
Chapter 121 Xu Shanshan is Hard to Deal With

Translator: 549690339


Li Yifei told Xu Shanshan a story for a while, though calling it a story, it was really just some amusing anecdotes from his time in the military, of course without revealing any secrets.

After speaking for over ten minutes, Shanshan's head tilted as she leaned on his shoulder, closing her eyes she said, "Brother-in-law, keep talking, don't mind me."

With Shanshan's soft voice, Li Yifei couldn't bear to refuse, so he continued for a while. However, Shanshan's body slid down onto his thigh. Li Yifei quickly reached out to support Shanshan's head, allowing her to slowly rest it on his leg. Watching his little aunt's sweet sleeping face, he was torn between laughter and tears; she was like a child, falling asleep while listening to a story.

Seeing Shanshan's sweet sleeping posture, Li Yifei really didn't have the heart to wake her up. He simply picked her up and walked towards her room.