
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 14×Looking Back.

* Friday*

Haile was already up as he had went to sleep so early, but he was still lying down looking at the cealing in a daze, he wasn't thinking about anything in particular he just wanted time to speed up.

."Maybe I should go for a little walk, nothing would probably not be open already, but I'll get some fresh air anyway, stupid time just move slower when you look at it."

."*Yawn*Mm I'll get going I'm bored."

He got up out the bed and stretched his limbs lazily, he went and wash his face, brush his teeth, do his "business" and bathe, he got himself fresh as he will go to school right after it.

He still has to make amends with Sona today cause they still have that date tomorrow, probably, at the very least she didn't say anything about breaking off the date with him.

He look in the bathroom mirror fixing up himself, he didn't wear his uniform though, he is in normal clothes, at this point anything looks good on him.

He finally finished getting himself ready and left the protection of his house arriving outside, he looked around the darkness of the early morning as if looking for something.

."*Sigh* ophis never did come home to me, I wonder what she's doing now".

He thought to himself as he walked along the dark path of the forest, now that he is alone his thoughts began to run wild of the past, as he never had the time to think to himself in his past life.

He was always on an edge overlooking a cliff someone will push him off of one day, he never really had a Break to relax, as he knew the difference between life and death were only inches apart so he didn't give himself the time to be lazy.

From the time he was 3 years old he had been apart of warzones, he came from a little city belonging to the Hevsue Empire named Eseryt, it was a city abandoned by the world, it was lawless, might makes right was the only law, evil ran rampant across the city, theft,rape,killing, every sin one could possibly think of has taken place or is currently talking place, Eseryt aka city of the dead.

That was the place he was born in, if one enters this city one is automatically proclaimed dead and if you are born here it's even worse as you do not even exist.

In this very city he was born to a woman name Holaiy, the person he by default loved the most but also grown to hate more than anyone, as for the reason she had abandoned him in this death land to fend for himself because of her owners wish, it all happened when he was 3 years old he'll never forget it.

Her owner aka his father was a powerful drug lord in a small part of the city and had many children from many different women he obtained by telling them he will "protect" them if they give themselves to him, his mother being one of them, On the day he turn 3 his father told his mother to get rid of her own child as he did with all his other children, he as a small child was shock and scared at his own father's words but what shocked his even more was his mother's gaze on him.

She look at him with an apologetic expression with a bit of detached look and let his hand go, almost instantly as he left the comfort of his mother presence he felt the world cave in on him and darkness covered his sky's.

His owns mother had abandoned him, just because his father said so and she didn't even hesitate even a bit, all she did was look at him apologetically and turn her back on him just like.

He was in pieces, as the to "love birds" made out right in front of him at his father's command and walk away not looking back even once.

He was losted, he had just been thrown away, he had no home, no food or water, no protection, no clothes, nothing at all, all he had in his hand was the tears that dripped from his eyes and fell on his palm as he looked at them, his support walk away from his life.

His already dark world became darker as night fell, he became cold and was shivering, he still did not leave the place he was in as he had no clue where to go, he was still in disbelief and delusion that they were pranking him and will come back soon.

But unfortunately for him, they did not, morning came and he was still staring off blankly in the direction his parents had walked off to.

And at that first moment of sun light was when it finally dawned on him, he was alone now, he finally broke for real, he bawled his eyes out, crying for hours as that was the only thing he could do, at least till his tears ran dry.

He cried till he couldn't, his head started to hurt and he was hungry, but at this moment he just wanted life to end faster for him as he layed his head on the cold ground as a sign of surrender, he had Completely given up on a further existence.

Time goes by as he saw people on the streets walking by fights braking out, people dying as if like picking up rocks but they all paid him no mind, infact some people that walk in his direction did not even bother to walk around him an instead walk on his head and body leaving foot prints on him.

But still he did not move, as he had now become truly apart of the city, a fellow dead inhabitant of the city of the dead having no soul or purpose just existed because they are alive.

He layed there waiting to die but eventually he couldn't ignore his hunger that was eating him from the inside out, he wanted to die but it was to painful he did not want to suffer he wanted a peaceful ending to his life.

He looked all around for food and found nothing, even after hours, he got so desperate that he began to beg people but none of them gave him anything, infact some kicked and beat him, while some just look at him with disgust and walked along faster continuing acting like he doesn't exist.

All around he walked he also saw fellow children in his same position, he went up to them but was greeted with the same disgust and this time weariness.

All the kids he tried to talk to, some had formed groups and some were by themselves but they all gave him the same treatment.

He went back to his spot to sit and willow in despair, his stomach grumbled as it pained him, he could no longer bare it, he wanted to end it all, he was plan to stop breathing till he dies, but as soon as started his plan, he found a saving grace he heard a voice of a girl behind him.

."Hey....eat this..."

He turned around and saw the face of a girl about 4 years old he saw from one of the groups offering him a piece of bread with a warm smile on her face.

He felt like he saw a ray of sunshine on his darkest day an angel had descended to save him from his suffering, he took the dirty bread from her hand and bit into it and started to cry again as he was eating.

The girl didn't say anything and wait till he finished, she held his hand and pull him towards an alley, she said her group decided to let him join after she spoke up for him, but he had to do extra work as things were already scarce.

