
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · Urban
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28 Chs

Family Time

Alex stood at the familiar doorstep of his house, anticipation and nerves moving within him. It felt like it had been years since he last visited his family home. As he rang the doorbell, memories flooded back—the creaky porch swing, the scent of his mother's homemade cooking, and the sounds of laughter from them.

His family greeted him with warm hugs and bright smiles, but beneath the surface, Alex sensed something was missing. Over dinner, conversations unveiled the financial struggles they still facedthe mounting debts, overdue bills,.

Alex, now a very focused and ambitious individual, had always dreamed of making a positive impact on his family's life. He knew that financial stability was important for their happiness and well-being. With this goal in mind, he shared his vision of helping the family become financially secure.

He explained that he had been researching different ways to improve their financial situation. But first, they could start by creating a budget, reducing unnecessary expenses, and exploring additional sources of income.

They discussed their monthly expenses, debts, and income. Alex's parents were open to making changes and were grateful for his guidance.

With his family's support, Alex created a budget that allowed them to track their expenses more effectively. They identified areas where they could cut back, such as dining out less frequently and finding more affordable alternatives for certain expenses. 

Alex after helping them create a budget transfer a huge sum of money to his mum and dad. They were shocked when they recieved the alerts.

They knew he had a breakthrough and were following closely his success recently. Both parents thanked him which brought him some sort of satisfaction he could not explain.

After their lengthy discussion, Alex's mom reminded them of why they invited him over. It was time for the family reunion meal.

And even though they had some downs, they still had a lot to be thankful for. So they came up with a plan to organize a small family party and Alex decided to fund the party.

The preparations began with Alex's sister, also a talented baker, crafting mouthwatering desserts, while his brother, skilled with a taste for music, prepared a playlist of good tunes. His parents, with their warm hospitality, ensured that the house was welcoming and beautifully decorated that day.

The evening sun cast a warm glow over the neatly arranged backyard, adorned with twinkling lights and colorful streamers. Alex and his family had organized a small, impromptu gathering—a celebration of togetherness and joy. 

Amidst the cheerful chatter, Alex caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the crowd. It was Matilda, his childhood friend. Their eyes met, recognizing each other instantly after years of being apart. Excitement surged through Alex as he made his way towards her.

"Matilda!" Alex called out, a broad smile spreading across his face.

"Alex!" Matilda exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "I can't believe it's you! It's been ages. Your mom invited me over."

Hugs were exchanged, followed by an outpouring of shared memories and catching up on lost time. They found a quiet corner away from the noise of the party, where nostalgia painted vivid pictures of their carefree childhood days.

As the evening went on, Alex and Matilda found themselves engaged in deep conversation, discovering how their lives had taken different paths yet mirrored each other in unexpected ways.

There was an undeniable connection—a resonance that went beyond the passage of time. Conversations flowed effortlessly, sparking a familiarity that felt like coming home.

As the night drew on, the party began to slow down. Amidst the farewells and well-wishes from aunts and uncles.

Later, Alex and Matilda realized they lived in the same direction and decided to head home together.

Driving under the starlit sky, their conversation continued, weaving through various topics—hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They found comfort in each other's company, the ease of their friendship reminiscent of their childhood bond.

Time seemed to slip away unnoticed as they drove off the highway.

Matilda, seated in the passenger seat, was lost in thought, reminiscing about the past. She recalled the days when her heart had fluttered in Alex's presence, the rush of emotions she had successfully hidden. As kids, she had admired him a lot, yearning for his attention but never daring to confess the depth of her feelings.

In their youth, she was captivated by Alex's charisma, his laughter was in her memories. She adored his ambition, his determination, and the way he effortlessly led their group of friends. From afar, she watched as he pursued his dreams, always hoping that he would see her as more than just a friend.

Her heart had whispered desires she dared not acknowledge—a longing for Alex to notice her, to see her as someone special. Yet, buried beneath her admiration lay a fear of rejection that kept her feelings hidden, locked away in the depths of her heart.

Years had passed, and fate had brought them together again. Seeing Alex once more reignited a spark she thought she had extinguished—a rush of emotions flooding back, surprising and overwhelming her.

Despite the passage of time, Matilda realized that her feelings for Alex hadn't entirely faded.

