
Chapter 5

I finally reached Lena and pulled her into a hug.

"Happy Birthday Lena" I whisper into her hair

"That was amazing Kara.." Lena breathes in awe

"Yeah well..." I scratch the back of my head and smile embarrassed

"Unique is out baby, she's got a flight to catch in the morning." Unique says striding up.

"Okay, thanks for your help today" I say earnestly

"Anything for you my dear!" Unique smiles "Happy Birthday Lena"

"Thank you, and thank you for the performance. It was amazing."

"Anything with Unique in it is amazing sugar." She says with a wink and walks out.

"I think I'll head out too." Jess says getting up and stretching.

"Are you sure?" Lena asks

"Yeah, my boss is kind of a hard ass about punctuality" Jess smiles

Lena smirks "tell her to quit being such a bitch then"

"Unfortunately, I like my job so..." Jess shrugs then smiles "I'll see you Tomorrow Ms. Luthor."

"No Jess, take tomorrow off, I will too. We both deserve it" Lena smiles softly

"Then I'll see you Monday" Jess grins "get her home safely Ms. Danvers." Jess warns as she walks out.

"Wanna come back to my place for wine and a Netflix binge? I hear you don't have to work tomorrow" I say slyly

Lena just giggles and nods and we head out, random people complimenting me and wishing Lena a happy birthday.


Wine in our hands and blankets and pillows all around us with Tangled playing on the screen, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my birthday. Especially with Kara singing along under her breath, but we're snuggled pretty close so I hear every beautiful second of it.

I smile softly as I lay my head on Kara's shoulder, who in turn wraps her arm around me.

And that's how we wake up the next morning.


We wake up because someone is snickering a little too loudly

"Alex what the hell!!" Kara yells when we wake up

Now that we're awake, Alex let's it all out, doubling over in laughter. She's saying something but all I can hear is "how the fuck can you be so oblivious"

Kara just glares until she stops. My thumb is running calm circles on her back while Alex calms down

"I'm sorry! Kinda.. but hey! I brought donuts!" Alex exclaims when she holds up a pink box.

Kara's glare dissipated and she rushes us up to get to her delicious fried goodness. I smile fondly and kind of amazed as I watch her scarf down 5 donuts in the time it takes Alex and I to eat one.

Alex noticed my stare and nudges me"This is a normal occurance. I lived with her for years. This is nothing." Alex smiles

I just laugh and watch the show. When Kara head Alex talk, she looked at both of us, her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk and white powder all over her face. Alex and I lose our composure and burst out laughing. It feels good to laugh like this.

I actually fall out of my chair, which makes Alex and I pause for a second and then we laugh even harder till tears are running down out faces.

"Okay okay! I need to go to work. See ya later weirdos!" Alex leaves while still laughing

Kara is pouting.

"Why the pout?" I ask not staring directly at it.

"You guys were laughing at me." Her put deepens.

"Oh honey." The term of endearment slips out as I hug her. "It was just so adorably cute. You looked like a chipmunk on cocaine."

That did it.

Kara laughs and pulls away from the embrace.

"Let's go to the park!" Kara suddenly exclaims

"Okay" I smile fondly, "but can we stop by my office? I left something there yesterday."

"Sure!" We clean up breakfast and begin our trek to L-Corp.


We're laughing as we make our way to Lena's office.

Something seems off..

I put my hand in front of Lena to get her to stop walking.

"What?" She asks confusedly.

"Somethings not right..." as soon as I notice that the light are on in her office and I hear 3 extra heart beats, three men come bursting out of Lena's office. "Shit.."

"There's another girl boss.." one of them say

"I see that ." The "Boss" grumbles. "She's just collateral. Get Luthor." The men begin to stalk forward as I push Lena behind me.

"I'm so sorry Kara.." Lena says, her tone breaks my heart.

"This isn't your fault." I tell her as one of the men lunge forward and grab me and another grabs Lena.

They put cuffs on us. Lena looks at me, her eyes full of apology and.. something else I can't place.

"You look good chained up like this Luthor. Maybe we wait a little before delivering you.." a goon whispers in her ear.

"I'm sorry Lena." I say just loudly enough for her to hear. She tilts her head.

"Hey!" The boss dude who heard me yells "shut up! We're not afraid to hurt a couple of girls. It's incredibly easy."

I give one last look to Lena before I say "not as easy as you might think." He looks at me in confusion before I easily break my cuffs.

"What the fu-" I don't let him finish as I elbow him in the nose and hear that crunch. The other two men jump into action and start shooting. Bullet after bullet hits me and I just wait till they run out of ammo.

*click click*

"Clearly it wasn't working.." I drawl out as if I was bored. One jumps in to punch me and again,

"Seriously! All of you guys! Why the punching?? If the bullets don't work, why use your fists? I mean really.." the man is cradling his hand and the other one has the decency to surrender. "Smart boy."

I pull out my phone and call Alex to come deal with them. She'd be there soon. The guys aren't going anywhere, but I tie them up anyway.

I hear the way-too-fast heartbeat of Lena. I could pick her heart beat out in a crowd. I turn slowly and look at the raven haired beauty. Her eyes are wide and disbelieving and her jaw is slack.

"I guess we should talk..."