
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · Urban
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28 Chs

Night of Elegance and Artistry

Both David and Alex are ushered to different parts of the hall after the outburst.David out of pride and anger storms out the hall and heads to the exit shouting as he went "YOU WILL REGRET CROSSING PATHS WITH ME".

Alex on the other hand was not so bothered and went about the event like nothing happened. This caused people to wonder how composed he handled everything for someone his age. As the night went on and after having conversations with numerous people Alex decides to call it a night.

Just as he was about to head to the Valet for the keys to his car, he is approached by a tall foreign looking man who had two well built and sharply dressed body guards around him accompanied by two beautiful tall with model features looking ladies. Can I kindly have a minute with you, I see you are calling it a night, he says. My name is Mr Awazzy by the way.

Alex:I do not mind, I am Alex by the way

Mr. Awazzy:Don't worry I know who you are, its my job to know about the rising and potential moguls. I have been observing from a distance and I must say I was impressed by how you maturedly handled your situation this evening.

Alex : I am truly honored by your words.

Mr. Awazzy :let me not waste much of your time and . I am business man who works with expensive and rare arts and jewelry.if you are loooking for the most unique paiinting or rarest diamond, I am the person to contact. So I am hosting an exclusive show tomorrow night and would like tp personally extend an invitation to you.

Alex:thats interesting, well I don't have anything planned for tomorrow so I would surely be there.

Mr. Awazzy : I like the sound of that. My assistant Maria would give you a call with the details. 

Alex: thats fine with me. Heres my card with contact information.

Alex shakes his hand and heads towards the door but thinks over the conversation he just had with Mr Awazzy. This was also another opportunity to build more connections with the top players and also invest in some art. He waits outside the hall briefly when the valet brings his car around.

He takes the key and leaves a handsome tip for the valet. Feeling tired and famished since what was served at the event was mostly drinks and finger foods, he decides to order in some seafood noodles from one of his favorite restaurants as he heads back to his place. He picks up the food and heads home, upon reaching home he decides to freshen up.

After freshening up, eagerly anticipating to dive into his food, his phone buzzed with an unknown number. Hesitant but curious, he answered, and a warm, unfamiliar voice greeted him.

Maria: Hello, Mr Alex. This is Maria, Mr. Awazzy's assistant. I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Alex: Oh, not at all! I was just about having dinner. What can I do for you?

Maria: I wanted to confirm with you your presence and details details about the exclusive show tomorrow night. It's going to be a remarkable event with some of the finest art and jewelry on display.

Alex: That sounds fantastic. I'm looking forward to it. What time does it start?

Maria: The event kicks off at 7 PM. I'll make sure you have all the necessary information sent to your email shortly.

Alex: Great! I appreciate it. By the way, I must say you have a lovely voice. It's quite pleasant to listen to.

Maria: Thank you, Mr Alex. I'm flattered. It's always nice to hear such kind words.

Alex: Maria, have you always been involved in the art world?

Maria: Yes, I've had a deep appreciation for art since I was young. Working with Mr. Awazzy has allowed me to turn that passion into a career.

Alex: It's fascinating. I'm relatively new to the art scene, so I'm looking forward to learning more at the show.

Maria: I'm sure you'll enjoy it. And if you have any questions or need assistance during the event, feel free to reach out.

Alex: I appreciate that, Maria. Looking forward to tomorrow night.

As Alex continued to enjoy his dinner, he couldn't help but be intrigued by Maria. Her voice stuck in his mind, and the conversation had left him curious about the person behind those words. The potential of meeting her at the exclusive art show added an extra bit of expectation to the event.

As he finished his meal, Alex decided to do a bit of research on Mr. Awazzy's art business. He went into his home office and started exploring the world of rare and valuable artworks on-line.He felt he needed to have fore knowledge so as to not look ignorant since this was his first time attending such a show.

The more he went into the subject, the more fascinated he became. It wasn't just about the monetary value but the stories and histories behind each piece that got his attention.

