200 Unexpected Guest (2)

There was a reason why Balfas was so nervous during his conversation with the Headmaster. Lady Jirni Ernas had a peculiar hobby that made her a really unpleasant guest.

Whenever she was left waiting, she would run a thorough check on the nearest person to her. In this case, Balfas. He could see her scrolling through his military files, payrolls, and daily expenses. Sometimes she would click her tongue, more often she would look at Balfas briefly, giving him a wolfish smile.

When Linjos finally arrived, Lady Ernas was already questioning Balfas about his new house in Derios. In particular about how he could afford it and pay up all due taxes.

"Lady Ernas, it's a pleasure to meet you again." Linjos lied through his teeth.

She was wearing a dark blue military uniform with boots at her feet, black leather gloves on her hands, and her hair held up in a ponytail. Lady Ernas was one hood away from resembling an executioner.


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