
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Anxious Wei Chen

Flashback ends.

As Lin Fan thought about his current talisman arsenal in the temple, he felt confident that he could take on the demon horde from yesterday by himself if it weren't for his insufficient preparation.

His mind raced with possibilities and strategies. "I need to strengthen my defenses," he mused. "Perhaps I should craft more protective talismans and imbue them with elemental spells for added power."

With a determined resolve, Lin Fan set to work. He gathered the necessary materials and began inscribing intricate runes onto each talisman. As he poured his energy and concentration into the process, the talismans glowed with a faint golden light, indicating their newfound potency.

Lin Fan wasn't satisfied with just defensive talismans; he knew that to face the demon horde, he needed a diverse range of attacks. He decided to experiment with combining elemental spells, creating talismans that could unleash devastating bursts of fire, water, earth, and wind.

As the hours turned into the night, Lin Fan's dedication did not waver. He crafted talisman after talisman, each one representing a powerful tool in his arsenal. His heart swelled with pride as he witnessed the fruits of his labor.

With his new and improved talismans neatly organized in his bag, Lin Fan felt a sense of assurance and readiness. He knew that he had taken a significant step in becoming a formidable cultivator, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he settled into meditation, his mind was filled with Wei Chen's image. He recalled their previous encounters and the joy he felt during Wei Chen's surprise visit. His heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him again, igniting a fire within him to protect not only the town but also the people he cared about.

As Lin Fan peacefully practiced his cultivation in the serene atmosphere of Laoshan Temple, he was unaware of the surprise that awaited him. Little did he know that Wei Chen's grandfather had informed his grandson about the battle Lin Fan had faced just the day before. Wei Chen's concern for him had driven him to make a sudden and unexpected visit to the temple.

As the morning sun cast its warm glow over the temple grounds, Lin Fan was engrossed in refining his Qi, focusing on the intricate movements of his techniques. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps. Lin Fan turned to see Wei Chen standing at the entrance of the cultivation chamber, his expression a mix of worry and relief.

"Lin Fan! Are you okay?" Wei Chen asked, rushing to his side.

Lin Fan was taken aback but quickly stood up, a smile spreading across his face. "Wei Chen, what a pleasant surprise! I'm fine, don't worry. It's just a few minor injuries from yesterday's battle."

Wei Chen's eyes searched Lin Fan's face, seeking reassurance. "My grandfather told me about the demons you faced. I couldn't help but worry. I had to come and see for myself."

Wei Chen's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as he replied, "That's amazing, Lin Fan! Congratulations! Your progress in cultivation is truly remarkable."

The next day dawned with a sense of calm and relief at Laoshan Temple. After the intense battle with the demonic creatures, the S.P.E.A.R. team had returned to their headquarters to rest and regroup. Lin Fan took the opportunity to resume his cultivation practice, focusing on refining his techniques and honing his skills even further.

As the morning sun bathed the temple grounds in golden light, Lin Fan sat cross-legged in the cultivation chamber. His mind was centered, and his heart was resolute as he delved into the depths of his cultivation. With each breath, he drew in the energy of the surroundings, feeling the Qi flow through him like a river.

In the distance, the temple bell chimed, signaling the start of a new day. Lin Fan's senses heightened as he felt the presence of someone approaching the temple. He recognized the energy signature—it was Wei Chen. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing his crush again.

Moments later, Wei Chen arrived at the entrance of the temple, a warm smile gracing his lips. Lin Fan stood up, welcoming him with genuine delight. "Wei Chen, it's great to see you again. How was your journey here?"

Wei Chen's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as he replied, "It was a pleasant journey, and I'm excited to be back at Laoshan Temple. Your hospitality is always so wonderful, Lin Fan."

Lin Fan returned the smile, his heart fluttering at the compliment. "It's always a pleasure to have you here. Please, come inside and make yourself comfortable."

They entered the temple together, their footsteps echoing through the halls. Lin Fan couldn't help but steal glances at Wei Chen, admiring the way the sunlight played on his features, making him even more radiant.

As they settled in the main hall, Lin Fan couldn't contain his excitement any longer. "Wei Chen, I have some incredible news to share. During the past week, I had a breakthrough in my cultivation journey. I've advanced to the 6th realm of Qi Refining!"

Wei Chen's eyes widened in astonishment. "That's amazing, Lin Fan! Congratulations! Your progress in cultivation is truly remarkable."

Lin Fan beamed with pride, grateful for Wei Chen's genuine happiness. "Thank you, Wei Chen. It's all thanks to your encouragement and support that I've been able to achieve this. Your presence has been a source of inspiration for me."

Wei Chen blushed, his gaze meeting Lin Fan's. "I'm glad I could be of any help. You've always been so dedicated and hardworking, Lin Fan. I'm in awe of your strength and determination."

Their eyes locked, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. Lin Fan could sense the depth of Wei Chen's feelings, just as he knew Wei Chen could sense his. The connection between them felt stronger than ever before, and Lin Fan's heart raced with hope and longing.

Before he could find the right words to express his feelings, the temple's tranquility was interrupted by the arrival of Captain Zhang and the S.P.E.A.R. team. Lin Fan and Wei Chen quickly composed themselves, but the knowing glances exchanged between the team members made their blushes deepen.

Captain Zhang chuckled, breaking the tension. "It seems we've interrupted something. Apologies for the intrusion."

Lin Fan grinned, trying to hide his embarrassment. "No need to apologize, Captain Zhang. Wei Chen is a friend, and he's here to visit the temple."

Wei Chen nodded, playfully adding, "Yes, I'm here to see the amazing cultivator Lin Fan in action."