
A glimpse in the life of Apocalypse Isaiel

(Warning: mentions of Gore, torture,labor camps, and the word Füher. If anything is triggering, I'd advise you don't read this chapter.)

I hated the smell of Earth, it was filled with nothing but human filth and brimstone. I was forced to come here because some idiot didn't do his job and the humans tried to revolt.

I flew to North America, this was the home of the Resistance and the newest labor camp for the humans that we captured in my last excursion to Earth.

I descended in front of the Gate to the labor camp, and the warden of the camp Temeluchus, came outside to see my arrival.

Temeluchus vessel was a tall African-American man with scars on his face, wearing a bulletproof vest and gloves.

"Evening füher, my men await your commands and I apologize for the state of the camp. We are still investigating how the prisoners were able to overpower the guards and attempt to escape." I barely acknowledged the low-rank captain and entered the camp.

Bodies of dead toys were hanged on trees, their hands and eyes cut out and their mouths were agape as if they were screaming.

The sounds of toys being flogged rang out in the air, I felt no sympathy for those spoiled maggots. If they wish to disobey my rules, then they deserve to suffer my retribution.

I saved them from Michael's extermination and gave them a place to receive food, lodging, and protection, and in exchange, all they had to do was work in the pit for the rest of their miserable lives and be sacrifices for my monsters.

We reached the lower floors where the cells were located, the smell of blood and guts was familiar. I could feel the hateful gazes of the toys as I continued deeper down the hallway. 

In the farthest cell of the hallway, the leader of the escapees was held in solitary confinement as Temeluchus guards were posted outside the cell door. 

"Is this where the leader is being held? I waved my hand as the cell door opened to reveal the toy's leader.

"Yes, my füher, I apologize for his current state of mind, he was recently interrogated by Castiel for information on where he received the weapons for the revolt."

I stepped inside and observed the room, tools of torture were scattered around the room and a man was tied up in chains barely breathing.

"Castiel interrogated him? Then what was he able to find out about the weapons? Who supplied them? How they were able to overpower and kill seven angels in their little revolt? My smile turned into a frown as I heard the panicked heartbeats of the soilders.

"Apologizes Füher, even with the help of Castiel's methods, we were unable to acquire any information about how he managed to armed his supporters due to a mental shield. Even with physical torture, it showed little progress." I scoffed and gave a pointed glare to Temeluchus for another failure.

"So you mean to tell me that I came all this way to hear that you failed once again, I had high hopes that you would prove the rumors about your capabilities wrong, but it seems that the opposite is happening." I looked back at the unconscious rebel and woke him up by pressing two of my fingers at his head.

"Your awake, I will tell you this once before we proceed with your questioning. I am not like the low-rank soilders that you have encountered in the past, you will tell me everything that you know or watch as I shatter your will." The man simply gave me a cocky grin and gave me the middle finger.

"You know, that's almost exactly what the German angel said before he failed to break my mind, and I think we have already established that torturing me is useless." I raised an eyebrow at the man's arrogance, humans like him act tough but they are so easy to break.

"I can't wait to destroy this idea of freedom that these rebel scum hold on their minds, what kind of expression will this human make after I saw him his "gift"." I snapped my fingers and my loyal soilder Ezekiel, appeared from the shadows holding a little girl.

"Anna? What is this? What the hell are you bastards going to do to my daughter? She is an innocent to this! Let her go and I'll tell you everything!! My mouth curled up to a little smile as the man's resolve was already crumbling, already to begging for his daughter.

"But we haven't gotten to the best part, Peter here will flog the girl with this special whip bathed in hellfire, until you tell us all you know or till she dies. Oh, I should warn you that the whip is coated with tiny pieces of angel blade to inflict the most damage." I gave the man a wide grin as Ezekiel tore off a part of the girl's shirt, exposing the skin.

"Stop! Ok, I'll tell you everything that you want to know about our plans, just leave my daughter alone and we can work out a deal." I could tell that the man was being truthful by his pleading voice, but this was more than gathering information but to serve as a test to Temeluchus and his men.

With an emotionless face, I nodded to Ezekiel who quickly brought down the whip on the girl's skin, the scream of pain echoed throughout the cell as the man shouted curses and pleas on behalf of his daughter.

