
Soul Technique

A faint halo manifested above Michael's head as he used the Soultrait Shard of Archangel's Grace for the first time to heal someone – himself. He used up some of the power that had accumulated within the Soultrait Shard to heal the two gashes on his left arm and the deep wounds in his thighs. He had to make sure that his condition would be at the peak if he wanted to be ready to fight at all times.

"Marie's Soultrait is really overpowered. Even the weakened version is much stronger than the Tekur Healer's healing. It required much less energy as well," Michael mumbled, starting to wonder if the Healer's Soultrait was actually a mere 1-Star Soultrait, whose power was amplified with the use of the simple customized technique. Given how helpless the Healer had been once the Supporter's constant supply of energy deteriorated, that would make sense.