During his research, his phone buzzed with an email notification. It was Maria, as promised, providing him with the details of the upcoming art show. The email included an invite pass,the venue address, the schedule, and a brief overview of some highlighted pieces that would be showcased.

As Alex looked through the information, he couldn't help but be impressed by the caliber of the event. It was clear that Mr. Awazzy organized not just a display of wealth but a celebration of art perfectly. 

The next day, as Alex prepared for the exclusive art show hosted by Mr. Awazzy, he took extra care in choosing the right outfit. Wanting to make a good impression and match the elegance of the event, he opted for a tailored navy blue suit.

The suit jacket hugged his shoulders just right, and the trousers had a clean, slim fit. Underneath, he wore a crisp white dress shirt, buttoned up neatly. Alex selected a scarf that complemented the suit perfectly.

Completing the look, he chose a pair of polished black dress shoes that gleamed as he walked. Alex also wore a subtle silver rolex watch, not too flashy but enough to catch the eye. With a final check in the mirror, he adjusted his scarf, making sure everything was in place.

Feeling confident and ready for the evening, Alex headed to the venue. The navy blue suit exuded a sense of timeless style, and he hoped it would reflect his appreciation for both the art on display and the esteemed guests he might encounter.

Alex, all dressed up in his nice suit, headed to the fancy art show hosted . The venue was an abandoned space that had been renovated to match the event. As he walked in, he saw amazing paintings and shiny jewelry on display.

Just as he was admiring a particularly striking painting, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. " Mr Alex, isn't it?" Maria approached with a warm smile, her voice resonating with the same enchanting tone he had heard over the phone.

"Yes, that's me," Alex replied, returning her smile. "It's a pleasure to finally put a face to the voice."

Maria had a simple yet elegant look. She wore a knee-length black dress that complemented her figure. The dress had a modest neckline and short sleeves, giving it a classic and timeless feel. Her brown hair was neatly tied in a low ponytail, and she had subtle makeup that highlighted her features. She wore minimal jewelry, a silver necklace with a delicate pendant and matching earrings.

Maria carefully guided Alex through the art show, explaining each piece with passion and detail.

Maria: Alex, take a look at this painting. Notice the intricate brush strokes and how the colors blend together. The artist, Alice Hayes, is known for her unique use of light and shadow.

Alex: Interesting, Maria, I would have never noticed those details on my own. It's truly amazing.

They moved on to a display of an expensive jewelry.

Maria: Now, Alex, look at this stunning diamond necklace. The diamonds are carefully set to create a harmonious balance. The craftsmanship is exceptional.

Alex: I never knew there was so much artistry in jewelry. It's like each piece tells a story.

Maria smiled, appreciating Alex's genuine interest.

Maria: That's the beauty of art, whether on canvas or in jewelry. It involves emotions and tells stories beyond what words can express.

Mr. Awazzy, having observed Alex's genuine interest in the artworks from a distance, decided to join their conversation.

Mr. Awazzy: Alex, I see you're quite captivated by the art. Maria here is an excellent guide, isn't she?

Alex: Absolutely, Mr. Awazzy. She's been helping me appreciate the details and stories behind each piece.Mr. Awazzy: That's wonderful to hear. Art has a way of enriching our lives. By the way, do you fancy anything in particular?

Alex: Well, everything here is impressive, but there was a painting by Alice Hayes that caught my eye. The one with the sailboats on a tranquil sea.

Mr. Awazzy: Ah, an excellent choice. Alice Hayes captures the calmness of the sea so beautifully. I'll make a note of it.

As they walked through the exhibition, Mr. Awazzy continued the conversation.

Mr. Awazzy: Alex, we'll be heading to the auction room later. I think you might find it intriguing. We have some exceptional pieces up for bidding.

Alex: I'd love to join. This whole experience has been fascinating, and I wouldn't want to miss the auction.

Mr. Awazzy: Perfect. I'll see you there then. Enjoy the rest of the show, and Maria will keep you company.