
Superhuman Battlefield

Humanity is on the brink of extinction due to the invasion of underground civilization.  Seven of the world's greatest superhumans finally put an end to the war, but their leader never returned.  And 17 years later.  “Seo Moon-yeop, are you awake?”  “… How am I alive?”  A hero who died and became a myth. Seo Moon-yeop has returned.

ellio_ · Fantasie
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271 Chs

Colleagues (2)

-It's unfair... It's unfair...

The spirit mumbles the same thing over and over again.

-Is it unfair?

-It's unfair... It's unfair...!

-What is so unfortunate about it?

- All my life and convictions have been thrown away in vain!

With a little encouragement, the Commander vented his anger.

-I can still hear the evil derision of the spirits. I will forever wander like this in humiliation!

-Who is it for?

- A false specter impersonating the light of the beginning! And the first high-ranking priest like an idiot who fell for it! I've believed him to be wise and wise! Because he was a colleague who shone brightly from the old days.

-To agree. I've seen a lot of people who have gone too far and fallen.

- Unforgivable! I can't forgive...!

-Then what are you going to do?

-I am... I am...!

The commandant, who had been pouring out words of anger as he was guiding, suddenly stopped talking.

The Commander was not an ordinary Commander.

Besides, since he had not yet died, his soul was relatively clear.

I'm losing my mind because I'm being swept away by the malicious hearts of the other spirits, but that's because I haven't gotten used to it yet.

-Who are you? Who dares to rule over me?

- You know?


The surprised commander finally realized the identity of the opponent.

-Are you the high priest?

- Not anymore.

-Are you trying to turn me into a specter undead?

- To sum it up.

-If you are, you have the ability. But please don't insult me.

- I have no intention of forcing you. Once you die, you don't have that much ability left.

The field of dealing with souls was the specialty of the former High Priest, Pietro.

However, a body that died once and became a spirit.

Although he borrowed a human body and survived, it was not a perfect life, so the bond between body and soul was weak.

As much effort was required to protect one's own soul, it was too much to deal with the soul of another person as freely as in the past.

In particular, there was no power left to force the commander, who was a big man, to the extent that he was the only 8 high-ranking priest under the high priest during his lifetime.

The iron rule of not touching a spirit you cannot handle now applies to Pietro as well.

-That's good. Anyway, it was nice. While talking with the high priest, my mind came back a bit.

-But it'll get messy again.

-···That's right.

-It is different from the spirit realm. If you get swept away among the spirits who have nothing but malice left, you will lose your self. Eventually you'll forget who you were.

-You know it well. That's my situation. It's a loop you can't get out of forever.

-Only one. Even if you lose your self, there are things you will remember forever.

Pietro continued.

-resentment. Even if you forget everything, the anger will remain. It will exist forever with resentment and resentment.

-so! So what do you mean? Will you laugh at me for making a foolish sacrifice after following the foolish first high priest? Or are you going to bring me back to life as an undead? My body won't even be left!

Everyone knew what an intact corpse would be used for.

The first high priest couldn't make the mistake of leaving his corpse behind.

- You don't even intend to imprison me in something that isn't even a real body, are you?

- Like I said, I have no intention of forcing you.

Pietro calmly rebuked him.

- So what do you think?

- First of all, one thing is certain. If I'm trying to save you, there's only one reason.

- Is it to kill the first one?

-The first one is only a matter of finding, not a matter of fighting. Did you hear the demons laughing at you? Who said you were being manipulated?

-That... You're talking about the fake light of the beginning.

-If you refer to him, don't mention him.


-It is a mighty monster. It is an ancient monster with a very high growth limit, and even gained intelligence. Do you know what level that intelligence has reached? Fifth.

It was.

The commander Pietro contacted was the fifth high-ranking priest.

After the fall of civilization, he was a commander who was killed by Seo Moon-yeop while following the first high-ranking priest who claimed to be the high priest.

For the sake of his conviction, he sacrificed himself on behalf of the first high-ranking priest, but in the end, he was unable to reach the spirit realm and became a ghost and wandered around.

He failed to become an ancestor who gives advice to future generations by becoming a heroic spirit who seeks wisdom in the spirit world, which is the final goal of a priest.

It was the regret of a heavenly ruler who had been denied his entire life as a high-ranking priest.

It was clear which was right and which was wrong.

- So what do you want from me? A mighty monster with intellect that tricked even the cleverest first and bound his soul! Yes, I don't know how you're going to fight an enemy like that, but even if I help out as an ugly undead, will you be of any help?!

The fifth senior priest was furious.

-Did you see the monster I made when fighting in the Foundation?


-That was a masterpiece that I put all my knowledge into.

- That's great.

An unfinished monster with wings as tall as 20m.

When the monster of prophecy breathed into the soul of the monster under his command and saved it, it exerted tremendous power.

-How does my work compare to that monster bastard the high priest said?

-I won't last even 3 seconds.

-ha ha ha······.

The fifth senior priest laughed helplessly.

It meant there was no chance of winning.

Even if he had to endure the humiliation of becoming an undead, there was no way to resolve this grudge.

how pitiful is this

These words that have been deceived by lies, denied throughout their lives, and suffered forever. Even so, there is no way to resolve the grudge!

The fifth senior priest felt a seething rage.

I felt like losing my temper with anger and wanting to shout the pain.

However, I forcibly suppressed it because I knew it was a characteristic of a spirit that had lost its self.

Even if he suppressed it, his anger was transmitted to Pietro intact.

