
Supreme Immortal (Reverend Insanity FF)

Man Tian is reincarnated into reverend insanity with a peerless body. Reverend Insanity fanfiction. No romance, no harems, no heroine, no face slapping, evil protagonist

Heartless_Qi_ · Bücher und Literatur
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24 Chs

Chapter 15 Reckless Savage Demon Venerable.

The place where the Lin Mansion is located is located in a green hill outside the city of the Eighty-Eight True Yang Building. The mountain is the house, with pavilions, pavilions, withered beams and painted buildings, bright ink and verandas, and eaves and corridors. Beauties in colorful clothes can be seen between the aisles, as if clouds and clouds are coming and going.

When Meng Zhao arrived, it was just the time of midday.

In an attic on the top of the mountain, Man Tian was lying sideways on a brocade couch, and there were more than ten dancers dancing in front of him, but he didn't even look at it. With a look of closing his eyes and resting his mind.

But the dancers and musicians below didn't dare to show any complaints, even though their sweat was already thin and their shirts were thin.

Suddenly, a dancer stepped on the hem of the dancer's skirt due to lack of strength, fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

Seeing this, the other dancers knelt on the ground with frightened expressions on their faces.

Man Tian frowned, lightly waved his hand, and said lightly: "Take it down."

As soon as the words fell, two servants in black came in from outside the door and dragged her down.

The dancer repeatedly begged for mercy, and cried out: "Master gu master, please forgive me, I will not do this again next time. I swear it will not happen ever again."

The rest of the people trembled slightly, touching their heads to the ground, but they dared not make any movement. Who would dare try angering a gu master for another person, let alone he is not a normal gu master but one of the most powerful gu masters.

At this time, a hearty laughter came into the attic: "Friend Lin Daoist, it would be a pity if such a beauty is killed. It happens that Meng Zhao lacks a maid to serve her. How about keeping her alive?"

"Fellow daoist Meng Zhao has a heart of pity for flowers, how can Lin not be appreciative of the beautiful?"

Man Tian got up, got off the brocade couch, went outside the attic, stood on the terrace, and watched a cloud of auspicious clouds galloping towards him in the distance, and it arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Lin." Meng Zhao floated down from the clouds.

"It's just a trivial matter, no need to thank you. Now that Fellow Daoist Meng Zhao has returned, it seems that the matter in the Eighty-Eight True Yang Building is over." Man Tian laughed.

"Hahaha no need to worry yourself with that fellow daoist Lin after all we cleared ninety percent of the Eighty-Eight True Yang Building with your help and besides this round was merely a fierce. Nothing much really."

Man Tian knew that the reason why Meng Zhao did not want him to solve this was because he did not want Man Tian getting every reward in Eighty-Eight True Yang Building.

'Hmph enough play.' Man Tian sneered in his heart while setting up a formation that can hide Meng Zhao and him from the the earth spirit.

In the few years Man Tian had spent in the Eighty-Eight True Yang Building he had finally deduced the formula for rank five liquor worm gu.

Fang Yuan has a cultivation supplementing gu worm called Liquor Worm. Each time the gu is refined to it's next stage, it gets a new name. four flavours, seven spices, nine eyes, but the rank 5 version is said to have no recipe, since the creator of the previous 4 recipes died before he could figure it out.

An Eastern sea gu immortal named wine emperor is mentioned. Wine Emperor, is famous for, you guessed it, making wine. He's a food path gu immortal, which seems to be about as rare as if not more rare than Wisdom path gu immortals, and it was mentioned that he had Liquor Worm Immortal Gu, a Rank 8 immortal gu, which can turn rank 8 white lichi immortal essence into the rank 9 yellow apricot immortal essence.

Now, if there are mortal gu, and a rank 8 immortal gu, it stands to reason that even if the recipes for rank 5 to 7 aren't known, they could be created.

(Number increase drops as it goes up.

