
Supreme Overlord System (Re-Write)

Ren Yagami a 27 year old [otaku], died due to a newly discovered deadly virus outbreak. one of God's Pillars will ask him to do a task which will lead him to the top of the World. *Also the cover is not mine if the original owner wants me to remove it please let me know.* •Wish Fulfillment• •Most likely I will mess up the original story a bit here and there, so please understand if it doesn't make sense or isn't like in 'canon'.• =================^================= [warning!] [This novel is a translation from Indonesian to English (Well.. I edited it and included my ideas in this book, because otherwise the results would be messy.) This novel has content (18+) and I also wrote this FanFic according to my own wishes, so the name, place, etc. what's here is my own bullshit please don't take it seriously.] =================^================= because this is going to be a Mega Harem where the MC wants every (Waifu) he dreams of, so I hope you guys don't take it seriously when there's so much bul*sh*t here. ==================^================= [I don't have any characters other than OC, so forgive me if I don't perfectly imitate every character trait in this FF] ==================^================= • I like to write Fanfic with OP MC, I write to my heart's content, I don't want to bother if I can make it easy (Even though it doesn't make sense). So if you like the OP character and are just looking for the 'Lemon', then read this Fanfic. Don't expect too much about anything, because I write it to my heart's content, so turn off your brain when reading my Fanfic and use your 'D'.• - LewdSenPai ==================^==================

LewdSenPai · Anime und Comics
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89 Chs

*[Shizuka Thirsty], [Earth]

'Aoi, you won't understand how lonely my life was before, I could only look at those beautiful and hot women and only satisfy myself with Hentai or with Imagination Lovers "right hand". But now.... Heeee...Hehehe~' Ren laughed evilly with many plans starting to form in his head.


when he got to the kitchen, Ren then prepared the ingredients in the refrigerator and bought ingredients that weren't in the 'Shop System'.

Once the ingredients were ready, Ren started making his food casually and elegantly, as if Ren's hands had a mind of their own.

'{Passive} God level cooking skill is amazing' thought Ren. ~~~~~~~~~~~



When Ren finished cooking, the smell of freshly made food spread throughout the room.

Shizuka and Rika who subconsciously sniffed the smell then ran to the kitchen, only to see Ren setting the food on the dining table.

"Ren you can cook?! And this smell..." Shizuka said wiping a little drool at the corner of her lips.

"Of course, I also have to pamper my wife's stomach with food, not just spoil my wife in bed." Ren said with a teasing smile and winked at Shizuka.

"Hooo~ so Shizuka is spoiled in bed too..." said Rika teasing Shizuka.

Shizuka who heard her friend's teasing blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Don't tease Shizuka all the time, let's quickly eat before the food gets cold." Ren then sat down and was followed by Shizuka on his right and Rika on his left.


Ren, Shizuka, and Rika said it at the same time.




[Light Scene R18.]

After they finished eating, Rika asked permission to use the bathroom and left Ren and Shizuka at the dining table.

As Rika disappeared from the sight of the two of them, Shizuka got up from her seat and went under the table then positioned herself squatting between Ren's legs.

"R-Ren..." Shizuka said in a low and embarrassed voice.

Ren who was confused by his action just looked at Shizuka with a question mark above his head and then heard Shizuka's voice.

"T-this... I-I'm just thirsty and want to try what R-Rika said."

Instantly Ren understood what Shizuka meant and immediately smiled mischievously at her.

"Hehe so Shizuka is thirsty huh? Come on don't be shy. I'm sure you'll like it." Ren then lowered his shorts and underwear down to his feet.

Meanwhile Shizuka who was blushing slowly held Ren's cock gently, until it was semi-erect.

Ren who saw her embarrassed face wanted to tease her, he then grabbed his cock and gently slapped Shizuka's face with his cock a few times.

Seeing this Shizuka knew that she was being teased, and then took his cock, then kissed the tip of Ren's cock.

"Ugghh" Ren groaned in pleasure.

Shizuka hearing that gained more confidence and then licked the head of his cock.

After a few minutes of licking it Shizuka then put half of Ren's cock which stood tall and hard into her mouth.

