
Supremacy of Another World

An Overlord Fanfiction. An Alternate Universe, thus there will differences between the original. This is wish-fulfillment with 18+ and harem, if the tags didn't give it away. I do not own any of the characters within this novel except the Main Character. All character rights are held by their respective owners. Disclosure: I do not own the cover art. All rights and ownership are held by their respective creators. Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78219413

Xrkerr · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 16: Confrontation P.2

Their surroundings changed as they felt the familiar feeling of the ground beneath their feet.

As Zelphyr looked around, his eyes were filled with a blood stained field as well as brightly shining beings that floated up from the ground. These beings were Archangel Flames from Yggdrasil. This familiar scenario filled Zelphyr with glee as he watched the Magic Casters in front of him panicking at the sudden change in events. Just seconds ago, they were bullying the strongest man in the Kingdom from a far despite his weakened state. Yet, now they were faced with two strange individuals standing around as though this was a normal occurrence.

"Lord Zelphyr, are these these the ones you want to use as test subjects?"

Albedo questioned as she looked over the group of confused Magic Casters. Despite covering her face with a helmet, the disgust she felt was evident.

"Indeed, these are counted as a strong unit in a specific country. It's perfect for a few tests, no?"

Zelphyr spoke casually as he continued his conversation with Albedo.

"Indeed, it is as you say. With so many of them, we will get more information, as usual My Lord, your forethought is astounding"

Shaking his head at Albedos exaggeration, he finally turned his head to face Nigun.

"Now then, shall we mop up the waste?"

Niguns face went from being confused to angered by Zelphyrs comment.

"Waste? I don't know how you managed to do that, but a mere warrior dares to insult a powerful magic caster like myself?"

Niguns voice was full of fury as he spoke, his face started to burn red as his arm movements became more sporadic.

"Quiet... your face annoys me honestly"

Zelphyr spoke as he looked over Nigun.


Nigun raised his voice, and got into a battle stance.

Before he could react, a large explosion startled him out of his fury. The line of men next to him had collapsed, their lower legs below the knees were missing as blood sprayed everywhere. Wails of pain dominated the area forming into a strange symphony of misery.

"Albedo. I believe I wanted them captured, not crippled."

Zelphyr spoke with a stern voice. Albedos body trembled slightly as she looked at Zelphyr with what he assumed to be desperation.

"But Lord Zelphyr! Such an ugly creature dared to even speak to you, not only that but even raised his voice! No matter what, such a creature should be removed from existence"

Albedo pleaded in earnest as she explained why she crippled a couple of Niguns men. With sheer physical force, Albedo managed to damage multiple people in a second. This was an easy feat for most of the Floor Guardians, however what captured Zelphyrs attention, was the pure rage that fueled her attack. It truly made him thankful that she was his subordinate and not his enemy.

"It is fine. This makes it easy, is all. Next time, wait for my order"

Saying this, Zelphyr pointed his hand out aiming directly toward Nigun and his men.

In response to this, Nigun yelled his command as he saw the strange stance his foe had taken.


His voice grew more frantic as he hastily cast his own barriers, noticing that he was unfamiliar with the strange actions of the man in front of him.

"Celestial Collapse"

After Zelphyrs clear voice reverberated within the air, a large translucent purple box grew around Nigun and his men similar to ivy growing on a tree.

Once the box was formed, the gravity within the box grew heavier and denser, prompting the men to crash onto the floor. Their limbs destroyed, leaving only broken bodies with scarred minds. Even the strongest of the group Nigun, lay on the ground, blood seeping from his mouth as his broken body failed to respond to his mind.

"That was anti-climatic..."

Zelphyr muttered to himself as he watched the spell dissipate. Since this spell was a tenth tier spell he had gotten from his unique class, 'Devoured Sorcerer' which he had used to gain the Space element from one of the high level Dragon bosses on Asgard. Similar to the natural phenomenon 'gravitational collapse', the spell used magic to condense the gravity within the box and simulate the same conditions of an imploding star. As a result, anything in the box will be destroyed as long as they do not have enough power to break the box holding them or have enough strength to resist the pull of gravity.

One of Zelphyrs first points of training with Naberal was to find ways to control the strength of his preset spells. Luckily, it had ended in a success, after a few attempts in his 'Magical Style'. Thus, Zelphyr wanted to test his new ability out on these conveniently placed guinea pigs in front of him. The result being that the Magic Casters were now crushed to the ground, yet still barely alive.

"Lord Zelphyr! That was beautiful!"

Albedo praised with heated breaths. Had her wings been on display, Zelphyr was sure they would be flapping around ecstatically.

"It was overkill, but it provided me with good experience. Thank you for the praise Albedo. Now then, alert Shalltear and have Pestonya restore them once they are in the testing chambers"

Albedo bowed her head before starting her communication with Shalltear.

Meanwhile, Zelphyr walked towards the pummelled bodies, his expression neutral as he took in the sight of the devastation.

Despite seeing so much carnage, Zelphyr felt annoyance and a small amount of gratitude towards the group of Magical Casters who had so brazenly invaded another country at such an opportune time.

After inspecting the bodies and the role of his spell, Zelphyr looked towards the sky.

