
Super power 2

Perhaps all these dangerous ideas came from that innocent girl which led to a radical change in humanity

khadija_el · sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Time passed quickly, darkness fell throughout the house and she went to the roof of the house, where she became anticipating any disaster, as if on a date she knows the time when the sound or any signal can come and bring her back to another experience..

She had a feeling that something strange was going to happen tonight and this could be her last moments

The atmosphere on this night was cold and she was under the moonlight in the dark, a frightening sensation, she felt a cold shiver, as if a breath was spinning around her..

Until I heard what she was waiting for

Are you ready

So you have the last chance and your life is in your hands today

Really were very scary words

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the challenge this time, it certainly won't be as easy as the previous one, and yet you didn't succeed in it

Look, you have to execute the terms of the operation as they are until

The success of the experiment fulfills your dream, and its failure officially ends your life

That's the challenge

We'll start now

She replied

Well let me take my last chance and we'll see what happens

And how can you renew confidence in me and I have lost the first challenge

I like your self-esteem and that's what made me choose you again

I am very ready to go through the experience and how the result was, I am ready, but before all this, I have a question about my condition, why am I the only one who sees myself with half a body. .

You will understand everything in time, now focus on the experience

The experiment will begin with two messages.. https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-9-86105635




khadija_elcreators' thoughts