
Supreme Alien Collector

From the first contact between humans and aliens, to the establishment of the Alien Society, the interaction between humans and these amazing beings does not stop for a moment. Captain Roger Heart, an alien collector, is piloting his spaceship to and from different planets, striving to become the supreme collector. But in order to become the pinnacle that all collectors look up to, he has to conduct research and write many papers instead of participating in the confrontation. Roger Heart: Where is danger where is me because I have to write my thesis. Even God can't stop me. This is an interstellar travel taming novel; hope you will like. Please comment more often, I love reading them. : )

WCOP · sci-fi
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9 Chs

Parry Star

What disappointed Roger a bit was that the latter few performances were mostly ornamental, such as magic tricks with trainers and nimble aliens, air shows with aliens flying in the sky according to certain trajectories, etc.

Although the sound and light effects and dramatic equally outstanding, but these performances did not win Roger's attention.

But the last show, but greatly exceeded Roger's expectations.

Only to see the performers with their respective aliens, arranged in a circle around the center of the stage, dancing a ritual dance.

Mysterious lilting song from the stage, this familiar scene greatly raised Roger's interest, the performers are mostly tribesmen? Or is it that this troupe and the deep rainforest of those mysterious tribes have some kind of connection?

So he patiently waited until the end of the show and walked alone to the backstage of the troupe.

But the troupe was obviously more popular than he thought, and the fans who moved faster than he did had already blocked the place to the ground. He couldn't even see where the exact entrance to the troupe's backstage was, so he could only try to tiptoe around, trying to see clearly where he should go over the heads of people surging in front of him.

Suddenly, an invisible force acted gently on him and the surrounding rabid fans, separating the overcrowded crowd and calming down many of the over-emotional people.

"Please line up, don't rush or crowd, the partners who just finished their performance still need to rest for a while, the autograph event will take place later."

Two glowing figures descended from mid-air, the trainer who had performed the magic trick earlier and his numinous alien, Edelfin, a kind of alien who specializes in using sound to induce psychic resonance, did a good job of calming the fans on the spot as soon as they appeared.

Edelfin is a rare sea porous shell, from the hatchling has the ability to rely on sound to spread their emotions, and after growing up has a strong telepathic ability. There is a possibility that the larvae of Edelfins, Echelle, exist on the sea reefs near San Buffy.

Some scholars believe that the ancient legend about the god of the sea guiding the way in the fishing villages near San Buffy is also related to them.

It is said that fishermen who are lost in the sea will be guided by a mysterious voice if they sing the Song of the Sea, and eventually get out of danger and successfully return to shore.

This legend is believed to be the result of the fishermen's psychic resonance with the Echelle or Eitel on the nearby reef through the song, sensing the fishermen's restless emotions they send out gentle brain waves, successfully calming the panicked fishermen and finding their own way out.

On the streets of San Buffy, Roger has also seen Echelle or Eitel a few times, often with their trainers, floating in mid-air to sing for people passing by.

But raising an Echelle to successfully undergo two metamorphic developments and grow into an Edelfin is not an easy task. At least in the past few days since arriving in San Buffy, Roger has yet to see Edelfin in the local collectors' club or on the street.

The crowd, with the help of Edelfin, quickly lined up and began waiting in a neat and orderly fashion for the autograph event.

Although Roger, who was carrying two large bags of gifts, felt his hands were sore, he could not afford to cut in line again in this situation, but took the opportunity to leave the line and go around in another direction.

As expected, the back of the stage was semi-open and could be entered from other ways as well, only that he was wrapped up in the crowd before and did not succeed in finding several other entrances.

"This gentleman," a pair of young girls guarding the back door noticed his approach just as he approached, and approached him as well, one of them speaking up, "This is the actor preparation area."

"If you need an autograph," the other added, seeing that he was carrying a lot of stuff and thinking he was a fan of the troupe, "please go to the fan-only lane and line up."

"No, no, no, I don't need an autograph, I'm a Federation collector, Captain Roger Heart, and would like to meet with your leader to discuss issues regarding the current Parry emergency."