Liquor Worm to Four Flavors: +4

Four Flavors to Seven Fragrances: +3

Seven Spices to Nine Eyes: +2

So obviously Rank 5 would be Ten something Liquor Worm. I am just going to call it liquor worm.)

At peak rank five, the liquor worm gu, turned Man Tian's primeval essence to green grape immortal essence. Although he had only three green grape immortal essence which was as a result of him stock piling for for almost eighteen months.

Man Tian then activated the meaning Gu by putting a bit of his Primeval essence into the gu.

The next moment Meng Zhao was kneeling at Man Tian's feet begging for his forgiveness. Seeing this Man Tian got some sadistic pleasure of kicking and stepping on Meng Zhao's face until it was bloody.

Man Tian then took a third of Meng Zhao's blood and all his Primeval essence and gu. Then transforming himself into Meng Zhao appearance be it in soul, luck, primeval essence or blood. Not even rank eight gu immortal can see behind Man Tian's disguise.


When Meng Zhao reached ten-edges he actually wanted to enter the inheritance ground but thanks to some minor influences on Meng Zhao's psyche he had not yet entered the inheritance ground.

sixty three-edges, that meant that Man Tian had surpassed the minimum requirements to receive an Immortal Venerable Inheritance.

"Immortal Venerable Inheritance…" Man Tian chuckled. All this time Man Tian was forcibly making the token resist the Eighty-Eight True Yang Building summoning making it think that it was still a nine edged token. Now he finally released the seal returning it to ten edged token.


The next moment, he vanished on the spot.

The scenery before him changed drastically, when Man Tian finally reacted, he found himself in an area of void.

The surroundings were pure darkness, there was neither heaven or earth, Man Tian was floating silently in the air.

Several traces of green or red starlight shone from far away.

Man Tian waved his hands like he was swimming in water, moving his body forward slowly.

in his previous life, there were many details omitted during this period.

Man Tian followed after a blood red starlight, getting closer to it.

As he got closer, the starlight became brighter, and eventually, Man Tian stopped before a round circular light.

This lump of red starlight was the size of a bowl, silently floating around.

'This is an ordinary true inheritance, if I want to understand the contents, you just need to let my consciousness enter it.' Man Tian thought.

Man Tian was carefully navigating with his mind, as images flashed before him.

A grand and huge ancient forest!

Ancient and tall trees, beasts at the size of mountains!

"Hahaha!" A person with a broad shoulder and thin waist was laughing with his head facing up.

His image was blurred, but his skin was covered in rainbow colors, as ancient totems of every description were carved on it, his dominating presence pervaded heaven and earth!

He stepped on the grey clouds and treaded strong winds, his purple hair was fluttering as there were seemingly flames burning within his double pupil eyes.

Man Tian saw this and his heart was pounding in excitement, he could feel difficulty breathing. He recognised this person immediately: "This is one of the three Demon Venerables of the olden antiquity era, Reckless Savage Demon Venerable! He is facing the immemorial desolate beast — Primordial Ash Owl!"

Giant Sun Immortal Venerable was the venerable of an era, the supreme ruler of heaven and earth, the invincible being in the universe. He searched the entire world and obtained an item of Reckless Savage Demon Venerable, placing it inside his building for his descendants.

Immemorial desolate beast, overlords that had existed within heaven and earth since the immemorial era, they had rank eight Gu Immortal battle strength.

This primordial ash owl had a bird head and beast body, it had two pairs of golden pupils and a dragon's horn on its head. Its muscular body was covered in thick rainbow feathers, its bestial aura could overwhelm the world.

Its limbs moved quickly, and could easily destroy mountains and rivers. With one growl, its voice could travel ten thousand li, causing ripples in the air of the entire world.

Reckless Savage Demon Venerable praised: "Good beast!"

The primordial ash owl had intelligence that could rival men, it got angry upon hearing that, shooting out thunder like that of the heavens from its mouth, the blue thunderbolt shot out and pierced ten thousand li into the sky, instantly arriving before Reckless Savage Demon Venerable.

