
Supreme Warrior God: I Shall Sever All Heavens and Realms!

Destroyed and translocated into the body of a deceased, low-ranking disciple from an illustrious sect—formerly timid, cowardly, and utterly useless—Sun Kang, whose soul was randomly transplanted into this specific body by a soul-relocating treasure, will endeavor to cleanse himself of every inherited disgrace and shame. He aims to achieve this by overcoming all that once oppressed and intimidated the former easily frightened, frail, and vulnerable owner of the body he now inhabits. Coupled with an unwavering motive to reach the peak of power, where all living or sentient creations in his universe and far beyond will bow before him with total adoration, fear, and reverence due to the inestimable, vast physical strength and dread-striking, overflowing despotic powers he would possess, he will endeavor to subdue, suppress, surmount, or eliminate all odds that he would encounter in his unstoppable climb to the zenith stage. His ultimate goal? To become sovereign and supreme, looking down upon all things with contempt. Yet, would he be able to achieve this in his weak new form, especially in a world filled with immensely strong, power-thirsting, arrogant cultivators who believe that only the strong survive? A world where the weak are considered prey for the strong, thereby creating continual situations and unfolding events where opportunities to grow stronger, to greatly surpass one's peers, are lustfully, desperately, and brutally sought after, resulting in overwhelming chaos, mayhem, carnage, and havoc that has become the order of the day. To learn more, join Sun Kang on his arduous journey to attain the pinnacle of power. He will embark on endless and perilous explorations into forbidden, abandoned, or sealed malevolent otherworldly sites, as well as uncharted concealed regions and dangerous miniature dimensions. These locations could instantly destroy him, but he is relentless, fearless, indefatigable, and overly curious in his quest for primal ancestral treasures of devastating potency, enormous amounts of exceedingly rare supreme sovereigns' cultivation manuals, and perfect cultivation resources. And, supported by numerous formidable entities—massive and astronomically powerful, highly intelligent cosmic creations that inhabit his body, including possession of the transcendent-tier superior Battle Art and All-Firmament-Severing treasure-sword of an unstoppable, venerable grandmaster Sovereign who is infinitely skilled in the fearsome, ominous, and domineering 'Ways of the Severing Sword', as well as owning thousand other sterling combat skills of devastating effectiveness, Sun Kang will endeavor to overwhelmingly subdue, ruthlessly humiliate, and mercilessly obliterate countless talented cultivation experts of diverse cultivating races or tribes that will act as obstacles or barriers to his acquisition of a vast and limitlessly great, tyrannical divine power. By all means possible, he must become a revered, radiantly dazzling, dreadfully imposing, and majesty commanding 'Supreme Warrior God'—an aspiration he has always harbored since little where he will possess the capability to instantly split, sunder, or rend apart every unbounded heavenly layer, realm, or dimension with disdainful ease!

koladeizdavid · Ost
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24 Chs

Chapter 11 - The Heavens are finally smiling at me!

Chapter 11 - The Heavens are finally smiling at me!

"Ugh! I wish he left his name for us. But I have memorized his face anyways. I will do well to describe his facial features to my clan and expect the rise of another monstrous genius from the Great Dragon-Elephant sect."

"Coupled with that kid at the third-layer, Common Law Warrior stage, the Great Dragon-Elephant sect now have a total of twelve mighty geniuses. Damn! That sect truly have affinity for geniuses. I wonder how they do it to seek and capture these unique human beasts. They are surely a sect that can't be contended with in terms of elders, disciples and geniuses."


Few hours later, the carriage arrived before the massive and beautiful gate of the prestigious, Great Dragon-Elephant sect.

Immediately Sun Kang came down from the carriage, he paid the carriage driver and walked towards the silver gate of the sect.

Once he entered through the gate, a loud voice suddenly rang out from afar, "Stop there!"

Then an elder who had seen him coming, immediately flew towards him with a scrutinizing look in his face.

"What happened to you? And where are you coming from?" A middle-aged man who was an Outer Court Elder, asked with his brows deeply furrowed.

He couldn't understand why Sun Kang who was covered in blood, seeming like he emerged from a pool of blood, had no form of life-threatening injury on his body.

"Elder, this disciple greets you." Sun Kang said and bowed with his fist clasped by his palm.

Then when he straightened himself back, he cleared his throat and said, "Actually, elder, this disciple was already one leg in the grave."

"I was attacked by enemies who laid ambush for my group while we were in a cave trying to gather cultivation resources for the sect."

"But fortunately for me, a benevolent expert who had come from the far depth of the cave that I was ambushed and slowly dying in, fed me a rare life-replenishing pill that saved my life. It's all thanks to that generous expert for giving me another leash on life." Sun Kang said with a faked grateful look on his face.

But even he himself wasn't sure of what happened. Others around him in that cave had died a most vicious horrifying death. While the body that his soul took over was without any sort of injury, but there was blood on him that he was sure belonged to the body. And that artifact that moved his soul into his present body, was only a planetary soul-translation artifact. It couldn't help heal even the slightest of injury, as that wasn't its function. So, this left him utterly confused. Therefore, it was something that he will surely look into later. He must find out what really happened in that cave.

However, he was eternally grateful to whatever had healed the body that his soul was driven into, or he would have died a second time, and finally this time!

"Hmm. I am sure it's those insignificant mushroom factions that have banded together to attack our disciples with the aim of ruining the glory and reputation of our illustrious sect. How lucky you are, boy! Go change into a new uniform. This one on you has been totally ruined." The elder said as he gazed at Sun Kang who bowed respectfully at him and turned around to walk away.

But just as he was about to go, the elder asked with the light of curiosity in his eyes intensifying, "Boy, what else really happened after that expert saved you? Did you get into another fight with another cultivator?"

Understanding that he wouldn't be able to avoid being questioned why he was covered entirely in dried blood, Sun Kang replied without any falter or tremble in his tone, or the elder will strongly perceive that he was lying, dismiss his statement and then force him to tell the whole truth.

"Actually, I was challenged by a higher-ranking rogue cultivator at the carriage park. He was demanding for my storage bag which I bluntly refused to give him."

"Then he got mad and tried using powerful battle skills to kill me. But surprisingly, I was able to kill him instead, and this was because his battle techniques were not refined. They were really crude."

"However, my victory didn't come without a lot of struggle. I was viciously struck here and there with ravaging hits before I was able to see a particular weakness in his attacking style and use it against him, resulting in my victory in that battle."

"I see." The elder said with his eyes shining.

Then with a slight smile appearing in his face, he said, "You can go. But do not tell what you just told me to any other elder. In fact, let me take you to your room where you can quickly wash off the blood on you and change into a new uniform."

Once the elder said that, he directly grabbed Sun Kang by the arm and immediately flew into the air.


He shot to the place where the Outer Court Disciples of the sect resided.

As he flew at a high speed to the residence of the sect's Outer Court Disciples, he said within himself with happiness swelling in his heart, 'For this boy to defy, challenge and conquer a higher-ranking cultivator, even if his challenger was only using crude battle techniques, shows that he has genius characteristics that will definitely become more prominent as he grows.'

'I am really glad I am the first elder that came across him, if not, I would have lost this unpolished budding gem to some other elder of the sect. Aii. I thank my stars for that.'

'As from now on, I will start to monitor his growth and help him develop quickly by giving him rare cultivation resources that will be purchased with the small wealth that I have gathered so far."

"And now that I have found a genius that I am willing to nurture with my lifetime accumulations, the sect will greatly reward me. Then because of my massive contributions, I will definitely have more authority and significance within the sect. Haha. The Heavens are finally smiling at you, Guo Lin.'