
Supernatural: I am Hades

Alex Blake a in love with series and books, one day he died and woke up in the body of a pagan God in supernatural, what he did not know was that that world was not only supernatural. Alex decided that he would become one of the most powerful beings in the universe Author: The cover is not mine if the owner wants me to take it off

Alexmorgan · TV
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13 Chs

episode 2

"So this is the other world, huh?" I spoke to myself while looking at my surroundings. I found out I was in a very dense forest

* noises *

I heard a noise behind me and looked at the noise and saw something that surprised me. I saw a huge group of people looking curiously at me and in front of that group, there was a man who was in front of everyone.

* Roar * the man roared and opened his mouth so surreally that his mouth covered most of his face and he had huge teeth.

The man advanced towards me at a surreal speed and in moments he was in front of me with his huge mouth in front of my face

"Damn it, I'm going to die" I closed my eyes and screamed as I cringed in fear.

{Pathetic} a voice said in my head and I completely lost consciousness.

___ 3rd person___

Zeref Dragneel was in a sea of ​​darkness, after being defeated by Natsu and Marvis giving him the kiss of mercy, he thought he was finally going to die.

But, he was wrong, he was slowly retiring. He knew that and was furious at that truth.

{So in the end, I couldn't get rid of this curse!} He cried in frustration feeling more and more his body regenerating from the ashes.

{Do you want to die?} A voice spoke in Zeref's mind.

{Who are you?} He asked frustrated, someone must be making fun of him.

{I am death, the God who cursed you are one of my children} Death said proudly in Zeref's head.

{So, that son of a bitch is your son?} He thought angrily. {Does that mean you can take the curse off me?}

{Yes, but, I want you to do something for me} death asked in a commanding voice.

{What do you need from me?} Zeref asked, already giving in to the demand of death. Right now he doesn't care about anything, he just wants to die.

{I want you to pass on your knowledge to one of my children, Hades} she said confidently knowing that the man would accept, he was too desperate to deny the death request

{Very well} He accepted easily {And after I pass on my knowledge to your son?}

{I will send you to the paradise where Marvis is} Death said bluntly.

{Okay, take me to your son}

___with the body of Hades__

Hades (Zeref) saw the man in front of him leaning down to bite his head.

"Amateur" Hades (Zeref) smiled gently and lifted his leg and kicked the man's chest and threw him backward.

The man flew several meters and crashed into one of the trees in the forest so hard that the tree broke in half and fell on the floor.

"that was stronger than I thought it would be, is that the power of divinity? sorry monster, but today is not your lucky day" Hades said as he raised his hand palm "Disappear "

a ball of pure darkness formed in Hades' hand and became solid. He moved his hand and the ball of darkness flew at high speed and hit the man who was reeling to get up.

"Argh," the man screamed desperately as his body was completely consumed by the ball of darkness that disappeared shortly thereafter.

Hades (Zeref) looked at the group of people (Monsters) who were looking at him with dread, Hades knew that look very well.

He (Zeref) has seen this look many times in his four hundred years of immortal life.

Hades (Zeref) then disappeared from his place at super speed and reappeared inside a cave in the middle of nowhere and sat down to concentrate

He then cast an information transmission spell, passing all of his knowledge to Hades' head.

{I'm finally going to see you, Marvis} he thought to himself when he felt that his consciousness was slowly disappearing and he finally lost consciousness completely.

"What happened" Hades asked himself as he tried to remember

"ARGH" Hades cried out in pain when he felt a monstrous pain in his head, it looked like someone was piercing his skull with a piece of burning iron almost melting.

___first person___

I felt that my head was going to explode, the information that entered my head was painful but precious.

I received all the information that Zeref Dragneel accumulated during his 400 years of life. I learned how to make Zeref's demons and more.

I have divinity and my new name is Hades.

The name of one of the 3 great gods of Olympus and if I am not mistaken the being that attacked me was a Leviathan. I am almost sure that I am in the world of Supernatural and only three possible choices from where I am.

1- I'm in prehistory

2- I'm in purgatory

3- I'm somewhere in the 7th season of the series

___months later___

the second option was right, I'm in purgatory which was not cool, I found out I was at the port when the Leviathans kindly told me after I became kind of their boss.

how did this happen? well, I was walking happily and humming and seeing the exotic landscapes of purgatory.