But Reckless Savage Demon Venerable did not move at all, he allowed the frenzied thunderbolt to hit his body directly.

From within the electricity, his bronze colored body was intact, shining brightly. His muscles were like stone blocks, and all the totems on his body were like living beings, as all sorts of fierce beasts were roaming on his body.

From within the exploding lightning plasma, Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's face showed an expression of enjoyment. He laughed heartily as he punched with his right fist.

Bam — !

Immediately, heaven and earth changed colors, as winds and clouds moved violently.

The lightning vanished slowly, mountains were trembling, and forests were weeping.

With just one punch, the intense winds blew like an apocalypse, the clouds in the sky vanished, the heavens were stripped bare, and permeating sunlight dispelled all darkness!

Just one punch.

With the intensity of the force that repelled ghosts and deities, the primordial ash owl was crying out pitifully!

It was an immemorial desolate beast, an overlord of a region, it was untamable and wild earlier, giving off a strong aura, but the next moment, its bones were crushed to bits as its rainbow feathers floated in the air, its golden pupils were full of fear and it laid on the ground, like a dead dog.

Man Tian was completely moved, this was the first time he had seen the attack of a venerable.

Reckless Savage Demon Venerable, with the prowess of rank nine, he was truly invincible in all heaven and earth!

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth ash owl." Reckless Savage Demon Venerable said plainly, opening his palm and grabbing the air.

The next moment, the primordial ash owl was held by a formless strength. It was like a chicken that was grabbed by a butcher, it was helpless and was shrieking for help.

"Transform." Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's body shuddered, he expanded along with the wind, becoming a giant in an instant!

What a true giant.

He was as tall as heaven and earth, as if he could grab the sun if he wished. No tribulations could move him, as he could barely be held by the universe itself!

The giant slowly opened his mouth, as the primordial ash owl struggled intensely, and yet to no avail as it was sent into the giant's mouth.

The giant swallowed in one mouthful, chewing several times with a sound as if a mountain collapsed, lightning striking everywhere, it was loud as thunder.

With a gulp, the giant sent the primordial ash owl into its stomach.

He actually ate an immemorial desolate beast, a rank eight level existence, just like that.

The prowess of Reckless Savage, it was truly terrifying!

After eating this rank eight desolate beast, the giant patted his stomach, the sound was loud as thunder but his expression was like he did not have enough.

And on his belly, there was a new totem, in the form of the primordial ash owl, but among the innumerable totems on his body, it was not eye catching.

The giant seemed to have sensed something as he suddenly turned around and looked straight at Man Tian!


That look actually gave Man Tian a bit of a shock.

As expected, when Fang Yuan's mind entered, the red light lump opened its 'doors', as Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's figure did not appear again.

"Primordial ash owl transformation…" Man Tian realized now that this was a transformation path killer move. This killer move could allow a Gu Immortal to transform into the primordial ash owl, gaining a huge boost in strength.

Reckless Savage Demon Venerable was the progenitor of strength path, but he was also the creator of transformation path.

His strength could shake heaven and earth, he was the fiercest venerable out of the ten. At the same time, he could transform into countless fierce beasts, having an endless number of transformations, and he could even revive from a drop of blood.

Man Tian stole a copy of the inheritance and the refinement recipes for the gu worms needed. Man Tian had to give it to Reckless savage demon venerable even a bit of his inheritance gave Man Tian the feeling of his understanding of transformation path took a step forward. Man Tian could not help imagining when his transformation path clone and his strength path clone got more inspiration from Reckless savage demon venerable.

To think that within Giant Sun's true inheritances, there would be something involving Reckless Savage Demon Venerable, and this particular inheritance was only the lowest grade ordinary true inheritance.

He could not imagine what other ordinary true inheritances there could be. As for the even greater unparalleled true inheritance, what would they be?

He moved his arms, and swam towards another area within this silent and dark void.


Ps this inheritance of reckless savage demon venerable is in the novel I will not be adding anything new inheritance to the Eighty-Eight True Yang Building just yet.