
Superman's Saiyan little brother

Twelve years ago, the first spaceship brought the Kents a Superman son. Twelve years later, the second spaceship brought the Kents a Saiyan son. How will the brotherly combination of Superman and Saiyan create waves in the world? Ps1: the world background for the previous protagonist fusion of the universe after a new all-different U.S. comics integrated world, DC movie animation + Marvel movie part of the comic book + Jackie Chan Adventures + part of the film containing the power of the supernatural, which some of the characters and ability to set up the cards will not be in accordance with the set of rules and regulations, and will not follow the original plot process, but to intercept the events rewritten by the integrated world of the butterfly effect of the plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect, I will try my best to write you the world of the Saiyan brothers. The plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect of the integrated world, I will try my best to write a plot direction that you have not read (can not accept the DC Marvel mixed world and plot characters of the two creations of caution ~) Ps2: The protagonist is not simply a Saiyan, but also has some of the other abilities in the Dragon Ball. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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288 Chs

Chapter 193: The Formidable Captain America

Truth be told, since becoming the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury had never been outmatched in terms of presence by anyone, not even by his former boss Alexander Pierce or the President of the United States.

However, Steve Rogers was indeed an exception. It wasn't just about Steve's unique identity. Even without any official position, he could exert immense pressure, mainly due to his powerful aura. This aura of Steve's had an uncanny ability to make people instinctively trust him…

Perhaps this was a blend of unique talent and charismatic personality!

"You don't get to decide whether he's a threat or not, and if there are any problems within S.H.I.E.L.D., we are capable of introspecting," said Nick Fury after a long stare down with Steve, realizing he was slightly at a disadvantage. Taking a deep breath to muster his spirits, he firmly spoke to Steve.

"Yes, I'm just a retired old man, indeed not in a position to judge. But together with Carter, we've decided to reevaluate the organization of S.H.I.E.L.D.… to see if there are issues," Steve sighed regretfully, speaking softly.

"After all, we all know self-examination doesn't really uncover much. So, it might be better to have another department look into it. There might be some surprising findings."

Nick Fury's pupils shrank slightly. He knew the influence of Steve. If S.H.I.E.L.D. were thoroughly investigated by other departments, it would not only turn S.H.I.E.L.D. into a joke, but all its secrets would be exposed!

Protecting S.H.I.E.L.D.'s current status and influence was not just a task for those from HYDRA hidden within S.H.I.E.L.D., but also for Nick Fury himself.

In Fury's view, S.H.I.E.L.D. was the key force in maintaining global peace, even the newly established Avengers were just independent from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s direct control, yet still closely related to it.

"Mr. Rogers, do you have any idea how many classified files are within S.H.I.E.L.D.? Do you realize how many files could be leaked if we undergo such an investigation? If these files get leaked due to your actions, I could accuse you of a federal crime: violating the Espionage Act!" Fury threatened, his mind racing.

"Oh? Is that so? Well, then sue me after I investigate S.H.I.E.L.D.," Steve replied, unfazed. Whether as the Captain America fighting HYDRA or the retired old man he was now, he would never submit to oppression.

"Interesting. Don't worry, Mr. Rogers, Stark Industries' legal team will fully support you. And imagine how America will react to the news that Captain America, instead of being dead, is accused of violating the Espionage Act or even treason. It would be quite a spectacle..." Tony Stark, standing nearby, shrugged and said with a light smile.

"By then, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s existence would become well-known. After all, Captain America's fans are everywhere, across both political parties!"

Faced with Tony Stark's snide remarks, Fury's expression darkened, although it was hard to tell given his complexion. He was annoyed inside.

In Fury's mind, Tony Stark should be on his side, especially since he had helped Tony before, and he was friends with Tony's father, Howard Stark...

However, Fury seemed to have forgotten that when it comes to Howard Stark, Steve's relationship with Howard was much closer than his. Steve and Howard were wartime comrades!

Moreover, Tony Stark, a rebellious young tycoon, wasn't too fond of the official way Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. operated...

And the key point was that Fury had previously talked about getting Robert's contact information, which not only targeted Steve but also Tony Stark. Though Tony didn't have Robert's contact, Fury's previous attitude was enough reason for Tony's retaliation.

"Are we really going to do this?" Seeing Steve and Tony standing united, Fury felt a bit uncertain. One was the universally influential Captain America with formidable connections in the military and government, and the other was the top tycoon and a super-popular superhero, Tony Stark. Together, they were a force Fury found hard to resist. Hence, his tone was not as aggressive as before, now more tempered.

"You both should understand the tremendous danger posed by having such a powerful and unpredictable superhuman out of control..."