When I realized I was being followed and then I decided to confront my pursuers and I discovered that they were the Leviathans that I found in the first days when I ended up here.

They knelt before me and I ended up becoming their boss.

Since I killed their leader, they started to follow me like stray puppies, I would refuse them. But, I couldn't just abandon them without any protection and they would be good soldiers in my conquest

They saw their leader as a God and as I killed their leader, I am their new God.

Since I am their God it is time for me to improve them, yes, I want to test Zeref's spells to make my army stronger and conquer purgatory.

I just want to test the spells I learned from Zeref, but that's beside the point

"Leviathan" I screamed and a heavy dark fog appeared in front of me and hundreds of Leviathan took shape inside the fog. Among the Leviathans a woman took the lead, she was the new leader, the daughter of their former leader. She was a beautiful Asian woman who was dressed in the skin of some insidious monster

"Yes, my God," She said and all the leviathans knelt in front of me and putting their heads on the floor in the obvious form of submission.

"Take your clothes off and approach me" I ordered him awkwardly and with a little shame.

"Sure, my God" She smiled and took off her clothes, and crawled over to me. I saw the beautiful curves of her body. But, this was not the time for that.

"Keep your back to me" I ordered

"Yes, my God" She turned her back to me and I touched my finger to her back and she made a cute moan when she felt my cold hands on her back.

I concentrated my magic on my fingertips and started writing on her back.

"ARGH" She screamed in pain, but she dared not move, all the Leviathans looked at her and me in fear and continued with their heads stuck on the ground.

When I finished writing my spell on her body. The words disappeared from her back.

"Very well, how do you feel?" I asked him curiously. She stood up in front of me without any shame at having her body exposed and punched the floor.

The ground around her wrist broke and formed a small crater full of cracks around her.

"I feel invincible, my God," She said with a wild smile on her face.

I could feel it, She became more powerful I don't know how powerful she became. But, she was more powerful than before.

Now just know how much stronger it has become. I looked at the Leviathans kneeling on the floor and saw a big, muscular man.

He was the second strongest in the group, after their late boss.

"You get up and fight with her" I ordered and the man stood up hesitantly

"yes," he said and went after the leviathan girl.

He opened the mouth and tried to bite it. She easily dodged the man's attack and kicked him in the chest. the man flew backward and fell to the ground.

The Leviathan woman smiled and sped up on the man and appeared in front of him. she started punching and kicking him at super speed. The man fell to the floor unconscious.

The woman went upon him to continue hitting him. But, I sped up to her and threw her away from the man who was passed out on the floor.

She stood up and showed me her teeth. I found it interesting that Her mouth didn't open like normal Leviathans. No, she looked more like supernatural vampires than a leviathan

"Enough" I screamed and created a little ball of darkness and shot it over her shoulder.

"Argh" she cried out in pain when the little ball of darkness hit her shoulder and made a huge hole in her shoulder.

"When I say to stop it is to stop" I screamed as I appeared in front of her and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her * cough * she started coughing as I squeezed her neck harder.

"You got it?" I asked very quietly just for her to hear.

"* cough * yes sir * cough *" She replied with difficulty. but, at least I found something interesting in that.

She and everyone here has a physical body and they breathe, which means that they are living beings and are not spirits.

"Now, all of you take your clothes off and sit with your back to me" I ordered and approached the Leviathans who quickly took off their clothes.

"Very well," I said when using the modified demon creation spell that I created based on Zeref's spells.

I didn't write on their backs and just cast the spell. I made them weaker than the Leviathan girl, I think I'll have to give her a name.

Since the Leviathans have no names. they were just ants that followed their queen or king without having their own identity, they were strong and organized in groups.

But when their leader died, their strength and organization left.

"Very well, now we will start our route to conquer purgatory" I screamed with all my strength "your name will now be, Electro Leviathan, you will be the leader of your brothers"

"Yes, Lord Hades" She spoke with respect, not even looking like she had shown her teeth to be a short time ago

to be continued

Electro is at the level of power of one of the kings of hell, I know that some will say that the Leviathans are stronger than the kings of hell, but, I don't think so and in this story they will only be relatively powerful monsters

Alexmorgancreators' thoughts