-If there is any way you can help, would you?

-I will never be born undead. Besides, I don't think I'll be of any help. Even the ability in life is not enough, let alone what about now when you are dead?

- I have an idea. The new technique I'm about to try will be different from the undead you've been thinking of.

At that, the fifth senior priest was curious.

Even in the midst of being degraded to a commander, he couldn't help but be interested in the new technique of the high priest.

-What is it?

-You know I'm a human now, right?


-However, my soul, which has become a specter and is not perfect, cannot completely fill the vessel called the body. So the bond is not weak.

-It is inevitable for a soul who has already experienced death.

This was also the reason why the undead couldn't exert the power they had before they were alive.

- I plan to invite you to fill this empty space.

At that, the 5th senior priest sent a smile as if it was absurd.

- Nonsense. You've already tried to fill your body with multiple specters in the past, right? If you put a spirit that has lost its ego together, it will rather cause division, and in the case of me and the high priest who still have an ego...

- There is not enough space in the vessel of the flesh.

- You know.

-I got a new hint there. Human culture has many things to inspire. I won't talk long. I expanded by creating a space that did not exist. That's the basis of this technique.

-That, is that possible?

-If you come to me, you will just fall asleep belonging to me. And I can add yours to mine.

-Are you just asleep?

-Yes, it is enough to just fall asleep without having time to feel the shame of being in a human body. However, it is to help fight according to the will of the light of the beginning.


The worry didn't last long.

Because it was better than suffering like this.

-I'll do it.

-Okay, I'll call you.


There were two people in Seo Mun-yeop's office who had been banned from entering.

One is Pietro, taking off his top, sitting on top of a magic circle carved on the floor.

The other was Seo Mun-yeop, who was watching Pietro's sheep.

Pietro's shirt was covered with tattoos.

Pietro, who became human, did not suddenly become a tattooist.

All of the tattoos on her body were intricately intertwined with patterns resembling magic circles.

'It looks similar to a net magic circle.'

Did you say that in the 3rd year of Seodang, the wind and moon are recited?

After seeing many of Pietro's magic formations, Seo Moon-yeop was able to recognize the similarities and differences.

The shape of the tattoo on his upper body resembled the magic circle that Pietro showed when fighting a snake not long ago, which used to catch snakes like a net.

'Catch? What did you carve on your body to hold on to?'

In any case, Seo Mun-yeop just watched in silence so as not to be disturbed.

But that was then.


The magic circle engraved on the floor began to glow.

Then, black spirit energy flowed out like a handful of haze and entered Pietro's body.



The magic circle engraved on the upper body was also all white.

It was such a strange sight that it was almost a shame to see it alone.

The tattoos intertwined with each other like a net protruded out of the upper body and then returned to their original state, repeating.

It was like trying to get out of a fish caught in a net by force.

'Isn't that why the net is being torn?'

Seo Moon-yeop watched Pietro with concern.

Pietro's face contorted. It was the first time he had ever shown such pain.

The white glowing tattoos moved freely on the skin.

It moves meticulously like the gears of an elaborate wristwatch.

Soon the light faded.

Pietro opened his eyes.

"All right."

Cold sweat formed on his forehead from the pain, but Pietro said calmly.

"Are you okay now?"

"okay. succeded. I called the fifth."

"Two souls in one body?"


Seo Mun-yeop looked at Pietro as an analytical plan.

-Target: Pietro Anella (Human)

-muscle strength 52/53

- Agility 60/61

- speed 57/58

- Endurance 41/42

-Spirit 100/100

- Skill 42/42

-Auror 197/197

- Leadership 100/100

- Tactics 97/97

-Psychic powers: space movement, meditation, evocation, spirit strike, life manipulation


Seo Moon-yeop was surprised.

A state in which strength, agility, speed, and endurance are reduced by one, probably due to aging. But it was the same as usual, so there was nothing new about it.

However, the number of Aurors was strange.

The aura that was 100/100 was now 197/197.

The current ability and limit were nearly doubled.

His superpowers also increased by one more.

In the case of the underground person, he can do various things with his aura, but only his skills that he is particularly good at are marked as superpowers.

One more psychic power was marked on Pietro.

life manipulation.

It was thanks to absorbing the power of the soul of the fifth high-ranking priest, whose specialty was creating monsters.


Pietro tried to raise the aura once, then let it fade again.

"It's okay. At this rate, I've managed to get closer to my former abilities."

The aura of Pietro, who was a high priest during his lifetime, was 228, which Seo Mun-yeop had analyzed.

It hasn't reached that point yet, but at least it has surpassed the level of the senior priests below it. Of course, the use of Aura is far from over.

"Okay, congratulations on getting stronger, but does that mean a lot? Didn't you say you were going to call a colleague?"

"I called. It sleeps inside my body."

"Hey, is that so?"

Seo Moon-yeop was sarcastic.

Then Pietro said.

"I lost my powers in life as I became undead, but instead, I gained a lot by living as a new race called humans. I got a lot of inspiration from thinking from a new perspective. Even if I was alive, I would not have been more helpful in fighting snakes than I am now."

his words continued.

"So this time, I tried to get the fifth way of thinking, which was less knowledgeable than me, but I had tried various experiments. The increased amount of aura is helpful, but that is not the main purpose."

"So, do you have any helpful knowledge?"

"The fifth had an interesting idea in the past. I couldn't achieve it because I lacked the technology to implement it, but I'm different. I think this will help quite a bit."