himself back at the Blessed Tyrant planet.


The moment the wheel struck the axe, a loud explosive sound instantly rang out with an amazingly powerful gale of wind rushing out from the point of impact, which then swept outwards with a lot of power and in all directions that it knocked back many weaker Outer Court disciples. It even sent some flying for more than three feet!

However, the wheel was knocked aside with the axe which still had twenty-five percent of its power left, continuing to rage towards Sun Kang to smash into him.

Seeing that the attack derived from the simplified version of the Eight Revolutions Thousand Profundities Wheel couldn't stop the axe, he proceeded to use the original form of the attack itself, but with 0.1% power, as the original form of the attack was one that could cause the sky to cleave apart and collapse to reveal tens of thousands of enormous, dark-black spatial fissures that could result in the countless splintering of a world.

Although he wasn't at such a level of power yet, but at his present cultivation stage, a great degree of destruction will be caused within the sect, which will absolutely result in the death of Ji Fun and many innocent Outer Court Disciples watching the match, simply due to the higher powers of the world that will be infused into the attack because of his comprehension of a certain Higher Law of the world; the Law of Destruction. And that, was certainly a sure way of provoking the Divine Cloud of Punishment into really severe action.

Therefore, a small, vertically spinning wheel that was jet-black in color, despite the violet-colored Origin Energy that formed it, and which spun insanely fast that it produced a powerful pulling wind that acted on the thick concrete tiles of the floor and caused some of them to actually crack and shatter, suddenly appeared before Sun Kang and then shot out like a raging cannonball towards the golden axe shooting towards him.


The moment the wheel shot out, it appeared before the axe like it actually teleported. Then with a deafening explosive sound ringing out, the axe was instantly shattered into smithereens with the wheel that seemed like it didn't seem to come into contact with anything, shooting forward towards Ji Fun whose battle urge immediately died out.

However, the wheel was neutralized in the next instant by Sun Kang who was still mentally connected to his attack. So, with a single thought, the wheel lost it wheel-like form and immediately dispersed into the air. But the wind that it formerly produced and carried along with it, was still present. So, this rushed towards Ji Fun like a focused blast of air currents and knocked him flying away for more than four feet.

Once this happened, everyone's mouth opened wide. They couldn't believe what they just saw. Then they turned their heads to look at Sun Kang who was now pale-white in color and had his chest heaving up and down, seeming as if he just finished a race that sapped him of all his strength and breath.

Then a wild thought came to their heads that did Sun Kang just defeat an eleventh-layer, Common Law Warrior stage cultivator?!

They couldn't believe what they just witnessed with their own eyes.

Suddenly, a clamor of excited noises began to ring out from everywhere in the Outer Court Disciples residence courtyard.

"Amazing! Totally amazing! This guy is truly worthy of being called a genius. Imagine that power. But that technique, Heavens, seems too powerful for his level. I wonder where he learnt such a technique."

"Yea, as soon as it appeared, I felt like nothing is going to save me from being destroyed by it. Such a wicked-ass attack."

"It must be that expert that saved him that passed down that mind-boggling technique to him, 'cause there is absolutely nowhere that he will be able to lay his hands on such a powerful technique. What a lucky bastard. I can't believe I am beginning to envy this worm of those days. Sigh!"

As noises filled with both surprise and excitement rang out within the crowd that witnessed the battle, Chu Cheng whose mouth was still opened wide in shock at the attack that continually replayed in his head, suddenly felt that he wasn't much of a genius after all. He felt that he was only pushing himself too hard to be renown as a genius within the sect. Whereas geniuses, no matter what, will always be known and seen as geniuses. They didn't need to work too hard to show that they were strong, skillful and formidable. It was an inborn thing. It flowed in their blood. Their comprehension rate and execution of battle skills were far above even that of elite disciples.

"Sigh!" Chu Cheng sighed and smiled in a self-deprecating manner.

But his eyes shone brightly in the next instant and with a steely resolve as he gazed at Sun Kang who only shook his head with a smile hung from his lips as he looked at Ji Fun struggle to get up to his feet at the distance that he was sent flying to with a fully astounded and revering look in his sheet-white face.