"Aaaa~ummffhh~.. ish sho bhig~"

*Sllrrp* *Sllrrp* *Sllrrpp*

Shizuka moved her head up and down slowly but surely until Ren's cock, which had only entered half, was now fully inside Shizuka's mouth.

Ren who felt that pleasure couldn't stay still and held Shizuka's head then moved it up and down until it touched the end of Shizuka's throat.

Shizuka could only watch Ren do as he pleased with watery eyes, as his mouth was treated like a toy.

*Gurgh* *Sllrrpp* *Gurgh* *Sllrrpp*

"Shizuka! I'm going to Cum soon."

Ren said while tightening his grip on Shizuka's head and speeding up his tempo.

*Gurggh* *Gurggh* *Gurghh* *Sllrrpp* *Sllrrpp*

"Shizu! I'm cumming! Swallow it all up with nothing left!"

Ren stiffened for a few seconds then pushed his waist to meet the final blow of Shizuka's head move.

*Splurrt* **Splurrt* *Splurrt* *Splurrt*

Ren shot forcefully into Shizuka's throat, while Shizuka stiffened as she also squirted along with Ren's cock deep inside her throat.

Shizuka's face was a mess, her hair was messy, her eyes were up, Then Ren's cock was deep inside her throat until it made Shizuka's sexy lips touch the base of his cock.

'Ahh...so it turns out this is how it feels to see {Blowjob Face} in person'

Ren thought while looking at the slut face of Shizuka whose stomach was being filled by Ren, which made Ren even more lustful.

But Ren chose not to continue, because Ren felt this was enough to fill Shizuka's stomach to the brim according to her request 'I'm 'Thirsty'.'

~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene

~~~~~~~~~ R-18

~~~~~~ Ends

*The day passed.

from morning to evening Ren will train in the Gravity Room.

Of course at night Ren would indulge his lust with Shizuka For a few hours and pour his sperm in Shizuka's womb until a lump appeared in his belly like she was pregnant.

Talking about pregnancy, Ren doesn't need to worry if Shizuka is pregnant.

Because he was able to transport Shizuka into his own world, which had been forgotten. A safe world to live in.

Speaking of Ren's 5 worlds, a few days ago when Ren was training in the Gravity Room, Ren remodeled one of his worlds with the help of Aoi.

One of the worlds that Ren had entered he named {Earth}.

Because this world is the same as the earth which mostly consists of oceans.

And what makes it different from the original earth is that Ren's {Earth} has 3 different types of energy.

With Aoi's help, Ren managed to find out that {Earth} contains {Chakra}, {Ki}, and the energy used for cultivation.

After knowing that Ren crazily made millions of {Bunshin} and spread his Millions of {Bunshin} to learn more about {Earth}.

Don't be surprised, Ren has {Chakra} which is even 10 times bigger than {Juubi}, and not only that, {Chakra} and other energy inside his body continues to grow (even though Ren doesn't train).

Furthermore, Ren has also finished extracting energy from the world of {H.O.T.D} according to 'Adam''s instructions.

Apart from that Ren also had thoughts of buying {Flora} and {Fauna} from the world of {H.O.T.D} and moving them to his own {Earth}.

He exchanged [1M points] in the Shop into [10 Trillion Yen] in cash, to be used to buy animals such as cows, horses, sheep, etc. and lastly Ren will buy plants and seeds.

If you ask why Ren bother like that? The answer is very easy, even though {Earth} is very fertile but has no signs of living things in it.

He also got information from Aoi, that 'Adam' only created parts of the world, such as {Climate} {Energy} and {Laws}, without creating {Flora} and {Fauna} in it.

And it proved true, because after Ren scattered his millions of {Bunshin}, Ren did not find Plants and Animals (Living Creatures) either on land or at sea, Because of that Ren thought of buying animals and seeds to raise and plant in his {Earth} .

Then He also ordered his millions of {Bunshin} to make various {Forests}, {Lakes}, {Agriculture} etc.

Of course he added Millions of {Bunshin} more to do the task to finish it faster, because the zombie {Virus} in the world {H.O.T.D} will break on the 6th day.

Meanwhile Ren has spent his time in this world for 3 days, and in 3 days time the {Virus} will break out.

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