"Stop! Please! Just stop! I'll give you the name and location of the person who gave me the weapons, the resistance has a special weapon that could prove to be a threat to your reign." His tears and pleas when unanswered as Ezekiel continued to flog the girl, I could see that Temeluchus and another angel looked indifferent while three angels started to flinch after every sound of pain.

"It was an angel named Gabriel, he gave me the weapons and told me how to escape the camp, he is at Rome looking for a way to kill you." I hold up my hand indicating for Ezekiel to stop as I turned around to hear the man's confession again.

"Gabriel gave you the weapons? Of course, it's obvious that human-loving coward would betray his family and his mission." I began to theorize what was in Rome that Gabriel would want.

"S-So, me and my daughter are free to go? I answered everything that you wanted? Please, I don't care what you do to me but spare my daughter." I placed my hand on his forehead and forcibly breached his mind, now that his mental shield had dissipated.

"I can tell that you are telling the truth, but you see, I can't just let you go without any consequences. That would ruin the reputation that I've worked so hard to maintain." I looked at Ezekiel who continued his work until the girl's body finally gave out from the pain.

"Come Temeluchus, it's time to decide your consequences for your recent failures. And bring your men, I want an audience for this." I teleported to Temeluchus's office, and sat down at his desk as Temeluchus appeared.

"Now Temeluchus, it's come to my attention that you and your guards have been fraternizing with them humans. Giving them breaks, more food, not even giving them any form of punishment." Temeluchus was silent but I could tell that he was uneasy.

"I had high expectations from you when I first gave you this position, but with your recent failures and complacency. I've decided that you will be given seven cuts for the seven soilders that died under your command."

As soon as I finished my sentence, Ezekiel unsheathed his sword and delivered quick cuts on Temeluchus chest. The angel fell to the floor, as blood and grace began to ooze from the wound.

"You! What is your name? I pointed to an angel who kept an emotionless face throughout everything. "Who me? My name is Hannah, lieutenant of this garrison." I looked down at Temeluchus and then at Hannah.

"Hannah, you are now captain of this garrison. Temeluchus, heaven no longer requires your service. You have done your duty, now rest." Temeluchus tried to speak but was quickly stopped as Ezekiel stabbed him in the heart, a burst blue light exploded from Temeluchus vessel.

"Hannah, you now have command of this camp, I hope that you won't make the same mistakes like your predecessor. Your first mission is to execute the three angels next to you, any form of hesitation or feelings are not allowed in my heaven, prove your loyalty by killing those traitors." Hannah's angel blade slid down and without hesitation, threw the blade into the heart of the first angel.

"Hannah! Snap out of it! We are your comrades, not traitors! I don't want to fight you!! The second angel tried to fight Hannah by blocking her thrusts, he was quite skilled and it even seemed that he was about to wrestle the angel blade out of Hannah's hand.

But, a garrison captain is always stronger than her soilders, as Hannah overpowered the solider and watched him die.

The third angel tried to teleport, but was blocked by my powers as he tried to smite Hannah, and was quickly defeated.

"Excellent! Your already more obedient and decisive than your predecessor, now leave this place. You already know what to do with the humans." Hannah nodded and disappeared as I stood up from the chair.

"Judas, come out of the shadows." A small flap could be heard as Judas appeared in front of me, his body trembling with fear as he looked at the floor.

"Judas, look at me. He looks up, and I proceeded to punch him in the stomach. "Do you know why I'm angry at you? You were ordered to find Gabriel's location since six months ago, and yet you haven't even found a sighting of the pathetic trickster." Judas began to cough up blood, trying to appease my wrath.

"He is very difficult to pinpoint my füher, any attempt that is made to capture him ends up in failure. He is still an Archangel, he is far smarter even with all the resources at our disposal." I grabbed his hair and began to ruthlessly pound his face to the ground.

"You say he's difficult to catch, but a human just told me that he is currently in Rome. A human was able to tell me more about Gabriel's whereabouts than you have in the last six months, I'm starting to see you as a defective Judas." Judas eyes widened in fear as he beg for another chance to redeem himself.

"Fine, I'm sending you to Rome to find Gabriel, you only have one month to bring the Archangel to my feet or you know the consequences of failure." Judas nodded as he quickly teleported out of the room.

"Ezekiel, I want you to instruct the extermination units, that they will now conduct random hourly extermination on the humans. If I know Gabriel, he cares for these little worms and would do anything to save them." Ezekiel nodded and disappeared, I looked outside the window and watched as the humans were getting ready for work.