"Enough, no need to lecture us... The danger of Saiyans, whether they are harmful or not, I am clearer about it than you. As long as no one shows malice towards him, he will not harbor ill intentions towards others. I have lived many years, and I can easily discern who is good and who is evil..." Steve said, slightly stumbling over the mention of 'Saiyan' but then firmly continued to Nick Fury.

"Your so-called threat is just your anger over your power being challenged and your greed to control such extraordinary powers. Nick Fury, if anyone is a danger, it's you! Especially someone who controls a massive transnational organization like you!"

"..." Fury was left speechless, never having been so thoroughly exposed before. After a moment, he slowly said, "I have confidence in myself; I won't lose control."

"Everyone has confidence in themselves, and the Saiyan has even more. After all, he has been wielding his powers for more than a day or two, and he has never harmed the innocent..." Steve immediately dismissed Fury's words, "And you, Nick Fury, can you claim your hands are free from the blood of the innocent? Under your command, haven't innocent people been harmed?"

"..." Fury fell silent again, especially as Steve's aura seemed to grow even stronger, with a halo enveloping him, making Fury somewhat unable to look directly at him.

Fury's strong inner resolve and stable personality were the only reasons he didn't dramatically exclaim, "So dazzling! Ah, my eyes!"

"Fine, since you vouch for him, we can let the matter of the Saiyan go for now. Next, I have something else to discuss with you…" Taking a deep breath to recover from Steve's intimidating presence, Fury chose to compromise on this issue, as he didn't believe Robert could stay hidden forever.

People leave traces wherever they go. Fury was determined not to miss out on someone as powerful as Robert, despite Steve's threats.

Now, Fury wanted to talk about the Avengers. Seeing a strong and aura-filled Steve made Fury envision the leader of the Avengers. Plus, Steve naturally possessed a leadership quality that inspired genuine respect and loyalty. Perhaps he was the ideal person to lead the Avengers. Moreover, bringing Steve into the fold might even expand the Avengers' scope...

"The matter of HYDRA, indeed, should be discussed. After all, compared to the harmless Saiyan and potentially uncontrollable you, HYDRA is the real threat!" However, the negotiating pace was entirely in Steve's hands as he looked squarely at Fury and spoke firmly.

"As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., you shouldn't forget how S.H.I.E.L.D. was established, nor the immense danger posed by HYDRA. In this new era, I've seen HYDRA wielding too many powerful beings and extraordinary powers, something incomparable to the HYDRA of our time…"

"And if S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't receive any news about HYDRA in this recent incident, it suggests a huge problem in the intelligence system of S.H.I.E.L.D. It must be thoroughly investigated!"

"You probably want them to join the Avengers you mentioned, right? Well, let's investigate together to see if HYDRA is hiding within S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Tony Stark chimed in, smiling at Fury.

"No!" Fury instinctively refused Tony's proposal. Even if the Avengers were a new organization under his formation to maintain world peace, he couldn't let them investigate S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, even without HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D. itself wasn't clean. Numerous dirty methods and secret intelligence, if leaked even slightly, would deal a significant blow to S.H.I.E.L.D.

And the reason HYDRA could hide so well within S.H.I.E.L.D. was precisely because of this. The nickname 'Snake S.H.I.E.L.D.' wasn't just because of HYDRA hiding within; it was more due to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own operating style being not much better than HYDRA's, just with an official identity and a veneer to hide their true nature.

"It seems we have nothing more to discuss..." Steve sighed lightly, "I will contact some people to thoroughly investigate S.H.I.E.L.D. The World Security Council governs you, right? I understand."

"Wait! I've already compromised on the Saiyan matter…" Hearing Steve, Fury instinctively spoke using the habit of a politician, but Steve interrupted him.

"Nick Fury, the reason for not investigating the Saiyan is because he indeed poses no threat. Whether or not I give you his contact is my freedom. But S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA are different matters! S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't yours alone! I understand what you are worried about, and I know S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't clean, but that doesn't mean I can ignore S.H.I.E.L.D., especially when it could potentially be the next HYDRA!" Steve said earnestly, looking directly at Fury.

"As long as it poses a global threat, I will fight it until it is utterly destroyed, because that is the real danger to this world! Don't think S.H.I.E.L.D. is just your hard work. When it was established, you had nothing to do with it!"

"Give me some time, S.H.I.E.L.D. is too big now, its influence vast. It's not easy to clear things up, just like you said, it's not just my S.H.I.E.L.D. I promise to give you an explanation," Fury, facing the formidable Steve, felt increasing pressure and again chose to compromise.

"Three months. In three months, give me a list, and we will verify the identities. And if you can't find anything in three months, then it means S.H.I.E.L.D. is rotten to the core and no longer necessary!" Steve looked deeply at Fury before speaking.


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