

Success_Adenigbo · Krieg
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Levi walked into her office proudly and blushed frequently.

'Look at her, I'm sure she went ahead to seduce the boss once more ' someone said

'You are on point cuz she is not fit to occupy the head soldierial post. Someone that will shiver once we are at the battlefield ' another one said.

'She now bosses everyone around 'another one said.

'You all should fall to work before I report to Madam Levi now ' The war manager announced.

At Levi's office, she sat competently in pride before she heard a knock. Then, she bond her hair and sat majestically before she went ahead to say 'come in'.

Opening the door, Chris came in and bowed slightly. Even though he wasn't trained already, he read few about their courtesy and this he did.

'Who are you? ' she said as she rolled her chair in a bit of pride.

'l am Chris Harris, the new trainee under here 'Chis said.

'Oh then, you must be the small boy my boss talked about. Anyways, go by the right and that's your trainer. Really, the boss was right about you '

'About what? '

'Saying you are a small one and definitely don't have anything to show for us. I'm sure your training master will decline you. You can go right now.

Even though Chris was smart, he was fifteen and after the ten training years, he would be twenty five. That was why he decided training early. He knows he was still young for war and might probably decline him.

Learn more about my writing skills by reading this.

l hope u do enjoy this

Chill on, treasures are waiting for you

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