
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Getting Along

Chapter 3: Getting along


On Melvin's first day of class, nervousness fluttered in his stomach. He had decided to embrace his playful and energetic side, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As he entered the classroom, Miss Karin's voice cut through the chatter.


Karin: "Attention, everyone. We have a new student joining us today. Melvin, you may come in."


Melvin entered the room with a radiant smile and a kind aura that instantly captured everyone's attention.

Melvin: "Hello, everyone. It's great to meet all of you. I'm Melvin Krelin, and I'm excited to be a part of this class. I hope we can all get along."



Whispers rippled through the students as they exchanged curious glances. Mirata, the class captain, stood up to formally greet him.

Mirata: Hello, Melvin. Nice to meet you. I'm Mirata, the class captain. On behalf of the class, I warmly welcome you.

[Character info:- Mirata captain of melvin's class, chose by every student cause of his leadership and logical thinking,he is way popular among his class.

His personality contains: calm,kind,carefull,responsible and welcoming. Mirata tries his best to maintain peace among his class]


Mirata's calm and kind demeanor put Melvin at ease, and he offered a grateful smile.

Melvin: Thank you, Mirata. It's nice to meet you too.


Miss Karin then directed Melvin's attention to a specific task.

Karin: Melvin, would you be so kind as to show your power to the class?


Melvin nodded and obliged.

Melvin: Ok so....my power is telekinesis, i can easily move and float objects around at my will, although it takes much concentration to move heavy objects and i can't really control this power well too so i need to improve...

*He retrieved a pen from his pocket and effortlessly manipulated it in the air, showcasing his telekinetic ability.*

(In mind: Bet they are impressed hehehe! *Prouds*)


The students were left in awe, their eyes fixed on the pen's graceful dance.


Karin: Thank you for the demonstration, Melvin. You can take a seat now.


Melvin found a seat near the window, behind a girl who turned to greet him.

Aria: Hey there, nice to meet you. I'm Aria.


Melvin offered a friendly smile, captivated by Aria's presence.

Melvin: Oh Aria, yes nice to meet you too. Leo mentioned about you yesterday

In mind: (Hmm she is cute)


Aria's smile widened.

Aria: Oh! So you already friend with leo. Well, I hope he said nice things. (Smiles)


Melvin chuckled softly, his mind already forming a positive impression of his new classmates.

Melvin in mind: Okay... she seems nice girl..

[Character info:- Aria a kind girl with charming looks, long blonde hairs with bangs, mostly stays calm and peaceful, but do one move she don't like and her aggressive lecture won't stop.

Her personality includes silent, caring, optimistic, peaceful and cautious]


The class proceeded with lessons, and as teachers imparted knowledge, Melvin found himself reflecting on the familiar rhythm of school studies.

Melvin thinking: (Hmm, it seems like normal school studies..... boring)


Soon, the lunch break arrived, and Leo approached Melvin.

Leo: Hey, Melvin, let's grab lunch together.


Melvin seized the opportunity for a playful joke.

Melvin: Aaah, so i was right! You gonna make lion jaw and eat me in lunch!


Leo's mock rage was immediate and funny.

Leo: Seriously, cut it out with that joke already!


Melvin laughed heartily.

Melvinl: Haha, just kidding, Leo. Let's go.


In the cafeteria, One girl's voice called out to Leo.

Mia: Hey, Leo, over here!


Leo signaled for Melvin to follow, and as they approached the table, Melvin saw two girls sitting one of which was Aria.


Aria greeted him once again with a warm smile.

Aria: Hey again, Melvin!


Mia, too, extended her welcome.

Mia:Oh leo! Looks like you already a friend with our new classmate.

Hello melvin, nice to meet ya, am mia..

You can sit with us


Melvin felt a rush of gratitude as he took a seat.


Leo couldn't resist teasing Melvin about Mia's personality.

Leo: Beware, Melvin. Mia might seem sweet right now, but she's got a pretty bossy side to her.

Mia: "Bossy" isn't the right word. I just like to make sure everything goes smoothly, according to my standards.


Melvin took his seat, feeling a touch of shyness as he found himself in a group setting for the first time.

(Melvin in mind: Am so nervous i could jump off the building!)

[Character info:-

Mia is a confident and bossy girl, long black ponytail, dusky skintone, seems more mature than her age, also nerd when comes to studies but won't miss chance to do fun with friends. Also miss karin's fav student in class.

Her love towards psychology was always a thing, making her understand person very well

Her personality includes confident, logical, caring, understanding, strategic and teasing]


Mia's curiosity led her to inquire about Melvin's interactions with others.

Mia: Melvin, have you made any friends here yet?

Melvin: Nope, I arrived just yesterday, so apart from Leo, I haven't really met anyone.


Mia's response was warm and welcoming.

Mia: Well, now you have us as friends too. We'll be your new friends.