At the start of the battle, his accessory had alerted him that a being had tried to observe him, however as he had expected, they were much weaker. As a result, the Slane Theocracy had not seen anything after the moment Zelphyr appeared.

"It is done, My Lord"

Albedo came over with her weapon lowered. There was a spring in her step as she approached Zelphyr.

"You seem to be quite pleased Albedo"

Nodding, went to remove her helmet, but thought against it as she recalled their current mission.

"I am, I got to see such a magnificent display from the True Supreme Being himself, your mastery of such advanced magic made me fall even deeper in love"

Her tone contained a bold passion that threatened to burst out. It was clear that she was restraining herself.

"I see, in that case, I should show you more sometime. Now then, let us head back to the village. Should we leave now, it will negatively affect our reputation in the village"

Saying that, the two left the bloody scene with not a single speck of dirt on them. As they left, a large distortion in space formed and remained open, before closing minutes later. Such an event went unnoticed by the superpowers of the world, marking the first step of the Great Tomb of Nazarick in the New World.

Back in the village, Enri Emmot was currently treating the large amount of injured soldiers. As commoners, they were forced to work on a daily basis with very dangerous conditions, thus most of the village members were proficient enough to administer aid in some way to the members of Gazefs warrior band.

The girl leading this first aid operation was Enri as she administered the materials to the other villagers. Originally, such a role should have been done by the Village Chief, however their Saviour, Lord Zelphyr had explicitly chosen Enri to round up the villagers and prepare. As a result, everyone had easily submitted to the idea of following Enris instructions, even her parents.

"This one is good for now, focus on those two over there. Their wounds are small but deep. Make sure they get enough medical herbs to stop the blood loss"

Although it was fairly shallow when compared to a pharmacist or doctor, Enri had a friend who was proficient in medicine. There were many times that she was forced to sit through a lecture about various herbs and their properties since she was young. Therefore, Enri was able to distribute the right herbs for the corresponding injury.

"Young Girl, I would like to thank you"

Gazef spoke out to Enri as he watched her lead the villagers. In response to his words, Enri shook her head.

"No need, Lord Zelphyr assigned me this job. It is my duty to fulfill it"

Gazef was slightly shocked by the trust Enri had already placed in Zelphyr. Especially considering the fact that Zelphyr had the look of a foreigner rather than a native of Re-Estize.

"I see, regardless yo-"

Gazef was cut off by the sound of the magical barrier surrounding them crumbling down. Panic started to fill the air as the villagers silenced their voices. Hoping any enemies would just bypass them.

After a couple of seconds, they saw the door slowly open. The night sky outside crawled in as the door opened further.

All at once, the villagers and awake warriors collapsed in relief as they saw the familiar armour and figures of the two warriors stood at the door.

"It seems everyone is safe"

Hearing Zelphyr speak, the warehouse erupted into cheers as they were consumed with relief. His coming back alive proved one fact, that they were now safe and free again. Despite not knowing his plans, they had overheard Gazef and his mens conversations enough to put the pieces together.

"Lord Zelphyr!"

Zelphyr turned in the direction of the bright voice.

What he saw shocked him slightly. A teenage girl with bloodstained arms and clothes as well as sweat lining her forehead walked towards him with a self-satisfied smile.

"Ah, Enri. You seem to be tired, have you been working this whole time?"

Enri nodded her head with vigor. She was happy to show the results of completing her task.

"That is very reassuring. I knew I chose the right person, thank you"

From behind him, he felt Albedo taking deep breaths, trying her best to stabilise her emotions. Consequently, Zelphyr ignored it, out of consideration.

"It was a task given to me by Sir Zelphyr himself! There was no way I could fail!"

Enris positive attitude brought a smile to Zelphyrs face as he nodded. From behind, he felt that he heard Albedo murmur

'She has potential...'

Alas, that was unimportant right now.

After some more light conversation with Enri, he sent her off to get some well-deserved rest.

When he was free, he went to find the Village Chief to alert him of his future departure. In the meeting, Zelphyr promised to visit in a couple of days to bring some materials for the rebuilding. Originally, the Village Chief refused since he felt bad for imposing on their benefactor, however after some light persuasion, Zelphyr set a date.

Since Carne Village will be his foothold on the continent, Zelphyr did not want it being in such a damaged state for too long. Thus he decided that the next time he visited, he would prepare a test for Enri to motivate her to use the items he gave her.

Seeing Gazef and his Warrior Band off, Zelphyr and the Village Chief bid their farewells to the men. It was clear that Gazef felt conflicted as he spoke to Zelphyr, but like the professional he was, he remained silent.

"Well then, Lord Zelphyr. I suppose this is goodbye"

Gazef held out his hand.

Accepting the hand firmly, they initiated a handshake.

"I am sure we will meet in the future, Sir Gazef. The world works in mysterious ways"

A light smile sat upon his face as he spoke, causing Gazef to nod and remain silent. With those words said, Gazef rode his horse to the front of the formation and departed with his many warriors following him.

'Now then... it's time for our next battle'

Zelphyr looked at Albedo who stood silently next to him, clearly unimpressed by anything happening around her.

Quick Note:

Going to try and get the Stats Page up on the weekend. There will be a few questions on there regarding the type of information you would like to see to make it easier. Especially since I don't have a discord atm.

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