The twin sisters looked at each other, apparently unable to make a decision for this formal meeting, and after a few seconds one of them said, "Hello Captain Roger Heart, my name is Nalora Nadia, you can call me Nana, and next to me is my sister Nanami Nadia, you can call her Mimi."

As Nana paused, Mimi took over what she hadn't finished saying, "On behalf of the 'Parry Star' troupe, we would like to welcome your distinguished collector to the troupe, but we still need to ask the leader if she can meet with you, please follow me to the parlor for a rest, and my sister will go to inform the leader of your visit to the troupe."

Roger, as a guest, of course, would not go against their wishes, nodded his head and said, "Thank you very much."

"It's very kind of you to come to visit and bring gifts." Nana said while taking the two large bags in Roger's hands.

Roger moved his arms, which were sore from prolonged exertion, before he reacted and subconsciously said, "Ah, that, eh, they're all small gifts, I bought them on the fly, I didn't have time to prepare anything particularly upscale."

"You are really too polite, a respectable collector to visit, has already made the troupe shine, if there are any more expensive gifts, then I'm afraid the leader of the troupe will return to you."

Roger thought about it, anyway, are some small gifts of little value, but also conducive to the next investigation.

Nana carried two large bags of things to inform their leader Roger's visit, he followed Mimi all the way deep into the theater venue, surrounded by occasional staff or aliens passing by, casting curious eyes at them, so that Mimi some shy, a grabbed Roger's wrist, and quickly ran to the lounge.

Only when the two of them ran to the lounge in one breath did Mimi realize what she had done, and quickly bowed to Roger and apologized, saying, "I'm so sorry for that."

Roger shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's good to get to the lounge early."

He looked around for a moment. It sounded a little strange to have a parlor behind an amphitheater, but an intimate space with clean, soft sofas and a low coffee table, with a canopy to keep out the sun and rain and a few rugged local-style artifacts, was a place to entertain guests.

"Let me make you a cup of tea, from the accent you are not a native of San Buffy, perhaps you have not had the seaweed seed tea here."

Roger's generosity won Mimi a bit of goodwill, and the somewhat presumptuous girl took the initiative to introduce him to the local specialty tea and snacks.

Roger took a sip, and the slightly sour, refreshing flavor and the unique taste of the seaweed seeds popping beads calmed his somewhat restless heart.

His interaction with Mimi continued until a lady in wheat color skin walked into the parlor area, and behind her was Nana, who was carrying Roger's two bags of gifts.

"Nana, apologize to the guest!"

"Yes, chief!"

Nana, who had just been reprimanded, walked up to Roger with a red face, placed the two bags at his feet, and bowed in apology, "Sorry, guest, for taking your things without permission."

Roger was startled by this sudden apology and said in a hurry, "What is this for? Don't you like these two packages of gifts?"

The lady who was supposed to be the head of the Parry Star troupe stepped forward and explained apologetically to Roger: "Thank you for your generosity, but a collector buying so many toys suitable for different kinds of aliens on a busy shopping street should all be brought to his children, right? It is really inappropriate for Nana to accept them, and I, the leader of the Parry Star, Liliana, apologize for her."

The misunderstanding was recognized by this wise leader, making Roger slightly embarrassed, but he quickly realized that this was a perfect opportunity to ask questions, so he quickly waved his hand and invited several people to sit down beside him, and personally poured them tea.

After drinking a cup of tea and talking about some words of little value, Roger found the opportunity to cut to the chase: "To be honest, Chief Lili, I came to Parry this time, also to investigate and study the emergency situation here."

Speaking of this topic, the stable Liliana also couldn't help but sigh and said, "Thank you for everything you've done for us, the state of emergency has really hurt Parry's economy badly, even our troupe's income has dropped a lot."

Roger nodded and agreed: "I came here to find a way to solve it, but in order to achieve this goal, I need to consult with you for some information, please answer me truthfully, if it's inconvenient, you can leave it out, but please don't lie."

Seeing that Roger was serious, Lili also put away her relaxed expression and said with the same seriousness, "Okay."