His presence stirred emotions she had long suppressed, resurrecting the affection she had harbored since childhood.

As they reconnected, Matilda found herself drawn to Alex's warmth, his familiar smile, and the way he still possessed that innate ability to make her feel at ease. Conversations flowed effortlessly, but amidst the laughter and shared stories, the unspoken emotions lingered, tethering her to the past.

The bittersweet nostalgia of unrequited feelings tugged at her heartstrings, a silent reminder of the unspoken love she had carried for so long. Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, Matilda couldn't deny the lingering emotions that had resurfaced, leaving her to ponder whether fate had granted them another chance to rewrite their story.

Reluctant to end the night, Alex lingered for a moment, gazing into her eyes, silently acknowledging the rekindled friendship that felt like it had never faded.

"Thank you for tonight, Alex," Matilda said softly, breaking the silence. "It was wonderful catching up."

"The pleasure was all mine," Alex replied, a genuine warmth in his voice. "We should do this again sometime soon."

As the evening sun cast its golden hues across the sky, Matilda and Alex found themselves parked by the serene driveway, surrounded by the subtle rustling of leaves. They had been engaged in a lively conversation, laughter punctuating the air, creating a comfortable atmosphere between them.

In the midst of their banter, a brief silence fell upon them. Matilda felt a rush of warmth spread through her, the intensity of emotions rising in the tranquil moment. She stole a glance at Alex, their eyes meeting, sharing an unspoken connection that echoed louder than words.

Sensing the tender tension between them, Matilda, heart racing with anticipation, leaned in slowly, her eyes flickering between Alex's gaze and his lips. She could feel her own heartbeat pounding in her chest, the moment hanging in suspended anticipation.

As the distance between them shortened, she could almost taste the sweet anticipation in the air. Inches away from Alex, Matilda's breath hitched, her pulse racing as she closed her eyes, daring to take the leap into the unknown, yearning for that intimate connection.

Just as their lips were about to touch, the distant sound of a melodious song on the radio caught their attention, interrupting the spellbinding moment. Startled, they pulled back slightly, laughter bubbling between them as they shared an amused glance, the chemistry still lingering in the air, palpable and intense.

Regaining composure, Matilda and Alex shared a warm smile, feeling the electricity of the near-kiss lingering between them. With a playful grin, Alex reached out to turn off the radio, casting a mischievous glance at Matilda, reigniting the playful spark that had momentarily paused their shared intimacy.

As they chuckled at the timing of the interruption, Matilda's heart swelled with a mix of emotions—anticipation, affection, and a sense of joy in sharing such a captivating moment with Alex. They leaned in again, this time with a renewed determination, eager to bridge the gap once more and savor the sweetness of the pending kiss, a moment that seemed destined to unfold between them.

With a shy yet confident smile, she glanced at Alex, feeling a surge of courage. "Would you like to come inside for a little while?" she asked, her voice soft yet inviting, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

Alex's gaze met hers, his expression mirroring a blend of surprise and delight. He nodded eagerly, the corner of his lips curling into a warm smile. "I'd love to," he replied, his voice laced with a subtle hint of excitement.

Exiting the car, they strolled hand in hand towards Matilda's welcoming apartment.

Nestled comfortably on the plush couch, the clock seemed to lose its significance, time slowing down to accommodate their shared moments.

With a gentle touch, she reached out, her fingers grazing his cheek, a silent invitation filled with longing and affection. Alex tenderly brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Their eyes met, speaking volumes without a single word. In that shared gaze, a world of unspoken desires and passions unfolded.

With a soft sigh, Matilda leaned closer to Alex, relishing the warmth of his presence. Their hands found each other naturally, fingers intertwining in a silent dance of affection and yearning. The room seemed to shrink as they moved closer, bodies instinctively gravitating towards one another. Within seconds, clothes were off. In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Alex traced delicate patterns on Matilda's skin, each touch igniting a symphony of sensations. His touch was gentle yet filled with a longing that mirrored her own.

Their lips met once more, this time in a delicate exploration that spoke of a shared desire for connection rather than mere physicality. It was a dance of tenderness, a melding of souls seeking solace in each other's embrace. A steamy intimate time, as they lay in the couch satisfying their every need.