
vena and soulbonds


Seeing her urgency and having an idea about  what she wants to talk to me about i let her in.

The moment we get in she locks the door throughs up the strongest privacy wards I know, looks into my eyes with her teary ones and says "my father wants me to kill and devour you!"




"my father wants me to kill and devour you!"


"Ok....OK!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN OK!..."


I grip her by the back of her neck and look into her eyes "Ok,so your father wants you to kill and devour me,...the question is will you do it?"

She stares right back at me and says "no,I won't,...my father has always only seen me as a weapon to be used,and not as a daughter, I have no doubt that If you hadn't shown up , and created an opportunity to for me to kill you and devour your divinity, i would have been wed and sold of in a political marriage."

She puts her hands on my chest

"Over the past 5 years ,I have come to love you and I would not break your trust"

She says with genuine love and trust in her voice,the vuatu are not a loving people, so all the flirting care and love  I showed for her in the past 5 years have truly had a profound effect on her feelings for me.

I smile at her "I have come to love you aswell" looking into her happy eyes I continue "but though you may have my love you do not have my trust" She physically flinched from that only for my next words to completely destroy her "I also have a soul mate ,so you'd never be able to take priority in my heart" devested she was about to shout at me on why I had led her on in the first place, but I continued before she could interrupt

"But fuled by my genius and my love for you , I have come up with a way to make us soul mates.all you have to do is lower your defences and bare your soul to me for me to cast the spell "

At this her breath Caught, to lower the defences around her soul would leave her completely and utterly defenceless...but did she even have a choice, she had already betrayed the vuatu and her father by coming to badlur and its not like baldur needed her to bare her soul to him to kill her ,with his power he could do that his eyes closed and both his hands tied behind his back.

But most importantly it was the prospect of having a soul mate the convinced her ,she had always wanted someone she could have full trust in and love ,but such a thing was impossible in a society such as that of the vuatu.

Yet that was exactly what the man she had come to love was offering her, so she took a deep breath, stealed her self and bared her soul infront of baldur,and that's when everything went black.


sigh she is still to naive, I will make sure to teach her better in the future.,the whole making us soulmates thing? Yeah no that was bullshit.

It's impossible for me to do such a thing. But I have indeed been studying mine and deaths soul bond for 35 years now, and I doubt there is someone who knows more about them then me ,the vuatus soul magic was the last thing I needed to make this spell of mine.

I had carved a runic array right on vena's soul that would make her feel like she was soul bonded to me ,and it would have almost about the same feel and effects as a true soul bond but once again only one way. The best part? It couldn't be removed without destroying her soul and killing her

Was this a bit scummy? Yeah sure maybe ,but he never claimed to be a good guy in the first fucking place ,plus he would have never allowed someone close to him without making sure there was no chance of betrayal which is exactly what this bond does.

Also it's not like he's going to use her and throw her away now is it? He'll make sure to take care of and love her aswell. And by being with him she will automatically become one of the future queen's of the hell,it seems like a pretty fuckin fair trade to him.

Now enough of that, she should be waking up in about 3 to 4 hours, till then let's think about how ill deal with vahn and the vuatu


should baldur

A devour vahns power and divinity

B devour his power but give the divinity to vena so that she may stand by his side

Or c give both the power and divinity to vena

Divinity =god/goddes of shadows

Power=lifespan and physical prowess