
Supreme Harem Servant System

In a world full of abilities, levels, etc. Itoshi Ito, an 18-year-old boy, is a student who lives his life with a loneliness and doom for not having his (Ginta Receptacle), even though he tries to get it at all costs. Because he doesn't have a Ginta, he always got low grades and lost his battles against other students. However, for some strange reason, in the middle of the night… maybe a Ginta fell from the sky for him with different goals I would say. -------------------------------------------------------- — Chapter Length, around 1K-1,5K words. — Release Schedule will soon be 2Chapters a day. -------------------------------------------------------- +100 Power Stones = 3Chapters In a day. Or… +1k Collections = 3Chapters In a Day.

Niiyeng · Fantasie
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103 Chs

The beginning of the kidnapping

Please, remember to give powerstones!


(+100 Power Stones = 3Chapters In a day.)


(+1k Collections = 3Chapters In a Day.)

1 Magic Castle = One Character In the Book and 5 Bonus Chapters!



"I am with that boy over there in the back, I thank you for guarding my table." Said Kaly and she points to the table where Itoshi is the butler removed the chain in front of her and she enters.

"A fine dinner for you miss, make yourself at home." Said the butler and he claps his hands for one of the men who serve the customers.

Kaly then sits down in the chair and stands in front of Itoshi.

"Well, what did you think? Am I a little over the top?" Kaly asks and she starts to smile looking down at Shyness Itoshi is surprised by that.