
Supremacy Of The Dragon

Arthur was hailed as a genius in 21st century. His tragic death at the world anti terrorist conference caused the world great despair But just when he thought it was all over, he found himself in a body of a dragon infamous for being talentless. The only thing the dragon had was abundance of luck The useless dragon was married to women who were prodigies even among genius in their fields Come follow Arthur's story from being useless to becoming an untouchable existence I am creating this story because i love dragons, but every novel on dragons written on webnovel is shitty as hell. So i decided to write my own story with top tier quality. Even if i say this big words i am still an amateur, this is my first time writing anything this big, so i will learn along the way. Please forgive me if this novel doesnt meet your expectations but i hope you will stick with me and together we can make an amazing story The cover is not mine. All credits to original creator, if you want to take it down just contact me.

Tiamut · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Death of a Genius

On a starless night, hundreds of black cars could be seen moving towards a huge building. The building was ginormous, if not for the modern touch of glass spread across the building, it could easily be mistaken as a palace.

In one of the many cars three people could be seen chatting.

''Are we there yet?'' a boy who appeared to be in his late teens asked in an impatient tone.

'' Just 10 more minutes and we'll be there, Young master Arthur'' the old driver with glasses replied with a smile.

An old man with bald head and white beard was sitting beside the boy flashed a mischievous grin at his grandson. ''What has got you so worked up?'' the old man asked in a mischievous tone

The boy named Arthur Greyrat looked at his grandpa and replied, '' The international conference of 122 nations is a reason enough to be hyped grandpa''

''Oya, and here I thought you wanted to meet little Iris after not seeing her for 3 years'' said the grandpa with the same shitty grin on his face.

Hearing his secret revealed, Arthur turned red,''Grandpa!!'' Both the driver and grandpa laughed looking at the always stoic Arthur panic. '' Hahaha, I know you are happy to see the conference meet against terrorism take place after so many years of hard work but don't think i can't see through your ulterior motives'' the old man chuckled heartily.

''Fine whatever'' Arthur regained his composure and replied in a flat tone. Today was an international meet against the terrorist group that took over a middle eastern country and called themselves servant of gods.

The old grandpa was none other than the prime minister of the country that will be hosting this historic event. The country was selected because it was the ''Most stable country in the world''. No matter what hit this country, it had an unshakable core.

Arthur was the only grandson of the prime minister and also his successor. Yes, the next Prime minister was always chosen by the previous one. But Arthur had managed to achieve this goal at young age on his own genius and hard work. He was called a Genius when it came it governing a country. In fact, he was capable enough to replace his grandpa in the next 6 years making him the youngest prime minister in the world. He was flooded with marriage proposals from all over the world. But this young man was head over heels for only one girl in the entire world.

Time passed quickly and they reached glorious building also known as House of the Sovereign. The moment he got off his car his eyes landed on a blonde young lady. He smiled and started walking towards her when he suddenly noticed a red dot moving on her unblemished face.

He quickly understood what that red dot meant. His face paled in horror. As the son of a politician he didn't need much time to process what the red dot was. He dashed towards her at full speed. The girl looked confused as to why the boy was speeding towards her. He soon reached his target and pushed her with all his might. Just when he was about to relax he felt a sharp pain in neck. He touched it and found blood on his hands. The assassin has missed his target. He was aiming for the traitorous daughter but hit the future prime minister.

He made a run for it but he knew he was going to get caught. But he still ran in hopes of surviving another day.

Arthur felt his consciousness slowly fading away. He could the pained cries of the blonde beauty. With shaky feet he walked towards her. He knew his time has come but he wanted to say one last thing before he died. As he reached the blonde girl his feet gave up. His body crashed on her. He could smell her sweet smell and hear her cries of sadness. His heart ached when he looked at her divinely beautiful face stained with tears.

He gathered all his left energy to mutter the last words he wanted to say to the one girl who captured his heart.

''I..ris..''he said in a hoarse and low voice

''Don't say anything'' the girl cried and tried stop the flowing blood

'' List..en to ... me'' He urged her with pleading eyes. Even if she didnt want to admit it she knew he won't survive. Sorrow filled her heart, she will lose the only true friend she ever made.

'' I am listening'' she said in heavy voice. She wanted to know the last words of genius many envied. The world wanted to know the last words of wisdom of he would impart on the world.

'' Please tell my...butler to... delete my browser history'' he said. His voice getting lower after every word.

''Eh?'' Iris was dumbfounded at the shamelessness of the boy who everyone called a genius.

Saying this the boy closed his eyes. Iris felt immense pain in her heart. She closed her eyes, her tears falling down his face. Just when she thought her friend was gone she felt a warm feeling on her lips. She opened her eyes only to find that boy that she was dead was giving her his first and last kiss before parting to the after life.

She said nothing.

She did nothing.

She just let the moment pass. After a few seconds she felt his body turning colder by the second. And finally she felt his body went limp and cold after he left her with a memory she didn't know what to think about.

(Ding! All the requirements for soul transmigration has been met)

(Ding! Collecting memory fragments into the database)

(Ding! Congratulations to candidate no.16 for being eligible for @#$%@# )

(Initiating soul transfer)

At that moment a pure white ball of light left Arthur's body. The light ball started moving towards the night sky. It's speed kept increasing until it couldn't be seen by naked eyes anymore. The ball reached space and started moving towards at particularly nowhere at the speed of light. Soon a purple portal materialized out of nowhere. The portal had jagged edges and released an uncanny aura that would make even a certain thick skinned old bandit would feel uncomfortable. The ball however didn't stop and and entered the portal.

As the ball left the portal a planet many times bigger than Earth could be seen. The ball moved towards the planet with a speed no less than before. Soon some continents were visible in the distance. The ball moved towards the smallest continent. It soon arrived in a city that could be only described as a massive slum. The ball entered the palace located at the center of the city. The palace looked like a set of a horror movie. It entered a certain room passing through a wall.

The ball finally found the dragon it was looking for lying on a bed with a tired face and sweat all over its body. The dragon had white hair and a handsome face that would put models on earth to shame but the body of the young dragon had gained weight and looked disproportionate. The ball floated above him as if confirming something and then entered the body without hesitation


The dragon woke up and breathed so hard as if the oxygen was squeezed out of his lungs.


''Where am I?'' The young man looked confused. His body was sweating profusely for some reason.

'' Or how am I.... even alive?''

The young dragon sat up on the bed but before he could process anything more....

''AHHHHHHHH'' he screamed at the top of his lungs.

(Initiating ''The Merging'')

You may find similarties between this novel and some other previous written novels. I m not gonna hide the fact that i m taking inspirations from other dragon novels but trust me mine will be much better. You will only get quality content here

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