

At the Judicata, Worldwide Court of Justice


Aldrich stood in a small, rectangular waiting room with white walls segmented with glowing blue strips. Typical Mag-Lock construction, favored by the Panopticon for the ease of assembly and repair.

Just take several blocks, lock them together with the special magnetic tech, and voila, you got an extremely durable structure.

It was the same tech that built up city walls. Not to mention it could easily conduct forcefield energy currents - that was the biggest bonus to them. City walls themselves were tough, but medieval style walls, though effective against mostly land based variant monsters, had limits to them, the most glaring of which was weakness to any airborne attack.

That was where the shielding came in. In fact, so important was the shielding that it was probably more accurate to say that the walls were shield conduits first, then barricades second.

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