Aria chimed in, offering her own friendly assurance.

Aria: Absolutely. We're happy to befriend you.


Melvin's reaction to this unexpected warmth was a mix of shock and gratitude.


For a brief moment, Melvin's emotions overwhelmed him, and he playfully exaggerated his response.

Melvin (dramatically tears): Oh my gosh, you guys are like angels! So kind! Feels like dream! Thanks! *smiles*


Leo's humor cut through the dramatic moment.

Leo: Dude, what's with the tears? Haha


Mia couldn't help but join in on the lightheartedness.

Mia: Haha, he's a funny one, that's for sure.


As they chatted and laughed, Melvin realized that for the first time, he was truly comfortable in a group setting.


In the midst of their banter, curiosity led Melvin to inquire about their powers.

Melvin: So, Mia, Aria, what powers do you both have?


Mia spoke first, revealing her unique abilities.

Mia: My power revolves around the human mind. I can sense emotions, detect lies and truths, and even induce sleep with a touch, and much more. Am sure i can improve this powers more


Melvin: Wow, that's cool, and what if someone drinks ton of coffee? You can still make him sleep?


Leo (joking around): Wow mia! Did melvin just found counter for your power?


Mia: What the! No! Coffee still won't work dummy! You will need to do better than just coffee to counter my power 😉

And as for Aria, she's an aura manipulator.


Melvin (curious): Aura?

Aria calmly explained her power.

Aria: Yes...its kinda hard to explain ...Like i can make a pure ball of energy for offensive attack and even can give this energy physical form making barriers, hands, whips.. idk either what else i can do with this..


Melvin found himself intrigued by Aria's description.

Melvin: Aura manipulation sounds like it has a lot of potential. I wanna see you use it (smiles)


Aria nodded, a sense of calm confidence emanating from her.

Aria: Ofcourse .I'll show you more in our next class.


Leo's excitement bubbled over.


Leo: Oh, by the way, Melvin, the next class is a training session! Professor Alistair will be leading it.

Mia: Hold on a second, guys. Do you think the professor is going to test Melvin too?

Leo: Oops, I forgot to mention that part. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he'll test you. He had all of us do a test on the first day.

Melvin: Wait, what do you mean by a "test"?

Mia: They had us participate in duels against randomly chosen opponents.

Melvin (shocked): Duels? On the very first day? Are you telling me I have to fight someone on my first day here? (What a drag)

Leo: *hehe* Sorry about that, buddy. But hey, telekinesis is a pretty strong ability, so you might do great!

Melvin (sighs*): I don't have much experience in fighting, though.


Aria's reassuring words were there to comfort Melvin.

Aria: Don't worry, Melvin. We have faith in you. I'm sure you'll do well. Plus, the professor stops duels before it get much critical too.

Melvin: Oh thanks for that aria, but still..


Mia added her support as well.

Mia: We're here for you, buddy. Even if you don't win, it's okay. We've got your back.

Melvin's curiosity led him to inquire about their first duel experiences. Their responses provided a glimpse into their personalities and interactions.

Melvin: So, how was your first duel experience?


Leo's response was a mixture of embarrassment and playfulness.

Leo (sheepishly): Uh, hehe, I'd rather not go into the details of that one.

(In mind: I was defeated horrible by that werewolf guy waaaaaa!)


Aria's admission was accompanied by a touch of awkwardness.

Aria (awkwardly): Unfortunately, I didn't perform very well. I lost pretty quickly.

(In mind: Sigh* Now he will think am someone weak!)


Mia's confident nature shone through in her response.

Mia (confidently): Well, for me, it was an easy win.


Leo (mocking): Of course it was easy for you! You didn't have to do much-just a touch to make your opponent fall asleep.

Mia: It was battle of ability ofcourse..


As the lunchtime bell rang, signaling the end of the break, the group prepared to head to their training session.

Leo: Come on, Melvin, let's go. We need to change into our training outfits.

Melvin: Alright, let's do it. See you all in class, guys.

Mia: Yeah, good luck, Melvin.

[Melvin leaves for the training session.]


As they both left, Mia couldn't help but share her thoughts with Aria.

Mia: Seems like a nice guy, right aria?

Aria: Yes, he does.

Mia (teasing): And what's with you today?

Aria: *Huh?* What do you mean?

Mia (smirking): I've noticed that you're usually quiet, and it took you four days to get comfortable enough with Leo and me to actually have a conversation. Yet, you greeted Melvin on your own on the very first day?

[Aria blushes slightly, caught off guard.]

Aria: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about. Let's hurry up, or we'll be late for class.

[They both head off to change into their training outfits as well.]


As they head towards changing room, Melvin couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of belonging. With friends by his side and a supportive atmosphere, he was ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in Arcane Haven. What might next chapter hold about the duel? And will melvin be able to handle it well? Let's wait till next chapter.

To be continued...