
Superstars of Tomorrow

"Every time background music plays in my head, I feel like there is nothing to be afraid of." —Fang Zhao Toward the end of the apocalyptic period, Fang Zhao lost his life. However, instead of dying, he found himself 500 years later in the body of a young and aspiring composer who shared the same name. Having received a second chance at life, Fang Zhao sets out to achieve the previous owner's dreams. Armed with the experience of living through an apocalyptic age and his profession as a composer before that period, Fang Zhao uses his talent, wits, and knowledge to make his mark in the entertainment industry of the future.

Lazy Cliché · sci-fi
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507 Chs

Hurry Up and Return

Translator: BeetleBarker Redakteur: Tennesh

Woo Tianhao spent quite some time talking to his uncle. Not only did his uncle have an eye on the few mountains in the video, his uncle was also eyeing the mountain that Woo Tianhao had selected for himself. It took a while for Woo Tianhao to explain to his uncle that everyone would have their own territory. After ending the call, Woo Tianhao asked whether there had been any developments with Fang Zhao. He found out that Fang Zhao had not yet come out after returning to his room. Upon learning of this, he headed straight to Huo Yi's office.

He wanted to know whether Fang Zhao had managed to rope in Zaro within this short time.

"Zaro?" Huo Yi opened up the 3D map and pointed to a mountain that had been marked. "This mountain has been reserved for him."

When Tianhao stared at the map in front of him, his eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets.

All he saw were shiny golden marks on the map. These marks meant that the areas had already been booked.