

The day of departure arrived at last.

Michael never thought that he would be this happy when Alice told him that it was time to leave Piloq. But he couldn't be more wrong. It felt great to leave since that meant he could escape Alice's beating. One or two spars with Alice a day would have been great, but it was definitely not great to spar with her tens of times close to 16 hours a day– if one could call the beating he received a spar, in the first place.

"There is no need for you to be so happy. I will continue to train you until the day the Interdimensional Flag War starts. That's five more days to train you!" Alice said, the faint smile on her lips speaking volumes. She enjoyed herself. Good for her. Bad for Michael.

"Ah…Great…" Michael cursed in his heart, trying to force a happy expression on his face.