
Chapter 8

Lena and I are going strong. Even just a week into... whatever this is, it's the best I've felt in a long time.

Lena says there's no need to officially tell our friends that we're together because... well everyone kinda... knew...

James is still pretty salty about it tho...

Today I'm meeting a few of Lena's friends from college. I'm. Stoked.

So we invited over. Everyone, sans Lena and I who are in the kitchen, was in Lena's living room. We have Alex, Maggie, Winn, Lucy, J'onn, and even James reluctantly came.

"Stop it." Lena interrupts my thoughts.


"I know you're nervous, but if you bounce your leg any harder the building is gonna collapse."

"So-" my apology was cut off by a door bell.. it's time.

Lena skips a little to the door.

She opens the door and a bunch of girls pile into the room.

"Everyone. This is Beca, Chloe, Aubrey, Stacie, Lilly, and Fat Amy."

"Sorry what?" Alex injects? "Amy??" She stares incredulously at Lena.

"She calls herself that. Don't look at me." Lena defends

"But why??" Maggie joins in.

"So twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back." Fat Amy says genuinely.

Everyone just kind of nods.

"Ooh.. look at muscles over here... I like him.." and Fat Amy sits down next to James and takes ahold of his arm. He looks so flustered.

"You've been here for 5min. Amy and you're already ogling a man..." Aubrey shakes her head.

"I pushed a man off a cliff once..." the small Asian girl Lilly stated so quietly as if it were totally normal

"You did what?!?!" I screech and everyone looks confused.

Lilly looks at me slightly dumbfounded. Lena looks to me and to Lilly before slightly nodding

"Oh yeah.. I guess you can hear her..."

"How? I'm right here and I could barely hear that." Stacie, the tall, leggy brunette stated from right next to Lilly who now looks indignant.

"That's a story for another time..." Lena casually brushes them off. Ya know... super hearing and all..

"Anyway, we went to Barden University together and met in a club" Lena went on to explain.

"Aca-scuse me?" Aubrey cuts in. "The Bella's were much more than a simple club."

"Sorry Bree, how else would you describe... oh how did you describe it my freshman year..? 'Synchronized lady dancing to a Mariah Carey chart topper? Where we do it all with our mouths?'" Beca smirks.

"Mitchell, I swear to the Aca-Gods..."

"Alright baby..." Stacie pulls Aubrey close and holds her. "Chloe. I thought we agreed. You watch yours' mouth and I'll watch mines?"

Chloe just shrugs and pulls Beca towards her as well.

Fat Amy then looks around. Sees Aubrey and Stacie, Beca and Chloe, me and Lena, and Alex and Maggie and suddenly groans. "Oh man it's Sapphic City in here! Stay close to me muscles. I don't wanna catch the gay.. you know they were ALL straight when I met them?! Well.. I always had my suspicions about Chloe" Chloe I'm turn shrugs.

"Let's get back to the main topic here" Maggie interrupts. "Little Luthor" Maggie smirks "What I'm getting from all this, is that you were in an acapella group???"

"Yep." Lena just confirms.

"Well that explains the singing..." I murmur.

"We were an all girl acapella group and we won the ICCA's for many.. many years." Chloe brags

"But.. how? All girls? Don't you need bass and all that?" Alex asked.

They all just smiled mischeviously.

"Well, Lilly was our main beatboxer," Lena nods to Lilly who just nods. "As for the bass... can you still do the thing Chlo?"

"I haven't in years... hold on"

We all look on skeptically.

Chloe. A very small, petite, redheaded, blue eyed girl, let's out, a long, low, bass note.

A few stare in shock while the rest scream and jump back. The Bella's are just laughing as Winn is still yelling

"YOU'RE SO SMALL AND FEMININE!!! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THAT?!?! He screams, amazed and terrified at the same time.

"Remember when she used to sneak up on us and do that?? Damn near had a heart attack..." Stacie grumbles.

All the Bella's just kinda stopped laughing except for Chloe who started laughing even harder.

"This is gonna be the best weekend ever!" Chloe squeals. And the Bella's groan.

"Hey. You deal with this for two days." Beca glares at the others. "I live with her." Then everyone kimda looks at Beca with pity while Chloe grins and kisses her cheek.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" Lena asks

"They'll be here tomorrow." Fat Amy chimes in. " by the way... Denise kind of wanted to do the number from our first ICCA win... and I kind of told her yes..."

A silence overtook the room as the Bella's just stared at Fat Amy. Some with apprehension. Some with hidden excitement.

"I set fires to feel joy." I look over, wode eyed, and see Lilly with a small smile on her face directed at me.

After a few hours of hanging out and getting to know Lena's friends, who are all really cool, I ask "What time is it?"

Lilly immediately answers. Slightly louder "10:17pm." Before anyone can even begin to reach their phones.

"How did you..." James trails off.

"I've been counting." She states.

I look at J'onn and he nods.

"She's not kidding. There's a lot of stuff going on in there... I've stopped trying." I think he shivers a bit.

"Sorry.. what?" Aubrey asks.

"Oh yeah.. they don't know... about like.. anything.." Lena cringes slightly.

"Well. Here in National City. And all around the world really, but it's more public in some places than others. There are... well.. aliens."

They all start laughing, except for Lilly who just mutters "I knew he was in my head..."

"You're kidding, right?" An Aussie voice speaks up.

"No. We are dead serious." Alex states matter of factly.

"No really. This is too good." Beca laughs

"J'onn. Would you please.." I ask. And he nods.

He stands up and the girls minus Lena are looking at him amusedly.

Until he starts changing.

"I am J'onn Jonzz. And I am the last son of Mars."

All of their jaws drop.

I look at Lena and Alex. Both nod approvingly.

I stand up and unbutton my shirt. "And I'm Supergirl. The last daughter of Krypton."

Their gazes turn to me.

"A.. as in... superman??" Chloe stutters

"Yes. He's my baby cousin. And he is real too. You can't tell anyone. But assuming from your reactions, no one would believe you if you did..."


"She must be great in bed Lena. Go you!" Fat Amy calls out to the silent room and Alex who was drinking her wine, chokes and covers her eyes.

"Bad images..." Maggie is rubbing her back and Lena and I just blush.

"Well... I um.. I-"

"Saved by the bell! Er... siren. Good luck with.... that... babe." I call to Lena. as J'onn and I fly out the window towards the sirens.

"That was so fucking cool..." Beca whispers.

"I can do that." Lilly states.