He met then two girls and one guy there names were Mary, Nina and Josh, the girl who gave him the bread was named Lena, they introduced themselves and he did the same, everything went smoothly and joined them gaining food and shelter.

Soon more than 10 years passed by, in that time he learned of many things, the little group he was apart of was actually part of a bigger group, to be more precise they were part of a large gang, they took in children and gave them shelter, protections and food and in exchange they were the gangs information brokers, also they were basically spys, they set people up for the gang and stuff.

He in this time had grown up with Mary, Nina, Josh and most importantly Lena his best friend, they all did everything together from steal to bathing together, but he and Lena is the closest she had taken good care of him, he had even once made a mistake and called her mother in his sleep.

He would admit that instead of mother, he had developed a crush on her as she was his angel, she came to him in his darkest time and has been his light since the beginnings, but then one day some it all ended in an instant.

They who had been living by themselves for most of the time and had been transferring there information through a medium, a middle man whose name they still didn't know, he didn't speak to them at all, all he did was show up every week exactly on time everytime and they told him all they know he wrote it down and then disappeared never to been seen until the next week.

But this week was different, this time when he showed up they were all surprised to see him speak, he told them they were summoned to the base by the big boss as he had a gift for one of them.

They all were surprised and confused at what he meant by a gift for one of them, why would they call all of them then, but they were curious of what the boss looked like, none of them had ever met the big boss before so they followed after the medium.

But unfortunately for them curiosity killed the cat, they arrived at the base after being taken through a complicated path deeper into the city, the base was a large mansion in what looked to be an artificial forest.

It was guarded by dozens of men standing all around, the medium and the men exchanged a glance and a nodded and they were allowed inside, they were all amazed at the luxurious place as they had never seen anything like it, it was as if they had stepped in a brand new world.

They were lead down into a dark pathway that they were all fearful of going down into, Lena held his hand tight, he didn't know if she was trying to comfort him or herself but it made him feel better.

They soon arrive in the basement of the mansion, they saw three men two of the men were standing guard and the other man was sitting in a chair looking at them with a smile on his face.

The man spoke to "them" he said I have heard of your accomplishments and saw your growth and I think it's time that you truly join the family, so I have a reward already prepared for you, all you have to do is pass the test, that is what the man said.

But he doesn't know why he felt the wording of the man was weird, it almost sounded like he was talking to one person and not the whole group.

The man glanced at one of the two men guarding and the nodded, they walk toward there group holding something is there hands, they handed it out to them, it was a knife all of them were confused but also had a bad feeling in there gut.

But what the man said shocked them to there core, he heartlessly told them that the last to die wins, that bomb was dropped on them so suddenly that they stood rooted to the ground unmoving till the man spoke the same words again.

They all started looking at each other unsure of what to do, till the man spoke once again, he said to them if none of them make a move all of them die today, right here right now.

He didn't know what to do he looked over to Lena who also looked at him they could see the same helpless expression in each other's eye, then the two of them heard a terrified scream next to them, they looked over in worry and felt there stomachs drop, Josh had stab Mary in her neck killing her instantly as she drop to the ground, Nina was the who screamed but was speedily silenced by Josh who then turned his head to them.

Josh was crying as he walk to them, he started apologizing but he still walked holding the knife to them, they exchange a look and saw despair they knew Josh was stronger than them both.

Lena shouted out to Josh about how he could do such a thing, she glanced back at him who open his mouth to stop her but it was to later she quickly ran to Josh with her knife forward.

Josh dodge and stab her in her stomach but she to managed to move her arms enough to stab him as well, Josh didn't expect her to still have the strength and both of there bodies dropped to the ground.

He in shock walked slowly and blankly towards them, he looked at Josh and Lena who were on the ground bleeding out as they both groaned in pain.

He blankly look down at her body as he then grabbed Lena's body and began to cry, for the second time in his life he truly bawled his eyes out but it was cut short as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach suddenly in the middle of his grief.

His body froze up, but not from the pain, but from the fact that the only person who was close to him was Lena who was in his arms, he slowly looked down with tears flowing more than before.

He saw Lena looking back at him with her own tears running, she apologized to him and said she was scared, she wanted to live, she said sorry to him.

He just stare at her at a lost, sorry?, all she said was sorry, he had a flashback of all there time together, he felt heartbroken for the second time in his life, he was sadden but then that sadness turned anger, he guess that's how much she valued there relationships, he was prepared to die so she could be the last one, but she did this.

He looked at her with fury, adrenaline filling his body his pain disappeared, he dropped his knife and swung a punch at her face knocking out one of her teeth, she screamed out in pain.

But his mind was clouded in pure rage, he punched again and again as she tried to struggle free of his grasp.

Soon minutes passed as he continued punching her by this time she had already gone silent but he still continued, then his eyes became Blurry, all he saw and heard was the big boss telling his well done with a Clap from the others in the room.

*Thoughtback ended*

As Haile was thinking about his past he was startled away by the sound of a horn from a car.

."Oh when this get here, I must've been lost in thought."

Without even knowing he was standing in the middle of the road infront of a car, he quickly went to the sidewalk and continued on his way to the shopping center.

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